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à 8.1ïSolving Equations by the Graphing Method.
äèPlease determine if the given ordered pair is a solution
of the given system of equations.
âèDetermine if (2,1) is a solution of the system,ïx + 2y = 4 .
êêêêêêêêè3x - y = 5
Substitute 2 for x,êx + 2y = 4êè3x - y = 5
and 1 for y.êê2 + 2(1) = 4ê 3(2) - 1 = 5
êêêë2 + 2 = 4êè 6 - 1 = 5
êêêêï4 = 4êê 5 = 5
Since (2,1) made true sentences, it is a solution of the system.
éSè The ordered pair, (2,1), is a solution of the system of
equations,ïx + 2y = 4ï, only if it satisfies both equations when the
êë3x - y = 5
numbers "2" and "1" are substituted in for "x" and "y" in each equation.
êêêè x + 2y = 4êë3x - y = 5
Substitute 2 for x,ë 2 + 2(1) = 4êè3(2) - 1 = 5
and 1 for y.êë 2 + 2 = 4êë 6 - 1 = 5
êêêê 4 = 4êêè5 = 5
Since the ordered pair, (2,1), makes a true sentence out of each
equation, it is a solution of both equations and so it is a solution of
the system of equations.ïIf an ordered pair makes a false sentence
out of one or both equations, then it is not a solution of the system
of equations.ïGraphically, the solution, (2,1), is the point of
intersection of the two lines,ïx + 2y = 4 andï3x - y = 5.
ê Determine if (3,1) is a solution of the system,ï2x - 3y = 3 .
êêêêêêêê -x + 4y = 1
êêë A)ïNoêë B)ïYes
êêêêë2x - 3y = 3êè-x + 4y = 1
Substitute "3" in for x,ë 2(3) - 3(1) = 3ê-3 + 4(1) = 1
and "1" in for y.êêï6 - 3 = 3êë-3 + 4 = 1
êêêêê 3 = 3êêè1 = 1
êêïYes, (3,1) is a solution of the system.
êDetermine if (-1,4) is a solution of the system,ï3x + 2y = 5 .
êêêêêêêê -2x + y = 6
êêë A)ïNoêë B)ïYes
êêêêë3x + 2y = 5êè-2x + y = 6
Substitute "-1" in for x,ë 3(-1) + 2(4) = 5ë-2(-1) + 4 = 6
and "4" in for y.êê -3 + 8 = 5êë 2 + 4 = 6
êêêêê 5 = 5êêè6 = 6
êêïYes, (-1,4) is a solution of the system.
êDetermine if (3,1) is a solution of the system,ïx - 4y = -1.
êêêêêêêê2x + y = 16
êêë A)ïNoêë B)ïYes
êêêêè x - 4y = -1êè2x + y = 16
Substitute "3" in for x,ë 3 - 4(1) = -1ê 2(3) + 1 = 16
and "1" in for y.êê 3 - 4 = -1êè 6 + 1 = 16
êêêêë -1 = -1êê 7 = 16
Since the second equation isïfalse, the ordered pair, (3,1), is not a
solution of the system.
êDetermine if (0,-4) is a solution of the system,ï3x + 2y = -8 .
êêêêêêêê 5x - y = 4
êêë A)ïNoêë B)ïYes
êêêêë3x + 2y = -8êè5x - y = 4
Substitute "0" in for x,ë 3(0) + 2(-4) = -8ë5(0) - (-4) = 4
and "-4" in for y.êê0 + (-8) = -8êè0 + 4 = 4
êêêêê -8 = -8êê 4 = 4
êêïYes, (0,-4) is a solution of the system.
äèPlease estimate the solution of the given system of
equations by the graphing method.
êïEstimate the solution of the system,ïx + 2y = 4 , by using
êêêêêêë3x - y = 5
the graphing method.
If the graphs of both lines are drawn on the same coordinate system, the
point of intersection is seen to be very close to the point (2,1).ïThis
ordered pair is the estimate of the solution. (Please see Details.)
êèThe graphs ofïx + 2y = 4ïandï3x - y = 5ïcan be drawn by
finding the intercepts as was done in an earlier chapter, but it is
recommended that you use the "Graphing" feature on this disk to estimate
the point of intersection of the lines.
è Return to the chapter menu by pushing the escape key and look for
the "Graphing" feature at the top of the screen.ïThen push "a" and a
coordinate system will appear on the right side of the screen.
è To graphïx + 2y = 4 , enterïa = 1 ,ïb = 2 ,ïandïc = 4ïusing
the down arrow key.ïThen initiate the "Draw" key and the line will be
drawn on the coordinate system.ïYou can then graphï3x -y = 5ïby
enteringïa = 3 ,ïb = -1 ,ïandïc = 5ïusing the down arrow key.
Push "Draw" again, and this graph will be drawn on the same coordinate
system.ïYou can then estimate that the lines intersect at the point,
(2,1).ïThis is the estimate of the solution of the system of equations.
