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Document telser.doc
telser 1.20 -- serial telnet(d) device for TCP/IP and AS225r2
- March 6, 1995 -
Copyright (c) 1994-1995 by Sam Yee. All rights reserved.
1. Legal Stuff
1.1. Copyright
The program, telser and its associated files are written and
copyrighted by Sam Yee. telser is SHAREWARE and the UNREGISTERED
version of telser may be distributed freely providing the following
conditions hold:
o Distributors may not charge more than the cost of a diskette used in
the distribution of this program.
o Distributors may only distribute the unmodified copy of the original
program, along with its documentation, and copyright notices intact.
o Commercial distribution is only possible with written permission
from the author.
1.2. License Agreement
The REGISTERED versions of telser may not be redistributed.
Redistribution is illegal, immoral, and strictly prohibited. The
licensed keyfile may be used on more than one machine if you own those
machines and that they are not for business use. Otherwise, different
keyfiles are required for each machine.
1.3. Disclaimer
This program and its documentation are provided "as is". No
warranties are made with respect to the accuracy, reliability,
performance or operation of this software and information. You are
using this program at your own risk. The author is not liable for any
damages that may have been caused by using this software.
2. Introduction
telser.device ("telser") is a modem simulator over a TCP telnet/rlogin
connection. It simulates basic `modem commands', so you can use
telecommunication ("comm") programs over a network connection. To
your comm program, it thinks it's talking to a modem. Terminal
emulation, file transfers, scripting, etc. are all handled by your
comm program. Connecting to a host is as simple as typing "ATDT
abc.edu,23" or even simpler if you add the host to your comm's
telser supports most of the telnet/rlogin negotiation commands and
options. For example, you may elect to notify the remote host on
changes to your terminal emulation type, and window size. An
intuitive "gadtools" graphical user interface is supplied to control
your connections. You also have the option to automatically connect
to a host after starting up your comm program. Instant logins at the
click of a button!
telser can also run in host mode, which means it would accept incoming
telnet/rlogin calls. Calls may be tracked by telser's caller ID
feature. You can easily set up a "multi-line" BBS over the internet!
telser is capable of unlimited device units, which means you can have
unlimited incoming and outgoing connections. It supports both TCP/IP
packages on the Amiga, namely AmiTCP (tested with 3.0b2 and 4.0/4.1)
and AS225r2.
3. Demo Restrictions
The demo version of telser allows one device unit. Opening a second
unit causes a device busy result code. If you use telser often you
are recommended to register. When you register you get unlimited
device units and help keep this project alive...
4. Requirements
telser runs on any Amiga(tm) with version 2.04 of the OS, running
AmiTCP or AS225r2. AmiTCP 3.0b2 and 4.0 demo has been tested, and it
does not work with 2.3. telser uses very little memory (perhaps 90K).
To make telser even more memory efficient, make it resident. Then
every device unit you open will use about 20K.
5. Installation
The telser archive contains the following files:
telser_install - Installer script
telser_install.info - icon for above
bin/telser - telser main program for AmiTCP
bin/tstelnet - comm program that uses telser.device
TelserMon - telser monitor commoditiy
TelserMon.info - icon for TelserMon
c/telser - telser main program for AS225r2
db/telser.conf - configuration file for each device unit
db/telser.hosts - list of host aliases
db/telser.mdm - stores modem configuration
db/telser.terms - list of terminal types
db/telserd.conf - configuration file for serv/telserd
devs/telser.device_amitcp -
device driver that talks to bin/telser
devs/telser.device_as225r2 -
device driver that talks to c/telser
doc/telser-Axsh-setup.doc - Axsh setup tutorial in text format
doc/telser-Axsh-setup.doc.info -- icon for above
doc/telser-Axsh-setup.guide - Axsh setup tutorial in AmigaGuide(r)
doc/telser-Axsh-setup.guide.info - icon for above
doc/telser.doc - telser documentation in text format
doc/telser.guide - telser documentation in AmigaGuide(r) format
doc/telser.guide.info - icon for the above
doc.info - icon for doc/ directory
libs/rawin.library - linemode editing handling library
serv/telserd_amitcp - telser daemon ("server") for AmiTCP
serv/telserd_as225r2 - telser daemon for AS225r2
src/tstelnet.c - sample source that uses telser.device
src/tstelnet.makefile - makefile of course
s:telser.key - registration keyfile for telser
Once unpacked, the above files reside in the telser/ directory.
AmiTCP Installation
To install telser for AmiTCP, unpack the archive into AMITCP:
1> lha x DH0:telser100.lha AMITCP:
Copy and rename the device driver telser.device_amitcp into devs:
1> copy AMITCP:telser/devs/telser.device_amitcp
devs:telser.device clone
Rename the executables:
1> rename AMITCP:telser/serv/telserd_amitcp AMITCP:serv/telserd
AS225r2 Installation
To install telser for AS225r2, unpack the archive into INET:
1> lha x DH0:telser100.lha INET:
Copy and rename the device driver telser.device_as225r2 into devs:
1> copy INET:telser/devs/telser.device_as225r2
devs:telser.device clone
Rename the executables:
1> rename INET:telser/bin/tstelnet INET:c/
1> rename INET:telser/serv/telserd_as225r2 INET:serv/telserd
Installer Script
A Installer script ("telser/telser_install") is included to automate
the above procedures. Just click on the install icon and way you go.
6. Configuration
telser is a very configurable program. Most of the configuration
files can be manipulated by the save buttons in section
`Telser Options Window'. The rest must be editted with a text editor.
In most files, a "#" or ";" ignores ("comment out") lines.
6.1. Device Unit Configuration
db/telser.conf allows you to configure each unit of telser.device.
