08FIND16.ZIP 51,105 07-30-94 RIME HUB AND NODE ID FINDER PPE --Relaynet sysops, make it easy for yourusers to locate RIME ID and Site names.8/16/94 version fixes bug thatwas setting users page length to 0(continuous mode) after reading (H)elpf
662-PPE.ZIP 2,292 09-16-94 662.PPE by Alif Ambler will change thedefault answer at the PCBoard mailwaiting prompt #662 (Read your personalmail now) from NO to YES. For PCBOARDversion 15.0 and later. Source codeincluded. Freeware.
ACD_CUI1.ZIP 9,610 11-26-94 Acidic Presents - CUIE v1.0 - A [PCB] PPE┌───────────────────────────────────────────│ By Far The BEST And MOST Configurable 'W'│ Command Replacement In The Scene To Date.└───────────[Physical Solution]─────────────
ADPRMT16.ZIP 5,597 01-10-95 [PPE] ADPROMPT.PPE * v1.6This PPE will allow you to showadvertisments, directions orjust about anything you canthink of at your menuprompts. This is a PCBTEXTreplacement for #396. Have fun.Updated options, take a
AFL-HACK.ZIP 4,190 01-27-95 ANTi-HACK v0.1 PPE
AFL_PW2.ZIP 6,666 03-05-95 A Disclaimer/NUP PPE Coded by Mr.Mox Can leaa messy if someone don't know your NUP!.
AF_ENTER.ZIP 5,636 08-10-94 ENTER.PPE v1.0 Beta- Compiled on 08-10-1994PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program, to replace your[C]omment to SysOp And the [E]nter messagemain menu command. This can be used onbulletin board systems, that have more than
AG-RLA10.ZIP 3,353 01-27-95 RLA 1.0 - Random LoginAnsi PPE
AGSJN10.ZIP 5,195 01-10-95 "J" Replacement for PCBoardProvide a fullscreen conferenceselection - totally customizable
AJOIN100.ZIP 13,215 01-24-95 -------------- AJoin 1.00 -------------AJoin is an alternative to PCBoard'sJoin conference command. This PPE willdisplay your conferences with a sysopdefined description of each conference
or series of conferences. It can alsobe used with a PCBoard menu to providemenued access to different messagenetworks. FREEWARE! Another QualityPowerPPE!
ALLLIST.ZIP 3,165 03-06-95 ┌──────ALLLIST.PPE v1.0────────┐│ Add Alllist.PPE to your ││ main menu and give your ││ user easy access to download ││ your allfiles list. ││ Compile PPLC 3.0 FREEWARE │
ANSR-11.ZIP 11,667 07-01-94 User Disclaimer or Answer PPE - version 1.1Presents user with question to answer andthen performs upgrade or downgrade inresponse, can even hangup on user for noor negative responses. Creates logs of allevents. In
APAGE.ZIP 2,190 12-17-94 This is a DIFFERENT way tohave your USERS page you.It makes DIFFERENT sounds andCOLORS. This is *FREE*.ONLY FOR PCBoard by AndrewLazarus of the INTERLINENETWORK.
AREAS022.ZIP 22,803 01-10-95 ╒═════════════════════════════════════════╕│ The Ultimate File Area Lister PPE v0.22B││ ▄█████▄ ██████▄ ▄██████ ▄█████▄ ▄█████▄ ││ ██▄▄▄██ ██ ██ ██▄▄▄▄ ██▄▄▄██ ██▄▄▄▄ ││ ██▀▀▀██ ██████ ██▀▀▀▀ ██▀▀▀██ ▀▀▀▀██ │
AREAS99F.ZIP 35,808 01-01-95 ╒═════════════════════════════════════════╕│ The Ultimate File Area Lister PPE v0.99f││ ▄█████▄ ██████▄ ▄██████ ▄█████▄ ▄█████▄ ││ ██▄▄▄██ ██ ██ ██▄▄▄▄ ██▄▄▄██ ██▄▄▄▄ ││ ██▀▀▀██ ██████ ██▀▀▀▀ ██▀▀▀██ ▀▀▀▀██ │
│ ██ ██ ██ ▀██ ▀██████ ██ ██ ▀█████▀ ││ ─────────────────────────────────────── ││ Automatic File Area Menu System ││ ││ Now With Group Area Support! │
│ ││ ** Added Instant Filelists Feature ** ││ ││ For PCBoard v15.21+ ││ An UltiWares(c)1995 Release │
ATAG.ZIP 48,237 01-10-95 A PPE that will allow you to inserta tagline into any PCBoard message,while still in the editor! Lets yousee what the tagline is before itgets inserted. Random selection.Very nice! By Andrew LazarusSHAREWARE!
AUSURE30.ZIP 8,866 03-03-95 AREUSURE Version 3.00 [PPE] - Prompts user ihe/she is sure that he/she wants to post themessage in the conference he/she is currentlin. Very good for boards with beginner usersor people who just don't pay attention.
AV!XCL11.ZIP 9,777 3-05-95 LAST 10 /X STYLE v1.1 PPE
BCMX122.ZIP 196,605 11-13-94 PCB 15.2+ Matrix PPE v1.22──────────────────────────────────────────Configurable, lightbar or dos mode, fulllogging features, external feedback/nuv/infoform/page/sysop PPEs, multinode awareand more.This version add
BCNUK080.ZIP 157,191 01-16-95 PCB 15.2+ Nuker PPE v0.80ßA full featured, lightbar drivenFAST nuker. Allows you to Nuke/Award/Comment/Free files. Ifyou're tired of waiting minutes.when nuking, grab this! Thisversion adds Wildcard support.
BCQT03.ZIP 7,359 12-25-94 PCB 15.2+ Quoter PPE v0.2ß ────────────────────────────────────────────Pcboard quoter, uses pplc 3.0 for easierand seamless integration.───────────────φ BlackCat φ─────────────────
BDAY_11.ZIP 7,227 12-26-94 Birthday Greetings PPE V1.0 Gives your usersa birthday and a belated birthday greeting.Also gives your users extra time as a"birthday present" if you desire! By GalahadSoftware
BINKG101.ZIP 117,957 01-24-95 *******************************************Binkley Gate v1.01 - This is an InterNetE-Mail addon for PCboard using NetXpressand other InterNet Mailers. It gives you aqiuck and easy way to feed Fido types of
downlinks with your current UUCP E-Mailfeed. 286, 386 and NT versions included.Fully functional, not crippled. Uploadedby author: Jeff Binkley. 2/14/95*******************************************
BIRTH120.ZIP 11,390 11-12-94 ┌───────────────────────────────────────────│ The Birth Date Utility v1.20 - PPE v2.00└───────────────────────────────────────────┌───────────────────────────────────────────│ Now you can prompt your users for their
BITLIST.ZIP 7,923 04-20-94 BITNET MAILING LIST MANAGER PPE █▓▒░for use with Merlin Systems PCBuucpsoftware. This PPE allows you or usersto maintain Internet Mailing Lists ascreated by the "Your Own Mailing List"
option in PCBuucp. Allows you to addand delete names, backup and restorethe list to/from a backup file. Alsoallows password protection for eachmailing list. Shareware compliments ofSynergy BBS (201) 331-1797.
