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This documentation file was last revised on: January 23, 1993.
OberSuite is a set of CLI programs for transferring patches between
your Amiga and an Oberheim Xpander or Matrix-12 synthesizer via MIDI.
Author: Daniel J. Barrett
62 Summer Street
Amherst, MA 01002-1122
E-Mail: Internet: barrett@cs.umass.edu
Compuserve: >internet:barrett@cs.umass.edu
If you like these programs, you are welcome to send a
financial contribution to the author, but it is not
No Copyright: The source code and executable programs for ObGet 1.03,
ObPut 1.03, ObExtract 1.03, and ObType 1.03 are all in the
PUBLIC DOMAIN. Please share them with other people!
You are welcome (and encouraged) to use the source code,
in whole or part, in your own programs. If you do, I ask
that you please give me credit for my work. This is not
necessary, but it is a polite thing to do.
Copyright: All versions before 1.00 ARE copyrighted:
Copyright 1991 by Daniel J. Barrett.
All rights reserved.
and MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED without the author's WRITTEN
permission. These are incomplete, buggy pre-release
versions! If you have a copy with version number earlier
than 1.00 (for example, 0.85 or 0.9), I encourage you to get
a more recent version.
Disclaimer: These programs are provided without warranty or guarantee
of any kind. Use them at your own risk. The author bears
no responsibility for any damage done or data lost due to
the use or misuse of these programs.
I have used these programs successfully and believe that
they are helpful and reliable. Otherwise, I would not
distribute them!
If you are a Amiga MIDI expert, and you don't feel like reading
this documentation (yet), here's a quick way to get started.
From the CLI, type the name of the program (any of them)
followed by a question mark. You will see usage information
for that program. The programs are called ObGet, ObPut, ObType,
and ObExtract.
If your MIDI interface is not connected to your Amiga's internal
serial port, read "Using An Alternate MIDI Interface," below.
I do recommend that you read this entire document at some point.
I. What are the programs?
II. Features.
A. General use
B. Getting help
C. Examples
III. Detailed usage instructions.
A. Some Conventions
B. Using Command-Line Options
C. ObGet
D. ObPut
E. ObType
F. ObExtract
G. Using an alternate MIDI interface
IV. HELP!!! The programs don't work!
V. Technical details about the programs.
A. Reliability.
B. Programming considerations.
C. Source code.
VI. Changes from previous versions.
These are programs for transferring patch data between an Oberheim
Xpander/Matrix-12 and a Commodore Amiga. You need a MIDI interface on
the Amiga. If you don't have all these things, these programs are probably
not useful to you (except perhaps as a C source code example).
ObGet: Get patches from an Xpander/Matrix-12 and store them
in a file. You can grab:
o 1 single patch
o 1 multi patch
o All single patches (100)
o All multi patches (100)
ObPut: Send patches from a file to the Xpander/Matrix-12.
The "opposite" of ObGet.
ObType: Identify the contents of files created by ObGet.
ObExtract: Extract individual patches from files created by
ObGet, and:
o Store them in individual files.
o Send them to the Xpander/Matrix-12.
o Both of the above.
o Typing the program name by itself prints a short "help" message.
For example:
1> obget
o Typing the name of the program followed by a QUESTION MARK prints
a long, informative "help" message. For example:
1> obput ?
o To quit any OberSuite program, type control-C (hold down the CTRL
key and press C). In some situations, you might also have to
press RETURN afterwards.
o Programs run from the command-line only, not the Workbench.
o Patches may be transferred 1 at a time or 100 at a time.
o All programs make no changes to the patch data. Whatever they
receive from the Oberheim is exactly what is stored in the file.
This makes the files most compatible with other MIDI software,
at the expense (perhaps) of greater flexibility within the
OberSuite programs.
o You don't have to touch the Xpander/Matrix-12 front panel during
o The programs automatically distinguish between Xpanders and
Matrix-12's and adjust their behavior accordingly.
o All programs access the serial port (or other MIDI device) in
"shared" mode, so other MIDI programs can be active simultaneously.
o By default, the programs assume that your MIDI interface is
connected to your Amiga's internal serial port. You may override
this by specifying an environment variable (using the AmigaDOS
SetEnv command).
o Transfer speed can be increased by 25-30% by turning off screen
output (-q or -Q options).
