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- /* xsdmem.c - xscheme dynamic memory management routines */
- /* Copyright (c) 1988, by David Michael Betz
- All Rights Reserved
- Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
- #include "xscheme.h"
- /* virtual machine registers */
- LVAL xlfun=NIL; /* current function */
- LVAL xlenv=NIL; /* current environment */
- LVAL xlval=NIL; /* value of most recent instruction */
- LVAL *xlsp=NULL; /* value stack pointer */
- /* stack limits */
- LVAL *xlstkbase=NULL; /* base of value stack */
- LVAL *xlstktop=NULL; /* top of value stack (actually, one beyond) */
- /* variables shared with xsimage.c */
- FIXTYPE total=0; /* total number of bytes of memory in use */
- FIXTYPE gccalls=0; /* number of calls to the garbage collector */
- /* node space */
- NSEGMENT *nsegments=NULL; /* list of node segments */
- NSEGMENT *nslast=NULL; /* last node segment */
- int nscount=0; /* number of node segments */
- FIXTYPE nnodes=0; /* total number of nodes */
- FIXTYPE nfree=0; /* number of nodes in free list */
- LVAL fnodes=NIL; /* list of free nodes */
- /* vector (and string) space */
- VSEGMENT *vsegments=NULL; /* list of vector segments */
- VSEGMENT *vscurrent=NULL; /* current vector segment */
- int vscount=0; /* number of vector segments */
- LVAL *vfree=NULL; /* next free location in vector space */
- LVAL *vtop=NULL; /* top of vector space */
- /* external variables */
- extern LVAL s_unbound; /* *UNBOUND* symbol */
- extern LVAL obarray; /* *OBARRAY* symbol */
- extern LVAL default_object; /* default object */
- extern LVAL eof_object; /* eof object */
- extern LVAL true_lval; /* truth value */
- /* external routines */
- extern unsigned char *calloc();
- /* forward declarations */
- FORWARD LVAL allocnode();
- FORWARD LVAL allocvector();
- /* cons - construct a new cons node */
- LVAL cons(x,y)
- LVAL x,y;
- {
- LVAL nnode;
- /* get a free node */
- if ((nnode = fnodes) == NIL) {
- check(2);
- push(x);
- push(y);
- findmemory();
- if ((nnode = fnodes) == NIL)
- xlabort("insufficient node space");
- drop(2);
- }
- /* unlink the node from the free list */
- fnodes = cdr(nnode);
- --nfree;
- /* initialize the new node */
- nnode->n_type = CONS;
- rplaca(nnode,x);
- rplacd(nnode,y);
- /* return the new node */
- return (nnode);
- }
- /* newframe - create a new environment frame */
- LVAL newframe(parent,size)
- LVAL parent; int size;
- {
- LVAL frame;
- frame = cons(newvector(size),parent);
- frame->n_type = ENV;
- return (frame);
- }
- /* cvstring - convert a string to a string node */
- LVAL cvstring(str)
- unsigned char *str;
- {
- LVAL val;
- val = newstring(strlen(str)+1);
- strcpy(getstring(val),str);
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvsymbol - convert a string to a symbol */
- LVAL cvsymbol(pname)
- unsigned char *pname;
- {
- LVAL val;
- val = allocvector(SYMBOL,SYMSIZE);
- cpush(val);
- setvalue(val,s_unbound);
- setpname(val,cvstring(pname));
- setplist(val,NIL);
- return (pop());
- }
- /* cvfixnum - convert an integer to a fixnum node */
- LVAL cvfixnum(n)
- {
- LVAL val;
- if (n >= SFIXMIN && n <= SFIXMAX)
- return (cvsfixnum(n));
- val = allocnode(FIXNUM);
- val->n_int = n;
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvflonum - convert a floating point number to a flonum node */
- LVAL cvflonum(n)
- {
- LVAL val;
- val = allocnode(FLONUM);
- val->n_flonum = n;
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvchar - convert an integer to a character node */
- LVAL cvchar(ch)
- int ch;
- {
- LVAL val;
- val = allocnode(CHAR);
- val->n_chcode = ch;
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvclosure - convert code and an environment to a closure */
- LVAL cvclosure(code,env)
- LVAL code,env;
- {
- LVAL val;
- val = cons(code,env);
- val->n_type = CLOSURE;
