2TO1.ZIP 49,979 12-15-93 2TO1 version 1.4 compiled 6/22/94. Thisprogram converts a typical Wildcat! 2-lineformat file listing to a single line format,for use with the FILE HUNTER door or otherappli- cations where a single-line listing
AAAPAGE0.ZIP 7,805 03-16-95 **AAAPage v2.5 for Wildcat! 4.01 ONLY***Wildcat System Page Replacement. For Sysopswho want to be notified ONLY in case of anemergency. This will make the user thinkThat you are available 24hrs a day. However
If you are not in front of the computer orsomewhere you can see the screen you willonly know that you were paged from the log.This Pager Turns the bell on or offdepending on the page type. Also Logs thereason for the Page. Now supports Sysop
Defineable conferance for the comments tosysop. Supports the use of an AI pager asthe Asst Sysop. Written in WCCODE v4.01 byWayne Braswell
AAAPAGE3.ZIP 6,718 02-28-95 **AAAPage v2.2 for Wildcat! 4.01 ONLY***Wildcat System Page Replacement. For Sysopswho want to be notified ONLY in case of anemergency. This will make the user thinkThat you are available 24hrs a day. However
If you are not in front of the computer orsomewhere you can see the screen you willonly know that you were paged from the log.This Pager Turns the bell on or offdepending on the page type. Also Logs thereason for the Page. Now supports Sysop
Defineable conferance for the comments tosysop. Written in WCCODE v4.01 by WayneBraswell
ACTPAX.ZIP 5,468 11-17-94 ACTPAX version 1.10 is a Wildcat 4.01 utilitactivity logs. This program is FREEWARE. .
ACTV350.ZIP 118,418 08-22-94 Actview is a tool for managing activity logsIt will show a days activity across all nodesin under a second on most PC's. It has veryadvanced search features and allows a SYSOPto quickly view new users, downloads,
AFLC20.ZIP 35,219 08-18-94 AFLC20 - ALLFILES List Creator ALLFILES v2.0for Wildcat! v4.0 will allow yo areas fromthe list and it allows any compres to createyour compressed version of the list own filearea headers to be included in the l freshen
ALIASNET.ZIP 11,725 04-04-94 SysOp application for admittance to InCogNET"The Alias Network" a NEW one of a kind echomail network that specializes in Handles orAlias names, and NO REAL NAMES are allowed!<>InCogNET<?> Has both Public and Adult
ALLFLOP.ZIP 68,178 10-09-94 ALLFLOP ver. 1.08, util for Wildcat! 4.0.Produces up to 10 output files listing allfiles available from your BBS. The programcan handle a database of up to about 10,000files depending on available memory.
ALTMAIL.ZIP 2,102 04-15-94 Info on running alternate Mail and Postlink(SAT)
ARTINTEL.ZIP 6,109 12-11-94 FREEWARE. ArtIntel v.1.2 is an artificial ithat makes it seem as though the computer isCompiled for WildCat! v.4.01. ArtIntel's felanguage filter that you can adjust dependinmaterial on your BBS, the ability to run
AUTO-11.ZIP 2,943 02-28-95 Automessage! Written in WcCode 4.01!Make a public message available online!no need to upload a screen from remote!Just edit online! Dl today! FREEWAREColor selector! Uses message-like editor!
Spell-checker!, Word replace! etc...
BBSB10.ZIP 185,161 08-14-94 BBSBUDDY v1.00 - Not just another "cannot dowithout" sysop tool. A must have! Keep tabson all your bbs support programs/utilities ata single glance. Support board info, install
BBSUPDAT.ZIP 355,918 08-06-94 This is the complete database of all 20,000products offered on BBSaleNet(tm)205-774-5347. You must download BBSSELL.ZIPto use this price listing. If your interstedin becoming an authorized BBSaleNet(tm)
BCNEWS14.ZIP 8,697 03-16-95 BCNews V. 1.4 - Wildcat! 4.01 Newslettergenerator. This is simply the best,Newsletter creation software availableto Wildcat! 4.01 Sysops. BCNews waswritten in wcCode ver. 4.01 to provide
excellent online interface. There is nodropping to DOS or text editing required;BCNews uses Wildcat's built in messageeditor to create it's Newsletters.Access to a powerful message editorwith spell-checking abilities is only
one of the many advantages of thishighly configurable program.Written By: Brett Collins
BENML25.ZIP 54,387 03-16-95 BenMail - A Windows(tm) based Mail reader (part of the BenNet suite of programs)BenMail is a Windows 3.1 based internet mailreader, for use with WINDIS, KA9Q, and DICS,or any similar SMTP queueing systems.
BLUCODE4.ZIP 4,796 11-13-94 BlueCode 4.1 Callback verifier for Wildcat4.1 ONLY! This is a Free...Down and Dirty,Callback Verfier..this is the LAST version Iwill put out!
CALCAT.ZIP 79,701 08-17-94 CalCat! v5.4 ultimate full featured holiday sCalCat! v5.4 the ultimate full featured holidthat knows 242+ holidays. Also has an awesomto let the user edit holidays and even add ad
CATCOLOR.ZIP 60,567 06-18-94 CATCOLOR version 1.60 Displays Wildcat! filesas they will look on your system. The programaccepts DOS Wildcards on the command line,and will display all matching files, showing
CDROMDOC.ZIP 45,841 02-28-95 CDROM 1.1b by Dan Creagan. A TEXT filewhich explains how to write a CDROM doorusing WcCode. The door has search,download, and browse functions. Sourceexamples and support programs included.
dan.creagan@laka.com or WBC BBS at402-292-5680. Updated for telephone # changeon WBC, some code, and updated search tool.
