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Documentation for FidoExport and FidoImport 2.0
General Information
To run a fido system with UMS you need FidoImport, FidoExport,
TrapDoor and (of course) UMS itself with an UMS-newsreader.
FidoImport imports Fidomessages which are transported via the
program TrapDoor into the UMS-messagebase. New messages are
exported with FidoExport from the UMS-messagebase and converted
into a format which can be sent with TrapDoor.
The description of the structure of this so-called packetfiles
can be found in the Fidopapers (FSC-files). The nameing
conventions of the different filetypes can be found in the
TrapDoor manual.
Installation - necessary Libraries
The following Libraries are needed to use UMSFido:
- traplist.library (at least V5.0)
This does not mean that there has to be a nodelist present.
Installation - config variables
FidoImport and FidoExport are configured with variable entries in
the config file ums.config. You have to produce an user entry
for each system you are connected with which uses Fidotechnology.
To do so you have to set up the following config variables. An
asterisk (*) means the variable is optional.
Name of the network using "Fido technology". It is used as an
identification for the groups ("netname.group") and adresses
("z:n/f.p@netname") which are used within this net. In Fidonet
you simply fill in "fidonet". The entries "READACCESS" and
"WRITEACCESS" of the related user have to be set accordingly
(e.g. READACCESS "fidonet.#?"). Don´t forget to set up "export"
also (e.g. export "#?@fidonet").
Important: This entry is also used to identify a FTN exporter.
Therefore it must be a local entry.
fido.fakeAddress (*)
fido.stoneAge (*)
The localaddress and the fakeaddress describe the own
Fidoaddress. You only have to set up the fakeaddress if the
software of the Fido system you communicate with can not process
4D-packets. If you set Stoneage to "y" the system will only
produce 3D-packets. Please don´t forget to add an AKA entry for
each address.
Fidoaddress of the receiver you are going to call.
fido.mausGate (*)
fido.rfcGate (*)
Fidoaddresses of the Maus-gateway and RFC-gateway. This
addresses are necessary if private messages to Maus-addresses or
RFC-addresses are to be exported by FidoExport.
fido.defaultOrigin (*)
This is the origin which will be used if a message dosn't have an
fido.tmpDir (*)
Directorypaths for incoming and outgoing packets and for packets
which are just being processed. All directories must exist
before you start the program. Default for fido.tmpDir is "T:".
fido.nodelist (*)
Directorypath for the nodelist. This variables are only needed
if you run a node. If you export Crash-mails to points then
FidoExport will look up the address in the nodelist. If the
point is found in the nodelist the message is exported directly
to the point´s address else the message is sent to the point´s
AmigaDOS commands for compressing and uncompressing of
Fidonet-packets. For defective packets fido.junkCmd will be
executed. Each command can contain a variable (substitute)
starting with "%" which will be replaced with a certain value.
Substitutes valid with fido.arcCmd:
%arcName : name of compressed file
%pktName : name of processed Fidopaket
Substitutes valid with fido.dearcCmd:
%dirName : name of destinationdirectory for the uncompressed file
%dearcName : name of file to be uncompressed
Substitutes valid with fido.junkCmd:
%dearcName : name of file to be uncompressed
fido.maxPktSize (*)
You can limit the maximum size of the uncompressed packet with
this value. The value means the size in bytes.
fido.charset.xy (*)
FidoImport processes ALL in FSC 54 defined charsets. Although
not all Fidousers and Fidoprogramms stick to the specifications.
Hence an ´alias´ for charsets is possible.
The charset ("xy") which does not comply the specification can be
given the value of an appropriate charset. Aknowledged are
"LATIN-1", "IBMPC", "MAC" for 8-Bit special characters and
7-Bit special characters. Anything else does not comply with FSC
54 but can be redirected to a correct chartable.
fido.ascii (*)
fido.ibmpc (*)
Each may contain a pattern to specify groups in which messages
written by local users are not to keep the LATIN-1 charset when
exported. Instead, FidoExport will replace all special
characters with their equivalents from ASCII or the international
"IBMPC" charset, respectively.
fido.security (*)
This string contains an unlimited amount of flags which enable
several levels of security. At present the following are known:
PKTADR - Import packets only, if the destination address is
one of your own 4D-addresses or Fakeaddresses.
