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- /* xsprint.c - xscheme print routine */
- /* Copyright (c) 1988, by David Michael Betz
- All Rights Reserved
- Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
- #include "xscheme.h"
- /* global variables */
- int prbreadth = -1;
- int prdepth = -1;
- /* local variables */
- static char buf[200];
- /* external variables */
- extern LVAL true_lval,s_printcase,k_downcase;
- extern LVAL s_fixfmt,s_flofmt,s_unbound;
- /* xlprin1 - print an expression with quoting */
- xlprin1(expr,file)
- LVAL expr,file;
- {
- print(file,expr,TRUE,0);
- }
- /* xlprinc - print an expression without quoting */
- xlprinc(expr,file)
- LVAL expr,file;
- {
- print(file,expr,FALSE,0);
- }
- /* xlterpri - terminate the current print line */
- xlterpri(fptr)
- LVAL fptr;
- {
- xlputc(fptr,'\n');
- }
- /* xlputstr - output a string */
- xlputstr(fptr,str)
- LVAL fptr; char *str;
- {
- while (*str)
- xlputc(fptr,*str++);
- }
- /* print - internal print routine */
- LOCAL print(fptr,vptr,escflag,depth)
- LVAL fptr,vptr; int escflag,depth;
- {
- int breadth,size,i;
- LVAL nptr,next;
- /* print nil */
- if (vptr == NIL) {
- xlputstr(fptr,"()");
- return;
- }
- /* check value type */
- switch (ntype(vptr)) {
- case SUBR:
- case XSUBR:
- putsubr(fptr,"Subr",vptr);
- break;
- case CSUBR:
- putsubr(fptr,"CSubr",vptr);
- break;
- case CONS:
- if (prdepth >= 0 && depth >= prdepth) {
- xlputstr(fptr,"(...)");
- break;
- }
- xlputc(fptr,'(');
- breadth = 0;
- for (nptr = vptr; nptr != NIL; nptr = next) {
- if (prbreadth >= 0 && breadth++ >= prbreadth) {
- xlputstr(fptr,"...");
- break;
- }
- print(fptr,car(nptr),escflag,depth+1);
- if (next = cdr(nptr))
- if (consp(next))
- xlputc(fptr,' ');
- else {
- xlputstr(fptr," . ");
- print(fptr,next,escflag,depth+1);
- break;
- }
- }
- xlputc(fptr,')');
- break;
- case VECTOR:
- xlputstr(fptr,"#(");
- for (i = 0, size = getsize(vptr); i < size; ++i) {
- if (i != 0) xlputc(fptr,' ');
- print(fptr,getelement(vptr,i),escflag,depth+1);
- }
- xlputc(fptr,')');
- break;
- case OBJECT:
- putatm(fptr,"Object",vptr);
- break;
- case SYMBOL:
- putsym(fptr,getstring(getpname(vptr)),escflag);
- break;
- case PROMISE:
- if (getpproc(vptr) != NIL)
- putatm(fptr,"Promise",vptr);
- else
- putatm(fptr,"Forced-promise",vptr);
- break;
- case CLOSURE:
- putclosure(fptr,"Procedure",vptr);
- break;
- case METHOD:
- putclosure(fptr,"Method",vptr);
- break;
- case FIXNUM:
- putnumber(fptr,getfixnum(vptr));
- break;
- case FLONUM:
- putflonum(fptr,getflonum(vptr));
- break;
- case CHAR:
- if (escflag)
- putcharacter(fptr,getchcode(vptr));
- else
- xlputc(fptr,getchcode(vptr));
- break;
- case STRING:
- if (escflag)
- putstring(fptr,getstring(vptr));
- else
- xlputstr(fptr,getstring(vptr));
- break;
- case PORT:
- putatm(fptr,"Port",vptr);
- break;
- case CODE:
- putcode(fptr,"Code",vptr);
- break;
- putatm(fptr,"Escape-procedure",vptr);
- break;
- case ENV:
- putatm(fptr,"Environment",vptr);
- break;
- case FREE:
- putatm(fptr,"Free",vptr);
- break;
- default:
- putatm(fptr,"Foo",vptr);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* putatm - output an atom */
- LOCAL putatm(fptr,tag,val)