CHALL12.ZIP 24,717 03-16-95 Challenge Trivia V1.2 Wildcat BBS WCCODETrivia Game. This is an Excellent TriviaGame that will Allow your Users toInteractively compete against one anotherfor what ever prizes you choose. All
maintenance on the game is automatic, itwill even post notes to users when they havebeen beat out by another player. game isconfigurable to fit your system needs. andfuture versions will expand in to spacific
subject matter, This Game has been throughmuch testing, and on Beta Boards took overas one of the most popular games on theirsystems. this is a MUST TRY for allWildcat Sysops. its a load of fun for yourusers. Download it check it out. Mike
Wilson Great Northern BBS (708-634-9368)Soon Relocating to TEXAS Under the Name ofINTERSTATE ONLINE SERVICES Internetmike@northern.com This phone number andaddress valid thru Feb 28, 1995 see site.doclatest availabilety
CHK4MSG.ZIP 2,974 10-12-94 CHK4MSG 1.0 - util will scan Activity Log forscanner if message is found. One optional Conbe configured at this time for local conferenBy Kelly Kimball The CAD/fx BBS! (602)835-0274
CHK4MSG3.ZIP 5,933 03-16-95 CHK4MSG 3.0 -WcCode 4.01- NEW feature. Willcheck Activity Log for messages and runmail scanner if message was found. NOW hasFOUR optional Conference Exclusions forlocal conferences. Now can be configured to
scan just 1 or 2 message Conferences ofyour choice for those that want Scanpriority over certain message Conferences.** FreeWare ** By Kelly Kimball The CAD/fxBBS! (602) 835-0274
CIMEX00.ZIP 61,443 03-16-95 CIMEX version 1.30, utility for Wildcat!exports/imports conference descriptionnames to CONFDESC.DAT. In Wildcat 4.xsystems, you may also export/import theSHORT NAMES of each conference.
For versions 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
CL21.ZIP 37,438 09-21-94 Call Log 2.1 New Features
CLOSED.ZIP 38,656 03-16-95 CLOSED v1.1 - Lets your users know when yourBBS is closed. Great program forall Wildcat! boards that use PRELOG.BBSInstantly creates a temporary PRELOG filethat informs your users that you are closed
for maintenance and tells them at what timeyou expect to be back online. FreeWare fromJ.C. Associates and Dr Jack's Thing BBS
CMNT103.ZIP 6,259 03-16-95 Comment 1.03 allows multiple choices forComments to Sysops. Up to 6 Sysops, theirrespective titles, conference that themessage will be posted in, and flagging ofprivate or public. This uses the internal
message editor - including the spellchecker. For WildCat V4.01. WCX V4.01utility. Give your users the choice!
CPM11.ZIP 3,601 08-16-94 Cusomized Paging Module Version 1.1 Threelines of text for users to share their reasonfor paging. Cancel option available to userswho change their minds. $5 registration feegets you the source code.
CTNEWS43.ZIP 61,611 10-15-94 CATNEWS! v4.3 COOL WC4/WC3 Newsltr Maker inRIP/ANSI *INFO*. Has Built-in Editor, ThisUtility creates a cool "vga looking" Wildcat!Newsletter for your Users. Shareware only$15.00 US by William Mantz Maddog Productions
CTNEWS47.ZIP 65,027 03-16-95 CATNEWS! v4.7 COOL WC4/WC3 Newsltr Makerin RIP/@Code *INFO*. Built-in Editor,This Utility creates a cool "VGA LOOKING"Wildcat! Newsletter for your Users.New Feature! Auto Maintenance Function
will save x Amount of Newsletters for youso that you do not need to manually deletereally old ones. See Documentation.Catnews! is Shareware byMaddog Productions ■ William Mantz
CYBER.ZIP 60,827 01-15-94 FAQ taken from alt.cyberpunk...
DB-158.ZIP 908,135 04-05-94 D'Bridge EMAIL System / 5 April '94 Copyrigh1987-1994, Chris Irwin[f926deee2710848d5e5b3a65cd6d7eda4ce8c8683cb78024618013af6ec4cef0bf] D'Bridge SALES:Utopia Tech Voice: 516/334-3650 Data:
DB-WC.ZIP 4,537 04-25-94 This is a help file to set up Dbridge v1.58&
DB_WC.ZIP 4,016 01-17-94 Dbridge setup with WildMail and fido TextHelp...
DCDTCT14.ZIP 10,209 03-16-95 DCDTeCT v1.4 for WildCat 4.01. A wcCodeutility that monitors logoffs for adropped carrier. If detected eithera message can be sent or a u#.bbs filedisplayed. Both the message sent and
the display file can be customized tosuit the personality of your system.The message conference is also sysopselected. Also included is a bulletin/display/log file generator. Otheroptions include subtracting time from a
users daily limit, logging user off forthe day. Fully functional shareware.Source available with registration.Brought to you by Beggar's Banquet.Compiled with wcCODE 4.01 1/17/95
DLWARNV8.ZIP 6,142 11-25-94 DLWARN v8.0 is a Download versus Messages wrFor every [1] message written the user is alto Download so many files. For Wildcat v4.01Get rid of the LEECHES...SySop configureable...Read the Docs carefully...Source co
DOORCOST.ZIP 82,001 09-02-94 WC4 door DoorCost v1.10 asks user to pay frDoorCost v1.10 prompts the user to pay a pennbalance to enter a door. If they have it andcontinue. When registered, the cost can be s
DROPDOS.ZIP 2,556 08-12-94 Ask for another password before dropping todos. Rip/ansi. /W source
DSYSFIX1.ZIP 5,611 08-02-94 Utility to Squish line 23 of Door.sys
EBULL104.ZIP 20,733 06-24-94 EagleBull 1.04 - Creates a display of your neUsed with the Eagle Enterprise Charge DoorCreates RIP, ANS, ASCII & Wildcat displys (CaAlso choose between displaying the Date, Amouthe members Name.
EMALBK10.ZIP 24,105 03-16-95 MY E-MAIL ADDRESS BOOK, v1.0 in wcCODE v4.01by DYS Software. A highly practical Add-on for WildCat! 4.01. Features: Allows Userto save up to 250 Names and E-MailAddresses in one place. User can mark
Names for easier messaging! Comes intwo versions: Local and Internet. Handleslong Internet Addresses up to 73 charactersautomatically! Contains a built-inEditor and Setup Program. Supports Arrows,Barline and paging. Plus, much more!
ERROR.ZIP 2,436 08-20-94 3 Batch files to: Read, Print and/or Delete yAdd 3 DOOR HOOK to your Sysop Menu and voilaError.log Online!
