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© 1999/2000 by Stephan Rupprecht
All rights reserved.
RAWBInfo is copyrighted 1999-2000 by Stephan Rupprecht.
All rights reserved. This program is freeware, so no financial
donations required. Redistribution allowed if the package is
left unchanged. The author is not responsible for any damage
caused by the use or misuse of this documentation and/or the
program(s) it describes.
Any Amiga® (compatible) computer with at least OS3.5 and
68020+ cpu.
gtdrag.library v3+ for drag'n'drop support from one RAWBInfo
window to another one (dev/gui/gtdrag#?.lha).
RAWBInfo is a replacement for the AmigaOS3.5 icon information.
Unlike the original one, this one uses ReAction for the user
The program can be started from shell as well as workbench. It
currently takes the following arguments:
SDT=SHORTDATETIME/S: this option tells RAWBInfo to use the
short date and time format of the current locale. Enabling it
makes the icon information windows a bit smaller.
AC=ALLCONTROLS/S: no function as of 1.8.
WP=WINPOS/K: place where the window should be opened. Possible keywords
are (default is TOPLEFT):
TOPLEFT: open the window in the left corner right under the titlebar.
CENTER: center the window on the screen.
MOUSE: open it relative to the mouse pointer.
SIZEBBOTTOM/S: makes the bottom border of information windows as high
as the sizing gadget.
DNI=DROPNEWICONSDATA/S: when an icon was originally saved in NewIcons
format, setting this option keeps icon.library from saving the
information back to the .info file.
DP=DROPPLANARDATA/S: setting this option will keep icon.library from
storing any pre OS3.5 image data.
MV=MULTIVIEW/K: the path were multiview can be found. Default: Sys/
IE=ICONEDIT/K: the path of IconEdit, defaults to Sys:Tools/IconEdit.
LOADPATH/K: initial path of the "Icon Image/Load ..." filerequester
(see later).
SAVEPATH/K: initial path of the "Icon Image/Save ..." filerequester
(see later).
TOOLS/M: a list of default tools that are available when you click
on the dropdown chooser (that's the button on the _right_ side of
the default tool string gadget).
Example: TOOLS="MultiView" "Installer"
CREATEICON/K: For objects that don't have an icon, rawbinfo automatically
saves one to disk. If you don't want this to happen or only optionally,
you can set this option to either NEVER or ASK.
AGS=AUTOGETSIZE/S: setting this option causes RAWBInfo to automatically
start calculating the drawer size.
Once the program has been started it can be removed by either
sending CTRL-C to it, by the system tool Exchange or by starting
it a second time.
Well, if you know how to use the original icon information, you'll
know how to use this replacement ;) So, I will just mention the
extras here:
° dropping an icon on the window will open another icon information
window with information on the dropped icon.
° if you drop an icon on the tooltypes gadget, the program will replace
the current tooltypes with the one the dropped icon has.
° the default tool of a project can also be changed by drag&drop.
° double-clicking the icon will open the workbench object.
° you can dragNdrop icons from one rawbinfo window to another one
(requires gtdrag.library by Axel Dörfler, dev/gui/gtdrag#?.lha).
° starting 1.7 the following menu functions are available:
Next activate and bring to front the next rawbinfo window.
Previous same as above but the previous one.
Version... get the version of the file (requires c:version!).
Save save the icon to disk.
Load default Replaces the current icon with the default one.
Save as allows you to save the icon as default one to disk.
default icon
Delete icon delete icon.
About program copyright and version.
Quit guess what it does ;)
Type the Type menu allows you to change the icon type.
Icon Image
Default get default image (supports DefIcons).
Copy copies current icon image to the clipboard.
Paste replaces current icon image with the one
stored in the clipboard.
Restore restore original icon image.
Convert to allows you to convert any old style icon
palette to an os3.5 color icon.
Extras -> Remap 1.3/2.0
swaps the colors of any *4 color* old style icon.
this is useful for converting os1.3 icon colors to
os2.0 colors.
-> Pic2Icon
when the file that belongs to the .info file is a
picture, the icon images will be replaced by this
-> Delete alternate image
this one will delete the 2nd image from any color
mapped icon (NewIcons, os3.5), icon.library creates
a shadowed version of the normal image as a replace-
ment. NOTE: there's a bug in icon.library that will
produce garbage instead of a shadowed image. The
icon will be correctly saved to disk.
Show clip .. shows contents of the clipboad (see also
MULTIVIEW/K option).
IconEdit ... starts IconEdit.
Load ... replace the current icon image with another one.