- LVAL fptr; char *tag; LVAL val;
- {
- sprintf(buf,"#<%s #",tag); xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- sprintf(buf,AFMT,val); xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- xlputc(fptr,'>');
- }
- /* putstring - output a string */
- LOCAL putstring(fptr,str)
- LVAL fptr; char *str;
- {
- int ch;
- /* output the initial quote */
- xlputc(fptr,'"');
- /* output each character in the string */
- while (ch = *str++)
- /* check for a control character */
- if (ch < 040 || ch == '\\' || ch == '"') {
- xlputc(fptr,'\\');
- switch (ch) {
- case '\033':
- xlputc(fptr,'e');
- break;
- case '\n':
- xlputc(fptr,'n');
- break;
- case '\r':
- xlputc(fptr,'r');
- break;
- case '\t':
- xlputc(fptr,'t');
- break;
- case '\\':
- case '"':
- xlputc(fptr,ch);
- break;
- default:
- putoct(fptr,ch);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* output a normal character */
- else
- xlputc(fptr,ch);
- /* output the terminating quote */
- xlputc(fptr,'"');
- }
- /* putsym - output a symbol */
- LOCAL putsym(fptr,str,escflag)
- LVAL fptr; char *str; int escflag;
- {
- int ch;
- /* check for printing without escapes */
- if (!escflag) {
- xlputstr(fptr,str);
- return;
- }
- /* output each character */
- if (getvalue(s_printcase) == k_downcase) {
- while ((ch = *str++) != '\0')
- xlputc(fptr,isupper(ch) ? tolower(ch) : ch);
- }
- else {
- while ((ch = *str++) != '\0')
- xlputc(fptr,islower(ch) ? toupper(ch) : ch);
- }
- }
- /* putsubr - output a subr/fsubr */
- LOCAL putsubr(fptr,tag,val)
- LVAL fptr; char *tag; LVAL val;
- {
- extern FUNDEF funtab[];
- sprintf(buf,"#<%s %s>",tag,funtab[getoffset(val)].fd_name);
- xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- }
- /* putclosure - output a closure */
- LOCAL putclosure(fptr,tag,val)
- LVAL fptr; char *tag; LVAL val;
- {
- putcode(fptr,tag,getcode(val));
- }
- /* putcode - output a code object */
- LOCAL putcode(fptr,tag,val)
- LVAL fptr; char *tag; LVAL val;
- {
- LVAL name;
- if (name = getelement(val,1)) {
- sprintf(buf,"#<%s %s>",tag,getstring(getpname(name)));
- xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- }
- else
- putatm(fptr,tag,val);
- }
- /* putnumber - output a number */
- LOCAL putnumber(fptr,n)
- LVAL fptr; FIXTYPE n;
- {
- LVAL fmt = getvalue(s_fixfmt);
- sprintf(buf,(stringp(fmt) ? (char *)getstring(fmt) : IFMT),n);
- xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- }
- /* putoct - output an octal byte value */
- LOCAL putoct(fptr,n)
- LVAL fptr; int n;
- {
- sprintf(buf,"%03o",n);
- xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- }
- /* putflonum - output a flonum */
- LOCAL putflonum(fptr,n)
- LVAL fptr; FLOTYPE n;
- {
- LVAL fmt = getvalue(s_flofmt);
- sprintf(buf,(stringp(fmt) ? (char *)getstring(fmt) : FFMT),n);
- xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- }
- /* putcharacter - output a character value */
- LOCAL putcharacter(fptr,ch)
- LVAL fptr; int ch;
- {
- switch (ch) {
- case '\n':
- xlputstr(fptr,"#\\Newline");
- break;
- case ' ':
- xlputstr(fptr,"#\\Space");
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(buf,"#\\%c",ch);
- xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- break;
- }
- }