FD&WC3.ZIP 8,665 03-13-94 Install FrontDoor to Wildcat vs 3x
FD220SET.ZIP 4,296 10-05-94 Configuring FrontDoor to run a USRV.Everything modem and BGFAX. 4
FD2WC12.ZIP 23,458 04-08-94 FD2WC v1.2 - FrontDoor 2.1x DOBBS.BAT toWildcat translater. FD2WC parses theDOBBS.BAT file created by FrontDoor 2.1x andpasses the correct connect strings and MNPflag to Wildcat. Supports "oddball" connects,
FDFIXW4W.ZIP 3,203 09-23-94 A Windows fix for for FrontDoor, works withF
FDMLWC10.ZIP 26,095 05-11-94 DOBBSx.BAT translater for FrontDoor 2.2x.mLCommercial and Wildcat 3.x. FDML2WC.EXEeliminates the need for messy EXEBBS.BATfiles to run your Wildcat BBS from FrontDoor2.2x.mL. This new version supports multiple
FDOORSYS.ZIP 4,711 08-02-94 A WC 4.0 util fix DOOR.SYS line #23 on largeBy Tim Rider The Source BBS 310-371-37 Why?WildCat! v4.0 allows 32,000+ conference areasof DOOR.SYS, all the conferences that a user
FILESTUF.ZIP 94,576 09-24-94 Allows you to select a file area whichcontains potential files to enter into the WCfile data base. Displays the .DIZinformation, allows you to select forinclusion and then: asks for WC file area,
FINDUSER.ZIP 66,498 08-14-94 FINDUSER ver. 1.00, util for Wildcat! 4.0.Tag any combination of text fields in youruser records and search for a matchingstring. Name, Alias, Address, phones, and allother text fields are available.
FIXNODE1.ZIP 9,826 08-27-94 FixNode v1.0 - Front End Node Status Fix forThis will make the node status of nodes runniend appear as though they are Waiting For Caluser online does a Who's Online. It will onl
FORCAT.ZIP 32,196 10-06-94 Wildcat! now comes with command lineParamiters that you can use help the BBS runbetter. With this program, you can change theparamter values for EVERY "CAT###.bat" filewith one swift motion. This program defaults
FPRO401.ZIP 153,363 07-27-94 FILEPRO! 4.0 Wildcat! 4.0 File DatabaseUtility. Allows Sysops To Easily Maintaintheir Wildcat! File Databases. Very Quick andlots of Bells and whistles!
FREE#.ZIP 46,252 08-19-94 Show free/used disk space from dos with fuelgauge. Looks Like RIP!
FREECALL.ZIP 4,243 11-25-94 freeCALL source code. A freecallback verifier for Wildcatversion 4. Based on the codein wcCALL by John Livingston.Re-written by Tom Mielke.
FSL8R112.ZIP 115,465 09-22-94 File Scan Later ver 1.12 File Upload ScanDel
FSRCH100.ZIP 42,988 03-16-95 File Search will let you do all thenessasary functions and maintenece on a Filein WildCat v4.x's File database withoutlogging on the BBS! File Search does jobslike : Searching/Matching/Deleting/Movingand more.
FSTLG13.ZIP 8,759 03-16-95 FASTLOG 1.3 - wcCODE 4.01 -Prompt for Fast, Normal, Maildoor, andDoorMenu logon. Force Normal logon ifuser hasn't called in # days. Normallogon after # calls. Check for updated
newsletter even if Fast / Normal logon.Check mail at logon. Check for U## files.Allows for 10 security levels which canbe used to either allow Fastlog or notallow Fastlog. All of this is SysOpconfigurable. DOB/Phone# verification
if used is still operable.ADDED: Routine for Security Profiledisplay file. Still just $5.00.Free upgrades as they come out.
F_AREA.ZIP 3,834 02-28-95 ** F_AREA.WCX ** This program will extractyour absolute paths from MAKEWILD for yourfile areas. Use as a menu option or with thesupplied .BAT file.
GDESC10.ZIP 18,422 03-16-95 This program is run from the FILEDESC.BATand will extract a FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDIfor WildCat v4.x to add descriptions touploaded files automaticaly! GETDESC willautomaticaly detect archive types.
GOSCAN23.ZIP 221,551 11-03-94 GOSCAN v2.03 - The Ultimate GOMail v1.+ Log Ashall scan your GOMAIL.LOG file and generateprofessional output screens of ALL availablethe log files. It even supports Rip and TNet
HAYES288.ZIP 1,524 03-09-94 This file REALLY! works with the D'Bridge &WC! TRY IT!
HDISP16.ZIP 72,217 03-16-95 !!!! HACKDISP v1.666 !!!!now includes the HACKDISPUniversal Display Driver withIntelligent Monochrome (HDUDD/IM)!Convert between ANSI/LaughingDog/Binary/PCBoard/Synchronet/Wildcat formats. The only
file converter with MOTAMA,the Moron-O-Tronic AttributeMinimizing Algorithm!
HOLIDAYS.ZIP 142,831 08-05-94 HOLISCRN.ZIP the holiday screens needed toru
HTRATE41.ZIP 82,290 10-15-94 High Transfer Rate Version 4.1 - ProtocolBul
IE101B05.ZIP 231,672 09-19-94 InterEcho 1.01/b05 - Echomail tosser forWildcat! 4.0, Wildcat! 3.5, PCBoard, JAM,Hudson and *.msg. Fast area config importfrom Wildcat!, PCBoard, FIDONET.NA andAREAS.BBS. Netmail import/export for multiple
IE104FEB.ZIP 356,954 03-16-95 InterEcho 1.04/demo - Echomail tosserfor Wildcat! 4.0, Wildcat! 3.5, PCBoard,JAM, Hudson and *.msg. Supports allcommon archive formats, sizes and names.Hubing to downlinks. Areafix. Netmail
import/export for multiple netmailfolders on your BBS. Smart area import.New version with much faster tossing andscanning. Easy to install and easy to use.Demo exp 03-01-95. Call our BBS at1-305-436-1884 for more info.