BLA-1LIN.ZIP 5,123 03-16-95 Anonymous Lastcaller 1.00 PPE
BLAB_056.ZIP 191,453 08-27-94 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄■ ▀▄▀▄█▄█▌▌ ≡ BOOMLAB v0.56 ≡ ▐▐█▄█▄▀▄ ▀ ■▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀COMPLETE Upload Processor for PcBoard.Coded by Gene Layton (BOOMER) 03/04/95° Automated PPE to handle failed files° Age test archiv
BLT-PPE1.ZIP 4,707 01-21-95 ┌───────Pcboard Nested Bulletins───────┐│■ ■││ A .PPE allowing PCboard Sysops to ││ use Nested Bulletins as featured ││ in other BBS packages. Easy to ││ install usi
BLT202.ZIP 10,005 01-01-95 @X0CBLT.PPE Version 2.00 (BETA).BLT.PPE is a SUB-BULLETINmenu PPE. Now with a PUBLICBulletin feature. Check it out!ShareWare $5.00
BOTH-203.ZIP 13,298 09-16-94 All Caller Bulletin Generator [PPE] PPLCv2-Generates two caller bulletins, all-callsand all-stats. Completely revised format,all colors now SysOp customizable. FREEWARESource available-New Support BBS #-ver 2.03add
BULL_10.ZIP 12,996 02-28-95 @X0DUSER BULLETIN MAKER - Ver. 1.00@X03From Galahad Software. ThisPCBoard 15.2+ PPE allows yourusers to enter their own bulletins forevent notices, parties, birthdays, oranything they'd like! Users can
configure the text color, and SysOps canconfigure the maximum amount of bulletinsthey allow their users! Only @X0A$5@X03registers!
CALLSEC.ZIP 6,472 11-19-94 A .PPE that allows you to setup specific times that userswith specific security levelsare allowed on your BBS system.
CALLUP-1.ZIP 17,050 02-28-95 @X0A█▓▒░ CallUp v1.0 ░▒▓█@X0BCallUp is a very simple callback@X0BVerification PPE For PCBoard 15.2.@X0BSupports Local Only Or Local and@X0BLong Distance Call Back. This is@X0Brelease v1.0.
CAMSUB13.ZIP 531,863 01-24-95 Subscription Door with Checks Online Featureand Credit Cards. Support for PCBoardAccounting Credits. Will verify credit cardswhile the user is Online. Works withPCBoard 14.5 through PCBoard 15.21. Written
using the PCB-Toolkit. Written by Cam DeBucSoftware. Version 1.30
CDA-11.ZIP 25,935 01-23-95 ┌────────────────────────────────────┐│ ***** CDACCESS PPE V1.1 ***** │├────────────────────────────────────┤│ Allows access to CDs from the main ││ board prompt without requiring any ││ conferences be set up f
CDSEL_60.ZIP 35,304 10-25-94 CdSelect v6.0 PPE for PCboard V15.2* Access and Search up 999 Cdroms ** Security Specific Conference searches. ** D/L On and Off-line Cdrom File List ** Hard coded Help screens *
* Search File Names or Text Strings ** Language, Security, Graphic specific. ** Includes New Z & L PPe's ** The BEST just got BETTER.... ** Galaxy BBS Software by: Al Massari *
CEOM_301.ZIP 17,522 01-27-95 [MS] CEOM v3.01: A Custom End Of Message PPE────────────────────────────────────────────▐│ [CEOM.PPE] : Custom End Of Message PPE │▌▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌▐│ -------------------------------------
CFDL_106.ZIP 26,075 02-15-95 [MS] CFDL v1.06:Custom File Directory Lister────────────────────────────────────────────▐│ [CFDL.PPE]: Interactive Directory List │▌▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌▐│ -------------------------------------
CFDS_201.ZIP 38,642 03-01-95 [MS] CFDS v2.01: Custom F_Directory Scanners────────────────────────────────────────────▐│ [CFDS-?.PPE]:File Directory Scanner(s) │▌▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.21+ BBS │▌▐│ -------------------------------------
CHATPAGE.ZIP 4,311 11-27-94 CHATPAGE.PPE - Best looking/soundingChat Page PPE you can GET! Put itin as the "O" command and enjoy!
CHKTM96.ZIP 9,770 01-18-95 ╔══════════════════════════════════════════╗║ TimeCheck V .96ß - December 30, 1994. ║║ Do you need to allow a certain caller on ║║ your BBS at a certain time? If the answer║║ to that question is 'YES', you might w
CIDPPE15.ZIP 11,419 11-01-94 CID.PPE 1.50 - Creates CALLERID file with the phone number in format AAA-EEE-NNNN fromCID info PCBoard gets from modem. Useful forPCBVerify to speed up verification process. Displays optional files to User if Calle
CIMRG100.ZIP 38,353 12-19-94 CIMERGE v1.00 -- PCBoard utility to merge alist of alias names for selected conferencenumbers, allowing a single conference to beknown by multiple names. Copyright (C) 1994Clark Development Company, Inc.
