Micro R&D 1
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Text File
85 lines
Version 1.1
Copyright 1992 by Bilbo the first
For license and terms for software originating from Bilbo the first consult
the file CopyrightNotice which came with this package.
The aim of the game:
Do you run your system under another screenmode than PAL or NTSC, for
example EURO72? Have you ever tried to start a game or demo from within
this screenmode? Have you ever been angry about those programmers who do
not stick to the system friendly way of programming thus producing programs
which are not aware of the screenmode they were started out of?
Here is the solution to this problem: RunPal
RunPal is an Kick1.4+ tool, it will NOT work under Kick1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3!
RunPal is 100% pc-relative and reentrant Assembler code, so you can set the
pure flag and make it resident. RunPal takes a commandline as argument and
executes this commandline, just after having opened a little PAL screen in
the front. When the commandline is executed the screen is closed and RunPal
returns to the CLI. Do not try to start RunPal from the Workbench, it does
not include the Workbench startup code.
How to use RunPal:
AmigaDOS template: EBNF description:
RunPal C=COMMANDLINE/F commandline RunPal [C[=]|COMMANDLINE[=]] commandline
Examples of valid usage:
RunPal VirtualIntelligence ;a demo
RunPal C list >RAM:foo SYS: ;senseless, but works
RunPal C= C:dir RAM: ;senseless, but works
RunPal COMMANDLINE XCopyPro ;a copy program
RunPal COMMANDLINE=Resident ;works (Resident is resident here)
You see, that the commandline can consist of same complex format as could be
used in the AmigaDOS shell. In-/Output redirection is possible. There is
not much to tell about this little program, I just wrote it because I needed
it, I hope you have use for it.
Known bugs:
sorry, none :-)
V1.1 : first public release
Thanks, greetings:
·thanks, Jesus Christ for being the god who cares about us all
·thanks and love to my girlfriend for being such a patient person
·thanks to Slammer of Anarchy for his explanation how HP48SX expects the
sample data
·greets to Zaphod Beblebrox of Hypenosis (who will buy a CAT in a sack? :-)
·HOARS to ALFred, tète de patate, greets to Zenith members, too
·greets to all the nice pals on irc (Mnemo, Skull, Zop, Delirium, Gucky,
SteveVai, Outland, Gateway, U4IA, Janne, Milano, Juggi, Advance, Goldrnr,
and all I know but forgot now (I'm in a hurry, you know))
For bugreports, ideas and all other concerning RunPal meet me on irc on
channel #amiga.
Bilbo the first of Hypenosis (19-Nov-92).