The file "EXAMPLES", included with this distribution,
contains many samples of using the OberSuite commands.
Below, I will explain the syntax of the OberSuite programs.
In doing so, I will use the following conventions:
o "1>" is the CLI/Shell prompt.
o When I want to indicate an OPTIONAL piece of syntax, I
will enclose it in square brackets, like this:
[optional thing]
For example, the syntax description:
ObWhatever [Patch] Filename
would indicate that the first argument "Patch" is
All of the OberSuite programs use command-line options to affect
their behavior. These options are single letters preceded by
a dash.
Command-line options may be specified individually, like this:
1> ObWhatever -a -b -c -d ...
or together after 1 dash, like this:
1> ObWhatever -abcd ...
ObGet will grab 1 or 100 patches from the Oberheim and save them
in a file. Here is an example:
1> obget s45 trumpet
This grabs single patch 45 and saves it in a file called "trumpet"
in the current directory. If you wanted multi patch 45, the "s"
would have been an "m":
1> obget m45 trumpet
To grab ALL 100 multi patches and save them in a file called
"Hundred-Multis", type:
1> obget m Hundred-Multis
The general syntax is:
1> ObGet [options] Patch FileName
"Patch" begins with the letter "s" (for single) or "m" (for multi).
(You may use upper or lower case letters.) If you follow the letter
with a number, ObGet grabs that particular patch. If you omit the
number, ObGet grabs ALL 100 patches of that type.
Options are:
-q Quiet; no screen output except for error
-Q COMPLETELY quiet -- not even error messages.
-l Long screen output. This is the default.
-a Overwrite existing files without asking
your permission (as if you had typed
"All" at the "Overwrite?" prompt).
You may not specify -q, -Q and -l together.
"Quiet" transfers are about 25% faster than "long" transfers. If
you want "Quiet" to be the default, you can always make an alias:
1> alias ObGet ObGet -q
If you attempt to save a patch in a file that already exists,
ObGet will ask you if you want to overwrite the existing file.
File "trumpet" already exists.
OVERWRITE it? [Yes/No/All, RETURN=No]:
Any response beginning with capital or small "Y" or "A" ("all")
means "yes"; anything else means "no". [The "A" might seem
strange, but it useful when multiple files are being created, as
in ObExtract, below.]
NOTE: You will not be prompted like this if you have specified
the "-a" option on the command line. Thus, for a totally quiet
(and perhaps dangerous) program, you would specify both the -Q
and -a options.
ObPut is the opposite of ObGet: it sends patch data from a file
(presumably created by ObGet) back to the Oberheim. Its syntax
is slightly different from that of ObGet: you don't have to specify
whether a file is a single patch or a multi patch. (The Oberheim
can tell the difference.) Thus, you don't put an "s" or "m" before
the patch number.
For example, suppose you have a multi patch in the file "Zappo",
and you want to send it to patch location 65 in the Oberheim.
1> obput 65 Zappo
The general syntax is:
1> ObPut [options] [PatchNumber] FileName
Note that the PatchNumber is OPTIONAL. This because every patch
file has its ORIGINAL patch number contained inside it. So, if you
want to send a patch back to its original patch location, just omit
the patch number on the command line:
1> obput Zappo
[If you want to see a file's original patch number, use ObType.]
If the file contains 100 patches, once again you omit the Patch
Number -- it has no meaning. (However, if you accidentally type
a number, ObPut will ignore it.)
1> obput HundredPatchFile
When ObPut is successful, it prints the name of each patch as
it is sent to the synthesizer.
Options are mostly the same as in ObGet:
-q Quiet; no screen output except for error
-Q COMPLETELY quiet -- not even error messages.
-l Long output. This is the default.
You may not specify -q, -Q and -l together.
Using -q or -Q speeds up transfer speed about 25%.
ObType identifies the Oberheim patch data contained a file (or
several files). The usage is:
1> ObType [options] File1 File2 File3 ...
There are 4 different output formats for ObType. I have chosen
what I consider to be the "most useful" format as the default.