PKTPWD - if logged in the password contained in the packet
must also be correct. (Otherwise the password ""
would be tried for UMSLogin () ).
SESSIONPWD - a login with password "" via the address taken from
the TrapDoor filenote is only attempted if the
transmission was password protected.
By using PKTPWD and SESSIONPWD you can limit access to special,
higher priviledged UMS user accounts to authorized users.
Packets whose origin is unknown or which don´t come from
authorized sources can be processed by the less priviledged
These security aspects are of course only interesting for nodes,
who want to be able to maintain the password protected status
with nodes and points for e.g. Crashmail also.
fido.debugLevel (*)
fido.logLevel (*)
fido.reportLevel (*)
fido.reportUser (*)
fido.reportFolder (*)
FidoImport and FidoExport produce three different kinds of debug
and log information: to standard output (debuglevel), to
UMS-logfile (loglevel) and in a mail (report-level) which is sent
to the user specified (reportuser). You can also specify a
folder (reportfolder) for these mails.
The levels are likewise to the levels of the UMS-server: small
values only log important information or severe errors, big
values also include less important information and and smaller
errors. 0-4 only include errors and 5-9 include some general log
and debug information.
E.g. "fido.debugLevel = 9" will produce verbose information about
every processed packet.
fido.route (*)
This entry is only necessary if you run a node. It holds the
routing information for private messages and looks like this:
<Pattern> <Nodenumber> <Type>
<Pattern> <Nodenumber> <Type>
<Pattern> <Nodenumber> <Type>
Each line consists of three entries. The first entry will be
compared with the destination address of the currently exported
message. If they match the message will be sent to the
nodenumber specified in the second entry. The third entry
represents whether the message flavour is going to be "normal",
"crash", "direct" or "hold".
The comparision rules are processed Top-Down which means that an
general pattern should be the last line of the route file.
( fido.route
"2:246/(1016|2248)(%|.#?)@fidonet 2:246/2248.12@fidonet Hold\n"
"2:24(07/48|6/2248).12@fidonet 2:246/2248.12@fidonet Hold\n"
"2:24(3/8002|50/502).22@fidonet 2:2450/502.22@fidonet Normal\n"
"#?@gernet 21:100/1202.0@gernet Normal\n"
"#?@fidonet 2:246/1216.0@fidonet Normal\n"
fido.flowType (*)
Another entry for nodes. It defines which way echomailpackets
are to be sent to another Fidosystem.
Possible values are:
"N" : normal
"C" : crash
"H" : hold
Since "N" is default, the entry may also be left out.
fido.arcMail (*)
If you set this entry to "y" then private messages will also be
compressed else some XUT-files will be produced instead where X
stands for C, D, O or H.
fido.pktPasswd (*)
The header of a fidopacket can contain a password which can be
determined with this variable. It must not be more than 8
characters long.
groupfix.subscribe (*)
This entry is only necessary if you run a node. It lists all
groupnames this fidosystem has access to. Hence it is possible
to define a general pattern for READACCESS (e.g. fidonet.#?) and
to enumerate all groups in this entry. A Groupfix (= AreaFix)
for UMS can use it to join groups or drop them.
fido.dupeDir (*)
This directory contains messages which are recognized by UMS as
dupes. FidoImport stores them in this directory in the same
format UMS-Export uses.
fido.importBad (*)
Set this entry to "yes" to allow FidoImport to import also
corrupt messages (bad msgid, bad origin, ...). Default is "no".
The value of this variable is ignored, if a variable "GATEKEY"
fido.remap (*)
This entry is only necessary if you run a node. With its help
it is possible to change the remote address of a private message.
The first two entries are compared with their equivalents in the
message. If both match the messages gets the destination address
specified in the third entry.
Each line consists of:
<toname> <toaddress> <newtoaddress>
( fido.remap
"\"Hans Wurst\" 2:246/1216.0@fidonet 2:246/1413.0@fidonet\n"
fido.domain (*)
Here you can specify another domain for the generation of the
message-id. Default is ".fidonet.org".
