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| RS2L.PRG : Program for converting resource files. |
| |
|__________________ THIS PROGRAM IS PUPLIC DOMAIN ___________________|
| |
| Snail mail : M. SARO chez HELP INFORMATIQUE |
| 7 rue de Strasbourg 38000 Grenoble FRANCE |
| Email : saro@melserv.ceng.cea.fr |
Guarantee Impossible: (Replace Phelps by your own name)
Dear Mr. Phelps, if you use this program it is entirely your own resp-
onsibility. If you or any of your friends have any problems the author
and the State Department will deny any knowledge of your actions, and
will accept no responsibility for you or your team. Good Luck.
This text will not auto-destruct in 5 seconds.
RS2L converts .RSC resource files to source files in C or Assembler.
Other programs exist, such as RSC2C or RSC2ASM, which are capable of this
type of conversion. However RS2L possesses some special features:
1) converts .RSH files (type defined by DRI)
2) converts to C or Assembler with 'object fixation' routine
3) converts to C or Assembler with multiple strings thus allowing
multi-lingual resources. The routines for changing language are
4) while editing a resource, objects which are not to be translated
can be selected by setting a flag or fixing an extended type.
DISPLAY 1 ___________
_buttons outside the boxes:
INFO move to display 2, info on RS2L
OPTIONS move to display 3, conversion options
SAVE saves the resulting source file
END back to gemdos
_middle box:
resource file:
LOAD load the resource file to be converted
INFO move to display 4, info on the loaded file
conversion to:
.RSH xxxxxx.RSH file, DRI format
.C xxxxxx.C file (K & R)
.S Assembler source file
.? for adding another language (ask me for details)
DISPLAY 2 ____________
This display contains an information notice, the address where you
can contact me and the following three buttons:
FRANCAIS clicking here selects the working language for RS2L
SAVE DEFAULTS saves ALL the current parameters into the program
file itself.
RETURN return to display 1
DISPLAY 3 ____________
This display shows the conversion options. A selected option will be
checked. Some options are mutually exclusive.
_buttons outside the boxes:
SAVE DEFAULTS same as in display 2
RETURN back to display 1
_'number of languages' box: (valid for both C and Assembler)
NUMBER OF LANGUAGES x x must be between 1 and 9. Each string is dup-
licated x times. It's up to you to do the trans-
FLAG NUMBER xx 9 <= xx <= 15. If the FLAG NUMBER option is
checked objects whose bit xx (in ob_flag) is set
will be considered untranslatable.
EXTENDED TYPE sxxx s is one of > < =, xxx lies between 0 and 255.
If this option is checked objects whose MSB in
ob_type satisfies the formula will be considered
_assembler box: (only valid for Assembler)
.. reserved - no action
MACRO If this option is checked then the assembler
files use Bitblk, Iconblk, Tedi and Object MACROS
whose definitions are in the file MACRO.S
POINT if checked, this option causes certain opcodes
to be written with a preceeding point. E.g.
.dc.l .globl
GLOBL/XDEF/IMPORT defines the type of pseudo-opcode to be used
external references.
_reserved box: This for future developments.
DISPLAY 4 ______________
This display gives a summary of the objects loaded from the resource
_3) NOTES:
The converted files are compatible with SOZOBON and DEVPACK2.
USERDEF objects or those whose UNDIRECT bit is set are assumed to
have ob_spec pointing to an external object. It should be noted that
most resource editors handle this type of object very badly.
Some example resource files are provided containing objects with
flag10 set or with an extended type of 128. A complete example of a
multi-lingual program is also provided.
My thanks to Paul DAGLEISH for his translations into English and
for some testing of the program.
Miguel SARO, Grenoble, November 1992
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