IM2WC10.ZIP 23,694 04-08-94 IM2WC v1.0 - InterMail 2.2x DOBBS.BAT toWildcat translater. IM2WC parses theDOBBS.BAT file created by InterMail andpasses the correct connect strings and MNPflag to Wildcat. Supports "oddball" connects,
IMFDTRM2.ZIP 90,290 04-17-94 <FW> A FAST! Intermail or FrontDoor LOGTRIMMER! Reliable. This program will trimyour FD.LOG or IM.LOG to 2 days. Just put itin your daily maintenance batch file and trimyour log each night. Freeware by William
IMWCMNP5.ZIP 24,379 01-09-94 IMWCMNP v5.0 - Passes the MNP flag fromInterMail to Wildcat. IMWCMNP parses theDOBBS.BAT file created by InterMail andpasses the MNP flag to Wildcat. Now supports"oddball" connects, connects greater than
INFO10.ZIP 85,028 08-22-94 The Information Center v1.0 By Arti SoftwareAllows your users view existing text filesfor online viewing .
INFORM40.ZIP 42,970 09-23-94 Informer Version 4.0 - Monitor SpecificUsers
ISL12.ZIP 4,941 03-16-95 InterNet Site List 1.2 for Wildcat! 4.01wcCODE App that stores a seperate list ofboth FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and WWW(World Wide Web) InterNet sites. Your userscan add new sites online, or just list them
all for later use. Configurable to allow theSysOp to lockout upto three Security Levelsand Users that will NOT be allowed to haveaccess. Easy to install, and not crippled!
ISL14.ZIP 5,906 03-16-95 InterNet Site List 1.4 for Wildcat! 4.01wcCODE App that stores seperate lists ofFTP (File Transfer Protocol), WWW (WorldWide Web), and TelNet InterNet sites. Yourusers can add new sites online, list the
available sites, or download the lists forlater use. Configurable to allow the SysOpto lockout upto three Security Levels andUsers that will NOT be allowed access.
JFSCALLD.ZIP 50,218 09-26-94 JFSCALL.WCX - A Callback Verifier forWildcat! v4.01+ Version 4.01d A CompleteCallback Verifier that will request a Dataphone number, call the user at that phonenumber, update their security level of your
desire, and update their data phone numberof what they entered. Send the user awelcome message and Send the Sysop aUsername has been verified message. Thiswill also keep a audit trail of who entersthis program and will check if same data
number is being used by another user forfurther security measures. Will allowexpiration date setting and modemconfiguration settings. Takes into accountfor more than one local area code. TRY IT,You'll Like it! by Joseph White @ Just Fun
Stuff! BBS 614/833-6512 or internetjoewhite@freenet.columbus.oh.us
KN390-4.ZIP 56,774 08-21-94 KATNEWS v3.90 -> v4.00 (PATCH) Basically thisis a minor update to help thos that arerunning Wildcat! v4.00 with KatNews Thisfixes the problem people were having wit *You MUST already have a running copy of KAT *
LIST220.ZIP 15,412 03-16-95 Listserv v2.20 - lets you run multipleInternet mailing lists from your Wildcatv4.x BBS. FREE wcCODE program!Compiled for Wildcat v4.01Added the following:-2.20: Major update! Now supports multiple
types of mailing lists: open, closed authorized users only, etc. Check the documentaion for the new info.-2.20: Fixed a bug where messages for the LISTSERV address were not going through.
-2.13: Fixed a bug with Listserv aborting after receiving a message from a non-subscriber.-2.13: No longer adds 'From: ' at the end of each message.-2.13: Puts 'Processed with Listserv' message at the end of each message.
-2.12: Added support for a registration key file.-2.12: LISTUTIL: Some cosmetic changes-2.11: Added support for a custom messgae sent out to people that try to post to the mailing list when they are not a subscriber.
-2.10: Changed the way Listserv does its displays so it runs smoother. LISTUTIL: A few minor bug fixes
LOGON410.ZIP 9,110 03-16-95 LOGON.WCC is an improvement of the logon.wccthat came with WcCode 4.10 ONLY! If youwould like a little more features out ofyour logon, then this might be what yourlooking for. Here is a list of features: *1)
Will add the line "Users Alias: <UsersAlias>" to your activity log. *2) Willprompt users who do not have an alias tocreate one. And this info can be givevia a screen you make, or the generic info given by the program. 3) Will prompt you
at local login if you would like to continueas a fast or normal log in (Defaultanswer is Fast). 4) Will look and "feel"like a standard log in and supports Wildcat's WCLIST program if you use it. 5)Will announce to other callers when someone
logs on. 6) If newsletter is New fromcallers last call, will FORCE them toview it. 7) Is *FREE* and comes with thesource code! * Optinal comes with 2WCC/WCX's ** Improved User Announcement forWC 4.10 ONLY!! ** Brian's World SoftWare(714) 530-3123
LOGSCN1.ZIP 12,224 04-30-94 LogScanner version 1.0, scan Wildcat activitand creates system stats. Free from GraveyaLogScanner is copyrighted, 1994 Graveyard So
LOGTRIM.ZIP 60,604 07-18-94 LOGTRIM ver. 3.20, utility for Wildcat! trimsvirtually ANY ASCII log to the number of daysyou specify (1-365). This version issignificantly faster than previous versions.
LR40.ZIP 38,556 03-24-94 LSTRELAY 4.0 Network/IMPORT bulletin programWorks with PCRelay, PostLink, GAPnet, Rnet,Tnet and IMPORT to create rotating display ofsysop defined news files about last transfer.
MDOOR20.ZIP 257,316 09-01-94 MultiDoor version 2.0, 09-01-94. Front endutility for BBSes. New features includereception of faxes, support for caller ID inCanada, "Private", date & time detected fromcaller ID, gives up timeslices in OS/2, DV
MSTAT.ZIP 64,544 08-28-94 MSTAT ver. 1.22, utility for Wildcat! version4.0 makes up to 10 display files showingconference statistics ... high and low msg #,total active messages, new and old messagedates. NOTE: Wildcat! version 3.x users
MSTAT0.ZIP 65,845 03-16-95 MSTAT ver. 1.25, utility for Wildcat!version 4.x makes up to 10 display filesshowing conference statistics ... highand low msg #, total active messages,new and old message dates.NOTE: Wildcat! version 3.x users should
locate MSTAT3.ZIP for similar displays.
