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à 5.6 Graphing Linear Inequalities
äïPlease graph the solution set for each inequality.
âêêê2x + 3y ≤ 6
êêê x │ y
ê 2x + 3y = 6è──┼──
êêê 0 │ 2
êêê 3 │ 0
Gâ [y <= -.666x + 2] 5,5,430,151,3,14
To find the equation of the boundary line to the solution set of the
inequality 2x + 3y ≤ 6, you should replace the "≤" symbol with "=" to
give 2x + 3y = 6.
The graph of this equation is the boundary line of the solution set of
the given inequality.ïYou should then graph this line by finding the
êêêêè x │ y
êêêêè ──┼──
êêêêè 0 │ 2
êêêêè 3 │ 0
The two intercepts (0,2) and (3,0) are plotted on the coordinate system
and a solid line is drawn through the two points.ïThe line is drawn
solid whenever the inequality symbol is "≤" or "≥".ïIf the inequality
symbol is ">" or "<" the line drawn through the two points is dotted.
Since this is the boundary to the solution set, the solution set is
either to the left or right of the line.ïWe can identify which side by
trying a point not on the line in the orginal inequality. A convenient
point to try is the origin, (0,0).
êêêêï2x + 3y ≤ 6
#êêêê2∙0 + 3∙0 ≤ 6 ───¥ï0 ≤ 8 true
Since this is a true statement, we know the solution set is on the left
side of the line.ïWe therefore shade in to the left side of the line.
If the statement had been false we would have shaded in to the right
side of the line.
Any ordered pair in the shaded region is a solution to 2x + 3y ≤ 6, and
any ordered pair not in the shaded region is not a solution.
G 1è Graph the solution set of the inequality, 3x+ 4y ≤ 12.
A) y <= .75x + 3
B) y <= -.75x + 3
C) y <= -.75x - 3
D) y <= .75x - 3
ü3x + 4y ≤ 12
ë 3x + 4y = 12êêêêïTrying the origin (0,0)
êïx │ yêêêêë in the original in-
êï──┼──êêêêë equality gives 0 ≤ 12.
êï0 │ 3êêêêë This is true so shade in
êï4 │ 0êêêêë to the left of the line.
G 2è Graph the solution set of the inequality, 4x - 2y > 8.
A) y < 2x - 4
B) y > -2x - 4
C) y > 2x + 4
D) y > -2x + 4
ü4x - 2y > 8
ë 4x - 2y = 8êêêêèTrying the origin (0,0)
êïx │ yêêêêë in the original in-
êï──┼──êêêêë equality gives 0 > 8.
êï0 │-4êêêêë This is false so shade
êï2 │ 0êêêêë to the right of the line.
G 3ë Graph the solution set of the inequality, x < 2.
A) y < 0x + 2
B) y < -999x - 2
C) y < -999x + 2
D) y < 0x - 2
üïx < 2
ïThis is a verticalêêêë Trying the origin (0,0)
ïline with x-interceptêêêèin the original in-
ï'2'.ïx = 2êêêêë equality gives 0 < 2.
êêêêêêëThis is true so shade in
êêêêêêëto the left of the line.
G 4ëGraph the solution set of the inequality, y ≥ -3.
A) y >= -999x - 3
B) y >= -999x + 3
C) y >= 0x + 3
D) y >= 0x - 3
ü y ≥ -3
ïThis is a horizontalêêêë Trying the origin (0,0)
ïline with y-êêêêêin the original in-
ïintercept '-3'.êêêêè equality gives 0 ≥ -3.
êy = -3êêêêê This is true so shade in
êêêêêêêabove the line.
G 5ëGraph the solution set of the inequality, 5x - 2y ≤ 10.
A) y <= -2.5x - 5
B) y >= 2.5x - 5
C) y >= -2.5x - 5
D) y <= .6x - 3
ü5x - 2y ≤ 10
ë 5x - 2y = 10êêêê Trying the origin (0,0)
êïx │ yêêêêëin the original in-
êï──┼──êêêêëequality gives 0 ≤ 10.
êï0 │-5êêêêëThis is true so shade in
êï2 │ 0êêêêëto the left of the line.
G 6ëGraph the solution set of the inequality, -3x + 5y > 15.
A) y > .6x + 3
B) y > -.6x + 3
C) y < -.6x - 3
D) y < -.6x + 3
ü-3x + 5y > 15
ë -3x + 5y = 15êêêêTrying the origin (0,0)
êèx │ yêêêêè in the original in-
êè──┼──êêêêè equality gives 0 > 15.
êè0 │ 3êêêêè This is false, shade in
êï-5 │ 0êêêêè to the left of the line.
G 7ëGraph the solution set of the inequality, 3x + 4y ≥ 12
A) y >= .75x + 3
B) y >= .75x - 3
C) y >= -.75x + 3
D) y >= -.75x - 3
ü3x + 4y ≥ 12
ë 3x + 4y = 12êêêê Trying the origin (0,0)
êïx │ yêêêêëin the original in-
êï──┼──êêêêëequality gives 0 ≥ 12.
êï0 │ 3êêêêëThis is false, shade in
êï4 │ 0êêêêëto the right of the line.
G 8ëGraph the solution set of the inequality, x > -2.
A) y < -999x + 2
B) y < 0x + 2
C) y > -999x - 2
D) y > 0x - 2
ü x > -2
ïThis is a verticalêêêë Trying the origin (0,0)
ïline with x-êêêêëin the original in-
ïintercept '-2'.êêêêïequality gives 0 > -2.
êx = -3êêêêë This is true so shade in
êêêêêêëto the right of the line.
G 9ëGraph the solution set of the inequality, y ≥ 1.
A) y <= -999x - 2
B) y <= 0x - 1
C) y >= 0x + 1
D) y >= -999x + 2
ü y ≥ 1
ïThis is a horizontalêêêë Trying the origin (0,0)
ïline with y-êêêêêin the original in-
ïintercept '1'.êêêêëequality gives 0 ≥ 1.
êy = 1êêêêêïThis is false, shade in
êêêêêêêabove this line.
G 10ë Graph the solution set of the inequality, y < 2x.
A) y < 2x + 0
B) y < -2x + 0
C) y < .5x + 0
D) y > -.5x + 0
ü y < 2x
êy = 2xêêêêêTrying another point like
êx │ yêêêêê (-1,1) in the original
ê──┼──êêêêê inequality gives 1 < -2.
ê0 │ 0êêêêê This is false, shade in
ê1 │ 2êêêêê to the right of the line.