Installation - Hints / Examples
It is quite handy that some entries can also be used locally for
the user-entry of a Fidoboss.
For example the relevant lines of my ums.config:
-- cut ----------------------------------------------------------
( fido.arccmd "LhA m %arcName %pktName" )
( fido.arcMail no )
( fido.ascii
( "fido.charset.ISO-8859-1" "LATIN-1" )
( fido.dearccmd "LhA -m x %dearcName %dirName" )
( fido.debuglevel 1 )
( fido.dupedir "BAD:" )
( fido.inbound "FIDOSPOOL:" )
( fido.junkcmd "Move %dearcName BAD:%dearcName.BAD" )
( fido.loglevel 4 )
( fido.mausgate "2:2452/101.6" )
( fido.nodelist "Nodelist:" )
( fido.outbound "Out:" )
( fido.reportfolder "UMSFido-Report" )
( fido.reportlevel 9 )
( fido.reportuser sysop )
( fido.rfcgate "2:243/6310.10" )
( fido.route
"2:24(07/48|6/2248).12@fidonet 2:246/2248.12@fidonet Hold\n"
"2:24(3/8002|50/502).22@fidonet 2:2450/502.22@fidonet Normal\n"
"2:24(52/207(%|.#?)|52/107.2|52/158.2|2/7.2)@fidonet 2:2452/107.2@fidonet Normal\n"
"2:246/1401.69@fidonet 2:246/1401.69@fidonet Hold\n"
"3:633/359(%|.#?)@fidonet 2:247/4.0@fidonet Crash\n"
"#?@gernet 21:100/1202.0@gernet Normal\n"
"#?@fidonet 2:246/1216.0@fidonet Normal\n"
( fido.tmpdir "tmp:" )
( Exporter
( Alias
( IMPORT "#?" )
( EXPORT "#?fidonet" )
( Name fidonet.ibase )
( Password )
( fido.localaddress "2:246/1216.42" )
( fido.netname fidonet )
( fido.remoteaddress "2:246/1216.0" )
( fido.arcMail no )
( fido.importBad yes )
-- cut ----------------------------------------------------------
The user-entry of the default-Fidoboss gets an additional line
<alias fido.default>.
<READACCESS> and <WRITEACCESS> should correlate with
<IMPORT> and <NETACCESS> should at first be kept at "#?".
The <EXPORT> pattern needs some attention. If you merely a
Fidopoint and don´t participate in UUCP or Maus the pattern "#?"
will suffice. Otherwise you have to choose the pattern in a way
it won´t interfere with other exporters but on the other hand
doesn´t cut out Maus or UUCP mails if you are not directly
connected to one of these networks.
I am for instance Fidopoint and UUCP-point, therefore I chose my
pattern in order to get my Fidomail and Mausmail exported by
FidoExport. The Mausmail is atomatically being sent to the
Being a point at several Fidosystems
If I also was a point (e.g. no: 4711) at the Mowgli, I also
needed this user-entry:
-- cut ----------------------------------------------------------
( Exporter
( Alias
( WRITEACCESS "fidonet.#?" )
( NETACCESS "#?" )
( IMPORT "#?" )
( EXPORT % )
( Name fidonet.mowgli )
( Password )
( fido.localaddress "2:242/7.4711" )
( fido.netname fidonet )
( fido.remoteaddress "2:242/7.0" )
( fido.arcMail no )
-- cut ----------------------------------------------------------
With the appropriate setting of the <READACCESS> values it would
be necessary to determine which areas are routed to which node.
This is also needed for the <EXPORT>-pattern! The example above
sets the configuration in a way, I can only receive from Mowgli.
All Mail and Echomail is still sent to IntuitionBase.
