GEMini Atari
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334 lines
What is this anyway?
Brushworks TT is a full featured painting package for the TT' 256 color
graphics mode, it contains many features not found in even the most expensive
commercial programs and outperforms all in speed and ease of use.
Brushworks TT is SHAREWARE, it represents almost a year of coding and many
late nights hunched over my assembler. I have many more features I'd like to
add and only you can help me do it. If you use this demo of the program and
would like a version with the save options added as well as a couple of other
extras, please send in your registration fee. In return you'll get the latest
version of the program (with save enabled), a couple of my other handy TT
utilities (screen grabber etc.) and a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside.
You'll be helping a starving Australian programmer carry on his favourite
pastime, and I know you'll all want to see a version of this on the Falcon.
O.K. So what do I have to do?
Send me $40 AUD (Australian dollars) or the equivalent thereof to this
Tony Barker
Moving Pixels
2/39 Frazer St
Leichhardt NSW 2040
and make sure you include your address so I can send you your registered
If your as poor as I am or a student and can't really afford that much or
you don't think it's worth that much in the first place then send what you
can afford or what you think it is worth. I'm also open to suggestions as to
features you'd like to see.
Possible troubles
If your tool bar flickers and jumps around then you've discovered a strange
bug that affects the program on some TT's. I'm using a very sophisticated
method for handling the toolbar involving some complex interrupts, this seems
to cause a problem on some machines. A fix is at hand and will be included in
all registered versions. You might try turning off the cache to remove the
problem as a temporary fix.
So what can this version do ?
The following description will work across the front tools menu describing
each icon in turn and anything special about it's function. There will be a
description for what happens when clicked with the left mouse button and also
the right mouse button.
First a few explanations-
The program uses the concept of a foreground color and a background color.
The palette can be activated by hitting 'P' on the keyboard and the currently
selected fore and background colors are shown in 2 differrent ways. Firstly
the current foreground color has a solid horizontal marker above it and a
large bar of it appears in the bottom right hand corner. The background color
is indicated by a stippled bar underneath the color and a large bar of it
appears to the left of the foreground color bar. The foreground color is set
by clicking on it with the left mouse button and the background by the right
mouse button. When drawing with a brush you can draw with the background
color by pressing the right mouse button. Transparency is a complex feature
and takes some time getting to know but can be very powerful .Some things to
remember when using transparency are that it will work better on some
pictures than others due to the make up of their palettes. The better the
range of each of the main hues in the palette the more effective the feature
works. The reasons for this is that although there are 4096 colors, only the
256 in the current picture are available so the transparency code has to do a
'best fit' to get it's in between colors, this also explains the speed (or
lack of it) of this function.
left mouse button-
The top left most icon, and the startup default is the PointDraw icon
this allows freehand drawing with any one of the 8 predefined brushes
or the user definable brush.
right mouse button-
Brings up the brush preferences menu. See the description under User
definable brush.
left mouse button-
Switches to continuous draw mode, lines will not be made up of a
series of dots but will be continuous. This can make drawing very
slow with large user brushes.
right mouse button-
Brings up the brush preferences menu. See the description under User
definable brush.
left mouse button-
Switches to box draw mode. Draws a box in the currently defined style
set by right mouse button.
right mouse button-
Brings up the line preferences menu.
When in the line preferences menu clicking on any of
the boxes under the words 'Line Style' will edit the line pattern
used when drawing boxes ,lines and curves. Clicking on
them with the Right mouse button clears the particular 'bit' and
clicking with the Right will set it. Clicking 'ALL' will set all the
bits in the line to on and clicking 'NONE will do the opposite.
Clicking on any of the 5 predefined line styles underneath the main
style editor will set the editor up with that pattern. Clicking any
of those boxes with the right mouse button will set the editor up
with the inverse of that line pattern.