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvpromise - convert a procedure to a promise */
- LVAL cvpromise(code,env)
- LVAL code,env;
- {
- LVAL val;
- val = cons(cvclosure(code,env),NIL);
- val->n_type = PROMISE;
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvmethod - convert code and an environment to a method */
- LVAL cvmethod(code,class)
- LVAL code,class;
- {
- LVAL val;
- val = cons(code,class);
- val->n_type = METHOD;
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvsubr - convert a function to a subr/xsubr */
- LVAL cvsubr(type,fcn,offset)
- int type; LVAL (*fcn)(); int offset;
- {
- LVAL val;
- val = allocnode(type);
- val->n_subr = fcn;
- val->n_offset = offset;
- return (val);
- }
- /* cvport - convert a file pointer to an port */
- LVAL cvport(fp,flags)
- FILE *fp; int flags;
- {
- LVAL val;
- val = allocnode(PORT);
- setfile(val,fp);
- setsavech(val,'\0');
- setpflags(val,flags);
- return (val);
- }
- /* newvector - allocate and initialize a new vector */
- LVAL newvector(size)
- int size;
- {
- return (allocvector(VECTOR,size));
- }
- /* newstring - allocate and initialize a new string */
- LVAL newstring(size)
- int size;
- {
- LVAL val;
- val = allocvector(STRING,btow_size(size));
- val->n_vsize = size;
- return (val);
- }
- /* newcode - create a new code object */
- LVAL newcode(nlits)
- int nlits;
- {
- return (allocvector(CODE,nlits));
- }
- /* newcontinuation - create a new continuation object */
- LVAL newcontinuation(size)
- int size;
- {
- return (allocvector(CONTINUATION,size));
- }
- /* newobject - allocate and initialize a new object */
- LVAL newobject(cls,size)
- LVAL cls; int size;
- {
- LVAL val;
- val = allocvector(OBJECT,size+2); /* class, ivars */
- setclass(val,cls);
- return (val);
- }
- /* allocnode - allocate a new node */
- LOCAL LVAL allocnode(type)
- int type;
- {
- LVAL nnode;
- /* get a free node */
- if ((nnode = fnodes) == NIL) {
- findmemory();
- if ((nnode = fnodes) == NIL)
- xlabort("insufficient node space");
- }
- /* unlink the node from the free list */
- fnodes = cdr(nnode);
- --nfree;
- /* initialize the new node */
- nnode->n_type = type;
- rplacd(nnode,NIL);
- /* return the new node */
- return (nnode);
- }
- /* findmemory - garbage collect, then add more node space if necessary */
- LOCAL findmemory()
- {
- /* first try garbage collecting */
- gc();
- /* expand memory only if less than one segment is free */
- if (nfree < (long)NSSIZE)
- nexpand(NSSIZE);
- }
- /* nexpand - expand node space */
- int nexpand(size)
- int size;
- {
- NSEGMENT *newnsegment(),*newseg;
- LVAL p;
- int i;
- /* allocate the new segment */
- if ((newseg = newnsegment(size)) != NULL) {
- /* add each new node to the free list */
- p = &newseg->ns_data[0];
- for (i = NSSIZE; --i >= 0; ++p) {
- p->n_type = FREE;
- p->n_flags = 0;
- rplacd(p,fnodes);
- fnodes = p;
- }
- }
- return (newseg != NULL);
- }
- /* allocvector - allocate and initialize a new vector node */
- LOCAL LVAL allocvector(type,size)
- int type,size;
- {
- register LVAL val,*p;
- register int i;
- /* get a free node */
- if ((val = fnodes) == NIL) {
- findmemory();
- if ((val = fnodes) == NIL)
- xlabort("insufficient node space");
- }
- /* unlink the node from the free list */
- fnodes = cdr(fnodes);
- --nfree;
- /* initialize the vector node */
- val->n_type = type;
- val->n_vsize = size;
- val->n_vdata = NULL;
- cpush(val);
- /* add space for the backpointer */
- ++size;
- /* make sure there's enough space */
- if (!VCOMPARE(vfree,size,vtop)
- && !checkvmemory(size)
- && !findvmemory(size))
- xlabort("insufficient vector space");
- /* allocate the next available block */
- p = vfree;
- vfree += size;
- /* store the backpointer */
- *p++ = top();
- val->n_vdata = p;
- /* set all the elements to NIL */
- for (i = size; i > 1; --i)
- *p++ = NIL;
- /* return the new vector */
- return (pop());
- }