MWD100B.ZIP 33,565 09-19-94 MWDUMP, Version 1.00 MWDUMP is a freewareutility to allow you to print your Wildcat!4.00 setup. It prints all information thatMAKEWILD contains, as well as all events andall node information (from WCNODE). FOR
M_AREA.ZIP 3,754 02-28-95 ** M_AREA.WCX ** This program will extractyour absolute paths from MAKEWILD for yourMSG .DAT files. Use as a menu option orwith the supplied .BAT file.
NAMESWAP.ZIP 7,657 08-09-94 NAMESWAP Ver 1.00 - Swaps Name/Alias in the DNAMESWAP Swaps the Name with Alias and Vis-Veuse your callers Alias in the doors, like I d
NEC151S.ZIP 707,714 05-27-94 NEC, HUB/DOWNLINK DATABASE v1.50 Thisdatabase program will enable a sysop who is ahub, NEC, NC or Treasurer in their net toeffectively keep track of the echomail hubsand downlinks. This program has proven
NETBULL.ZIP 81,775 10-21-94 NETBULL version 2.44eta-7 makes screens ofechomail activity from wcGATE,wcECHO, TNET,wcGATE, wcECHO, wcUUCP, GOMAIL, WILDMAIL, andPOSTLINK,including detailed bulletin,summary, HELLO screen, and a wcMAIL or Tomcat
NETCHK40.ZIP 35,469 07-30-94 Hubs, close Nodes at specified times for NetSet up the times you want to have Nodes callSet up to 9 different Security levels for NodCould be other uses for this program. Use itany security level to access any node.
NETTRK15.ZIP 50,485 06-06-94 NET Tracker v1.5 - BBS Network Database NETTracker is a program designed to keep trackof all of the BBS's in your Network. Sort,search, and edit BBS entries. You send outthe NETREG program to all the SysOp's on you
NEWFLOP.ZIP 68,769 10-09-94 NEWFLOP ver. 1.08, util for Wildcat! 4.0.Produces up to 10 output files listing newuploads in the past 'nn' days. Any number ofdays from 1-365 may be speci- fied. List maybe sorted globally or by file area. Allows
NEWUSR4.ZIP 4,057 03-16-95 NEW USER LISTER v1.01 - This Is AnotherWC4.01 New User Listing Utility. It AllowsYou To Specify The Path To The Screen YouWant Created. ie: c:\wc40\bull\bull20.bbsIt Reads The Wildcat User Database And
Extracts All Users That Have Signed On InLast 30 Days & Creates a Display FileSuitable For Posting Either As A Bulletin OrHello.BBS File. Lists Date of 1st Call,Username, & Where From
NSTAT402.ZIP 45,578 08-04-94 For WCv4 SysOps running Front-End-Mailers. Ifyou are running a front end mailer programwith Wildcat v4, you will notice that when thmailer is up and waiting for calls, Wildcat d
OFFBT23.ZIP 26,853 12-18-94 OFFBEAT! v2.3 WC4.01 (WCX) BBS Utility.OFFBEAT! will allow the caller to havea chance to make final decisions beforeLogging off your BBS. This .wcx fileoffers you the SysOp, more options and
control over the user before they sayGOODBYE! This is by far the best GoodBye .wcx utility written yet for a WC!System. Sysop may place comments fromusers into a conference of his or herchoice. Users may page SysOp with the
special paging module coded in. SysOpcan stop those annoying pagers withjust a few key strokes into a configfile. User's have the option of downloading a SysOp Specified file, quitingback to the BBS, leave a comment to the
SysOp, or exit with an optional goodbyescreen displayed prior to the defaultGOODBYE.BBS. Completey configurable bythe SysOp! A must see. For WC! v4.01.
PAPER.ZIP 29,782 09-02-94 Text to GreenBar Form Feed For Newsletter orBulletins WC@ Codes
PJT17.ZIP 128,795 03-16-95 Plain Jane Trivia v1.6 - Simple multiplechoice trivia game that allows entry andedit of questions with accompanying editorprog. Keeps track of questions answered,correct, etc. Auto monthly maintenance.
Support for non standard COM ports, fossil,etc. Now supports Multinode configurations!Reg only $15 for Single Node/$20 MultinodeREQUIRES NO KEY FILE TO RUN - Now RIPAware!! Author:Rob Williams, WCS Software1/20/95
POSTER30.ZIP 101,385 08-02-94 Poster 3.0-Top Ten Message Posting Contest foPoster keeps track of your message activity obasis. During the month, Poster creates 3 difbulletins designed to get your users to post
PROCHANG.ZIP 17,265 09-25-94 This program is VERY fast, and will work witany ver. of wcpro.bbs i
PUNCH11.ZIP 27,790 09-25-94 PUNCH Version 1.1. Used within FILESTUF to crby WCFILE to insert new files automatically.for complete system to insert files, set costSee PUNCH.MOD for details on this version.
QGW10.ZIP 3,951 03-16-95 The Quick Graffiti Wall v1.0 for WC4.simple graffiti door mainly for logon. asksthe caller if they want to enter a line tothe wall, then it asks the user what colorthey would like the quote to be. it then
writes it to a file. simple setup!Registration only $5! Compiled with wcCODEv4.01 Dragon Smoke BBS (702) 738-7434
QUESNEW2.ZIP 3,361 08-07-94 new quesnew.dat file that allows your usersto edit all entries of new user questionnaire... address ,phone etc.. also uses defaultcaller info for users who don't know thedifference between ful and single line
QWKGRAB.ZIP 40,325 08-19-94 INTRODUCTION: This utility provides for twofunctions. First, Once a .QWK packet has beendownloaded, the MESSAGES.DAT may be perused.The messages that are of interest may beselected for saving to a .REP packet that ma
RCALL400.ZIP 60,091 11-03-94 RonsCALL v4.00 Powerful "Who called today"Di
REGDOR40.ZIP 129,986 07-30-94 WC4.0 Utility Door, ANS RIP, IM, Fossil, NS IThis is a door that can be setup as a Menu Hoyour users will have easy access to downloadRIP term, ICONS, Callback Verifier and even r
RONSSCAN.ZIP 93,283 11-03-94 RonsSCAN v1.20; TOMCAT! Prescan ConfigurationWith this software package your users are ablthemselves to a Mail packet Prescan event. Seare stored in the User Database, so this syst
RSCAN10.ZIP 11,430 10-24-94 Keeps track of percent callers using RIP,ANS
SIOBETA.ZIP 132,087 10-23-94 This is a Public Beta of the upcomingrelease.