Under the line style settings are 3 buttons allowing you to choose
the style of box drawn. "BRUSH" will draw the box filled with a
repeating pattern of the currently defined user brush (if none
defined the box will be empty or clear). "SOLID" will draw the box
filled with the current foreground color and "EMPTY" will just draw
the outline using the line preferences as described above.
left mouse button-
Switches to elipse drawing mode. Allows you to draw an elipse
using the currently selected line, fill and brush settings.
right mouse button-
Brings up the line style editor, see BOX DRAW mode.
left mouse button-
Switches to line draw mode. Will draw a line using the currently
selected brush and linestyle.
right mouse button-
Brings up the line style editor, see BOX DRAW mode.
Note that the "BRUSH FILLED EMPTY" buttons will not appear as they
do not apply to this tool.
left mouse button-
Switches to spline draw. A basic 4 point spline will be drawn on the
screen with thew control points visible. Clicking on the control
points allows you to "mould" the spline to how and where you want
it. When you have the spline as you require hitting the "SPACE" bar
will set it on the screen permanently. The spline will be drawn using
all the current settings.
right mouse button-
Brings up the line style editor, see BOX DRAW mode.
Note that the "BRUSH FILLED EMPTY" buttons will not appear as they
do not apply to this tool.
left mouse button-
Switches to airbrush mode. Simulates a real airbrush with a
"centre weighted random elipsoidal dither". As usual the spray is
drawn using all the current settings and brush.
right mouse button-
Brings up the airbrush settings menu. From here you can change the
flow rate (how fast new pixels are drawn) and the spray size.
left mouse button-
Allows the user to grab any rectangular area of the screen to use as
a brush. When the selection is made the current draw mode will be
returned (ie: line, box, pointdraw, linedraw etc)
right mouse button-
Brings up the brush preferences menu. This is one of the most complex
of the preference screens and should be read carefully.
The 5 buttons on the left of this menu are used to set the current
drawing mode for the brush. Only COLOR and CYCLE are applicable to
predefined brushes but all apply to the user brush. COLOR sets all
subsequent drawing to the currently selected foreground color
regardless of what colors the brush may have in it. CYCLE, sets all
drawing to be in colors cycling between the current foreground color
and the current background color (see the palette menu for more
info). MATTE, means the background color in the brush shall be
considered transparent. REPLACE means the background color will
replace any behind it making the brush appear as a solid block.
All of these 5 modes can be accessed by the Function keys 1 to 5.
TRANSPARENT means the brush will be drawn transparently over the
screen using the current setting on the right half of this
preferences screen. The 4 buttons under the heading DITHER set the
amount of dithering used when transparently pasting a brush over the
screen, the dither settings currently have no effect on any other
drawing mode. The 4 buttons situated above the small picture are the
various transparency types. The left most is uniform transparency,
This means the brush will be drawn with the same transparency factor
uniformly applied across it's entire surface. The transparency factor
is set with the small buttons on either side of the small picture.
The left column of buttons sets the centre transparency (top=solid,
bottom = clear) and the right column set the edge transparency. In
uniform transparency mode both edge and centre are neccessarily the
same. The next button across is the Vertical transparency mode. In
this mode the edge and centre transparencies can be differrent and
the brush will be draw with the centre transparency running verticaly
through it. Next is Horizontal transparency, the same as vertical
but, of course, horizontal. I should mention here the picture
underneath these buttons. You should see a small white square that
can be clicked on and dragged with the mouse. This is the centre of
transparency for your brush. The final button is the Point
transparency mode. This mode allows pasting of a brush on the screen
with the edges transparent or many other effects. The best way to
learn of these features is to load a picture cut out a brush, click
on TRANSP and adjust a few of these values then exit and paste the
brush on top of your screen.
The "Background color" buttons set how background colors in a brush
are treated when being used as a fill pattern or being pasted with
a transparency factor. "TRNSP" means treat the backgound color as
transparent and "REPLC" means it is treated the same as the rest of
the colors
left mouse button-
Sets flood fill mode. Changes the mouse pointer to a small paint can
dripping paint the tip of which represents the point from which the
paint will flow when the button is clicked.
right mouse button-
Brings up the line style editor, see BOX DRAW mode.