The follow is how db/telser.conf looks like:
#unit default host (alias) map serial break to OPENWIN LINGER DEBUG logfile
# Nothing or or or
# AbortOutput
# AreYouThere
# Break
# EraseChar
# EraseLine
# GoAhead
# InterruptProcess
# NoOperation
# SynchOperation
0 "" OpenWindow OPENWIN NOLINGER DEBUG T:telser.log
2 home OpenWindow OPENWIN NOLINGER DEBUG T:telser.log
3 home OpenWindow NOOPENWIN NOLINGER DEBUG T:telser.log
Unit field:
The unit number the comm program will use.
Host (Alias) field:
This field tells telser which host should a connection be
attempted once the comm program is started. Enter "" if automatic
connection is not desired at telser.device opening time. You may
use an IP address, host alias, or a real hostname for this field.
Map Serial Break To field:
Most comm programs allow the user to send a physical break signal
to the modem. This feature is inapplicable to a telnet
connection. Instead, telser allows the user to do various things
when he/she tries to send a "virtual" break. When such a break is
sent, telser can be directed to do the following:
Nothing: ignore the virtual break signal
OpenWindow: Open telser's main window if it's not already opened.
If already opened, bring the window to front.
AbortOutput: Send a telnet Abort Output command to host.
AreYouThere: Send a telnet Are You There command to host.
Break: Send a telnet Break command to host.
Note that this break is nothing like a modem break.
EraseChar: Send a telnet Erase Character command to host.
EraseLine: Send a telnet Erase Line command to host.
GoAhead: Send a telnet Go Ahead command to host.
Interrupt Process: Send a telnet Interrupt Process command to host.
Often this command kills the foreground process
on Unix machines.
NoOperation: Send a telnet No Operation command to host.
SynchOperation: Send a telnet Synchronize Operation to host.
Consult Telnet RFC's (e.g., RFC854) for more information about
Telnet commands and options.
OpenWin/NoOpenWin field:
This flag tells telser to open its window when your comm program
starts up. If OpenWin is specified, the window will be opened, or
if NoOpeWin no window will be opened.
Linger/NoLinger field:
This flag allows you to terminate your comm program without
closing the telnet connection. This is useful when you need to
switch comm programs. When Linger is specified, telser will not
quit when the comm program exits. Otherwise, if NoLinger is
specified, the connection will be closed and telser terminates
when the comm program quits. This flag sets the Linger checkbox
in section `Telser Options Window'. Some BBS packages need this
option on.
Debug/NoDebug field:
When Debug is specified, all telnet negotiation options and
commands will be logged.
Logfile field:
Specify the file name where all logs should go. Enter "" to
disable logging to file. The logfile is written after telser
exits. For an explanation on the format of log entries see
section `Logging'.
This file can be manipulated by the "Save Unit Options" button in
section `Telser Options Window'. This file is not necessary for the
operation of telser. If a unit or the file is missing defaults will
be used.
6.2. Telnet Hosts Configuration
db/telser.hosts looks something like this:
# telnet options
# bitmap (if set)
# 0 - initiate negotiation
# 1 - do binary
# 2 - do echo
# 3 - do sga
# 4 - will ttype
# 5 - will naws
# 6 - will linemode
# 7 - will tspeed
# 8 - will lineflow
# 9 - force linemode
# 10 - ignore neg.
#alias hostname or IP port term bits rlogin? login id login-script
# 01234567890
home localhost 23 ansi 11111111010
archie archie.rutgers.edu 23 ansi 11111111010
school fraser.sfu.ca 23 vt100 11111100010 y samy
work incognito.com 23 vt220 11111111010
fun res.com 0 vt100 11111111010 n root amitcp:db/res.login
Alias field:
An alias for the host you want to connect to.
Hostname or IP field:
The real name or IP address of the host you want to connect to.
Port field:
The port you want to telnet into. Normally this is 23, but for
MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) sites, this can be something like 6667.
Specify 0 if you don't care which port you are connecting to.
Term field:
The terminal emulation you will be using for the connection. Note
that telser does not handle terminal emulation per se. It is up
to your comm program to do so. Term is provided so that the host
you are connected to will automatically know what term you are
using. You must enable automatic terminal emulation if you want
to notify the host about the terminal you are using. Telnet
options bit #4 is used for this purpose.
Telnet Options Bitmap field:
This bitmap allows you to specify what is to be performed during
telnet negotiation. Putting a "1" at a bit position sets it. The
bits are defined as follows.
Bit 0: We initiate telnet negotiation with the host.
If 0, telser will not talk first during Telnet
Bit 1: We ask the host to go into binary mode.
Bit 2: We ask the host to echo what we typed. We will not do any
Bit 3: We ask the host to Suppress Go Ahead.
Bit 4: We tell the host we will be sending our terminal type.
Bit 5: We tell the host we will be sending our window size.
Bit 6: We tell the host we will be going into linemode.
In linemode, editing is done locally. This speeds up
command line editing immensely.
Bit 7: We tell the host we will be sending our terminal speed.
Bit 8: We tell the host we can do local flow control.
If host grants permission, when user presses ^S (XOFF),
incoming TCP data is stopped until user presses ^Q (XON).
When incoming flow is stopped, outgoing flow is still
Bit 9: We do linemode whether host allows it or not. In linemode,
command line editing is performed locally. This bit does
not result in any negotiation with the host.
Bit 10: If set, the telnet protocol is not used. Telnet control
codes (if any) are passed directly to the comm program.
This is required to connect to some TCP ports, such as
UUCP and MUD servers.
Of course the host can refuse any of our requests.