- /* findvmemory - find vector memory */
- LOCAL int findvmemory(size)
- int size;
- {
- /* try garbage collecting */
- gc();
- /* check to see if we found enough memory */
- if (VCOMPARE(vfree,size,vtop) || checkvmemory(size))
- return (TRUE);
- /* expand vector space */
- return (makevmemory(size));
- }
- /* checkvmemory - check for vector memory (used by 'xsimage.c') */
- int checkvmemory(size)
- int size;
- {
- VSEGMENT *vseg;
- for (vseg = vsegments; vseg != NULL; vseg = vseg->vs_next)
- if (vseg != vscurrent && VCOMPARE(vseg->vs_free,size,vseg->vs_top)) {
- if (vscurrent != NULL)
- vscurrent->vs_free = vfree;
- vfree = vseg->vs_free;
- vtop = vseg->vs_top;
- vscurrent = vseg;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /* makevmemory - make vector memory (used by 'xsimage.c') */
- int makevmemory(size)
- int size;
- {
- return (vexpand(size < VSSIZE ? VSSIZE : size));
- }
- /* vexpand - expand vector space */
- int vexpand(size)
- int size;
- {
- VSEGMENT *newvsegment(),*vseg;
- /* allocate the new segment */
- if ((vseg = newvsegment(size)) != NULL) {
- /* initialize the new segment and make it current */
- if (vscurrent != NULL)
- vscurrent->vs_free = vfree;
- vfree = vseg->vs_free;
- vtop = vseg->vs_top;
- vscurrent = vseg;
- }
- return (vseg != NULL);
- }
- /* newnsegment - create a new node segment */
- NSEGMENT *newnsegment(n)
- unsigned int n;
- {
- NSEGMENT *newseg;
- /* allocate the new segment */
- if ((newseg = (NSEGMENT *)calloc(1,nsegsize(n))) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /* initialize the new segment */
- newseg->ns_size = n;
- newseg->ns_next = NULL;
- if (nsegments)
- nslast->ns_next = newseg;
- else
- nsegments = newseg;
- nslast = newseg;
- /* update the statistics */
- total += (long)nsegsize(n);
- nnodes += (long)n;
- nfree += (long)n;
- ++nscount;
- /* return the new segment */
- return (newseg);
- }
- /* newvsegment - create a new vector segment */
- VSEGMENT *newvsegment(n)
- unsigned int n;
- {
- VSEGMENT *newseg;
- /* allocate the new segment */
- if ((newseg = (VSEGMENT *)calloc(1,vsegsize(n))) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /* initialize the new segment */
- newseg->vs_free = &newseg->vs_data[0];
- newseg->vs_top = newseg->vs_free + n;
- newseg->vs_next = vsegments;
- vsegments = newseg;
- /* update the statistics */
- total += (long)vsegsize(n);
- ++vscount;
- /* return the new segment */
- return (newseg);
- }
- /* gc - garbage collect */
- gc()
- {
- register LVAL *p,tmp;
- int compact();
- /* mark the obarray and the current environment */
- if (obarray && ispointer(obarray))
- mark(obarray);
- if (xlfun && ispointer(xlfun))
- mark(xlfun);
- if (xlenv && ispointer(xlenv))
- mark(xlenv);
- if (xlval && ispointer(xlval))
- mark(xlval);
- if (default_object && ispointer(default_object))
- mark(default_object);
- if (eof_object && ispointer(eof_object))
- mark(eof_object);
- if (true_lval && ispointer(true_lval))
- mark(true_lval);
- /* mark the stack */
- for (p = xlsp; p < xlstktop; ++p)
- if ((tmp = *p) && ispointer(tmp))
- mark(tmp);
- /* compact vector space */
- gc_protect(compact);
- /* sweep memory collecting all unmarked nodes */
- sweep();
- /* count the gc call */
- ++gccalls;
- }
- /* mark - mark all accessible nodes */
- LOCAL mark(ptr)
- LVAL ptr;
- {
- register LVAL this,prev,tmp;
- /* initialize */
- prev = NIL;
- this = ptr;
- /* mark this node */
- for (;;) {
- /* descend as far as we can */
- while (!(this->n_flags & MARK))
- /* mark this node and trace its children */
- switch (this->n_type) {
- case CONS: /* mark cons-like nodes */
- case CLOSURE:
- case METHOD:
- case PROMISE:
- case ENV:
- this->n_flags |= MARK;
- if ((tmp = car(this)) && ispointer(tmp)) {
- this->n_flags |= LEFT;
- rplaca(this,prev);
- prev = this;
- this = tmp;
- }
- else if ((tmp = cdr(this)) && ispointer(tmp)) {
