✓_b✓b✓_eatware,nwill oper,9תftwarbd ng plURBORSulopo4
. .urstsmfe com ion im P Mp
dcows your
pñter. . ue
while 16M br⇨ce,nd ratdcowve noup tog✓ ≤yu ratAI1Ty
e tקD⇧l m✓r✓_sog✓ ≤yu r9תf eplam gnc m✓r✓_ ≤yu r9תf neatware,nwill oper,9תftwarbd ng plURB∮3opc Ouim bs up to Tƒïrogramd with ease.
TurboR¼mayAtar mes 9ng on any processor.
∩C4,m gas 12M gnc m✓⌡compatied
ratA a_u✓u✓_r✓r✓ga ST cãS or pN∩nmay bD✓_r✓r✓i¢,RS also th
older softwgr
example 300 baud can ףrdβrBu
teat and allowTy
e WSTEs ichD mv✓R✓ oropc sr ✓_S✓SeN∩nmae993 Neat and Nifty Pag re,t to opo s aewTyso S✓SuCs∩nmãcm✓⌡compatied
ratA a_u✓u✓_r✓r✓gat c le 300 twarn any proosmftwarn any proosmftwarn any proosmftwo software will won any p TinmãcmPeh e⇩S✓SuTtheaSPr.
N with✓ 7✓tZ✓o TinmãcmPeh e⇩S✓SuTtheaSPr.
N with✓
. .p 300 twaFill won any p r✓rr✓r✓_¼per,9תl oial2witth✓(Dnruu awewn any p r✓rrrR,agreRS (C) 1993 NeaSTEaogל ✓ _b✓b thd
N with✓
. .p 300 twaFill won any p r✓rr✓r✓_R¨ia,9תeh e⇩S✓SuTtoc m r✓r✓_¼pe,u won any p r✓rr✓r✓_R¨ia,9תeh e⇩S✓a✓r✓n au au proos_S✓radlcmPeh e⇩S✓SuTthver, TurboR worinלtנi8,tyrmesa.A
✓h✓_e✓e✓_ T✓T✓_u✓u✓_r✓r✓_b✓b✓_o✓o✓_R✓R✓_S✓S✓_ D✓D✓_r✓r✓_i✓i✓ìls✓orts. ThereiycaaΩ D✓D✓_r✓r✓_i✓i✓ìl slward m bny Ar✓_i✓i✓ìl sls✓lC,9תb thd pobb any ppesa.inl other prograotZ✓o TinmãcmPeh e⇩S✓deh e⇩✓n aierbd n thr
pe,u wo kW00 twaly s✓orts. ThereiycaaΩ D✓D✓_r✓r✓_i✓i✓ìl mayisCmning ons ai Nifty Software,nwGhœthe extel pkW00 twaly s✓ore no effecroorZ, S✓ìl sls✓lC,9תb thd pobb any ppesa.inl other prograotZ✓o r, Pk.
i✓ìFp olm¨ ✓h✓_e✓e✓r rmesa.A
_e f work wk wkm thdobbr✓_R¨ia,9תeh_e✓e✓r rmesa.Aaptts. ,ty yrmRf work wk wkmion of Tos running on any processo_cm Pk.
i✓ìFp olm¨ ✓h✓_e✓e✓r rmesa.A
_e f work wk wkmtl_ehaslfrb9200
s---σ. prA_bõcesso_cm Pk.
≤yS(s ≤Pk.
o0(ae⇩SrL≈fr_i✓✓Sutll wsMs 9_ D✓D✓_r✓r✓_i✓i✓ìls✓ortsØX≡Diw 9b .inl other prograotZ✓o r, Pk.
i✓ìFppw,2®ulfehc sקD⇧l eHe frõito T™ivaD✓Dr✓_¼vamo ehpeathonp⇨osmftwarn any proosmftwo software wRge e,nwa.inl o93 Ne⇩S✓Srdware or software, on the other available serial ports. TherialeaotZ✓o srdware or softwarcn) 1993 Neat aoem¨ ✓h✓_e✓e✓r rharg p ≈aaotZrekmion_D✓_.iei
i√wilå_i✓✓e running with acix9s ag_ןSwRgL❎ twlsyR,arg p aoÅaddition, ne rh,⌐rinl othee⇧l c
wny p r✓rcn a, wkmtports. TherialeairvadvailaBb rh,⌐rio_cm Pk.
≤yS(s ≤Pk.
o0(ae⇩SrL≈ai✓ìl mayisCmning ons ai Nifty Software,✓i✓ìls✓oended rate,9תE ✓r✓_b✓a_u✓u✓_r✓r✓gat c le 300 twarn any proosmftwarn any proosmft aiyטoœy i✓ìion im ts. rn TR¨ia,9תeh_e✓ey bw sקD⇧l eHe frõito T™ivaD✓Da✓v✓èi≈s r prry bw ïRmãc✓PG
i✓ìFp (ae⇩Sng mao Tthe, P r: r\y ✓èiare di✓i✓w
oss ✓rr, Tanch acceleratorsRmiou sקD⇧l eHended rat
C✓ anadda o the other available serial ports. Therogravailable whicsg frñsmfoft eHended s 9_ BrialeaotZ✓o srdware or softwarcDi✓✓_ D✓D✓_r✓r✓_i✓i✓ìls✓orts. ThereiycaaΩ D✓D✓_r✓r✓_i✓i✓ìl s✓ E
ft iau ìFp hddIN⇨awb
i✓ìFp irI,pw,2®ulfehc sa br✓_R¨iR~ ac S(s ≤Pk.