Here are 3 of the 4 formats:
-s Short output.
-m Medium output. (The default.)
-l Long output.
SHORT output prints only the patch name(s), one per line.
This is most useful, perhaps, when the output of ObType is meant
to be processed by another program, or perhaps a Shell script or
ARexx script. Example:
1> obtype -s MyFile
MEDIUM output prints the name and number of each patch in (what
the author considers) a "useful" format. If a file contains 1
multi patch, the numbers of its component single patches are
printed as well. If a file contains 100 patches, their names
and numbers are printed in 20 columns of 10 each (fits on a
full-size screen).
1> obtype MyFile
Xpander/Matrix-12 single patch 12: TRUMPET6
LONG output prints the filename as well as the patch names and
numbers. All output is 1-patch-per-line. This mode is most
useful when you specify multiple files on 1 command line.
1> obtype -l MyFile AnotherFile
File MyFile:
Xpander/Matrix-12 single patch 12: TRUMPET6
File AnotherFile:
Matrix-12 multi patch 71: BLAATT
The fourth format option is:
-q Quiet; no screen output except for error messages.
Why in the world do you want "no output" from a program that is
DESIGNED to do nothing but give output? Simple -- you can use
it for verifying the integrity of the data in the file. If the
data is OK, then you will see an error message; otherwise, nothing
is printed (the data is OK).
Note that ObType has no -Q (totally quiet) option -- it really makes
no sense to have one. It would cause ObType to have absolutely no
function whatsoever.
Suppose you have a 100-patch dump in one file, and you want to
send only SOME of these files to the Oberheim? Or what if you
want to save SOME of the patches in individual files? This is
the purpose of ObExtract.
For example, to send patches 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 14 from file
HundredPatches to the Oberheim:
1> ObExtract -o 2 6-9 14 HundredPatches
Or you could extract these patches and save them in individual
1> ObExtract -f 2 6-9 14 HundredPatches
In this case, assuming that "HundredPatches" contains multi
patches, ObExtract would save the individual patches in files
HundredPatches.M02 HundredPatches.M06
HundredPatches.M07 HundredPatches.M08
HundredPatches.M09 HundredPatches.M14
If you prefer, you may choose to name these files with the
ACTUAL PATCH NAMES contained in the data. In the above example,
the file names might have come out like this:
trumpets.M02 baboons.M06
string_1.M07 string_2.M08
_drums.M09 squilch.M14
In general, when you use ObExtract, you must answer 3 questions:
(a) Which patches do I want to extract?
(b) Where do I want them to go -- to the synth,
to individual files, or both?
(c) If the patches are being extracted to individual
files, what should those file names be?
We will see below how to answer these questions.
The general syntax of ObExtract is:
1> ObExtract [options] PATCH [PATCH...] HundredFileName
The MANDATORY options (yes, I know that is paradoxical) are:
-f Save data in individual files.
-o Send data directly to the Oberheim.
You MUST specify at least one of these options. You may even
specify both; this sends the data both to the Oberheim and
individual files.
The other "optional" options are:
-a Overwrite existing files without asking
your permission (as if you had typed
"All" at the "Overwrite?" prompt).
May be used ONLY with the -f ("file") option.
-r Use "real names" for patch files.
May be used ONLY with the -f ("file") option.
-q Quiet; no screen output except for error messages.
-Q COMPLETELY quiet -- not even error messages.
-l Long output. This is the default.
Now let's see how to answer the 3 questions (a)-(c) that we
described above.
(a) Which patches do I want to extract?
After the options, you must specify one or more PATCH values.
These values can be either:
o A single number between 0 and 99, inclusive; or,
o A range of numbers like 34-67 or 10-1.
Ranges may be increasing (like 1-10) or decreasing (like 10-1),
and are allowed to overlap. Even crazy lists of ranges like this
are OK:
1> ObExtract -f 2-5 99 17-4 54-54 25-80 HundredPatchFile
ObExtract will figure out that you mean patches 2-17, 25-80, and 99.