Participation in other networks with Fido technology (e.g. GerNet)
If you want to participate in e.g. GerNet (because of CT.GER), you
need an additional user-entry, like:
-- cut ----------------------------------------------------------
( Exporter
( Alias
( READACCESS "gernet.#?" )
( WRITEACCESS "gernet.#?" )
( NETACCESS "#?" )
( IMPORT "#?" )
( EXPORT "#?@gernet" )
( Name gernet.ibase )
( Password )
( fido.localaddress "21:492/132.42" )
( fido.netname gernet )
( fido.remoteaddress "21:492/132.0" )
-- cut ----------------------------------------------------------
Addressing of messages
Fidoaddresses are processed in the UMS-internal Format by
FidoImport and FidoExport. Therefore instead of using the simple
Fidoaddress ("2:123/4.5") you have to use "2:123/4.5@fidonet"
("@fidonet" is an example which has to be replaced with the
NetName defined in the config. Messages with invalid addresses
can´t be sent!
Special Features
In order to sent files (Fido-Fileattach) you have to add the
string "FILE-ATTACH" in the attribute-field of the message which
is going to be sent with the file. The subject of the message
contains the filename with full path (e.g.
In Fidonet there is the possibility to deliver personal mail
directly to the receiver (or his Boss). To produce such a
Crash-mail you add the String "URGENT" to the attribute-field.
This message will then be exported as a ".CUT"-file. Now all you
have to do is to call the receiver with TrapDoor.
In Messages which you receive via a gateway it will be attempted
to recover the sender´s name and address to the original format.
How to call FidoImport
The template of FidoImport is:
Default-login is the name given with the commandline or
"fido.default" if the commandline was empty.
Wherever possible a special login for each Arcmail-packet is
generated from the TrapDoor-filenote. The password is "".
Furthermore there will be attempted to build a login from the
sender´s address of each (3D or 4D) packet. The password is
either the one from the packet or "".
PRESERVE tells FidoImport not to delete imported Fido packets.
By using parameter IGNOREDUPES you can prevent FidoImport from
producing dupefiles even if you set fido.dupeDir in your
How to call FidoExport
The template of FidoExport is:
USER and PASSWORD relate (of course) to the user-entry of the
Fidoboss. If they are omitted FidoExport logs in as
"fido.default" without password ("").
To export for Intuition-Base you can simply use
FidoExport Intuition-Base
or if Intuition-Base is also "fido.default" you can use
CLI-Output from FidoImport
FidoImport reports not only error messages to the command line,
furthermore it writes for every message a single character:
. Message was imported correctly.
D dupe
B Message has to be bounced.
I Message was imported, even if an error occured.
(fido.importBad = yes)
E another error
Quick stepup from UMSFido 1.52 to UMSFido 2.0
This shortreference is for all those people who use UMS just as
a point and who are to lazy to read throughout the whole manual.
To keep UMSFido working the way it used to you have to do the
- rename fido.pointAddress to fido.localAddress
- rename fido.bossAddress to fido.remoteAddress
- fido.defaultRegion, fido.createINTL can be deleted
- fido.arcCmd, fido.dearcCmd, fido.junkCmd have to be changed
( fido.arccmd "LhA m %arcName %pktName" )
( fido.dearccmd "LhA -m x %dearcName %dirName" )
( fido.junkcmd "Move %dearcName BAD:%dearcName.BAD" )
- set fido.importBad = "yes"
- aliases of the form fido.z.n.f.p can be deleted
Private mail will only be compressed if this option is enabled by
setting fido.arcMail = "yes".
Bugreports & suggestions please to UMS.GER or directly to:
André Schenk
Tapachstraße 97 C E-Mail: UUCP: andre@melior.s.bawue.de
70437 Stuttgart FIDO: 2:2471/1216.42
Kai Bolay
Hoffmannstraße 168 E-Mail: UUCP: kai@studbox.uni-stuttgart.de
71229 Leonberg FIDO: 2:2471/1216.3
Martin Horneffer
Warmweiherstraße 18 E-Mail: UUCP: maho@umshq.dfv.rwth-aachen.de
52066 Aachen FIDO: 2:2452/107.9
MAUS: AC.maus, AC2.maus
All Flames concerning the translation to English go to:
Michael Wenzel E-Mail: UUCP: m_wenzel@woody.ab.mayn.sub.de
FIDO: 2:244/6301.8
Enjoy it!