To understand what these Telnet options and commands do, refer to
their RFCs (Request-For-Comments). The following RFCs deal with
the telnet protocol: 652, 653, 727, 854, 855, 856, 857, 858, 859,
860, 885, 930, 1073, 1079, 1143, and 1372,
rlogin field:
This field indicates whether the host should be connected with the
rlogin protocol. Enter "Y" for yes, or "N" for no. If "N" then
the login id field is ignored. The rlogin protocol typically uses
TCP port 513. See `Telser Main Window'.
login: field:
This field specifies the login ID to be used for the rlogin
protocol. See `Telser Main Window'
login-script field:
The script file used for auto-login. See section `Login Scripts'
on the script language.
This file can be manipulated by the "Save Telnet Options" button in
section `Telser Options Window'.
6.3. Terminal Emulation Configuration
db/telser.terms allows you to specify the list of terminal emulations
your comm programs can support. They can be used to notify the host
on what emulation you are using.
db/telser.terms looks something like this:
#term cols rows
ansi 80 24
dumb 80 24
vt52 80 24
vt100 80 24
vt102 80 24
vt200 80 24
vt220 80 24
vt240 80 24
vt300 80 24
vt320 80 24
vt340 80 24
vt420 80 24
rip 80 48
unknown 80 24
xterm 160 128
Term field:
The terminal type supported by your comm program.
Cols field:
The number of columns of your comm window.
Rows field:
The number of rows of your comm window.
This file is what gets displayed in the terminal list box in
`Telser Main Window'. Telnet negotiation on terminal type and window
size will use these definitions.
6.4. Modem Profile Configuration
db/telser.mdm stores the modem profile for each telser.device unit.
The profile is loaded every time telser.device is opened with a
particular unit.
db/telser.mdm looks something like this:
The number in [] is the unit number of the modem. What follows are
the registers, etc. for that unit. In this case, telser.device unit
0 will use the above. You normally don't need to edit this file
directly. Do your stuff with the "AT" commands in your comm program
and type "AT&W" to save it to this file.
6.5. Server Mode Configuration
db/telserd.conf stores the units that telserd should attempt to use
when an incoming call is detected.
db/telserd.conf looks something like this:
#unit ring-interval max-rings startup-command cleanup-command logfile
# (seconds) "" for none "" for none "" for none
0 2 2 "" "" t:telserd.log
2 2 2 "" "" t:telserd.log
Unit field:
The telser.device unit to check for the possibility of making a
connection. If this unit is not already opened or busy, the next
one will be attempted.
Ring-Interval field:
The number of seconds between "RING" messages are sent to the unit.
Max-Rings field:
The maximum number of "RING"s to send to the unit before giving up.
After giving up, the next unit is tried.
Startup-Command field:
The command to execute before actually trying to talk to the unit.
If the command fails (errorcode non-zero), this unit is ignored.
Cleanup-Command field:
The command to execute after the telnet connection is closed.
Logfile field:
The file where all logs are written to. If logging is
undesirable, enter "" for this field. The logfile is written
after telserd exits.
In addition to editing the above file you must also edit db/inetd.conf
and db/services.
Your db/inetd.conf file should look like this:
telnet stream tcp nowait root amitcp:serv/telserd -telserd
If you are using the current version of AS225 or newer, you must omit
the "root" word from the above line!
Your db/services file should look like this:
telnet 23/tcp
Usually, the services file is already set up by your TCP package.
To get your BBS running over telser, you must make sure
db/telserd.conf contains the unit number that is opened by the BBS
software. Also, db/telser.conf should have an entry for the unit
used. All units to be used by telserd should not have auto-login
enabled!!! i.e., make sure the "host" field is blank (""). You
wouldn't want your BBS automatically dial out everytime the device is
openend. If you are using AXsh with telserd, make sure you have
LINGER on or AT&D0!!! It may apply to other BBS packages as well.
6.5.1. Using telserd Server on Multiple TCP Ports
If you need telserd to launch from different TCP ports, you may do so
by passing the telserd program a different telserd.conf file.
telserd.conf specifies which telser.device units to connect the remote
user to. The command line options are:
serv/telserd -telserd -c db/telserd2.conf
(-telserd is the name of the newly created process.
telserd2.conf is your alternative telserd config file.
The filename is arbitrary.)
In addition, you must also edit your db/services and db/inetd.conf
telnet2 1234/tcp
(port 1234 is just an example.)
telnet2 stream tcp nowait root serv/telserd -telserd -c db/telserd2.conf
Note that telnet2 is used in both files. This allows inetd to
determine which daemon to launch when service is requested at a port.
This setup is useful if you want to run different programs from
different ports. For example, your AXsh runs from port 23, BBS runs
from port 3000, and AmigaMUD runs from 6667.
6.5.2. Using telserd in rlogind mode
By default, telserd acts as a telnetd server, but it can also act as a
rlogind server. This is accomplished by passing the "-r" or "RLOGIN"
parameter to telserd. db/services must have the "login" service
specified and db/inetd.conf must determine which daemon to load for
login 513/tcp
login stream tcp nowait root serv/telserd -telserd -r
The standard rlogin port is 513, but you may change it.
When the user logs on, the environment variables are set: USER<unit>,
<TERM><unit>, and BAUD<unit>. <unit> is the telser.device unit. For
example, when I rlogin from my school the variable contents are:
USER2=samy,TERM2=vt100,BAUD2=9600. If you are writing an application
that uses telser, you may take advantage of these variables.
While the user is logged in, the standard way to forcibly terminate
the connection is by pressing "<CR>~." (carriage-return tilde period).