For example, let's send patches 43 to 76 to the Oberheim, using
Quiet output. Here are several EQUIVALENT ways to do it:
1> ObExtract -q -o 43-76 MyHundredPatchFile
1> ObExtract -o -q 43-76 MyHundredPatchFile
1> ObExtract -o -q 76-43 MyHundredPatchFile
1> ObExtract -oq 50 75 43 44-76 MyHundredPatchFile
Now let's extract all patches to individual file names:
1> ObExtract -f 0-99 MyHundredPatchFile
(This may be a very slow operation if you are using floppies.)
(b) Do I want them to go to the synth, to files, or both?
This question is answered by using either the -f option for files,
the -o option for Oberheim, or both.
(c) What file names (if any) should be created?
When extracting patches and saving them in individual files (-f
option), ObExtract usually creates names for the individual files
by concatenating:
1) The name of the 100-patch file;
2) A period;
3) The letter "S" or "M", for single or multi patch
data, respectively;
4) The patch number, with a leading zero (like 03)
if the patch number is 1 digit long.
For example, if you extract single patch 8 from file Hundred,
then it will be stored in the file "Hundred.S08".
If you prefer, you can use the -r ("real names") option to make
ObExtract use the actual patch name instead of the 100-patch-file
name. In the above example, if single patch 83 were named "Brazz",
then it would be stored in the file "Brazz.S83".
When using -r, you should be aware that patch names are not converted
exactly into filenames. Some characters that appear in patch names
become very inconvenient when used in file names. Some examples are
'#' and '?' (AmigaDOS wildcards), ':' (used in volume names), '/'
(used for directories), and others. To avoid this problem, ObExtract
converts any "unusual" patch name characters into underscore ('_')
characters in the file name. Anything that is neither a letter nor
a number is considered "unusual." In addition, ObExtract
removes blank spaces (if any) from the end of the file name, and
converts all letters to lower case.
Here's an example of the conversions that -r does. If multi patch
35 has the true name (without the quotes; I include them so you can
see the blank spaces at the beginning and end):
" $ WOW! "
As a file name, this becomes
Why? The first 3 characters become underscores, the exclamation
point becomes an underscore, and the final space is stripped off.
(d) Miscellaneous other facts about ObExtract
If ObExtract is asked to overwrite a file that already exists,
it prompts you:
File "MyHundredPatchFile.S23" already exists.
OVERWRITE it? [Yes/No/All, RETURN=No]:
Any response beginning with "y" or "Y" means yes, and the file
is overwritten. Any response beginning with "a" or "A" means
all, and ObExtract will overwrite any other existing files without
asking you first. Any other response means no.
NOTE: You will not be prompted like this if you have specified
the "-a" option on the command line. Thus, for a totally quiet
(and perhaps dangerous) program, you would specify both the -Q
and -a options.
When -f is used, patches are extracted into your current
directory. If you want the files to be created in another
directory, first "cd" to that other directory, and then run
ObExtract. For example, suppose the file HundredPatches is in
RAM:, and you want the files to be extracted into the directory
1> cd df1:patches
1> obextract -f 0-99 RAM:HundredPatches
What happens if you use ObExtract on a file that contains only
1 patch? If you try to extract patch 0, it will work, essentially
making a copy of the data. If you try to extract any other patch,
ObExtract will print a message that it cannot find enough data.
ObExtract can be used evade bad data in a 100-patch dump file.
If a patch is bad (use ObType to figure this out), use ObExtract
to send all OTHER patches to the Oberheim, and then use ObGet
to save the 100 Oberheim patches in a new file.
By default, the OberSuite programs assume that your MIDI interface
is connected to your Amiga's internal serial port. If this is
not the case, you can override this by using an Amiga environment
variable and the SetEnv command. (See your Amiga documentation for
full details about SetEnv.)
The name of the environment variable is OBERHEIM_DEVICE, and its
value must be of the following format:
1) The name of the MIDI device driver, located in the
DEVS: directory of your system disk. It should be
something like "midi.device" or "serial2.device".
2) One colon character (':').