êëEstimate the solution of the system,ï2x - 3y = 3 ,ïby
êêêêêêê -x + 4y = 1
using the graphing method.
êè A)ï(0,-1)ë B)ï(3,1)ë C)ï(7,2)ë D)ïå
üèThe graphs of 2x - 3y = 3ïandï-x + 4y = 1ïcan be drawn by
finding the intercepts as was done in an earlier chapter, but it is
recommended that you use the "Graphing" feature on this disk to estimate
the point of intersection of the lines.
è Return to the chapter menu by pushing the escape key and look for
the "Graphing" feature at the top of the screen.ïThen push "a" and a
coordinate system will appear on the right side of the screen.
è To graphï2x - 3y = 3 , enterïa = 2 ,ïb = -3,ïandïc = 3ïusing
the down arrow key.ïThen initiate the "Draw" key and the line will be
drawn on the coordinate system.ïYou can then graphï-x + 4y = 1ïby
enteringïa = -1,ïb = 4 ,ïandïc = 1ïusing the down arrow key.
Push "Draw" again, and this graph will be drawn on the same coordinate
system.ïYou can then estimate that the lines intersect at the point,
(3,1).ïThis is the estimate of the solution of the system of equations.
êëEstimate the solution of the system,ïx - 4y = -1 ,ïby
êêêêêêê 2x + y = 16
using the graphing method.
êè A)ï(7,2)ë B)ï(3,1)ë C)ï(4,-3)ë D)ïå
üèThe graphs of x - 4y = -1ïandï2x + y = 16ïcan be drawn by
finding the intercepts as was done in an earlier chapter, but it is
recommended that you use the "Graphing" feature on this disk to estimate
the point of intersection of the lines.
è Return to the chapter menu by pushing the escape key and look for
the "Graphing" feature at the top of the screen.ïThen push "a" and a
coordinate system will appear on the right side of the screen.
è To graphïx - 4y = -1 , enterïa = 1 ,ïb = -4,ïandïc = -1ïusing
the down arrow key.ïThen initiate the "Draw" key and the line will be
drawn on the coordinate system.ïYou can then graphï2x + y = 16ïby
enteringïa = 2,ïb = 1 ,ïandïc = 16ïusing the down arrow key.
Push "Draw" again, and this graph will be drawn on the same coordinate
system.ïYou can then estimate that the lines intersect at the point,
(7,2).ïThis is the estimate of the solution of the system of equations.
êëEstimate the solution of the system,ï3x + 2y = 5 ,ïby
êêêêêêê -2x + y = 6
using the graphing method.
êè A)ï(3,-2)ë B)ï(1,8)ë C)ï(-1,4)ë D)ïå
üèThe graphs of 3x + 2y = 5ïandï-2x + y = 6ïcan be drawn by
finding the intercepts as was done in an earlier chapter, but it is
recommended that you use the "Graphing" feature on this disk to estimate
the point of intersection of the lines.
è Return to the chapter menu by pushing the escape key and look for
the "Graphing" feature at the top of the screen.ïThen push "a" and a
coordinate system will appear on the right side of the screen.
è To graphï3x + 2y = 5, enterïa = 3 ,ïb = 2,ïandïc = 5 using
the down arrow key.ïThen initiate the "Draw" key and the line will be
drawn on the coordinate system.ïYou can then graphï-2x + y = 6ïby
enteringïa = -2,ïb = 1 ,ïandïc = 6ïusing the down arrow key.
Push "Draw" again, and this graph will be drawn on the same coordinate
system.ïYou can then estimate that the lines intersect at the point,
(-1,4).ïThis is the estimate of the solution of the system of equations.
êëEstimate the solution of the system,ï3x + 2y = -8 ,ïby
êêêêêêêï5x - y = 4
using the graphing method.
êè A)ï(2,-7)ë B)ï(1,1)ë C)ï(0,-4)ë D)ïå
üèThe graphs of 3x + 2y = -8ïandï5x - y = 4ïcan be drawn by
finding the intercepts as was done in an earlier chapter, but it is
recommended that you use the "Graphing" feature on this disk to estimate
the point of intersection of the lines.
è Return to the chapter menu by pushing the escape key and look for
the "Graphing" feature at the top of the screen.ïThen push "a" and a
coordinate system will appear on the right side of the screen.
è To graphï3x + 2y = -8, enterïa = 3 ,ïb = 2,ïandïc = -8 using
the down arrow key.ïThen initiate the "Draw" key and the line will be
drawn on the coordinate system.ïYou can then graphï5x - y = 4ïby
enteringïa = 5,ïb = -1 ,ïandïc = 4ïusing the down arrow key.
Push "Draw" again, and this graph will be drawn on the same coordinate
system.ïYou can then estimate that the lines intersect at the point,
(0,-4).ïThis is the estimate of the solution of the system of equations.