When the user disconnects, the above three environment variables are
7. How telser works
In client mode:
<comm-prog> <--> <telser.device> <--> [telser] <-..-> [telnetd]
Your <comm-prog> opens telser.device and talks to it. telser.device
relays all your serial commands to [telser]. [telser] also handles
the telnet/telnetd protocol. [telser] communicates with telnetd (or
other daemons) on the remote host.
In server mode:
<BBS> <--> <telser.device> <--> [telser] <--> [telserd] <-..-> [telnet]
Your <BBS> opens <telser.device> and waits for an incoming call. The
remote user uses the [telnet] program to connect to [telserd].
([telserd] is launched by inetd.) [telserd] simply moderates messages
between [telser] and [telnet]. Once [telserd] makes a connection, it
sends a "RING" message to [telser], which is then passed back to the
<BBS>. If [telser] is set up to auto-answer it would do an auto-matic
connection with [telserd]. Otherwise, the <BBS> must explicitly send
an "ATA" command to [telser] to "answer" the call.
8. Using telser.device
To use telser.device, run your comm program the usual way. Select the
option to change the serial device and unit. Change from
"serial.device" to "telser.device". And if you need to have automatic
connections, define a unit in db/telser.conf. See
`Device Unit Configuration' for details.
If telser.device is opened successfully you should be able to send
modem commands to it.
To make a connection with a host either type "ATDT <host>,[<port>]"
from your comm program or enter the host information and click on the
Connect button in the `Telser Main Window'. To disconnect from host,
either log off from the host, or type "+++ATH", or press the
Disconnect button from the `Telser Main Window'. After disconnection,
a "NO CARRIER" message is returned.
When you are done, just exit your comm program. telser will stay in
memory and/or close any connection depending on the following
condition. If LINGER on or AT&D0, telser will not exit. If LINGER on
and AT&D2, telser will disconnect if connected, but will not exit. If
LINGER off and AT&D2, telser will exit and close any connection.
Under any other condition, telser stays running.
Controlling telser from the Shell
If a telser client is still running (when running with the linger
option on) but it is not servicing a comm program, it may be
terminated by sending a ^C break signal to it with the "break"
For example:
1> status
2> break <telser-process> C
To open a telser client's window, send it an E signal. e.g., "break
<telser-process> E". To close the window, "break <telser-process> D".
A telser process can also be controlled by `TelserMon'.
9. Using tstelnet
tstelnet is a really simple comm program that opens telser.device and
allows you to connect to a host. tstelnet starts from device unit 0
and goes through to 20 until telser.device is opened successfully.
You may of course specify a specific unit to attempt. By trying each
unit you can use tstelnet to act like the "telnet" program.
Usage: tstelnet [-ddevice,unit] host-name [port]
Examples: tstelnet archie.rutgers.edu
tstelnet mud.com 6667
tstelnet -dtelser.device,100 amiga.rules.com
tstelnet essentially sends "ATDT <host>,[port]" to the telser.device.
If the host name is not given, the user is prompted for the host and
port. The following prompts are displayed:
Telnet Host: abc.edu
Port [23]:
tstelnet is particularly useful for telnetting out of a BBS because it
is 8 bit clean, so file transfers will work.
Note that tstelnet is not limited to the usage of telser.device. You
can use it as a comm program for a real serial port. e.g., "tstelnet
-dserial.device,0 1-604-434-3665" would open serial.device unit 0 and
tone-dials 1-604-434-3665. To exit tstelnet just hit ecape three
times. (Three ^C break signals would also work.) For your enjoyment,
the C source code to tstelnet is included in the src/ directory.
10. TelserMon
TelserMon is a commodity program that allows you to monitor the status
of each telser unit. The program should go into your SYS:WBstartup/
drawer, so it is run every time your system boots into Wokrbench. In
the TelserMon.info icon, the following tooltypes are supported:
If specified, this is a standard tooltype which tells Workbench
not to wait for the program to return before it (WB) continues to
Specifies the priority the commodity should run at.
Default: CX_PRIORITY=0
Specifies whether the TelserMon window should open when it starts.
Specifies the key to press (or "hotkey") to bring up the monitor
Some of the standard qualifier keys are:
lshift - left shift
rshift - right shift
capslock - Caps Lock
control - Ctrl
lalt - left Alt
ralt - right Alt
lcommand - left Amiga
rcommand - right Amiga
Default: CX_POPKEY=control alt t
This specifies the directory where db/telser.conf is stored.
telser.conf lets TelserMon know which units it should check.
Default: TCPDIR=AmiTCP:
TelserMon can also be run from the command line, and it also uses the
same arguments as the icon tooltypes.
When the TelserMon window opens, it looks like the following:
|[]| TelserMon 1.20 - © 1995 by Sam Yee|Z|
| Unit CLI Owner Connected Host |
|| 11 10 prog fraser.sfu.ca | ||
|| | ||
|| | ||
|| | ||
|| | ||
|| | ||
|| | ||
|| |_||
|| |^||
|| |v||
|| Open | Close | Break | Hide ||
Unit column:
The unit number being monitored.
CLI column:
The CLI number of the telser process.
Owner column:
The name of the program that opened the unit. If this column is
empty, this unit has no owner.
Connected Host column:
The host the unit is connected to. If the host is empty, no
connection is made.
Open button:
When pressed, the window associated with the selected unit is
opened. Essentially, an E signal is sent to the CLI. Double
clicking on a unit in the units list box is effectively the same
as clicking on the unit and then Open.
Close button:
When pressed, the window of the unit is closed. A D signal is
sent to the CLI.
Break button:
Terminate the selected telser unit if it has no owner.
Hide button:
This button causes the TelserMon window to close. The window can
again be opened by pressing the hotkey.
TelserMon can be terminated by either hitting the close gadget on the
window or by sending the program a ^C break signal.