- rplacd(this,prev);
- prev = this;
- this = tmp;
- }
- break;
- case SYMBOL: /* mark vector-like nodes */
- case OBJECT:
- case VECTOR:
- case CODE:
- this->n_flags |= MARK;
- markvector(this);
- break;
- case FIXNUM: /* mark objects that don't contain pointers */
- case FLONUM:
- case STRING:
- case PORT:
- case SUBR:
- case XSUBR:
- case CSUBR:
- case CHAR:
- this->n_flags |= MARK;
- break;
- default: /* bad object type */
- xlfatal("bad object type %d\n",this->n_type);
- break;
- }
- /* backup to a point where we can continue descending */
- for (;;)
- /* make sure there is a previous node */
- if (prev) {
- if (prev->n_flags & LEFT) { /* came from left side */
- prev->n_flags &= ~LEFT;
- tmp = car(prev);
- rplaca(prev,this);
- if ((this = cdr(prev)) && ispointer(this)) {
- rplacd(prev,tmp);
- break;
- }
- }
- else { /* came from right side */
- tmp = cdr(prev);
- rplacd(prev,this);
- }
- this = prev; /* step back up the branch */
- prev = tmp;
- }
- /* no previous node, must be done */
- else
- return;
- }
- }
- /* markvector - mark a vector-like node */
- LOCAL markvector(vect)
- LVAL vect;
- {
- register LVAL tmp,*p;
- register int n;
- if (p = vect->n_vdata) {
- n = getsize(vect);
- while (--n >= 0)
- if ((tmp = *p++) && ispointer(tmp))
- mark(tmp);
- }
- }
- /* compact - compact vector space */
- LOCAL compact()
- {
- VSEGMENT *vseg;
- /* store the current segment information */
- if (vscurrent)
- vscurrent->vs_free = vfree;
- /* compact each vector segment */
- for (vseg = vsegments; vseg != NULL; vseg = vseg->vs_next)
- compact_vector(vseg);
- /* make the first vector segment current */
- if (vscurrent = vsegments) {
- vfree = vscurrent->vs_free;
- vtop = vscurrent->vs_top;
- }
- }
- /* compact_vector - compact a vector segment */
- LOCAL compact_vector(vseg)
- VSEGMENT *vseg;
- {
- register LVAL *vdata,*vnext,*vfree,vector;
- register int vsize;
- vdata = vnext = &vseg->vs_data[0];
- vfree = vseg->vs_free;
- while (vdata < vfree) {
- vector = *vdata;
- vsize = (vector->n_type == STRING ? btow_size(vector->n_vsize)
- : vector->n_vsize) + 1;
- if (vector->n_flags & MARK) {
- if (vdata == vnext) {
- vdata += vsize;
- vnext += vsize;
- }
- else {
- vector->n_vdata = vnext + 1;
- while (--vsize >= 0)
- *vnext++ = *vdata++;
- }
- }
- else
- vdata += vsize;
- }
- vseg->vs_free = vnext;
- }
- /* sweep - sweep all unmarked nodes and add them to the free list */
- LOCAL sweep()
- {
- NSEGMENT *nseg;
- /* empty the free list */
- fnodes = NIL;
- nfree = 0L;
- /* sweep each node segment */
- for (nseg = nsegments; nseg != NULL; nseg = nseg->ns_next)
- sweep_segment(nseg);
- }
- /* sweep_segment - sweep a node segment */
- LOCAL sweep_segment(nseg)
- NSEGMENT *nseg;
- {
- register FIXTYPE n;
- register LVAL p;
- /* add all unmarked nodes */
- for (p = &nseg->ns_data[0], n = nseg->ns_size; --n >= 0L; ++p)
- if (!(p->n_flags & MARK)) {
- switch (p->n_type) {
- case PORT:
- if (getfile(p))
- osclose(getfile(p));
- break;
- }
- p->n_type = FREE;
- rplacd(p,fnodes);
- fnodes = p;
- ++nfree;
- }
- else
- p->n_flags &= ~MARK;
- }
- /* xlminit - initialize the dynamic memory module */
- xlminit(ssize)
- unsigned int ssize;
- {
- unsigned int n;
- /* initialize our internal variables */
- gccalls = 0;
- total = 0L;
- /* initialize node space */
- nsegments = nslast = NULL;
- nscount = 0;
- nnodes = nfree = 0L;
- fnodes = NIL;
- /* initialize vector space */
- vsegments = vscurrent = NULL;
- vscount = 0;
- vfree = vtop = NULL;
- /* allocate the value stack */
- n = ssize * sizeof(LVAL);
- if ((xlstkbase = (LVAL *)calloc(1,n)) == NULL)
- xlfatal("insufficient memory");
- total += (long)n;
- /* initialize structures that are marked by the collector */
- obarray = default_object = eof_object = true_lval = NIL;
- xlfun = xlenv = xlval = NIL;
- /* initialize the stack */
- xlsp = xlstktop = xlstkbase + ssize;
- }