CIS_HM10.ZIP 18,484 01-18-95 █ Hot Key Menu PPE v1.0 ██ Hot key menu ppe! Replaces your current ██ menu, and adds hot keys. Along with a ██ few kick ass menus, Configurable menus ██ and menu prompts! Check this shit out! █
CL15S1G.ZIP 104,259 11-27-94 CALLS Ver 15s1g Statistic Bulletin generatorSupports PCBoard 15.1 changes and features..Changed to allow for spaces in conferencenames. Recognition of some of the common PPEentries in the CALLERS file. New report
CLCB_151.ZIP 24,551 12-23-94 [MS] CLCB v1.51: Custom Last Caller Bulletin────────────────────────────────────────────▐│ [CLCB.PPE] Custom Last Caller Bulletin │▌▐│ Generator PPE for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs! │▌▐│ -------------------------------------
CLMEBK32.ZIP 17,137 01-18-95 @X0A█▓▒░ CallMeBk 3.2 [PPE] ░▒▓█Callmebk Is A Very Simple CallbackVerification PPE For PCBoard 15.2.Now Supports Local Only Or LocalAnd Long Distance Call Backs Modes.Source Code Available On Request.@X0CMajo
CLNP_110.ZIP 18,432 01-27-95 [MS] CLNP v1.10: A Custom Login Note Pad PPE────────────────────────────────────────────▐│ [CLNP.PPE]: A User-To-User NotePad PPE │▌▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌▐│ -------------------------------------
CMFL_200.ZIP 23,114 12-23-94 [MS] CMFL v2.00: Custom Master File List PPE────────────────────────────────────────────▐│ [CMFL.PPE]: A Master File List Creator │▌▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌▐│ -------------------------------------
CMSCH105.ZIP 16,982 09-04-94 CMSearch 1.05 For use with ConfMenu PPE 5.3+Now updated with commandline option for sortby conference name!! Now the best conferencemenu program just got better!! ConfMenu v5.3distributed as CW_CM_53.ZIP. CMSearch is
CNAV_401.ZIP 51,880 10-23-94 [MS] CNAV v4.01: Custom Node Activity Viewer────────────────────────────────────────────▐│ [CNAV.PPE]: A Node Activity Viewer PPE │▌▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌▐│ -------------------------------------
CNFNNEW.ZIP 10,842 03-17-95 This is the CNFN.PPE that is available (andused) on Salt Air. I have made a fewmodifications to allow for conference blocksI've added to the original docs to explain tadditions where needed. It uses INCLUDElibraries
CNFNR.ZIP 9,669 01-18-95 CNFNR.PPE SAME AS CNFN.PPE. Source fileincluded. Edited slightly (CNFN.PPE) toget the original to work properly withRipGraphics. Graphic changes only!Actual PPE process NOT TOUCHED!
COBS_110.ZIP 33,966 01-27-95 [MS] COBS v1.10:Custom Online Banking System────────────────────────────────────────────▐│ [COBS.PPE]: A Time and/or K-Byte Bank │▌▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌▐│ -------------------------------------
COMMAND.ZIP 3,204 12-25-94 Wirly-gig conference prompt with full source
COMMENT.ZIP 5,499 07-19-94 Multipel Sysop commenting system PPE.Up to 10 sysops, Private comments.*************** PHANTOM BBS ************************* (716)-366-3884 ***********
COR-JCNF.ZIP 10,309 01-27-95 Jconf,PCB Ver of the Famous AMi/X jConf Util
CORK10B1.ZIP 12,246 08-05-94 CORKBOARD v1.0 - An Online Advertisement PPEutility for PCBoard v15.1 or later. Easy toinstall and use! CorkBoard displays as manyor as few files specified by the SysOp, withan expiration date for each after which
CPPRT.ZIP 9,470 11-10-94 The CPRT.PPE picks up where pcb left off wheit comes to conference protection. Forcesuser to enter a password and checks to see itheir name is on the list each time he/she/ijoins the conference.
CRAPS110.ZIP 20,840 01-24-95 @X0FCrap Shoot! Ver 1.10 - @X07byGalahad Software. A PCBoard 15.2+PPE that recreates the classic gameof craps, with a twist. FeaturesMonthly and All-Time High Scorerecords, daily maintenance, andmore. As always,
CRED100.ZIP 9,665 08-18-94 ░▒▓█ CREDITS.PPE v1.00 █▓▒░Credits.ppe is a small ppe designed to takeusers order via credit card for accountcredits on PCBoard 15.2 using the accountingPSA feature in PCBoard 15.2. This ppe is nonexpiring but is li
CRED330.ZIP 52,593 08-29-94 ░▒▓█ DMSoft █▓▒░Credits.ppe v3.30 - users can purchaseonline credits using a credit card. Hasinternal config editor, language files,message left to sysop, makes an downloadableinvoice ,a log file, state tax field, h
CRZ-FTP.ZIP 4,076 01-02-95 CRaZy World - FTP List PPENice little PPE to maintain an FTP List
CRZ_LAM.ZIP 4,436 01-16-95 CRaZY WoRLD '95LAME LIST PPE. Let users view a lamelist, and add names and comments to it100% configurable.
CSSC_301.ZIP 24,227 01-01-95 [MS] CSSC v3.01 Custom Split Screen Chat PPE────────────────────────────────────────────▐│ [CSSC.PPE]: -- A Split Screen Chat PPE │▌▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌▐│ -------------------------------------
CU-12.ZIP 20,690 01-24-95 @X0A█▓▒░ CallUp v1.2 ░▒@X0BCallback Verification PPE For PCBoard@X0B15.2. Supports Local Only Or Local And@X0BLong Distance Call Back, Updates User@X0BRecord Comment Field 2, Utilizes SysOp
CUFE_211.ZIP 52,638 03-06-95 [MS] CUFE v2.11: Custom User File Editor PPE────────────────────────────────────────────▐│ [CUFE.PPE]: A Full Screen User Editor │▌▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs │▌
▐│ -------------------------------------- │▌▐│ Color configurable Full Screen Online │▌▐│ User Editor.Normal & SysOp Only modes. │▌▐│ Full PSA Support. Conf Flag Updating. │▌▐│ *Powerful*, versatile and MORE! - [MS] │▌
CW_0719.ZIP 308,714 07-15-94 The entire collection of the CW_ PPE's in ONeasy to download distribution file. 19 of thBEST Freeware and Shareware PPE utilities foPCBoard v15.1! Order the whole set at 1/2 ofand get bonus utilities as well like Fon
CW_AP_39.ZIP 12,685 10-22-94 AutoPost v3.9 PCB v15.2 PPE to send BBS Ads,ForSale Ads etc. weekly or monthly and on anautomated basis!!! Unique dating feature canprevent your ad from being killed as a dupe!
Another top PPE from the author of SubscriP,Pro-Vote, ConfMenu, RemindMe & many others!!Fix mistake in docs that caused malfunction.Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
CW_BD_15.ZIP 20,122 01-21-95 Birthday v1.5 Ask users for their D.O.B. andwhen the user(s) log-on on their (or shortlythereafter) birthday, it displays a birthdaygreeting! Adds even more personality to your
system! PCBoard 15.2 PPE, Shareware, easy toinstall, and fully functional, NOT-crippled!Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!Now supports international dates (dd-mm-yy)!Support is available on the Intelec Network!
