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- /* xsobj.c - xscheme object-oriented programming support */
- /* Copyright (c) 1988, by David Michael Betz
- All Rights Reserved
- Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
- #include "xscheme.h"
- /* external variables */
- extern LVAL xlenv,xlval;
- extern LVAL s_stdout;
- /* local variables */
- static LVAL s_self,k_isnew;
- static LVAL class,object;
- /* instance variable numbers for the class 'Class' */
- #define MESSAGES 2 /* list of messages */
- #define IVARS 3 /* list of instance variable names */
- #define CVARS 4 /* env containing class variables */
- #define SUPERCLASS 5 /* pointer to the superclass */
- #define IVARCNT 6 /* number of class instance variables */
- #define IVARTOTAL 7 /* total number of instance variables */
- /* number of instance variables for the class 'Class' */
- #define CLASSSIZE 6
- /* forward declarations */
- FORWARD LVAL entermsg();
- FORWARD LVAL copylists();
- /* xlsend - send a message to an object */
- xlsend(obj,sym)
- LVAL obj,sym;
- {
- LVAL msg,cls,p;
- /* look for the message in the class or superclasses */
- for (cls = getclass(obj); cls; cls = getivar(cls,SUPERCLASS))
- for (p = getivar(cls,MESSAGES); p; p = cdr(p))
- if ((msg = car(p)) && car(msg) == sym) {
- push(obj); ++xlargc; /* insert 'self' argument */
- xlval = cdr(msg); /* get the method */
- xlapply(); /* invoke the method */
- return;
- }
- /* message not found */
- xlerror("no method for this message",sym);
- }
- /* xsendsuper - built-in function 'send-super' */
- LVAL xsendsuper()
- {
- LVAL obj,sym,msg,cls,p;
- /* get the message selector */
- sym = xlgasymbol();
- /* find the 'self' object */
- for (obj = xlenv; obj; obj = cdr(obj))
- if (ntype(car(obj)) == OBJECT)
- goto find_method;
- xlerror("not in a method",sym);
- find_method:
- /* get the message class and the 'self' object */
- cls = getivar(getelement(car(cdr(obj)),0),SUPERCLASS);
- obj = car(obj);
- /* look for the message in the class or superclasses */
- for (; cls; cls = getivar(cls,SUPERCLASS))
- for (p = getivar(cls,MESSAGES); p; p = cdr(p))
- if ((msg = car(p)) && car(msg) == sym) {
- push(obj); ++xlargc; /* insert 'self' argument */
- xlval = cdr(msg); /* get the method */
- xlapply(); /* invoke the method */
- return;
- }
- /* message not found */
- xlerror("no method for this message",sym);
- }
- /* obisnew - default 'isnew' method */
- LVAL obisnew()
- {
- LVAL self;
- self = xlgaobject();
- xllastarg();
- return (self);
- }
- /* obclass - get the class of an object */
- LVAL obclass()
- {
- LVAL self;
- self = xlgaobject();
- xllastarg();
- return (getclass(self));
- }
- /* obshow - show the instance variables of an object */
- LVAL obshow()
- {
- LVAL self,fptr,cls,names;
- int maxi,i;
- /* get self and the file pointer */
- self = xlgaobject();
- fptr = (moreargs() ? xlgaoport() : getvalue(s_stdout));
- xllastarg();
- /* get the object's class */
- cls = getclass(self);
- /* print the object and class */
- xlputstr(fptr,"Object is ");
- xlprin1(self,fptr);
- xlputstr(fptr,", Class is ");
- xlprin1(cls,fptr);
- xlterpri(fptr);
- /* print the object's instance variables */
- names = cdr(getivar(cls,IVARS));
- maxi = getivcnt(cls,IVARTOTAL)+1;
- for (i = 2; i <= maxi; ++i) {
- xlputstr(fptr," ");
- xlprin1(car(names),fptr);
- xlputstr(fptr," = ");
- xlprin1(getivar(self,i),fptr);
- xlterpri(fptr);
- names = cdr(names);
- }
- /* return the object */
- return (self);
- }
- /* clnew - create a new object instance */
- LVAL clnew()
- {
- LVAL self;
- /* create a new object */
- self = xlgaobject();
- xlval = newobject(self,getivcnt(self,IVARTOTAL));
- /* send the 'isnew' message */
- xlsend(xlval,k_isnew);
- }
- /* clisnew - initialize a new class */
- LVAL clisnew()
- {
- LVAL self,ivars,cvars,super;
- int n;
- /* get self, the ivars, cvars and superclass */
- self = xlgaobject();
- ivars = xlgalist();
- cvars = (moreargs() ? xlgalist() : NIL);
- super = (moreargs() ? xlgaobject() : object);
- xllastarg();
- /* create the class variable name list */
- cpush(cons(xlenter("%%CLASS"),copylists(cvars,NIL)));
- /* create the class variable environment */
- xlval = newframe(getivar(super,CVARS),listlength(xlval)+1);
- setelement(car(xlval),0,pop());
- setelement(car(xlval),1,self);
- push(xlval);
- /* store the instance and class variable lists and the superclass */
- setivar(self,IVARS,copylists(getivar(super,IVARS),ivars));
- setivar(self,CVARS,pop());
- setivar(self,SUPERCLASS,super);
- /* compute the instance variable count */
- n = listlength(ivars);
- setivar(self,IVARCNT,cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)n));