3) The unit number for the device. If you have only
1 port using the device, your unit number is probably
Example: midi.device:2
Suppose you want to set up OberSuite to use unit 3 of the device
"AltMidi.device". Type:
1> SetEnv OBERHEIM_DEVICE AltMidi.device:3
To check that the value was set correctly, type:
If you are using a MIDI interface attached to your internal
serial, port, YOU MAY IGNORE ALL OF THIS STUFF. By default,
OberSuite uses unit 0 of the device "serial.device".
I cannot guarantee that OberSuite will work with whatever
alternate device driver you choose. But I have tested the
environment variable mechanism itself, and it works.
I have tested these programs fairly well on my own equipment:
Amiga 1000 running Kickstart/Workbench 1.3, Golden Hawk MIDI Gold
interface, and a Matrix-12. If the programs don't work for you, first
(?) On your Oberheim, do you have SYSTEMX turned on? If not, then
the Oberheim will ignore incoming System Exclusive data
(such as patch data and patch requests). Look on the
MASTER/MIDI/ENABLES page and find the word SYSTEMX.
It must be underlined. If not, then press the button
below SYSTEMX to enable it.
(?) Is your Oberheim's MEMORY PROTECT switch turned to "off"?
If not, then the Oberheim will ignore incoming patch data.
The switch is on the back panel.
(?) Is the file "serial.device" in the DEVS: directory of your system
disk? If not, most OberSuite programs will refuse to run, and
you will see an error message like one of these:
Cannot create a message port.
Cannot create an extended I/O request.
Cannot open the MIDI device.
Cannot set the serial parameters.
Boot your Amiga with an original Workbench disk and try again.
(?) Are you running a version of the Amiga operating system that is
older than 1.3? OberSuite should work with some or all earlier
versions, but I have not tested this.
Unfortunately, I do not have version 2.0 of the operating system,
so I cannot test OberSuite under it.
(?) Are your MIDI cables connected properly? Remember that MIDI OUT
must always be connected to MIDI IN, and vice-versa.
-------- --------
MIDI IN <-------------------> MIDI OUT
MIDI OUT <-------------------> MIDI IN
(?) Are you using the program correctly? Double-check the instructions
(?) Are you running another program that uses the serial port, such as
a communications program, printing program, or another MIDI program?
If so, this other program may be using the serial port. (OberSuite
programs use the serial port in "shared" mode so they don't hog
the serial port.) Exit your other programs and try again. If it
still doesn't work, reboot to make sure that your other programs
didn't accidentally leave the serial port "locked".
Some programs allow you to "release" their hold on the serial port
without exiting. (Example: Music-X.) This may be enough to allow
OberSuite programs to run.
(?) Are you running any other programs simultaneously with OberSuite
programs? It is possible that a badly-written program could
interfere with the operation of other programs. Boot your Amiga
with an original Workbench disk and try again.
(?) Is your synthesizer turned on? Seriously. This has happened
to me. :-)
If you are doing everything right, then there may be a bug in OberSuite.
For example, the OberSuite programs should NEVER crash your Amiga. If
you believe that there is a bug, please contact me (electronic mail is
preferred). But first, try to reproduce the bug consistently. Can you
find a particular set of actions, keystrokes, etc., that ALWAYS make
the program crash? If you can, then I will be able to find the bug
o All programs may be exited safely by typing ^C (control-C).
o If a patch transfer fails, it is retried up to 10 times before the
program gives up.
o All programs detect data errors to the fullest extent possible with
these Oberheim synthesizers. (Which is not much, I'm afraid; the
Oberheim does not transmit checksums to validate the data. I could
request each patch twice and compare the results, but that would slow
down the program by 50%. Maybe this will be an option in a later
version of the program.)
o Files are not created until after your data is verified. This means
that you won't wipe out an existing file if a data transfer fails.
o Existing files are not overwritten unless you give your permission.
o Files are read entirely into memory before they are processed, and
patches are collected in memory before they are written to disk.
This method results in much quicker operation (especially for users
with floppy drives), but it uses more RAM. In the future, the
programs may be smarter about their memory use.
o Uses "asynchronous" MIDI input/output for friendly multitasking
o Written in ANSI C.
o Compiles under Manx Aztec C version 5.2a.
o Version 1.03 is in the Public Domain. Other versions may
also be in the Public Domain; check the source code itself
to be sure.