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Novell NetWare DOS ODI Workstation Driver
For EtherPower, EtherPower^2, and the EtherPower 10/100 Family
of PCI Adapters
This software is licensed by SMC for use by its customers only.
Copyright (c) 1997 SMC Networks, Inc.. All rights reserved.
Version 2.61 9 April 1998
This driver conforms to the Novell ODI Specification 16-Bit
DOS Client, HSMs version 4.0, August 1, 1994.
This release information describes the version history of the
Novell NetWare DOS ODI workstation driver.
o EtherPower Ethernet PCI adapters (8432 board types)
o EtherPower^2 Dual-Channel PCI Ethernet adapters (8434 board types)
o EtherPower 10/100 Fast Ethernet PCI adapters (9332 board types)
-- Version 2.61 (Current Version) --
- Added support for 4K SROM.
The driver reads and parses Nic specific data from an SROM connected to
the 21X4 chip. This SROM used to be a 1K bit in size, the driver now supports
reading both 1Kbit and 4Kbit sized SROMs.
- Fixed a bug when selecting 100Base-TX Full duplex medium from MII PHY.
The bug caused the 21X4 chip to be in Half-Duplex while the PHY worked
in Full-Duplex mode.
- Fixed a bug when writing CFLT value to the CFLT register.
The bug caused the rest CAL value also resident in this register to be lost
which prevented the driver from enabling the extended PCI commands (Performance
issue only).
-- Version 2.43 --
Modified the Power-up Autosense Nway algorithm for NICs with 21143 and
internal TP to wait up to 4 Sec for Nway to complete in order to display
the resolved medium.
-- Version 2.42 --
Modified Micro-Linear ML6692 MII Phy Autosense-Nway algorithm.
The driver supports Forcing the Phy to a 10 or 100 Mbps medium and
also Supports Autosense-Nway when the Link partner is dumb 10 or 100
hub or a Phy supporting Nway.
Decreased driver size to 50KBytes while increasing the default Number of
RX buffers back to 16.
Performed minor modifications to ERI (Early Receive Interrupt) handling
such as adjusting the look-ahead data size according to NOS requirements
and not using a constant of 128Bytes as before.
-- Version 2.41 --
Added support for 21143 chip which includes:
1. Force medium for TP, TP full duplex, BNC, AUI, 100BaseTX
and 100Base Tx Full duplex media.
2. Force medium for media supported by MII Phys such as
TP, TP full duplex, 100BaseTX, 100Base Tx Full duplex and 100BaseT4 media.
Power-up Autosense and Autosense Nway support for NICs with MII Phys.
Power-up Autosense for NICs using SYM Phy (such as QSI)
while not using the internal TP medium.
Autosense Nway support for NICs implementing both SYM Phy and internal
TP medium via the Chip's internal Nway machine.
Notice that BNC and AUI media should be manually selected via NET.CFG
Added support to Micro-Linear ML6692 MII Phy.
The driver supports Forcing the Phy to a 10 or 100 Mbps medium and also
Autosense Nway support.
Added support for parsing SROM V4.0.
Modified DC21143 Media selection values in-order to support earlier versions
of QSI Phy.
-- Version 2.32 --
Modified driver sign-on message to 'Adapter - 9332/PCI Family'
for 9332 adapters.
Known limitations:
1. A known disconnect problem exists with some systems using
the Novell VLM files provided. This problem has been fixed
with a new unreleased version of the VLM files from Novell.
If you are experiencing any problems, please contact Novell
about the availability of the VLM files version 1.20B, dated
3/7/96 or later.
2. When using this version of the driver with the older
9332DST adapter, please specify the line speed according
to the concentrator's speed. This older adapter does not
recognize the keyword 'Autosense' which is the default.
-- Version 2.31 --
Added support for the 9332BDT adapter.
Added early receive interrupt support to improve the performance
in 100Mbps networks.
Fixed a problem with the driver and slow PCI host bridge found in
a few PCs.
Added MII PHY support.
-- Version 2.13 --
Added Autosense support to the driver.
Added AUTOSENSE keyword in NET.CFG which replaces the AUTODETECT
keyword provided in earlier versions.
Added RX_BUFFERS keyword in NET.CFG.
Added Power saving mode support for the newer 8432 and 9332 boards.
Built with Novell's latest files (version 2.03).
-- Version 2.10 --
Added support for the new 8432 & 9332 with updated EEROMs.
Supports serial ROM format version 1.00.
Driver will now refuse to load on PCI machines that have the
PCMC chip rev 1 with system cache configured in write back mode,
due to problems found in the chip configured in that mode.
-- Version 2.01 --
Driver will now print the adapter number according to the chip
found on it:
Adapter - 8432/8434 for the DC21040 (Ethernet chip).
Adapter - 9332 for the DC21140 (Fast-Ethernet chip).
-- Version 0.30 --
Initial release.
This commercial computer software and documentation is provided with
RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
Government is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph
(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software
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Commercial Computer Software -- Restricted Rights clause at
FAR 52.227-19, or Alternate III of the Rights in Data -- General
clause at FAR 52.227-14, as applicable. The manufacturer /
subcontractor is SMC Networks, Inc., 350 Kennedy,
Hauppauge, NY 11788.
SMC is a registered trademark; and EtherPower,
EtherPower^2, EtherPower 10/100, EtherPower 10/100 B, EZStart, and
SuperDisk are trademarks of SMC Networks, Inc.. Other
product and company names are registered trademarks or trademarks of
their respective holders.