seriaai✓ìFp irI,pw,2à sa ) brguaCu✓ìlsI plURBìFp irIs TurboR¼mayAtar mes 9ng on any procp irI,pw,2®u. ✓rr, TanPo m ts. rn TR¨ia,9ote,9תE ----T mes 9ng on Åe✓_e✓e✓a,9⌡s 9ng ynlsc any p«τny proo:oePle a✓mesb tianaddwcanFilTyAtar mvlplURBìFp irIs TurboR¼d n aor softiig mo,ft sf✓n ) !:oerSg9i ìFp hddIN⇨awb
i✓ìFsacix9s TR¨ia,9ote,9תuarTØìFsacix9s TR¨ndedìFog9ie 2®u. ✓rr, TanPo m ts. rn TR¨ia,9ote,9תE ----T mes ,ai✓ada1oõsguaa.AeeA Tan≤---T mesiE ----T mes ,ai✓asp,D⇧l£el✓o h✓✓Suå_i✓✓e ser≈p p vwD✓_r✓r✓_i✓i✓ìl s✓ E
ft iau ìFp hd:i✓ay Softa✓sCmning ons ai Nifty Software,✓i✓ìls✓oendedén.inl otrai✓dg_R¨iR~ ac ⇩ppgomionG¼Is GTtar mes 9ng on any procp irI,pw,2®u. ✓rr, TanPo m ts. rn TR¨ s✓2ie
f ΩìFp לl Turboe_ΩìFp לl ns---σirIn
¼mayleaotZ✓o nT m√rPϕp(v✓rPslE✓_b✓a_u✓u✓_r✓r✓gat c slE✓_b✓sppgomionG¼Is GTtar ≤yu r9תf2®u.emi✓ìFp (a.A
_e f worPded rapw,ay Softa✓s✓orts. Therenlppgomitp iefpnPo m Sapדafrõipttud
nku aniled r dvלUu ìFp hddIN⇨awb S(s✓s✓orts. Therenlppgomitp iefpnPo m Sapדafrõipttud
nku anilee_r, Tanch_.iei
h`Fp לl ⓪õcesso_cm Pk.
≤yS(s ≤Pk.
o0(ae⇩Sr ac a✓gatc le 300 twa9תE ----T mes ,aô_e✓e✓_ T✓T✓_u✓uu✓u✓e no.ie----Tiæ9re aafrõ✓_u✓uu✓u✓eT✓_u✓uu✓u✓e no.ie----Tiæ9re aafrõ✓_u✓uô b thd
N wiorile.es 9ng onI _00 rR noyN,9oteקGfthd
N wiorile.es 9ng±dûGl,תeh_ N Tur⇩A ≤Pk.
,u wo kW00 twal✓Ω D✓D✓_r✓r✓_i✓i✓ìl s✓ E
ft iau ìFp hddlbTurnPo mhaCu✓ìlsI plURBì mestr rts. Therogravailable whdedSat wiornPo m Smi✓ìlÅwsacix9s m Pkלp r✓rr✓r✓_¼per,9תuãcmPe rts. Therogravailable whdedSat wiornPo mr◆k,9תuãcmPe rts.Bddlb✓_i✓i✓ìl s✓ E
nku aniae uaoftwa,lwrio_cm Pk.
≤yS(③-pGÅmps TR¨ia,9ote,9ph srtar mes 9ng on any procp irI,4u_ T✓T✓_u✓uu✓u✓e nnile⇩S✓deable whdedSat wiornPo mr◆k,9תuãcmPe rts.Bwprl1 brgufflt br✓o ngdng mao_r✓_,ebv,omionG¼Is GTtar mes 9ng on any pr4Oaa,9
ft iau ìFp hddlbTurnPo mhaCu✓ìlsI e2_00 /orts. TherialeaotZspapr dvלiAotû8RXwogdng ¼iorif[ eHTheri Vs rnPo mr◆k,9תuãcmPe rts.Bwprl1 brgufflt TT¼Nvr ons ai Nifty Software,✓i✓ìls✓oendeu✓uhHtbthen,Uo[ r:aniled r dvלU_Øןph srtar mes 9ng on √rt(nØ✓✓sg_aniledpdu✓uô b tned rapw,ay Softa✓s✓orts. Therenlppgomitphle whdedSat
mm dvלU_Øןph srt»onIPT
P th 4O0uu✓u✓Re or לTs✓ E ms s.ffSl 4O0uf
ms s.✓iãméedSקGfthd
N wiorile.es 9ng±dûGl,תelןtv✓oen,Uo[ r:aniled r dvלU_Øןph sPfϕp(lwr±⌡r thdneh_e✓mÆsydvלU_Øןph srt»onIPT
P th 4O0uu✓u✓h✓ anaT m9re aafrõ✓_u✓uU_Øןph ✓G Uylppgomitphle whdedSat
mm dvלU_Øןph srt»onIPT
F≈nu✓ìlOhe rts. Theo,sppghn1 so.
ap,D⇧4tywsacBNaD✓D ןph ✓G Uylppgr✓r✓gat c slE✓_bdûGl,תelןtv✓oen,Uo[ r:aniled r dvלU_Øןph dedTurmim.
s sf✓nmeΩ:2ay SooinΩ:2ay S dedTurmimnts. Therogravailable whdedSat wiornPo mr◆P⌡r herograv✓_ 1ilable whdedSooi ✓r2dSograiD_u✓uU_Øןph ✓GPO0u✓uhHtbthen,Uo[ r:aniled r dvלU_ØןnU_ØןiT4O0uu
ft iau ìFp hddlb seeredft iau ìFPcredi²y✓D✓_r✓r✓_i✓i✓ìeI,4u_ T,4u_ò✓Seae¡ scp heraa Neim.