SPAGE250.ZIP 5,367 11-12-94 SPAGE v2.5 - *FREEWARE* SysOp Page Commandfor Wildcat 4.01+(.WCX)Pre-Chat Menu2 lines of chat reason that are loggedSupports a baduser listingTotal configurability with PROMPT File!
SPEEDX17.ZIP 43,602 10-02-94 Force low speed callers to enter PassCODE forBBS access.
T-CFG.ZIP 14,124 02-21-94 T-CFG. SysOps who Tnet QWK Mail! This is foryou! Do your CFGs EASILY and QUICKLY withT-CFG... Just fill in the blanks! A must havefor the WILDCAT SysOp who imports QWK mail.
TABSCAT3.ZIP 16,740 11-12-94 Tabscat! v2.0 for Wildcat 4.01, From PagodaNew for Wildcat 4.01 enabling the use of TABfor user upgrades. Complete with support for$10 and $25 ID's. Sets expiration date, andfor multiple user upgrades, option to send
TBB110.ZIP 40,710 03-16-95 NEW v1.10! Full Featured Time & Byte Storageprogram written in wcCODE 4.01. Users storeDaily Time and/or Daily Download Bytes intheir own person Bank Account! Included isthe TBB Sysop Utility. Awesome NEW
Features! This powerful program will allowyou to setup TBB and Edit users accounts!TBB now has unlimited Security Levelsetups! With the new Sysop Utility you canAdd, Delete, Copy, and toggle access with apress of a key! NOW you can Delete Users
from TBB's Database! Service Fees &Interest Rates too! Now will check for aBADUSER.LST. The feature list is too long tolist, view the FILE_ID.DIZ or the TBB.DOCfor tons of features! - Allows Time & Bytestorage, thats right Byte storage also! -
NEW Setup TBB by Security Levels, or aGeneric Access! - NEW Setup interface allowsfull control of Security. Add, Copy,Delete, edit, and toggle access ON/OFF! -NEW You can now Delete Users from TBB'sDatabase. - NEW Optional Monthly Interest
Rates! - NEW Reads optional BADUSER.LST tolock out those lamers! - Full ANSI @ codedgraphic menu diplays and prompts. - Full RIPsupport, your RIP users will love this! -Autodetects RIP emulation. - Full Activity
logging of users in TBB. - Unlimited usersin bank database. - Works with Singlelineand Multiline. - Definable Account MaxBalances. (Time & Bytes) - Definable DailyDeposit amounts. (Time & Bytes) - DefinableDaily Withdraw amounts. (Time & Bytes) -
Powerful TBB Sysop Utility included! - EasyConfiguration via the Sysop Utility - NOBOGUS ASCII CFG files! - Setup optionalMonthly Service Fees! - Setup optionalBulletin showing Bank's daily activity. -Everything handled internally by TBB, no
events etc... - Full edit capabilities ofusers accounts. - Credit users Time orBytes, or subtract with the press of a key!- Powerful Search & Edit routines for thoselarge databses. - Search & Edit by full nameor a partial name search pattern. - Add
users to TBB database manually. Users areverified in WC database. - Export a Reportto file (TBB.REP) of all users account info.- Help screens in all Sysop Utility Menus. -Quick & Easy registration online. - All
updates are absolutely FREE of charge! -FULL FUNCTIONAL 30 DAY DEMO!!! Copyright(c) 1994 K. Kimball The CAD/fx BBS! (602)835-0274 [28.8]
TDIS200.ZIP 146,150 08-04-94 Create rotating ads screen. Make $$$ rentingSix ads per screen. Up to 999 ads possible.Fully customizable colors. Specify how manyads to show on screen. Registration of $10includes: -Lifetime free upgrades. -Removal
TDYLST40.ZIP 45,657 08-09-94 This simple utility will scan your Wildcat fiand create a text file of new uploads in yourareas. The areas and dates for the scan are eVersion 4.0, Now supports both WildCat versio
TFIX116.ZIP 22,831 07-23-94 Add DESC.SDI and convert files received in.T
TIC2WC10.ZIP 19,544 10-23-94 TIC2WC v1.0 A TIC processor for WC!4.01.Tosses TIC files into WC! database, addsZIP/ARJ comments, CRC checking on incomingfiles and searches for FILE_ID.DIZ inarchives and uses for long description. A
TODAYBBS.ZIP 68,119 07-31-94 TODAYBBS, version 4.00 compiled 7/31/94.Creates an attractive "Today in History"welcome screen for your BBS. Can include alist of user birthdays if used with aWildcat! system by adding BDAYPREP.
TSCN507.ZIP 301,475 09-06-94 TranScan 5.07 Update patch. This filecontains an update patch to update anyTranScan v5.05 - 5.06 to v5.06. This patchMAY be distributed on BBSs. TranScan v5+ is acommercial program available for $35 from
TUNNIL.ZIP 7,426 01-15-94 TUNNIL - This file contains the info andapplication needed by a Sysop desiring to addhis/her BBS to TUNNIL, the support networkfor UniNova Services Corporation. TUNNIL isfree after a one-time $5 sign-on fee.
