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QWKImport 1.13
QWKExport 1.16 for UMS 10.8+
by Iain Hibbert by Martin Horneffer
31 January 1995
QWKImport and QWKExport are a pair of programs to enable you to use your
favourite UMS NewsReader as an OLR for QWK mail.
SITE is the qwk BBS to import from
PASSWORD is the UMS password for that BBS
SERVER is the server to use (defaults to the usual one)
KEEP means to keep the .QWK bundle after processing, but if there
was any error whilst importing, the packet will always be kept
QWKImport unpacks the bundle named <SITE>.QWK from the Inbound
directory, and scans the CONTROL.TXT file for Conference names.. then it
scans the MESSAGES.DAT file for messages and writes them to groups named
"qwk.<SITE>.<number> `Conference Name'"
NOTE, there is no message threading information in QWK packets, so you
are limited to subject searches
SITE is the qwk BBS to export to
PASSWORD is the UMS password for that BBS
SERVER is the UMS server to use (defaults to the usual one)
ADD means to add to the packet waiting in your uploads directory,
instead of replacing it.
QWKExport scans your messagebase and writes the messages to a file
called <SITE>.MSG, which it then compresses into <SITE>.REP using your
specified packer and Outbound directory.
NOTE, QWKExport gets the area number from the conference name, so you
will get problems if you try to export mail in areas not from the
original BBS (use netgroups). When there is no group name (ie, it is a
private message to bbs@qwk), then the message is put into the conference
number from qwk.pvtarea, with the private flag set.
There are several UMS qwk. variables to specify, these can be local (to
the user) or global, whichever you prefer, but all have defaults.
qwk.inbound ; Where to find the .QWK bundles
default: "Comms:Downloads/"
qwk.outbound ; Where to put the .REP bundles
default: "Comms:Uploads/"
qwk.keeppacket ; if "Yes", the QWK bundles are not deleted after processing
default: "No"
qwk.addpacket ; if "Yes" then QWKExport will always add to the .REP packet
default: "No"
qwk.pvtarea ; area to put private mail into, with the Private flag set
default: "0"
qwk.packer ; command to use when packing the .MSG file into the
; .REP bundle. Should contain two %s strings, the first is the
; name of the archive, the second is the file to compress
default: "lharc a %s %s"
qwk.unpacker ; command to use when unpacking the .QWK file to the temporary
; directory. The %s is replaced with the bundle name
default: "lharc e %s"
qwk.tempdir ; where to unpack the .QWK file to
; QWKImport will attempt to make this directory if it
; can't CD to it, so don't include a trailing /
default: "T:"
qwk.no-hi-conf ; some QWK doors don't use two bytes for the conference number
so we can turn off the hi byte so we don't get junk for the
conference number (its usually 0x20, so the areas are +8192)
change to "Yes" if you get strange area numbers and no names.
default: "No"
qwk.inbound = "Comms:Downloads/"
qwk.outbound = "Comms:Uploads/"
qwk.keeppacket = "No"
qwk.addpacket = "No"
qwk.tempdir = "T:Qwk"
qwk.packer = "LhA -I -u -m -U2048 m %s %s"
qwk.unpacker = "LhA -I -m -f -x0 -U8192 e %s"
Name "Highlander BBS"
Alias "qwk.highland"
Distribution = "#?"
Export = "highland@qwk"
GroupFilter = "#?"
Import = "highland@qwk"
NetAccess = "%"
ReadAccess = "qwk.highland.#?"
WriteAccess = "qwk.highland.#?"
qwk.pvtarea = "2"
qwk.tempdir = "T:Highlander"
Source is included, as is a DMakefile for DICE. Please feel free to
make any enhancements or bugfixes (!), but I would appreciate it if you'd
return the changes to me for inclusion in my source. The ReadArgs bit is
done by an autoinit function to make it easier to read. If you need the
link lib, just let me know..
QWKImport and QWKExport are (C) 1994 Iain Hibbert and are freely
distributable as long as all of the files are included in their original
form without additions, deletions, or modifications of any kind, and only
a nominal fee is charged for its distribution.
This software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied. Reading legal mush can turn your brain to guacamole.
By using QWKImport and QWKExport, you accept either the whole risk or the
quality and performance of the programs.
Iain Hibbert plunky@skate.demon.co.uk
4 Avondale Road 2:250/320.33@fidonet
Bath 39:138/14.33@amiganet
Avon BA1 3EG