11. Gadtools Graphical User Interface
As mentioned before, your telnet connections can be managed with a
GUI. The GUI may be opened on any public screen by setting the
environment variable "TELSERPUBSCREEN" to point to the name of the
screen. For example:
1> copy ENV:TELSERPUBSCREEN envarc: ; permanently saves it
If the public screen cannot be opened, the Workbench screen is used
instead. Note that some comm programs, such as Term, opens the serial
device first before opening its screen. In this case, if telser was
told to open its GUI at start up time, it will not appear in the
comm's screen. To solve this problem, simply close the GUI and
re-open it. Note that the environment variable can be changed at any
time and will take effect the next time the GUI is re-opened.
Telser has 3 windows in which you can change things.
11.1. Telser Main Window
If you specify it, when telser.device is opened a window that looks
like the below opens. The OpenWin/NoOpenWin option in section
`Device Unit Configuration' can determine whether this window will be
opened at device opening time. Alternatively, you may send a
"virtual" break signal to telser, as described in section
`Device Unit Configuration', or typing "AT[" in command mode.
|[]| [0] Telser 1.10 - Copyright 1994-5 by Sam Yee |%|Z|
| Unregistered version +------+ |
| Select Host Select Term | Help | |
| +----------------+-+ +--------+-+ +---------+------+ |
| |home |#| |ansi |#| | Connect | |
| |archie |#| |dumb | | +----------------+ |
| |school |_| |vt52 |_| | Disconnect | |
| |work |^| |vt100 |^| +----------------+ |
| |fun |v| |vt102 |v| | Send Commands | |
| +----------------+-+ +--------+-+ +----------------+ |
| +------------------+ +----------+ |Change Term Type| |
| |fun | |vt100 | +----------------+ |
| +------------------+ +----------+ |Change Win Size | |
| | |rlogin? +-----+ +----+ +----------------+ |
| +-+ Port |6667 | Cols |80 | | Options | |
| +----+-----+ +----+ +----------------+ |
| login: |root | Rows |24 | |
| +----------+ +----+ |
| Script |amitcp:db/| +--------+-------+ |
| +----------+ log |Save As | Clear | |
| +-------+-----+----------------------------------+-+ |
| |[94-Oct-30 13:25:43] Trying localhost... | | |
| |[94-Oct-30 13:25:43] Connection established. | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | +-+ |
| | |^| |
| | |v| |
| +------------------------------------------------+-+ |
The title bar displays the unit number (e.g., "[0]") of telser.device.
You can safely close the window if you don't need it anymore. All
other windows associated with this window will be closed as well.
Hitting the Escape key also closes the window.
The second line of text displays who telser is registered to.
The gadgets are defines as follows.
Select Host:
Select a host you want to connect to. To attempt a connection,
click once on a host and click on the Connect gadget. Otherwise
double-click on the host. If you want to connect to a host not in
the list, simply enter it in the edit box below the list box and
click on the Connect button.
This edit box enables you to establish a connection with a host at
particular port number. In this example, the familar port 6667 is
The rlogin protocol allows you to connect to a site automatically,
without enter a login ID or even a password. You should see the
Unix man pages on rlogin(d) before trying this feature. Rlogin
posts a security risk, so use it with caution.
Rlogin requires both the local username and the remote username to
be sent to the host. The local user name is retrieved from the
$USER environment variable. The remote name (or login id) can be
specified in the db/telser.hosts file or manually entered from the
username field below.
If this checkbox is checked, use the rlogin protocol to do the
connection. After it's checked, the login: gadget is activated
and the port number is cleared if it is set at 23 (telnet). For
the port number, you may enter 513 (rlogin) or just leave it at 0
to use the default. If the rlogin checkbox is unchecked, the
login id gadget is ghosted out.
Note that rlogin is a simple protocol, unlike telnet, so the only
thing you can do while connected (if host permits) is changing the
window size. File transfers may not work properly because rlogin
is not 100% 8-bit clean. However, on some sites, file transfers
work better with rlogin!
The remote login id to use for the rlogin protocol. It is ghosted
out if rlogin is not used.
The script file to execute after connecting to the host.
See section `Login Scripts'
Select Term:
Select the terminal type you will be using for this connection.
Once a term has been selected, the Cols and Rows edit boxes
reflect the type of terminal. However, Cols and Rows can still be
manually changed. Note that telser will only notify the host
which terminal you are using if you tell it to.
See `Telser Options Window'
This edit box allows you to specify the number of columns your
comm program supports.
The number of rows your comm program supports.
Brings up the AmigaGuide(r) help file.
Attempt a connection with the specified host. Once a connection
has been established, this buttons is ghosted out.
Disconnect from the host you are connected to. If you are not
connected to a host, this button is ghosted out.
Send Commands:
When a connection is made, you may control the telnet connection
by clicking on this button. It will then bring up a window with
many buttons you can push. See `Telnet Send Commands Window'
Change Term Type:
If you are already connected, you may tell the host what your new
terminal type is.
Change Win Size:
If you are already connected, you may tell the host how big your
comm program's window is. Programs like "vi" on Unix will
auto-adjust itself to reflect the change in window size.
Save As:
Save the logs to a particular file. A file requester will open up
to request for a filename.
Clear the logs. No warning is given prior to the clear.
