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FTPGet v1.0
Automatic FTP for AmiTCP
© 1995 Simon Dainty
-={ Dedicated to Katrina Finch - IRC: KaT }=-
Contents: FTPGet v1.0
Introduction: What is...? 1.0
FTPGet: 2.0
Installation ............................................... 2.1
How to...? ................................................. 2.2
Problems, problems ......................................... 2.3
Legalities... damn: 3.0
...Forty Two: 4.0
A word in your shell-like .................................. 4.1
Past, present and future ................................... 4.2
Introduction: What is...? Chapter 1.0
The norm, where FTP is an issue is to boot a shell-based, or GUI-
based, FTP client and perform any actions manually, whilst connected
to a FTP site. From the FTP client you can remotely transfer files
in both directions and wander through the site's directory hierarchy
at your leisure. Excellent if you're browsing, but time consuming
and often costly if you pay for your Internet access.
With FTPGet you can specify which remote file(s) you desire and
where to obtain them from, as commandline arguments, and FTPGet will
then go about its business of transfering the specified files to your
local machine - without your interaction. Everything is automatic.
FTPGet: Chapter 2.0
FTPGet is basically a FTP receive tool that acts in roughly the same
way as the 'get' FTP session instruction. You specify what files
you require, what name they should be given on your local machine
(with restrictions - see later for more information), and where the
files should be obtained from - FTPGet will do the rest.
FTPGet: Installation. Chapter 2.1
FTPGet is nothing other than a standard AmigaDOS Shell command, and
with that it can be placed anywhere you deem fit. Probably the best
location to copy FTPGet to is AmiTCP's 'bin' directory, if that is
how your AmiTCP hierarchy is configured. Otherwise the C: directory
is more than adequate. Placing FTPGet somewhere within your path
offers the obvious benefits.
Alternatively, you may wish to make FTPGet resident. This can be
achieved by the normal method of using AmigaDOS's 'Resident' command.
With respect to stack requirement, FTPGet should work just fine
with the default Shell stack size of 4096 bytes.
In most cases, installation constitutes nothing more than copying the
FTPGet binary across to your favourite device, but there are several
features of FTPGet that will require extra work before they can be
applied. These "features" (for want of a better word) are detailed
below, and require the setting of several environment variables before
FTPGet may apply them...
Because commandline arguments can be a pain in the butt at times,
especially if a program requires many of them, FTPGet can be made to
rely on several specific environment variables. In some AmiTCP
configurations most of the below variables may already be present,
but I think it is best to detail them anyways.
USERNAME - The name of the currently logged in user. The value
will usually be an alias, as opposed to the real name
of the user. Eg,
setenv USERNAME "izzy"
This variable may already have been set by the login
software of the local site.
HOSTNAME - The name of the local machine from which the transfer
session will be started. Eg,
setenv HOSTNAME "ancient"
DOMAINNAME - The domain where the machine is located. Because the
HOSTNAME variable, as detailed above, contains the name
of the local machine, the DOMAINNAME variable doesn't
require the host name to be given. The entry should
still be prefixed with a '.' separator, though. Eg,
setenv DOMAINNAME ".demon.co.uk"
LOCALDIR - FTPGet relies on the need to know where the remote
files should be transfered to on the local site. In
most cases, the local file name will be issued as a
commandline argument, but this need not always be so.
The "LOCALDIR" variable relates directly to the path
name where remote files will be written to, and it must
be terminated with either a '/', or a ':'. Eg,
FTPGet will use the "LOCALDIR" variable only if a
local argument hasn't been offered at the program's
For the uninitiated, you set any required environment variables by
using the AmigaDOS 'SetEnv' command, which should be located within
your system's C directory.
Making use of the above environment variables effectly means you can
reduce the size of the commandline you need supply to no more than
two arguments at the most - best case scenario: anonymous FTP and only
one transfer.
FTPGet: How to...? Chapter 2.2
FTPGet requires atleast two arguments to be passed to it from the
commandline: The Fully Qualified Domain Name, or IP address, of the
remote site you wish to FTP from, and the path and file name of
atleast one remote file that you wish the receive.
Below are listed all the valid commandline arguments FTPGet will
SITE - The FQDN, or IP address, of a remote FTP site. All files
requested for transfer will, hopefully, be located here.
USER - The login name to be given at the remote site when the
user name has been requested. If this argument isn't
specified, the default user name of "anonymous" will be
If the user name is not accepted at the remote site you
may be notified and FTPGet will abort with the respective
error (see chapter 2.3).
PASSWORD - Can also be abbrieviated to PASS at the commandline.
When a password is requested from the remote site at
login, the given password will be used to satisfy that
If you don't specify a password at the commandline, a
password string will be made up for you by using both the
USERNAME, HOSTNAME and DOMAINNAME environment variables
that were discussed in chapter 2.1.
ACCOUNT - Can also be abbrieviated to ACT at the commandline.
If the remote FTP site requires a session account, the
accounting information that you specified for the ACCOUNT
argument will be used. If the given account is not
valid at the remote site you may be notified and the FTP
session will abort.
REMOTE - This keyword and its argument must be specified, or no
transfer will be possible. Obvious really. ;o]
From here, you tell FTPGet which file, or files, you
wish to FTP from the remote FTP server. Multiple files
may be specified, but two rules must be respected:
1) If a LOCAL argument is given on the commandline (see
below) that constitutes a file name, all received
files will be written locally under that name. When
FTP'ing multiple files, either make sure you specify
a directory name as the LOCAL argument, or ignore
the LOCAL argument totally. See the reference to
the LOCAL keyword for more information.