CW_BL_36.ZIP 30,841 09-14-94 BBSListr v3.6 The *ultimate* BBS Listing PPEfor PCBoard 15.2! Added new modems, improvedspeed. Users can add entry or delete, modifyentries. See why it's the best of it's kind!Visa/MC accepted for instant registratio
CW_DM_17.ZIP 19,011 09-14-94 DoorMenu 1.7 PCB v15.2 PPE (v3.0) to replacethe DOOR command menu. Add PPEs "seamlessly"to your door menu! Now with *instant* OnlineCredit Card Registrations!!
CW_FM_16.ZIP 11,517 09-14-94 FileMenu v1.6 The best F Cmd Replacement PPEfor PCB v15.2! Automatic! Never draw anotherfile menu again! Also lets users search filedirectory descriptions! For those with mult-iple CD-Rom's this lets you have "sub-me
CW_HH_36.ZIP 15,414 09-14-94 HowHeard v3.6 New Caller Upgrade PPE for PCB15.2! Upgrade sec levels and conference regsbased on caller's response! Writes to User'snotes PSA. Now with OTHER option for a morespecific response. Small, fast, convenie
CW_IN_45.ZIP 57,916 09-14-94 IntelApp! v4.5 Intelec Network "Database andApplication" PPE! Freeware! For use with ourIN_yymm.ZIP & INB_yymm.ZIP information file!Contains both the Application/Database PPEs!Can also be used to display Intelec INBa
CW_MM_40.ZIP 26,214 10-23-94 MainMenu v4.0 A PCBoard 15.2 PPE v3.0. GreatPPE replacement for PCBoard BRDM main menus.Now supporting multi-lingual "prompt" files!Shows available/unavailable commands as well
as "all on the fly", never draw another BRDMagain!! Nice little PPE! Visa/MC for instantregistrations!! Support is available via theIntelec Network in PPL or CW_Support forums!
CW_MQ_35.ZIP 12,856 09-14-94 MsgQuest v3.5 PCB 15.2 Shareware PPE! Scriptto Message Base utility, send questionnairesto the SysOp via msgs. A much easier installand *unlimited* questionnaires! Instant reg-istration numbers online via Visa/Master
CW_PPP30.ZIP 78,904 01-03-94 The PCBoard PPE PowerPack! v3.0 **15** GreatPCB 15.1 Shareware & Freeware PPE utilities!BF-Ratio SubscriP Force-It Intelec! Time-AdjConfJoin HowHeard MsgQuest Pro-Vote SpeedLimWelcoMat TimeZone BBSListr UserNews PPE-
CW_TZ_35.ZIP 16,581 09-14-94 TimeZone! v3.5! "Time slot" assignments PPE!Recompiled with PPLC v3.0 for PCBoard v15.2!Limits when user(s) or "groups of users" canaccess your system!! Now you can adjust timebased on when in the slot the user calls
CW_UN_35.ZIP 16,459 09-14-94 UserNews v3.5 Let users enter their own newsitems! Shareware PPE for PCBoard v15.2! It'sa breeze to install, and needs little, or nomaintenance!! Visa/MC accepted for *instant*online registration codes! Support avail
CZIPPY10.ZIP 4,062 01-27-95 ZiPPY SCAN UTiL V1.0This PPE will showa lightbar to theuser, informing himit's better to jointhe comb.conf. whenhe wants to performa ZiPPY SCAN
DCDTCT11.ZIP 9,499 10-14-94 DCDTCT10 Dropped Carrier DeTeCTive v1.0 is awcCODE utility that monitors the way your uslog off your system. If it detects a droppecarrier it can send either a message to theor display a u#.bbs file to them the next
DDM12.ZIP 27,290 09-08-94 Deluxe Door Menu v1.2. The next addon to 4D's Conference and Bulletinmenus! This is what most peoplehave been asking me for, so here itis! The best door menu PPE availablefor PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Colorcon
DIRLIST2.ZIP 17,887 04-09-94 @X1E┌───────────────────────────┐@X07@X1E│DIRLIST.PPE 4 PCBOARD 15.1 │@X07@X1E│───────────────────────────│@X07@X1E│An ANSI/arrow key/menu bar │@X07@X1E│user interface to your DIR │@X07@X1E│files. Many features and
DMSPPE1A.ZIP 26,177 11-27-94 DMSPPE1A - update to DMSPPE1. Collection #1 of custom prompts for PCBoardv.15.1 & 15.2. Features include lite-barprompts, online and context-sensitive help,and support for GRAPH, ANSI, and CTTY modes.T
DMSPPE1B.ZIP 29,977 01-16-95 DMSPPE1B - v.1.0b update to DMSPPE1. Collection #1 of custom prompts for PCBoard v.15.1 & 15.2. Features include lite-bar prompts, online and context-sensitive help, and support for GRAPH, ANSI, and CTTY mo
DOD-DL10.ZIP 15,675 01-10-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│ DEAD LOGiN v1.o - Very nice pack which ││ contains a LOGIN, ONELINER and LAST CAL- ││ LERS ppe. Simple installation and pretty ││ gfx interface make this pack awesome!
DOD-LT10.ZIP 6,960 01-07-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│ LAST TRANSFERS v1.o: Nice Ul/Dl list of ││ few last callers. For PCBoard 15.2+... │└──────────────────────────────────────────┘
DOD-MR10.ZIP 4,381 01-10-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│ MAIL READER v1.0 - Simple mail reader w/ ││ nice ansi support..Much better than a ││ original PCBoard one. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ -DR │└───────────────────────────────────────
DOD-RAND.ZIP 3,188 01-27-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│ 15 PPE Randomizer - Useful ppe. The best ││ one among the other randomizers. Now su- ││ pports up to 15 ppes...■■■■■■■■■■■■ - DR │└───────────────────────────────────────
DOD-SLAN.ZIP 7,916 01-10-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│ STATLAND v1.o - Configurable statistics ││ door with a nice File/Messages/Personal ││ information. Very easy to install into a ││ PCBoard and PC/x. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ -
DODMMP32.ZIP 96,505 01-10-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│ MEGAMATRiXPRO v3.2 - New improved version││ of the powerfullest matrix in the world! ││ Added pcbprot.bat analize routine, impro-││ ved upload processor, etc! ■■■■■■■■■ -
DOD_DL10.ZIP 14,215 01-07-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│ DEAD LOGiN v1.o - Very nice pack which ││ contains a LOGIN, ONELINER and LAST CAL- ││ LERS ppe. Simple installation and pretty ││ gfx interface make this pack awesome!