11.2. Telser Options Window
This window allows you to manipulate options for a telnet connection
or a telser unit.
|[]| [0] Telser Options |%|Z|
| Telnet Client Negotiation Options |
| _ _ |
| |_| Ignore Negotiation |_| Will Flow Control |
| |_| Initiate Negotiation |_| Will Terminal Type |
| |_| Do Binary |_| Will Window Size |
| |_| Do Echo |_| Will Terminal Speed |
| |_| Do Suppress Go Ahead |_| Will Linemode |
| |_| Force Linemode |
| |
| telser.device Unit Options |
| |
| Map Serial Break To _ |
| +---------------------+ |_| Open Window |
| |@| Open Window | |_| Linger [ ] Debug |
| +-+-------------------+ |
| |
| +---------------------+ +---------------------+ |
| | Save Telnet Options | | Save Unit Options | |
| +---------------------+ +---------------------+ |
The "[0]" above indicates that these options are for telser.device
unit 0.
Telnet Host Options:
These options are defined in `Telnet Hosts Configuration'
Telser Unit Options:
These options are defined in `Device Unit Configuration'
Save Telnet Options:
Save these telnet options to the db/telser.hosts file.
Save Unit Options:
Save these telser.device unit options to the db/telser.conf file.
11.3. Telnet Send Commands Window
When a telnet connection has been established, sometimes it is useful
to send telnet commands to the host. This window will allow you to do
just that.
|[]| [0] Send Telnet Commands |%|Z|
| +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ |
| | Abort Output | Erase Character | Interrupt Process | |
| +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ |
| | Are You There | Erase Line | No Operation | |
| +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ |
| | Break | Go Ahead | Synch Operation | |
| +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ |
The "[0]" above indicates that these options are for telser.device
unit 0.
All these commands are documented in "Map Serial Break To field" of
section `Device Unit Configuration'.
12. Logging
All log entries have a time/date stamp. The logs are written at the
time telser.device closes, unless of course you click on the "Save
Log" button in the `Telser Main Window'. Most of the log entry types
are defined as follows.
Connection closed by foreign host.
telnetd on the other end has closed our connection
Connection closed.
you forcibly close the connection
connect() error
Unable to connect to host at a particular port number.
Check your host name and port number and try again.
Port number 0 is the default.
Connection established.
A successful outgoing connection has been made with the host.
local: <local-name>; remote: <remote-name>; term: <term>; baud: <baud>
While handling incoming rlogin connections, this log entry
displays the local name the user wants to log in with, the remote
name of the user, terminal type used, and baud rate he/she is at.
Received ^C break signal
You sent a break signal to the telser process. If you are
connected, you will no longer.
received TCP urgent data
rlogind connection established.
A successful incoming rlogind connection has been made.
select() returns <result>: error <code>
Internal error <code> caused by select()
socket() error
Unable to open a socket
tcp/rlogin: unknown service
The ermote host does not have rlogind running.
tcp/telnet: unknown service
The remote host does not have telnetd running.
telnetd connection established.
A successful incoming telnetd connection has been made.
Trying <host>...
Client is trying to open a telnet connection with <host>
Note that this may take a while if the host is unreachable.
Hitting a key on your keyboard won't abort it.
unknown host: <host>
<host> is not in your hosts file or your name server.
Try again with an IP address instead.
Refer to your TCP/IP package for other network error codes.
13. Modem Commands
The basic Hayes(r) compatible modem commands and options are supported
by telser.device. Also, several new commands are used by telser.
Note that many commands and options are there for compatibility
reasons and are ignored. The effective commands and options are
defined as follows.
Command/ Function
-------- ----------------------------------------------------------
A Manually answer an incoming call.
A/ Re-execute the last command. Useful for redialing.
It does not take AT or <Enter>.
AT Attention: lets the telser know that commands are
being issued to it.
DP or DT Attempt to connect to a host.
E.g., "ATDT archie.rutgers.edu,23". The 23 following the
host name is the port number.
DSn Connect to the host stored at host list position n.
See &Zn. E.g., "ATDS3"
En Command mode local echo.
E0 Echo OFF
E1 telser.device displays keyboard commands
Fn Online local echo.
F0 Echo ON
F1 Echo OFF (default)
H0 Disconnect from host.
In Information display.
I0 Three digit version number.
I4 Display current modem settings.
I5 Display nonvolatile memory (NVRAM) (ie., from file)
I7 Return version information
O0 Return online.
Qn Result Codes displayed/suppressed.
Q0 Display result codes
Q1 Quiet mode; no result codes.
Sr=n Set register r to n.
Sr? Show contents of S-Register r.
V0 Verbal/numeric result codes.
V0 Numeric codes
V1 Verbal codes
Xn Result code set.
Result Code X0 X1 X2 X3 X4
0/OK . . . . .
1/CONNECT . . . . .
2/RING . . . . .
3/NO CARRIER . . . . .
4/ERROR . . . . .
5/CONNECT 1200 . . . .
7/BUSY . .
10/CONNECT 2400 . . . .
13/CONNECT 9600 . . . .
18/CONNECT 4800 . . . .
20/CONNECT 7200 . . . .
21/CONNECT 12000 . . . .
25/CONNECT 14400 . . . .
26/CONNECT 19200 . . . .
27/CONNECT 38400 . . . .
28/CONNECT 57600 . . . .
29/CONNECT 115200 . . . .
Z Reset to software defaults.
&Cn Carrier Detect (CD) signal.
&C0 CD override
&C1 Normal CD operations
&Dn Data Terminal Ready operations.
&D0 DTR override; so DTR drop would not cause a
disconnection from host.
&D2 Normal DTR operations; telser disconnects when DTR
&V Same as "ATI4"
&W Write current configuration to NVRAM (ie., db/telser.mdm).
&Zn=s Write host name string s to NVRAM at position n.
+++ Escape to Online-command mode, or if S14=1, disconnect
from host and escape to command mode.
[ Open the telser window. E.g., "AT[".
] Close the telser window. E.g., "AT]".
+CID=n Caller ID
+CID=0 disable caller ID.