2) If any error occurs whilst the transfer session is
in progress, all pending transfers will be aborted.
LOCAL - The optional name that the remote file will be written as
when transfered to the local site.
1) If a fully qualified path name (a path name and a
file name) is given as an argument, the file will be
stored locally under that name, no matter what its
remote name was.
2) If this argument is a path name, the received file
will be written to the local path with the name of
the remote file.
3) In the event that no LOCAL argument was specified
on the commandline and the "LOCALDIR" environment
variable exists, the path name held within will be
used. If the environment variable cannot be found
the current directory will be used instead.
NOTE: Do NOT fall into the trap of specifying a fully
qualified path name (a path and a file name) when
you have given multiple REMOTE arguments! The end
result will be nothing less than wasted transfers on
your part, as each subsiquently received file will
overwrite the previous transfer!
TEXT - FTPGet will default to a file type of BINARY. The TEXT
switch (when active) will tell FTPGet to receive all
remote files as ASCII.
As you have probably guessed, receiving "mixed" file
types is NOT possible. If you require both BINARY and
ASCII you will have to initiate two sessions - one for
each type. Er, sorry.
QUIET - Just as it says, don't bother displaying any output to
the stdout. FTPGet will return a return code no matter
what happens, so typing "get rc" at the Shell will inform
you of FTPGet's success.
A CTRL-C issued from the Shell where FTPGet was started will abort
the current session.
FTPGet: Problems, problems. Chapter 2.3
If, for some reason, FTPGet is unable to perform its duty - if the
remote host can't be found for example, a specific return code shall
be met. The value of the return code relates directly to a specific
error within FTPGet, these errors are listed below:
0 - Everything went okay. Not an error, but what the Hell.
21 - Invalid arguments, in general.
22 - Invalid password argument.
23 - Couldn't open bsdsocket.library
24 - Remote site doesn't exist.
25 - Remote server not responding/unavailable.
26 - User name not accepted at remote site.
27 - Password not accepted at remote site.
28 - Account not accepted at remote site.
29 - The remote file does not exist.
30 - Cannot create the local file.
31 - Transfer aborted. Transfer error, or user hit CTRL-C.
Error specific return codes can come in very useful, especially if
FTPGet is to be ran from a script.
Legalities... damn: Chapter 3.0
You use FTPGet completely at your *own* risk, no warranty is either
expressed or implied. I cannot (and will not) be held responsible for
any damages caused by FTPGet, no matter what the circumstance.
Either use this program or ignore it, but don't blame me for *any*
unwanted results.
Although FTPGet is freely distributable, it still remains the
copyright 1995 Simon P. Dainty. FTPGet is definitely not Public
Domain, it is freely distributable FreeWare - there is a difference.
Anyone wishing to obtain a copy has the right to a copy, for little or
no charge.
Whilst the continued distribution of FTPGet is the author's goal,
he hopes that you will conform to the following agreement:
1) No files are added to, or removed from, the archive with respect
to the original distribution, and no files are modified relative
to their original state without the author's permission.
2) No charge, other than the cost of media duplication and shipping
may be asked for this package unless the situation of that charge
falls within item three (below).
3) If this package is to be included as a part of a commercial or
ShareWare (or variant) distribution, or magazine coverdisk, the
author would appreciate some form of prior notification.
Public Domain compilations (CDs or floppy) are exempt from the
above requirement.
If you are a non-conformist, at least make the effort to appreciate
what I've written above. =o) Above all though, have fun.
...Forty Two: Chapter 4.0
FTPGet was written in C, with the aid of Matt Dillon's DICE C package
(version 2.07.57R) and was tested on a 3.0-based AGA Amiga, running
AmiTCP v3.xbeta and bsdsocket.library version 2.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Osma Ahvenlampi for his
help in beta testing FTPGet. Mucho gracias amigo.
Even though FTPGet is freely distributable, I'd like you to think
of it as "World-a-Ware". If you find FTPGet to be useful, or you use
FTPGet for any period of time, please do a little something to help
the environment of OUR home. We are all ultimately responsible for
the world that we live in, and we are equally responsible for those we
share it with. We only have the one copy of Earth, and without a
...Forty Two: A word in your shell-like. Chapter 4.1
With respect to bug fixes, bug reports, general updates (if any) and
pure talkability, I can be contacted at any of the addresses listed
below. You will also find me lurking in most all of the Amiga related
Usenet groups, specifically the comp.sys.amiga.* groups as well as a
good few Amiga specific FidoNet and AmigaNet echos.
Internet mailbox:
ftpget@ancient.demon.co.uk (Simon Dainty)
izzy@ancient.demon.co.uk (Simon Dainty)
FidoNet and AmigaNet, via Dox's Amiga BBS (+44 01943 850340):
2:250/320.3 (Simon Dainty)
39:138/14.3 " "
IRC: Izzy/Si.
Snail mail:
25, Victor Road,
West Yorkshire.
BD9 4QN.
Electronic mail is my most preferred form of communication.
"It's amazing - with the blink of an eye, you finally see
the light. Oh-ho, it's amazing - when the moment arrives,
that you know you'll be alright. Yeah, it's amazing and
I'm saying a prayer for the desparate hearts tonight..."
- AeroSmith: Amazing.
...Forty Two: Past, present and future. Chapter 4.2
v1.0 - Initial release with no know bugs.