DOD_LT10.ZIP 5,500 12-25-94 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│ LAST TRANSFERS v1.o: Nice Ul/Dl list of ││ few last callers. For PCBoard 15.2+... │└──────────────────────────────────────────┘
DOD_MR10.ZIP 2,921 01-07-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│ MAIL READER v1.0 - Simple mail reader w/ ││ nice ansi support..Much better than a ││ original PCBoard one. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ -DR │└───────────────────────────────────────
DOD_NUP.ZIP 6,160 12-25-94 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│ NUP v1.o: This is very cool NUP PPE... ││ It will give various security levels to ││ callers depending on password they've ││ entered and many many more stuff... -
DOD_SLAN.ZIP 6,456 01-07-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│ STATLAND v1.o - Configurable statistics ││ door with a nice File/Messages/Personal ││ information. Very easy to install into a ││ PCBoard and PC/x. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ -
DOGARR1E.ZIP 103,604 03-11-95 * Dogarr for Windows Ver1.00E (FREEWARE) * *Copyright(C)1994 by Takashi Miura *Translated by Hitoshi Ozawa * * Release1994/11/29 * Thank you for down-loadingDogarr for Windows. Dogarr is a simple
action game. The object of the game issimply to rescue the kidnapped princessavoiding or killing monsters on a way. Therealso is the Boss monster which is harder tokill. 20 stages are included with this file.I hope you will be able to create better
stages and upload them to a forum tochallenge others. Requirements
DOWNPPE.ZIP 3,108 03-13-95 Download Stats - PCBoard 15.0 PPEFile to show the user theirupload/download stats beforebeginning a download.
DREAD19.ZIP 423,854 11-01-94 Dr. Dread--Multi-player BBS or local roleplaying game. Battle Droids. Use your witsto make your way past Sizzlers, Zingers,Force Fields & many other Electro-Droidsto rescue the Hostage. Use your Zapper
to deactivate the Droids in the Zones.But watch out for the Traps! Animatedcolor ansi graphics! On-line chatting.Multi-player movement in Zones. Secretdoor Key Quests for shortcuts thru Zones.
DROPPED.ZIP 41,205 11-13-94 Reads WC4.01 Activity Logs and picks out UseCan be configured for up to 10 Nodes.It is a stand-alone .EXE program writtenin BC7 by Microsoft. The output is placedin a pure ASCII file. FREEWARE!
DSLOT110.ZIP 24,195 01-24-95 @X0ADOLLAR SLOTS! Ver. 1.10,From @X0DGalahad Software.@X02A PPE for PCBoard 15.2+. DollarSlots Features a Progressive Jackpot,Multiple Paylines, Monthly & All-TimeHigh Score Records, and more!Completely uncrippled
DWNLD303.ZIP 29,547 04-01-94 ░░▒▒▓▓ DWNLD.PPE Version 3.0ß3 ▓▓▒▒░┌──═══════════════════════════════════════──│ A PPE for PCB 15.2 that give PCB a FULL│ SCREEN download counter. Update allows│ sysop to FULLY use multilingual options│
EDSBK113.ZIP 111,433 01-18-94 ▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█ EDSBack v1.13 Beta - Release 13█ [PPE] Call-Back verifier for PCBoard█ v15.1. Supports multi-lingual prompts,█ user trashcans, number trashcans, great█ graphical display
ENAME101.ZIP 7,702 01-18-95 eName v1.01 is a PCBoard PPE (includes thePPS source) which converts a user's name toa legitimate email address. Great forwelcoming a user to an Internet emailconference. Conforms to RFC1137 spec forconverting name
ENTCOM.ZIP 10,506 01-24-95 ╒══════════════ENTCOM.PPE v1.0══════════════│ Replace the [C]omment to SysOp(s) command.│ It's perfect for BBS with more than one│ sysop. FREEWARE. PPLC v3.0│ Software Kitchen BBS 718-281-0645╘══════════════════
EXPMSG10.ZIP 3,667 01-02-95 Expire Message 1.0 - PPE w/Source thatwill write a message to the sysop x daysbefore a user expires (set on commandline). Requires PCBoard 15.1 minimum.PD/Freeware. Under PCBoard 15.2,could be run from DOS command
EZ5_01.ZIP 7,556 01-24-95 EZ5 LOTTO QUICK PICK v1.0 for PCB v15.xA PPE program to generate Quick Pick numbersfor play in the Louisiana EZ 5 Lotto.(1-26, pick 5)Shareware by Tom Palko,American Software DevelopmentSupport BBS at (318) 443-027
FBBSPCB.ZIP 13,961 12-24-94 FILES.BBS to PCBoard DIR v1.0Converts CD-ROM files.bbs to a text file thacan be read by PCBoard 14.x/15.x.
FILEMENU.ZIP 14,007 02-13-95 Update/code change to the FLYDIR.PPE - itstill creates the DIR files on the fly, butthe presentation is different then FLYDIR. Alittle more "polished" in my opinion. This omakes use of the Left/Right cursor controlk
FILESY01.ZIP 9,169 12-25-94 BOOMLAB FILE SYSOP PPE v.01 BETA────────────────────────────────Fully automate the handling of filesfailing BOOMLAB v.43+. It can E-Mailthe Sysop so now you'll know there'sfiles to look at, E-Mail user, Deletefile
FLLTQP30.ZIP 7,787 01-04-94 FLORIDA LOTTO QUIK PIK v3.0 for PCB v15.1This is a PPE program that will allow yourusers to generate Quik Pik numbers for playin the Florida Lottery. Supports both PICK5and PICK6. Shareware by Chuck Hogard.Hogard
FLYDIR.ZIP 8,332 01-18-95 === === === === === === === === === === ==============================================This PPE is designed to allow the Sysop toautomatically generate PCBoard-format DIRfiles on-the-fly from a DIR listing. It's
FMTB223.ZIP 150,938 01-27-95 File Manager Toolbar <ASP> v.2.23 - featuredin Computer Shopper, Chaosoft Toolbar is anattractive alternative to the native Windowstoolbar. Fully user-customizable, it provideabout twice as many buttons, support for MS
Tools, handy 'tooltips' for novice users(a'la toolbar for Word and Excel). Works witplain Windows or Windows for Workgroups.Great timesaver! Shareware, $19.95 + s&h.