- n += getivcnt(super,IVARTOTAL);
- setivar(self,IVARTOTAL,cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)n));
- /* return the new class object */
- return (self);
- }
- /* clanswer - define a method for answering a message */
- LVAL clanswer()
- {
- extern LVAL xlfunction();
- LVAL self,msg,fargs,code,mptr;
- /* message symbol, formal argument list and code */
- self = xlgaobject();
- msg = xlgasymbol();
- fargs = xlgetarg();
- code = xlgalist();
- xllastarg();
- /* make a new message list entry */
- mptr = entermsg(self,msg);
- /* add 'self' to the argument list */
- cpush(cons(s_self,fargs));
- /* extend the class variable environment with the instance variables */
- xlval = newframe(getivar(self,CVARS),1);
- setelement(car(xlval),0,getivar(self,IVARS));
- /* compile and store the method */
- xlval = xlfunction(msg,top(),code,xlval);
- rplacd(mptr,cvmethod(xlval,getivar(self,CVARS)));
- drop(1);
- /* return the object */
- return (self);
- }
- /* addivar - enter an instance variable */
- LOCAL addivar(cls,var)
- LVAL cls; char *var;
- {
- setivar(cls,IVARS,cons(xlenter(var),getivar(cls,IVARS)));
- }
- /* addmsg - add a message to a class */
- LOCAL addmsg(cls,msg,fname)
- LVAL cls; char *msg,*fname;
- {
- LVAL mptr;
- /* enter the message selector */
- mptr = entermsg(cls,xlenter(msg));
- /* store the method for this message */
- rplacd(mptr,getvalue(xlenter(fname)));
- }
- /* entermsg - add a message to a class */
- LOCAL LVAL entermsg(cls,msg)
- LVAL cls,msg;
- {
- LVAL lptr,mptr;
- /* lookup the message */
- for (lptr = getivar(cls,MESSAGES); lptr; lptr = cdr(lptr))
- if (car(mptr = car(lptr)) == msg)
- return (mptr);
- /* allocate a new message entry if one wasn't found */
- cpush(cons(msg,NIL));
- setivar(cls,MESSAGES,cons(top(),getivar(cls,MESSAGES)));
- /* return the symbol node */
- return (pop());
- }
- /* getivcnt - get the number of instance variables for a class */
- LOCAL int getivcnt(cls,ivar)
- LVAL cls; int ivar;
- {
- LVAL cnt;
- if ((cnt = getivar(cls,ivar)) == NIL || !fixp(cnt))
- xlerror("bad value for instance variable count",cnt);
- return ((int)getfixnum(cnt));
- }
- /* copylist - make a copy of a list */
- LOCAL LVAL copylists(list1,list2)
- LVAL list1,list2;
- {
- LVAL last,next;
- /* initialize */
- cpush(NIL); last = NIL;
- /* copy the first list */
- for (; consp(list1); list1 = cdr(list1)) {
- next = cons(car(list1),NIL);
- if (last) rplacd(last,next);
- else settop(next);
- last = next;
- }
- /* append the second list */
- for (; consp(list2); list2 = cdr(list2)) {
- next = cons(car(list2),NIL);
- if (last) rplacd(last,next);
- else settop(next);
- last = next;
- }
- return (pop());
- }
- /* listlength - find the length of a list */
- LOCAL int listlength(list)
- LVAL list;
- {
- int len;
- for (len = 0; consp(list); len++)
- list = cdr(list);
- return (len);
- }
- /* obsymbols - initialize symbols */
- obsymbols()
- {
- /* enter the object related symbols */
- s_self = xlenter("SELF");
- k_isnew = xlenter("ISNEW");
- /* get the Object and Class symbol values */
- object = getvalue(xlenter("OBJECT"));
- class = getvalue(xlenter("CLASS"));
- }
- /* xloinit - object function initialization routine */
- xloinit()
- {
- LVAL sym;
- /* create the 'Object' object */
- sym = xlenter("OBJECT");
- object = newobject(NIL,CLASSSIZE);
- setvalue(sym,object);
- setivar(object,IVARS,cons(xlenter("%%CLASS"),NIL));
- setivar(object,IVARCNT,cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)0));
- setivar(object,IVARTOTAL,cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)0));
- addmsg(object,"ISNEW","%OBJECT-ISNEW");
- addmsg(object,"CLASS","%OBJECT-CLASS");
- addmsg(object,"SHOW","%OBJECT-SHOW");
- /* create the 'Class' object */
- sym = xlenter("CLASS");
- class = newobject(NIL,CLASSSIZE);
- setvalue(sym,class);
- addivar(class,"IVARTOTAL"); /* ivar number 6 */
- addivar(class,"IVARCNT"); /* ivar number 5 */
- addivar(class,"SUPERCLASS");/* ivar number 4 */
- addivar(class,"CVARS"); /* ivar number 3 */
- addivar(class,"IVARS"); /* ivar number 2 */
- addivar(class,"MESSAGES"); /* ivar number 1 */
- setivar(class,IVARS,cons(xlenter("%%CLASS"),getivar(class,IVARS)));
- setivar(class,IVARCNT,cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)CLASSSIZE));
- setivar(class,IVARTOTAL,cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)CLASSSIZE));
- setivar(class,SUPERCLASS,object);
- addmsg(class,"NEW","%CLASS-NEW");
- addmsg(class,"ISNEW","%CLASS-ISNEW");
- addmsg(class,"ANSWER","%CLASS-ANSWER");
- /* patch the class into 'object' and 'class' */
- setclass(object,class);
- setclass(class,class);
- }