NOTE that "EMPTY" has no effect
left mouse button-
Clears the current screen. Undo can restore from this.
right mouse button-
left mouse button-
Drags the menu up and down to reveal hidden parts of the current
screen. This menu can be removed entirely by hitting the F10 key. F10
also restores it.
right mouse button-
BOTTOM ROW.............
left mouse button-
Clicking on any of these makes it the current brush.
right mouse button-
Restores the last user brush. CAUTION, it is possible to use the
right mouse button to restore the last brush when none was defined.
This results in a totally invisible brush.
left mouse button-
Brings up the palette editor. If the palette wasn't previoulsy
visible (acivated by 'P' on the keyboard) it becomes visible and a
new menu appears. On the extreme left is the RGB of the currently
selected foreground color. The Red, Green and Blue components of this
color can be changed with the up and down arrows above and below each
of the numbers. COPY will change the mouse pointer to a small arrow
and the word TO when you click on another color block the current
foreground color will be copied to it. SPREAD works in a similar
fashion only an even spread of colors will be calculated between the
foreground color and the color chsen by the 'TO' pointer. EXCHANGE
will exchange the foreground color and that chosen by the 'TO'
pointer. The disk icon with the arrow pointing to it will save the
current palette out to disk and the icon with the arrow pointing away
from it will load a previously saved palette in. Saved palettes also
store the current fore and background colors and they are set
accordingly when loaded.
The Icon with the boxes and lines will return you to the main tools
When in the palette manipulation menu clicking with the right or
left mouse buttons on the currently displayed picture will set the
foreground or background colors to the color under the cursor.
right mouse button-
left mouse button-
Brings up the file menu. Allows the loading and saving of pictures in
various formats. Choose the format you wish and click on the load
icon. IFF can only be 320*200*16 color format. When loading a pic
in 320*200 format you will be given the option of doubling its'
vertical resolution to keep its' aspect ration correct.
NEO handles the original NEO and the extended TT neo format. PNT
files can only be 320*480*256. You will be warned if a file is in an
incompatable resolution or format.
When loading a picture you can choose whether you wish to use that
pictures palette or remap it to the existing palette, the program
will do a 'best fit' of the incoming pictures colors to those already
in use. The results of this option range from very good to poor
depending on the disparity of the two palettes.
Save options are not available in unregistered version.
right mouse button-
left mouse button-
Undoes the last screen access.
right mouse button-
Brushes can be flipped on the x and y axis simply by hitting the 'x' or 'y'
keys .They can also have their size halved by hitting the 'h' key.
There is a color cycling feature that will cycle the colors between and
including the background color marker and the foreground color marker, this
is activated by hitting the 'TAB' key. Try loading in the 'RAINBOW.PAL'
palette and setting the background color to the start of the rainbow and the
foreground color to the end. Then choose a brush, get the brush preferences
menu up by hitting the draw icon with the right mouse button and choose
'CYCLE' as the draw mode (or hit F4), now draw some lines on the screen and
hit the 'TAB' key and see the effect. 'TAB' is a toggle and will turn
cycling off as well.
'Q' quits from the program back to the desktop.
The program will run from any resolution but is designed to be launched
from TT medium. Do not run it from the super high rez mode.
The program and this documentation was written by Tony Barker of MOVING
PIXELS and is copyright him (1991/92).
This demo version of the program may be copied and distributed freely by any
means as long as it remains complete, unaltered and all files remain together
and intact. If the program is to be included in a PD library the library must
contact the author for permission first.
This software comes with no warranty whatsoever either stated or implied.
Moving Pixels are at:-
2/39 Frazer St.
Leichhardt 2040
Phone or fax. (02) 555 7312