FOF!TLOG.ZIP 2,958 01-24-95 SCaRFaCE Turbo Login PPE
FREEFL10.ZIP 24,903 12-01-94 FreeFile v1.00 PPE - Gorgon Enterprises, IncAre there certain files that you want to makfreely available to unregistered callers? Dthey have trouble finding your free files? Iso, FreeFile is for you! FreeFile instal
FTPMAIL1.ZIP 31,917 01-18-95 FTPMAIL PPE v1.0: FTPMAIL for PCBoard 15.21────────────────────────────────────────────▐│ [FTPMAIL.PPE]: This program open the │▌▐│ oportunity to ALL PCBoard user's make │▌▐│ FTP to Internet File Server's.▐│ ----
FTT108B.ZIP 61,886 10-30-94 [File Transfer Test V1.08 BETA 10/30/94]FTT is a PCBoard PPE program designedto perform file transfer testing in acontrolled, repeatable manner, andprovide complete statistic reportingin a uniform format. Works wit
F_RULES0.ZIP 2,880 01-24-95 Fido Rules Poster v.99 - This is a PPEto post rules in Echo Conferences duringweekly maintenance. Sysops, If yourthe moderator for a conference this is amust for you!
F_RULES1.ZIP 3,192 01-30-95 Fido Rules Poster v1.0 - This is a PPEto post rules in Echo Conferences duringweekly maintenance. Sysops, If you arethe moderator for a conference this is amust for you!
GAMBLE20.ZIP 27,601 01-10-95 ================================Ultimate Time Gambler v2.0================================A PPE for PCBoard 15.2+ whichwill allow your users to gambletime by playing one of thefollowing games:1) Dumb Luck (10 Diff
GAMBLE31.ZIP 35,586 01-03-95 ================================Ultimate Time Gambler v3.1================================A PPE for PCBoard 15.2+ whichwill allow your users to gambleon-line time by playing one ofthe following 5 games:1) Blackjac
GIFCOL26.ZIP 114,492 01-30-94 GIF Collage builder PPE v2.6 for PCB v15.1.This PCBoard v15.1 PPE command allows yourcallers to dynamically build single GIFimages that each contain up to 9 picturesextracted from GIF files posted on your BBS.This g
GNX!LL27.ZIP 6,497 01-27-95 Lightning Logon! v2.7 By AReS & Strider
GNX_QUL3.ZIP 6,657 12-25-94 Quick Uploader v3.0
GNX_SUP.ZIP 4,712 12-25-94 SuperView(c) Grabba!
GNX_ZA17.ZIP 7,142 12-25-94 ZipAdd v1.7
GRAFD230.ZIP 10,477 08-31-94 [PPE] GRAF-D v2.30 -- You can use this PPEto auto-detect ANSI and RIP support of thecaller and then default the "Do you wantgraphics" prompt to default to the bestselection avaialble. Requires PCBoardv15.2 or late
GRAFD231.ZIP 10,031 11-07-94 [PPE] GRAF-D v2.31 -- You can use this PPEto auto-detect ANSI and RIP support of thecaller and then default the "Do you wantgraphics" prompt to default to the bestselection avaialble. Requires PCBoardv15.2 or late
GTAG110.ZIP 103,474 11-28-94 GTAG 1.10 is a tagline appending utility thato the end of their messages. GTag randomly(You can use the 3500+ taglines included inhas to option to pick one or not append oneUser definable Taglines now available!Mus
GW_OLM11.ZIP 5,726 12-23-94 ┌──────────────────────────────────┐│ GW-OLM 1.1 [PPE] τHΣ DΣΣP '94 │└──────────────────────────────────┘On-Line Message PPE for PCB 15.2that will send a one line messageto another node similar to theAmi/X OLM f
HAMPPE10.ZIP 12,153 01-18-95 *** HAMCALL PPE CDROM DOOR v1.0 ***Buckmaster Ham Call CDROM req.Looks up amateur data from call sign.Compiled w/PPLC 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2+
HAZ-ST10.ZIP 3,612 01-27-95 MaTRiX STaTS PPe SHoWRePLaCeS THe "V" CMD
HNDCHG1.ZIP 13,703 11-30-94 HANDLE CHANGE PPE 1.0─────────────────────────This simple PPE lets yourusers choose a HANDLE iNPCB with KewL Ansi!Also features LIGHTBAR!
HORSES12.ZIP 19,539 02-23-95 HORSES!! v1.2 PCBoard 15.21+ [PPE]. A day athe races for your callers. Full horsracing PPE. Quick and simple setup, no sysomaintenance. Colorful, great animationheart pounding thrills! Released
HYP_FLAG.ZIP 3,801 12-14-94 FRESUME v1.0 The FRESUME PPE set is to addall flagged files a user had in his batch d/queue before losing carrier to his flaggedfiles queue when he logs on again. So if auser loses carrier they don't have to type i
all the filenames of the files they hadflagged. They can simply answer YES to thequestion at login.