+CID=1 enable caller ID: display IP address of caller
+CID=2 enable caller ID: display hostname of caller
+CID=3 enable caller ID: display both address and name
When caller ID is on, incoming calls will cause the
following lines to be displayed:
CID = IP address and/or hostname
*cmd Special modem commands for sending telnet commands.
*AO Abort Output
*AYT Are You There?
*BRK Break
*EC Erase Character
*EL Erase Line
*GA Go Ahead
*IP Interrupt Process
*NOP No Operation
*SYNCH Synch Operation
$ Display quick command summary. E.g., "AT$"
Register Default Function
-------- ------- ----------------------------------------------
S0 0 Sets the number of rings on which to answer in
Auto Answer mode.
S1 0 Counts and stores the number of rings from an
incoming call.
S2 43 Stores the ASCII decimal code for the escape
character. The default is '+' (43). A
value of 128-255 disables the escape code.
S3 13 Stores the ASCII decimal code for the
Carriage Return Character.
S4 10 Stores the ASCII decimal code for the Line
Feed Character.
S5 8 Stores the ASCII decimal code for the Back-
space character.
S14 0 If set to 1, the connection will be closed up
on receipt of the escape code, returns to
command mode and sends the NO CARRIER result
S19 0 Sets the duration, in minutes, for the
Inactivity Timer. To disable it set it to 0.
When the timer goes off, any connection will
be closed.
S50 0 When in host mode, the number of seconds to
wait before returning the CONNECT string.
13.1. Connection Result Codes
Telnet connection result codes are mapped to the following modem
result codes.
unknown host or disconnection closed
unable to connect to host because host is down
unable to open a socket
unknown service
connection established.
14. serial.device compatibility
The basic serial.device commands are supported. The ones that are not
supported are simply ignored and a successful result code is returned
to the comm program. Most comm programs are supported. Some examples
are: Term 4.1/4.2, VLT 5.867, NComm 3.0, Terminus 2.0c/d, Termite
1.00 demo, Platinum Works! Comm, JPTC, TinyTerminal, and X-Comm.
Note that when using telser with Terminus, the "Ignore ODU" option in
settings/port must be turned off. When switching to telser.device in
X-Comm, make sure you activate the port (Device/Active) and then flush
it (Device/Flush Port). AXSH 1.3, DLG 1.0 BBS/OS, AmigaMud, and CNet
BBS has also been tested to work. The comm programs that don't work
include hft, and Baud Bandit. If you are a comm/BBS program author
and telser doesn't work with your program let me know.
15. Login Scripts
telser supports a limited scripting language which enables you to
auto-login into a host. Lines in the script file can be commented out
by preceding the lines with ";" or "#" characters. Commands are not
case sensitive. Command arguments that contain spaces must be quoted.
The script commands are described as follows.
DELAY <seconds>
Delay some seconds before executing the next line in the script.
Example: DELAY 5
delays 5 seconds
DTENTHS <10th-seconds>
Delays some 10th seconds before executing the next line.
Example: DELAY 5
delays 1/2 seconds
Ends the executing of the script. This is optional and required
only if early termination of the script is desired.
MESSAGE <string>
Sends a string to the comm program. The string is the same format
as SEND.
Example: MESSAGE "About to auto-login...\r\n"
SEND <string>
Sends a string to the host. The string may contain special
control codes, which are defined as follows:
\b - backspace (control-H)
\e - escape (control-[)
\f - form-feed (control-L)
\n - newline (control-J)
\r - carriage-return (control-M)
\t - tab (control-I)
Example: SEND "samy\r"
sends samy<CR> to the host. Usually sent when the host
prompts "login: "
WAIT <string>
Waits until a string is received before executing the next line.
Example: WAIT "login: "
waits until the "login:" string is received before moving
The script file may reside anywhere, and its name is specified in the
telser.hosts file. (See section `Telnet Hosts Configuration'). Hosts
may share the same script files. This is particular useful if you
connect to several hosts using the same user id and password.
Example script file:
; this script auto logins into my U
message "Auto logging into school...\r\n"
wait "ogin: "
send "samy\r"
wait "assword:"
send "nicetry\r"
If telser's scripting capability is primitive for your needs, you can
always use the script language built in your comm program.
You are not recommended to use login scripts if your Amiga is used by
someone you don't really trust. They can steal your passwords!
16. Troubleshooting
Nothing happens after I see the "CONNECT" string.
Telnet negotiation failed.
Turn BINARY mode off from the `Telser Options Window'. On some
Suns, use the terminal "UNKNOWN" when logging in. After you
logged in, issue "setenv TERM <your-term>". (The Suns I have
access to don't suffer this problem.)
You can't enter your user id and password.
The host expects a different end-of-line character that terminates
a line of input.
On some Suns, use ^J (linefeed) instead of carriage-return. If
possible, remap your carriage-return key to linefeed. It may also
help if you uncheck the "Do Binary" checkbox in the
`Telser Options Window'.
You can't log into Amiga NetBSD systems.
Telnet negotiation failed.
Solution (maybe):
Telser's LINEMODE options are not 100% implemented. Hopefully,
it'll be completed in the future releases. Meanwhile, try the
host again with LINEMODE set off in the `Telser Options Window'
You can log into a BSDI BSD/386 or BSD 4.4 system, but it won't
respond to your keystrokes.
Telnet negotiation failed.
telser doesn't support ("real" or "kludge") LINEMODE completely,
so turn off LINEMODE in the `Telser Options Window' and try again.
When you use DTR drop to hang up telser you don't see the full
"NO CARRIER" string.
DTR drop involves closing and re-opening the device. Some comm
programs flush the device after it opens it, but before the first
read. Therefore, the "NO CARRIER" can be partly flushed out.