USEINFO.ZIP 10,466 08-02-94 This simple little program will create aUSERINFO.DAT file from the Wildcat 4.0USERREC.BIN and SYSINFO.DAT files. You canthen run the doors that need USERINFO.DAT. Ifthose doors make a change to USERINFO.DAT
USERPAGE.ZIP 4,735 02-11-95 WC 4.01 Replacement program for Page Otherusers for Sysop that use WHOSON aliasreplacement of Who's Online. Version 1.21.Looks a lot like WC normal user page, buteasier to use. Fixed bug when 2 users tried
to use at same time, also comes with 2WCX's. See WHATS.NEW for details.<FREEWARE> From Brian's World BBS714-530-3123 Brian.Anderson@BriansWorld.com
USERREC1.ZIP 17,728 08-21-94 UserRec v1.0 convert WC40 drop file to USERINUse this program to save tons of time and $$$converts the WC40 USERREC.BIN and SYSINFO.DATthe Wildcat! v3.xx USERINFO.DAT drop file andlittle utility for the needy!
UTI27A.ZIP 127,518 02-13-94 Enhanced UTI drivers version 2.7 for UTI spe2.2.
V34SETUP.ZIP 5,602 09-07-94 V34SETUP.ZIP contains the information toproperly configure a US Robotics V.EverythingDual Standard with D'Bridge and Wildcat 4.0.Send any questions or comments to Eric Neffat 1:377/77.0. As they say.. It works here!
VALTLOG1.ZIP 3,411 01-29-95 Wildcat 4.01.wcx file to inform Fast log Onusers mail is waiting... Have you ever had aDonating user who never checks for mail?Well now you can be sure they see their mailand still have the fast logon... Just drop
logon.wcx in the main wildcat area and ifwill always check for mail... The Vault BBSBlaiine, MN 612-754-2229... Long distancecallers need to accept Collect calls forVerification...
WC-CALLS.ZIP 15,507 03-16-95 WC-CALLS v1.00 - An inexpensive utility forWC! 4.x to display today's callers. Highlyconfigurable, small and fast (C language).Generates a color-coded bulletin of yourbbs's caller activity for the current day.
Multi-node aware.
WC4NWFWG.ZIP 10,605 11-01-94 How to run WC!4 with Windows for WorkgroupsThis text file was written by Bryan C. Lairdrunning a Wildcat! Version 4 BBS in a Windowenvironment.This paper covers running a single node, mulnetworking Wildcat! using Wi
WCADS40.ZIP 11,287 03-16-95 wcADS! v4.0 - (wcCODE 4.01) Online Ads WithImage Attachments! Allow your callers toenter their own classified advertisements onyour Wildcat! 4.01 BBS. "DYNAMIC" ads aredrawn automatically by wcADS! Excellent
addition to any system. Up to 20 catagories of ads. Several new additions to makeoperation much easier than before. Each admay contain a TXT and GIF file attachmentfor download. wcADS allows advertisers to
delete old ads no longer needed. The bestdownload you'll make today! Take a look!
WCAUTO40.ZIP 11,202 03-16-95 wcAUTO! v4.0 - (wcCODE 4.01) Online AdsWith Image Attachments! Sell Cars, Trucks,Cycles, Campers, RV's, Boats, and much more!Allow your callers to enter their ownclassified advertisements on your Wildcat!
4.01 BBS. "DYNAMIC" ads are drawnautomatically by wcADS! Excellent additionto any system. Up to 20 catagories of ads. Several new additions to make operationmuch easier than before. Each ad maycontain a TXT and GIF file attachment for
download. wcAUTO allows advertisers todelete old ads no longer needed. The bestdownload you'll make today! Take a look!
WCCUTL17.ZIP 14,401 03-16-95 WCCUTIL 1.7 - wcCODE4.01. Versitile SysOpWCX test utility. Test all those wcCODEfiles without having to install each one.Accomodates REMOTE OPERATION as well asLocal. Call any directory from within
WCCUTIL, no need to change path in theCFG file. RUN or CHAIN another WCXapplication. Run your Editor/Compilerfrom within WCCUTIL. Shell to DOS. Callan external ASCII editor or use Wildcat'sinternal editor. Shell to another of your
favorite utility progs. Configurable hot-keys. Sample batch files for working fromremote are included. Still just $5.00!
WCFF353.ZIP 123,935 03-05-94 WCFF! v3.53 - TICK clone for WILDCAT! BBS.WCFF! is the equivalent of TICK for tossingincoming SDS/SDN files into the WILDCAT! filedatabase. This program has been used verysuccessfully with SDS and SDN, and automates
WCLOGOFF.ZIP 9,332 01-18-94 Wclogoff Logoff Matrix for Wildcat 4.0xsystems Your Callers will like the ease ofuse and Clean Ansi screen. NOT CRIPPLED !!!Give it a try !!! Brought to you By DeltonaOn Line 1-904-532-0918
WCMON216.ZIP 142,906 09-25-94 WCMON 2.13 Wildcat System Monitor and ControlSystem. Simply the best monitoring system fora Wildcat multiline system. Allows virtuallytotal control of your system from ONEstation, Including Chat, system down AND up,
WCPGD10.ZIP 6,311 11-27-94 wcPAGE Deluxe v1.0. Sysop Pagereplacement for WildCat! v4.01.Includes 1 line reason, emergencychat with password (plays Axel-F)locally, full logging, and more.Included: Compiled 4.01 WCX andfull WCC Source code.
========= Make Money Charging MortgageLenders For Online Ads! All Ads Are CreatedAutomatically By wcRATES! These Dynamic AdsCan Be Updated Automatically By The Lender,With No Extra Work For You! Each Ad May
Contain A TEXT File Attachment For Download. Attachments Could Include: Pre-QualWorksheet, Info About The Lender, Coupons,Or Anything The Lender Wants! Caller CanDownload Application To Advertise! GreatAddition To Your BBS! Worth it!
Registration Only $25.
WCRATE55.ZIP 13,296 02-16-95 wcRATES - 5.5 (WCX-4.01) Make $$$ WithMortgage Ads w/Attach!=============================================================== Mortgage DisplayAdvertisements Complete With Attachments
=============================================================== Make Money ChargingMortgage Lenders For Online Advertisements!Includes An Online Mortgage PrequalQuestionnaire The Generates An Inquiry YouCan Distribute To Your Advertisers!!! All
Ads Are Created Automatically By wcRATES!These Dynamic Ads Can Be UpdatedAutomatically By The Lender, With No ExtraWork For You! Each Ad May Contain MultipleFile Attachments For Download. AttachmentsCould Include: Pre-Qual Worksheet, Info
About The Lender, Coupons, Or Anything TheLender Wants! Caller Can DownloadApplication To Advertise! Great AdditionTo Your BBS! Worth it! Registration Only$25. Free Updates.