Save ... allows you to save the current image to disk.
Frameless make the icon frameless (works only for os3.5
coloricons, not for NewIcons!).
Drop don't save NewIcons back in the NewIcons format.
Drop planar remove any old style image data from the icon.
Clear clear all tooltypes.
Sort sort,
Disable all disable,
Enable all enable,
Toggle toggle them ;)
Restore restore original tooltypes.
The Installer script automatically installs an command called
WBInfo to your C: drawer. This command allows you to open an
icon information window from a shell. WBInfo takes the following
Where FILE,DRAWER or OBJECT is/are the object(s) to get information
on and PUBSCREEN the screen where the window should be opened
(defaults to Workbench).
Simply use the supplied Installer script.
Thomas Richter for his help.
Nils Görs for the bug reports.
Roland Florac, Francis Labrie, Aleksandr, Alfredo Soro
Adam Chodorowski, Dámaso D. Estévez, Javier de las Rivas,
Llorenç Grau, Raul Silva, Joni Halme, Sinan Gürkan for
the catalogs. Also thanks to Raul for the icons.
1.0 first public release for os35 betatesters.
1.1 various changes. supports localisation now.
fixed Enforcer hit on exit (FreeClass() stub instead
of inline was used). Thanks to Nils Goers for the bug
1.3 More than 127 tooltypes weren't supported (crashed badly).
Fixed. Thanks again to Nils Goers :)
1.4 included french catalog by R.Florac (Roland, there's something
wrong with your email account, I wasn't able to reply to your
message). some internal changes I can't remember ;) Changed the
way the icon gadget reacts to mouse clicks, now it behaves
like workbench icons (well, almost;).
1.5 Calculation of drawersize can be aborted at any time now. fixed
small bug in icon duplication function.
1.7 released to my homepage. added a couple of new functions, the majority
of them were adapted from SwazInfo (Icon Image menu/Tooltypes menu ...).
Added drag'n'drop support via gtdrag.library. misc house-keeping
changes. included russian catalog by Aleksandr <nikolya@bios.iuf.net>,
new french one by Francis Labrie and a spanish catalog by
Alfredo Soro.
1.8 swedish catalog by Adam Chodorowski. changed the user interface
a bit (still has to be improved) and added some more "SwazInfo
functions". ALLCONTROLS/S option is obsolete now, the layout code tries
its best to make the gui fit on the screen.
1.9 just a minor update, I am currently too lazy to add the requested
features ;) added stackswapping code. now disables the "Type" menu
when calculting the drawer size. added a requester when changing
the icon type. new options IE=ICONEDIT/K and CI=CREATEICON/K.
1.10 fixed bug in menu handling code, "Icon Image / Copy" crashed
when cgx pictdt was used <Javier de las Rivas>.
1.11 fixed an english text <G.Donner>. replaced CENTERED/S with WINPOS/K.
new menu item "Project / Load default icon". fixed Installer script.
1.11a fixed another english text (loose->lose;). Thanks again to G.Donner.
1.12 the get size gadget could report the wrong size for very big drives
and drawers (>4gb) <Stephen White>. now disables "Project / Load
default icon" while retrieving the size of a drive or drawer. new
option AGS=AUTOGETSIZE/S. note to the translators: new rawbinfo.cd!
1.13 added a new menu item to the "Project" menu to get the version of
a file. removed the space between the last word of a menu item and
the ellipsis (...) <G.Donner>. for drawers >2gb and <4gb, a negative
size was shown because of a wrong formating code (note to the
translators: MSG_DRAWER_SIZE_FMT_NEW has changed) <Klaus B. Küsche>.
new menu item "Image / Extras / Remap 1.3/2.0" to remap os1.3
icon colors to os2.0 colors and vice versa <Klaus B. Küsche>.
1.14 the size gadget updates in real time, now. replacing the icon image(s)
by drag'n'drop could fail when the source icon didn't have 2nd
image <Arturo Franzin>.
1.15 saving an icon back to disk will now even work when the .info file
is protected from deletion <Arturo Franzin>. added "Icon Image /
Extras / Pic2Icon" and " ... / Delete alt. image" menu items.
the program can scale down images loaded via "Icon Image / Load ...",
now. when the name of the .info file exceeds the maximum length,
a (new) error requester will come up.
TODO (in no special order)
- improve gui.
- arexx interface.
- implement rename function.
Please send bug reports and ideas to:
Stephan Rupprecht
Apfeldweg 1
D44359 Dortmund
Send emails to
stephan.rupprecht@gmx.de or