IMR-PG04.ZIP 32,765 04-26-94 Scream Page 04- Fully Configurable PCBOARD- Local Sysop pager- PFASM (tm)- Separate Display and Config- CONFIG.EXE for easy install- Full documentation- Over 40 different variables- No Reggistration rubbish
- to be able to operate PPE- without attention getters- Comiled with PPLC 2.00
IPNET111.ZIP 11,955 11-07-94 IPNET.PPE v1.11 - PPL program for PCBoard.Makes it easy and quick for callers to enternetmail messages when using InterEcho andInterPCB. Allows for an Internet gateway tobe designated and eliminates the need oflong
IZ_FL_10.ZIP 9,701 01-17-95 FLIST.PPE v1.00: Allfiles List Creator────────────────────────────────────────────FList will create an allfiles list based ona set number of days. FList is ran via youryour PCBoard 15.2+ EVENTS! Base each lis
IZ_FS111.ZIP 21,848 12-06-94 FSCAN.PPE v1.11: User Log-on File scanner!────────────────────────────────────────────·· The Best User Log-on File Scanner PPE ··FScan will allow your users to View or Down-load a List of New Files as they log iny
IZ_FS_20.ZIP 24,572 01-17-95 FSCAN.PPE v1.20: User Log-on File scanner!────────────────────────────────────────────·· The Best User Log-on File Scanner PPE ··────────────────────────────────────────────FScan will allow your users to View or Dow
JCON111B.ZIP 15,299 01-16-95 @X1F ┌──────────────────────────────────────@X1F │ JCONF-[PPE]-v1.11ß Automated Conferen@X1F │ Security Menu. Now, SysOps can have@X1F │ complete control over all conferences@X1F │ Put PPE in place of (J), (JOIN) co
JCON115.ZIP 21,460 01-18-95 @X4F▐ JCONF [PPE] Automated Conference ▌@X0@X4F▐ Security Menu v1.15 for PCB 15.x ▌@X0@X4F▐ No need to look any further, the ▌@X0@X4F▐ last conference menu you'll ever ▌@X0@X4F▐ need is here! JCONF is a high-@X
JM_AC_11.ZIP 12,212 01-10-95 Alias Changer v1.1 -- A programwhich will allow you to get analias from a user if it doesn'talready exist in their record.If one exists the user doesn'teven know it's running. Some ofthe features of this program a
JM_FM_15.ZIP 76,920 02-28-95 File Menu v1.5. The most complete filedirectory displaying PPE for PCBoard! Fast,SysOp friendly, runs in nightly event!Some features include: Categorize FileDirectories! Make a main menu screen
once and never make a another again for itdoes it on the fly! Calculates files andbytes in each category. Not the easiest toget running, but once you do (1/2 hour inmost cases) your system will be 100% moreuser friendly. Try it today! It's awesome!
JM_IC_12.ZIP 66,519 01-30-95 Interactive Chat v1.2ß -- A complete PCBoardMultiline chat PPE. This is a simplemultiline chat replacement for PCBoard's CHAcommand with many features coming. This isa must see for any multiline BBS where theywant t
JM_MF_10.ZIP 12,689 11-20-94 @X0FMessage Footer v1.0@X07This PCBoard PPE will change the wayyour users sees the end of messageduring message reads. It providesa easy to use light bar with SysOpdefinable colors. Completelymaintenance free and
JM_NA_12.ZIP 15,221 01-08-95 Name Inputter v1.2 -- This programwill allow you to provide your userswith a more friendly login by makingthier names appear in Upper and Lowercase. This program is another qualityFREEWARE PPE from the creator of th
JM_NI_13.ZIP 17,408 03-13-95 Name Inputter v1.2 -- This programwill allow you to provide your userswith a more friendly login by makingthier names appear in Upper and Lowercase. This program is another qualityFREEWARE PPE from the creator of th
JM_PD_11.ZIP 23,552 01-10-95 PullDown Menu System v1.1ß -- This is acomplete PullDown Menu System. Colors,prompts are all definable. This shouldonly be used by users above 9600bps forit's quite graphic intensive. ANSI mustbe enabled for this
JM_PD_12.ZIP 28,118 01-12-95 PullDown Menu System v1.2ß -- This is acomplete PullDown Menu System. Colors,prompts are all definable. This shouldonly be used by users above 9600bps forit's quite graphic intensive. ANSI mustbe enabled for this
J_CONFX.ZIP 21,315 01-12-95 Three PCBoard v15.2 replacement PPE's forthe JOIN command. One builds/reads from atext file (ie fast), another builds on thefly based on the users access rights, andthe third lets the user pick which approachthey w
KALBK321.ZIP 13,852 01-20-94 @X0BKallback.ppe @X0Fv3.21┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│ Allow your BBS to call back your users ││ to verify their phone and then increase ││ their access automatically. Also includes││ an optional
LBCS100.ZIP 11,745 01-24-95 ---- Light Bar Construction Set 1.0 ----LBCSallows you to create custom light bar promptthat can be used stand alone or to replaceinternal PCBoard prompts. The prompt istotally configurable, with no author or
program name displayed. Menu items may stuffcommands to the keyboard, display a file,accept input from the user, or run anotherPPE. FREEWARE! Another quality PowerPPE!
LB_MSG_2.ZIP 14,397 01-17-95 [PPE] Version 1.01 of Message ReadPPE. It has sped up over 150%This is an excellent light-bar PPE toto replace that lame prompt that comesup when you press R. It is 100%configurable with no registration hassle
and no crappy delay's. This is thebest PPE of it's kind. Try it today.Including hot ANSI by@X0BP@X03l@X0Fasma@X07Another fine PPE by@X04D@X0CA@X0FNTE
LB_MSG_3.ZIP 13,780 01-17-95 [PPE] Version 3.01 of Message ReadPPE. It has sped up over 150%This is an excellent light-bar PPE toto replace that lame prompt that comesup when you press R. It is 100%configurable with no registration hassle
and no crappy delay's. This is thebest PPE of it's kind. Try it today.Including hot ANSI by@X0BP@X03l@X0Fasma@X07Another fine PPE by@X04D@X0CA@X0FNTE
LB_MSG_4.ZIP 16,971 02-13-95 [PPE] Version 4.21 of Message Read@X07command. This is more than an update! ThPPE has been completely RECODED since theearlier versions! It is now REAL fast. It isreplacement for your R command. A 100%configurable L
LCD-ON10.ZIP 6,674 01-10-95 ONEliner 1.OHere's a nice oneliner, cool input functionsand nice layout, everything is just cool.use it!.
LCD_ON10.ZIP 5,214 12-25-94 ONEliner 1.OHere's a nice oneliner, cool input functionsand nice layout, everything is just cool.use it!.
LENOLM33.ZIP 12,472 12-26-94 OnLine Message PPE v3.33 ... Supports up to200 Line Messages between Nodes! TotallyConfigurable!
LIGHTMNU.ZIP 4,805 01-02-95 @X0FThe Lightbar Menu v1.0@X07You can use this PPE for almost anythingthat uses a direct command from PCBoard.Example > E for enter a message or R forread a message. There are endlessposibilities. It would work grea
LNZ200.ZIP 6,590 01-31-95 Ever wanted to use the L, N or Z commandof PCBoard across all conferences to searchfor files? Well, here's the perfect PPEto do such a task. Treat your users tosomething special. Download this new and
improved LNZ.PPE for your enjoyment. Thereare many changes to they way it operatesbut very little visual display changes.Fixed the problems with multinode and dropcarrier problems.
LNZ201.ZIP 8,757 02-28-95 Ever wanted to use the L, N or Z command ofPCBoard across all conferences to searchfor files? Well, here's the perfect PPE todo such a task. Treat your users to some-thing special. Download this new and
improved LNZ.PPE for your enjoyment. Thereare many changes to they way it operates butvery little visual display changes. Fixedthe problems with multinode and drop carrierproblems. Requires v15.21 of PCBoard.