WCREAL40.ZIP 11,623 03-16-95 wcREALTY! v4.0 - (wcCODE 4.01) Online RealEstate Ads With Image Attachments! Allowyour callers to enter their own property forsale advertisements on your Wildcat! 4.01BBS. "DYNAMIC" ads are drawn automatically
by wcREALTY! Excellent addition to anysystem. Up to 20 catagories of ads.Several new additions to make operation much easier than before. Each ad may contain aTXT and GIF file attachment for download.wcREALTY allows advertisers to delete old
ads no longer needed. The best downloadyou'll make today! Take a look!
WCREG15.ZIP 8,487 02-28-95 wcREG! v1.5 - (wcCODE 4.01) MembershipRegistration Via Credit Cards Offer YourCallers The Opportunity To Register TheirMembership On Your System With Major CreditCards! MasterCard/VISA/Discover/AMEX.
Automatically Updates User's Security LevelAnd Expiration Date!!!!! Performs FourChecks On Credit Card Information To HelpEliminate Invalid Entries. Processes Up ToFour Membership Levels. AutomaticallyUpdates Caller's Security Level Upon
Sucessful Registration. Writes TransactionTo A Private Message To The Sysop, ANDAppends A Continuous Text File. Worth TheDownload!
===================================================== Callers View Wildcat Display FilesAs Ads. Caller Can Download All Types OfAttachments While Viewing Ads. AttachmentsCan Be GIF, TXT, ZIP, PCX, Or Any Type Of
File The Sysop Chooses. Easy To Set Up AndUse. Earn Extra BBS Income By Operating AnAd Service. Good DOC File. SharewareVersion Displays Up To Ten Ads. GreatAddition To Your BBS! New Features ComingSoon!
WCSLANG4.ZIP 15,652 08-11-94 wcSLANG v4.00 Automated Prompt Language EditoIntuitive WildCat Utility that works with botBBS systems. Performs automated editing of anprompt [.DAT] or [.PRM] language files. Autom
WCSUNO11.ZIP 76,398 03-16-95 WCS Uno v1.1- Similar to the card game UNBut much more FUN!!! Visually excitingscreens, plus watch out for(or she) is a tough competitor! Registeredversion comes with make-up days enabled.
***REQUIRES NO KEY FILE TO RUN***From Rob Williams, WCS Software 2/5/95
WCTABS13.ZIP 6,359 11-18-94 wcTabs for Wildcat! version 4.01 ,wcTabs v1.03 will allow your usersto upgrade thier status on your bbsusing thier TABS Subscription id.This application works on boththe $10.00 and $25.00 id's.Wildcat sysops will l
WCTIC101.ZIP 74,875 11-03-94 TICK/HATCH/RAID for Wildcat v3/4
WCTOSS18.ZIP 42,043 09-20-94 A FREE FidoNet Mail Tosser for WildCat! Ver 1This allows you to import FIDONET(tm) mailinto/out of the Wildcat! mail areas!. Ittransfers FidoNet .PKTS into QWK format, andback again. Allowing mail to be imported and
WCWC104.ZIP 20,118 09-15-94 WHOCALL Ver 1.04 - Who Called Today and Yeste- WHOCALL, is a Wildcat bulletin maker that cscreen of people who called today, with the adisplay of people who called yesterday. -WHOCALL, is FAST! probably that fastest wh
WHO2401.ZIP 3,806 01-09-95 Who2, a Who Called today for Wildcatv4.01! writes bulletins or Helloscreens while user is ONLINE!Registration $5.00
WILDNEW.ZIP 9,136 02-28-95 NEW WILD USER'S v1.2 Generate a New Userlist and STATS screen in ANSI and RIPformat, either as a bulletin or helloscreen. For WILDCAT v4.01 only. Noexpiration or key file needed. NEW USER
WILDCAT LIST wcCODE Danny Davis/TheLighthouse BBS [209] 497-6722
WILDPRO.ZIP 45,436 03-16-95 WildPro! for WC! 4.01 is a FULL featuredUser Profile door! WildPro! Features RIP,User name searching, full alias support,anonymous message sending, upto 10,000profiles in database, full on-line help,
many user variable questions, listing of ALLprofiles stored, easy setup, sysopdefineable to limit security levels as wellas conference to post anonymous messagesin. Another Fine WcCode Utility From:Illusional Software Inc. Illusions BBS
602-435-6514 14.4bps 602-842-8565 28.8bps
WM40-WC3.ZIP 901,723 07-30-94 WILDMAIL! V4.00 - Echo Mail Tosser for WC 3.Only - Fido Mail FTSC
WM40-WC4.ZIP 897,608 07-30-94 WILDMAIL! V4.00 - Echo Mail Tosser for WC 4.Only - Fido Mail FTSC
WMAIL10.ZIP 2,441 10-17-94 WMAIL v1.0 Post a Logfile of Netmail tranfersfor sysops running Wildcat v4.01 & WM!
WMLOGGER.ZIP 37,482 03-16-94 WMLOGGER Ver 1.0 WildMail stats generationan
WMTRM90.ZIP 15,679 01-19-94 WMail Trim'R v9.0 <Free> - Trims Log in yourdaily Bat file. This utility was written inC++ so it is super Fast and small. Theprogram can be added to your DailyMaintenance and runs without stopping for
XWILDPRO.ZIP 45,568 03-16-95 X-WildPro! for WC! 4.01 is a FULL featuredUser Profile door! **** X-WildPro! Is ForAdult BBS's!! **** WildPro! Features RIP,User name searching, full alias support,anonymous message sending, upto 10,000
profiles in database, full on-line help,many user variable questions, listing of ALLprofiles stored, easy setup, sysopdefineable to limit security levels as wellas conference to post anonymous messagesin. Another Fine WcCode Utility From:
Illusional Software Inc. Illusions BBS602-435-6514 14.4bps 602-842-8565 28.8bps