Do not use DTR drop to hang up. Instead use +++ATH\r.
When telser.device is opened the second time, the comm program
reports busy.
The unregistered version of telser allows only one unit at a time.
You are recommended to register. See `Registration Form'
You chose the same unit as the first comm program.
If you are already a registered user, make sure the telser.key
file is in S:
Chose a different unit and try again.
You can't do file transfers.
Intolerable time delays affecting the underlying transfer protocol.
Play with the protocol parameters such as relaxed timing, packet
sizes, etc. If all else fails, you can always "uuencode" the file
and ascii capture the output from the "cat" command.
Try to log on with the rlogin protocol and do file transfers. It
works on some systems, like IRIX.
You cannot abort dialing.
TCP/IP is taking a long time finding a route to the host.
Issue a "status" command and then use "break" to send a Ctrl-C
break signal to the telser process responsible for the
telser.device unit you are using.
You see garbage after you connect.
Wrong TCP port
Make sure you telnetted to the correct port (typically 23), and
rlogin to the right port also. Telnetting to a rlogin port or
rloginning to a telnet port will display garbage and possibly get
You cannot get telser to work with CNet BBS.
modem setup incorrectly.
Solution: (written by Dan Fraser (IRC nick: Optic)):
There are some simple changes that must be made to allow telser to
work properly with CNet BBS.
First, load CONFIG and configure a new CNet port as if you were
installing a new modem. Completely remove the "Init#1", "Init#2",
"Terminal", and "Term link" modem strings. Set the "Idle baud" to
whatever speed you would like to use with telser (ie: 19200).
Remember to change the serial device to "telser.device". Ensure
that the "Ans. pause" field is set to at least 10.
Now, load the port in CNet's control panel, open its screen, and
enter terminal mode. Type "ATS0=0&D2&W" to make the necessary
changes to telser's config. Exit terminal mode, and your telser
port is all ready to go.
You cannot get telser to work with TSL 2.0e (Terminus) from
As reported by Dan Zerkle:
If I start Terminus directly from the workbench (without TSL),
it's fine. It's also fine to run TSL from the shell.
To summarize:
Shell Workbench
Terminus OK OK
I now suspect that is is due to a bug or incompatibility in TSL,
not telser.
17. History
Ver. YY/MM/DD Changes
---- -------- --------------------------------------------------------
1.20 95/03/06 - save telnet options now saves the rlogin preferences
and login ID.
- at startup, if window is opened, it will not be
become active. (Suggested by Vincent Hodges)
- telserd can now take config filename from command
line. Therefore, it can now service different ports.
(Suggested by Vincent Hodges)
- now works with Platinum Works! comm program
- can disable telnet negotiation. This is needed for
some MUD servers and UUCP.
- added modem register S50 to allow CONNECT string
report to be delayed while in hostmode
- added simple script capabilities
(Suggested by Dennis Lee Bieber)
- added TelserMon to monitor telser units
- can now handle incoming rlogin connections
- file transfers much improved
1.10 95/01/29 - Checkbox gadgets are now scaled.
- ZModem upload/downloading much improved.
- Spurious characters problem fixed.
- Caller ID can now report hostname as well as IP
- RLogin protocol now supported, as suggested by
Eddy Carroll.
- serial EOF mode supported, but not fully tested.
- asynchronous connect, but stuff like address
resolution is still synchronous. You can abort
host "dialing" some of the time, but not always.
- known enforcer hits removed
- added telnet flow control negotiation
- linemode can now be forced
1.00 95/01/01 - Original release
18. Acknowledgements
Thank-you's go to...
- The AmiTCP group at Helsinki University for their great work,
- Stephan Sürken for Text2Guide, which made creating AmigaGuide
documents easy,
- All the beta-testers (TOO many to list.), especially those who
made reports.
Special thanks to:
David Zvekic (IRC nick: Ensoniq) for major testing with the AS225
NJ Verenini (IRC nick: Spumoni) for testing the AmiTCP version and
writing the AXsh installation guide;
Robert Reiswig (IRC nick: RobR) for writing the Installer script;
Dan Fraser (IRC nick: Optic) for writing the CNet BBS installation
tip in the Troubleshooting section,
- David Swasbrook (author of SwazBlanker, IRC nick: Swaz) for helping
debug TelserMon's popup key, and
- All registered users. Without you, there probably wouldn't have
been as many enhancements since 1.0.
19. Registration Form
----------------------- telser Registration --------------------------
Surname___________________________ Given Name_________________________
Company Name_________________ Type of Business________________________
Street Address________________________________________________________
City______________________________ Prov./State________________________
Postal/ZipCode_____________________ Country___________________________
E-Mail_________________________________________ uuencoded files OK?___
Networking software and hardware in use_______________________________
Hostname of BBS telserd is used on____________________________________
Where did you obtain telser?_______________________ Version Number____
Suggestions for future releases or new programs_______________________
Registration fee: $15US for unlimited units.
Canadian users may send $20CAN.
Method of payment:
[ ] Money order
[ ] Personal check, please allow 3-4 weeks for clearance.
No personal checks from outside of Canada and US.
[ ] Cash (wrapped with sufficient paper).
I hold no responsibility for missing cash.
I have read the section `Legal Stuff' and agree with it.
_________________________ ___________________________________________
(Date) (Signature)
20. Contact Address
Registration fees, questions, ideas, comments, bug reports, etc.
should go to:
Snail Mail: Sam Yee
4595 Nanaimo St.
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada V5N 5J5
Internet: samy@sfu.ca (IRC nick: Encoder in channel #amiga)
FidoNet: 1:153/765 (Terra Firma BBS (604) 434-3665)