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à 8.2ïSolving Equations by the Addition Method.
äïPlease solve the following systems of equations by the
Addition Method.
êêêèx + 2y = 4ê 2 + 2y = 4ë The solution
êx + 2y = 4ë 6x - 2y = 10êè 2y = 2ë is the ordered
#Solve, 3x - y = 5.ë─────────────êè y = 1ë pair,ï(2,1).
êêêï7xë = 14
êêêê x = 2
éSêêêè x + 2y = 4
êèTo solve the system,ï3x - y = 5 ,ïby the Addition Method,
it is first necessary to multiply the second equation by "2".ïThis
will give an equivalent system that has the advantage that the "y"
terms will cancel out when the equations are added together.
êêêêè x + 2y = 4
êêêêè6x - 2y = 10
When ç two equations are added together,ïthe "y" terms are
eliminated and the resulting equation can be solved for "x".
êêêêè x + 2y = 4
êêêêè6x - 2y = 10
êêêêë7xè = 14
êêêêê xï=ï2
The "2" can be substituted for "x" in either of the original equations
to find the value of "y".
êêêêèx + 2y = 4
êêêêè2 + 2y = 4
êêêêê2y = 2
êêêêê y = 1
The solution of the system of equations is the ordered pair, (2,1).
When solving a system of equations by the Addition Method, you can
eliminate either the "y" variable, as we did in this example, or
the "x" variable.ïYou would choose the variable that requires the
least work to eliminate.
êèSolve the system,ï2x - 3y = 3 ,ïby the Addition Method.
êêêê -x + 4y = 1
üêêêï2x - 3y = 3
êêêê -x + 4y = 1
êêèMultiply the second equation by "2".
êêêê 2x - 3y = 3
êêêê-2x + 8y = 2
ëAdd the two equations and solve the resulting equation for "y".
êêêêè 5y = 5
êêêêëy = 1
ëSubstitute "1" in for y in the first equation and solve for x.
êêêê 2x - 3y = 3
êêêê2x - 3(1) = 3
êêêê 2x - 3 = 3
êêêêè 2x = 6
êêêêëx = 3
è The solution of the system of equations is the ordered pair, (3,1).
êèSolve the system,ï3x + 2y = 5 ,ïby the Addition Method.
êêêê -2x + y = 6
üêêêï3x + 2y = 5
êêêê -2x + y = 6
êêèMultiply the second equation by "-2".
êêêê 3x + 2y = 5
êêêê4x - 2y = -12
ëAdd the two equations and solve the resulting equation for "x".
êêêêè7x = -7
êêêêè x = -1
ëSubstitute "-1" in for x in the first equation and solve for y.
êêêê 3x + 2y = 5
êêêë 3(-1) + 2y = 5
êêêê-3 + 2y = 5
êêêêè 2y = 8
êêêêëy = 4
è The solution of the system of equations is the ordered pair, (-1,4).
êèSolve the system,ïx - 4y = -1 ,ïby the Addition Method.
êêêê 2x + y = 16
üêêêïx - 4y = -1
êêêê 2x + y = 16
êêèMultiply the first equation by "-2".
êêêê-2x + 8y = 2
êêêê 2x + y = 16
ëAdd the two equations and solve the resulting equation for "y".
êêêêè9y = 18
êêêêè y = 2
ëSubstitute "2" in for y in the second equation and solve for x.
êêêê 2x + y = 16
êêêê 2x + 2 = 16
êêêêè 2x = 14
êêêêëx = 7
è The solution of the system of equations is the ordered pair, (7,2).
êèSolve the system,ï3x + 2y = -8,ïby the Addition Method.
êêêê 5x - y = 4
üêêê 3x + 2y = -8
êêêê 5x - y = 4
êêèMultiply the second equation by "2".
êêêê3x + 2y = -8
êêêê10x - 2y = 8
ëAdd the two equations and solve the resulting equation for "x".
êêêêï13x = 0
êêêêè x = 0
ëSubstitute "0" in for x in the first equation and solve for y.
êêêê 3x + 2y = -8
êêêê2(0) + 2y = -8
êêêêè 2y = -8
êêêêëy = -4
è The solution of the system of equations is the ordered pair, (0,-4).
êèSolve the system,ï2x = 3y + 7 ,ïby the Addition Method.
êêêê 4y = x - 1
üêWrite each equation in the form Ax + By = C.
êêêê 2x - 3y = 7
êêêê -x + 4y = -1
êêèMultiply the second equation by "2".
êêêê 2x - 3y = 7
êêêê-2x + 8y = -2
ëAdd the two equations and solve the resulting equation for "y".
êêêêè 5y = 5
êêêêëy = 1
ëSubstitute "1" in for y in the first equation and solve for x.
êêêê 2x - 3(1) = 7
êêêêè2x -3 = 7
êêêêè 2x = 10
êêêêëx = 5
è The solution of the system of equations is the ordered pair, (5,1).
êèSolve the system,ï3x = 21 - 5y,ïby the Addition Method.
êêêê -4x + 3y = 1
üêWrite each equation in the form Ax + By = C.
êêêê 3x + 5y = 21
êêêê-4x + 3y = 1
ê Multiply the first equation by "4" and the second by "3".
êêêê12x + 20y = 84
êêêê-12x + 9y = 3
ëAdd the two equations and solve the resulting equation for "y".
êêêêè29y = 87
êêêêëy = 3
ëSubstitute "3" in for y in the first equation and solve for x.
êêêê 3x + 5(3) = 21
êêêêï3x + 15 = 21
êêêêë3x = 6
êêêêë x = 2
è The solution of the system of equations is the ordered pair, (2,3).