LNZ202.ZIP 8,879 02-13-95 Ever wanted to use the L, N or Z to searchacross all conferences? Well, here's theperfect PPE to do such a task. Treat yourusers to something special. Download this nand improved LNZ.PPE for your enjoyment. Thear
LOKOT.ZIP 6,177 09-05-94 LOCK A USER FROM A SINGEL DOOR AND OR --SEVREAL DOORS! SYSOP CONFIG. PPE /PCB --*************** PHANTOM BBS ************************* (716)-366-3884 ***********
LOPBCK40.ZIP 42,213 01-16-94 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│LoopBack v4.0ß - Callback Verifier [PPE] ││ ││Major Changes in this code. Full Time ││restrictions, any user name, update the
LOTTO_01.ZIP 7,668 03-04-95 * Lotto v1.0 for PCB v15.x ** ** A PPE to generate Quick Pick numbers ** for play in most state's Lotto. ** (Pick 6 of xx set in cfg file.) ** American Software Development Shareware *
* Support BBS at (318) 443-0271 *
LSCONF10.ZIP 18,318 11-19-94 Update from Source files for STARCON1.PPEOriginal source programmed by MohammedAlsbeiay of MidNight BBS - Saudi Arabia Thisrewrite allows up to 31 character descriptioof the first 99 Conference Names. Nocommandline
LUCKY_31.ZIP 14,825 10-22-94 THE LUCKY USER PROFILE SURVEY V3.1 [PPE] Thiprogram, by Sysop configurations, shall awarextra time and extra down load bytes to theperson who is lucky enough to fill out thesurvey. This is compiled by the new PPLC 3.
MAILUUCP.ZIP 26,667 01-25-95 ┌─────────────────────────────────┐│ MAILUUCP v1.0 │├─────────────────────────────────┤│ ││ Allows your users to (E)nter ││ a message to the INTERNET via ││ FI
MAVO14ZA.ZIP 8,523 11-26-94 MAVOTE V1.4Z Free, Compact, Fast Super VotinPPE! Maximum 20 Questions - 10 Answers EachPerfect for 2-10 node BBSes Contains its ownMAUSER Login door for notifying users tovote! Ultra-fast, a complete MAJOR upgradefr
MAVO15ZA.ZIP 9,525 01-12-95 MAVOTE Version 1.5Zb - Free, Compact,Fast Super Voting PPE! Maximum 20 Questions10 Answers Each - Perfect for 2-10 node BBSeContains its own MAUSER Login door for notifusers to vote! Ultra-fast, a complete MAJORup
MAVOTE13.ZIP 7,687 11-19-94 Moon Angel Voting PPE v1.3 Its FreeWare, andit works! Currently supports up to 20questions. Uses Caller Notes PSA. Extremelycompact. Has an optional logon feature tonotify users about new voting questions, etcEasy t
MC_AT100.ZIP 5,289 01-16-95 ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐│AllTime Top Uploaders & Downloaders v1.0b│├─────────────────────────────────────────┤│Author : Mc Freddy Z / Rel : Dec.28.1994│├─────────────────────────────────────────┤
MDCSCAN.ZIP 6,731 01-14-95 ·──═ MDCScan v1.2 ═──·──────────────────────────────────────────The BEST New File Scanner for PCBoard 152!Completely Configurable, Nice Ansi , FAST,Easy Installtion, FREE, No Nags Screens,Wait Screens, Just A Grea
MDCSCAN3.ZIP 6,775 10-31-94 ·──═ MDCScan v1.3 ═──··────────────────────────────────────────· The BEST New File Scanner for PCBoard! Completely Configurable, nice ansi, easy Installtion, FREE!, a wonderful PPE!
This will prompt your users during logon to look at New Files since last CALLED! ············· Major·Update! ·············────────────────────────────────────────·
MDY_NTR1.ZIP 3,447 11-30-94 Enhanced ENTER Prompt for PCB 15.x
MDY_VPB.ZIP 8,390 11-28-94 Prompt Selector 1.0ß For PCB 15.2
MFLAG10.ZIP 14,853 12-15-94 @X0E[PPE] @X0FMajor Upgrade to FLAG.PPE!Enhanced status/prompt line. rewritten tocontrol NON-batch protocol users, and usersthat have NO default protocol selected.ALL info screens are EXTERNAL,SEC+GRAPH+LANGspecif
MFLAG11.ZIP 16,648 12-15-94 @X0E[PPE] @X0FMajor Upgrade to FLAG.PPE!Enhanced status/prompt line. rewritten tocontrol NON-batch protocol users, and usersthat have NO default protocol selected.ALL info screens are EXTERNAL,SEC+GRAPH+LANGspecif
MFLAG201.ZIP 65,339 12-01-94 @X1EMultiflagsystem 2.01 for PCBoard 15.x@X0@X1E─────────────────────────────────────@X0@X1ETag files by cursormovement(LIGHTBAR)@X0* Autodetection for ansi or monochrome* Support for PCBoard @X variables* External
MID5PPE.ZIP 24,261 11-03-94 This File Contain 5 PPE FilesFor Pcboard 15.1+ By PPLC version 2(1) a replacement to your MainMenu .(2) a Replacement to your Files Directory .(3) a Replacement to your (W) (V) Commands .(5) a replacement to your Co
MOVIE200.ZIP 46,210 12-27-94 Pepster's Movie Time Trivia 2.00(including Time Bank 1.00)The best PPE game written forPCBoard 15.2 that includes atime bank. Allows users toadd to questionaire, Top Tenbulletin, New Question
bulletin and automatic sysopmessage informing him/her of anew question.**FREE****FREE****FREE**
MP-11.ZIP 9,185 01-24-95 @X0A█▓▒░ Msg-Pack v1.1 ░▒▓█ @X0BMsPack v1.0 QWK Interface for PCBoard! @X0BThiPPE allows you to give your users an @X0Beasto read, easy to understand, and @X0Beasy tomove around in. Features include:
@X0BSelect/Deselect conferences, Upload a RE@X0Bpacket, download a QWK packet, & change@X0Blimits settings. Future release will@X0Binclude a help system as well.
MPGS202B.ZIP 76,939 03-04-95 MPGS.PPE v2.02ß for PCBoard v15.21+■───────────────────────────────────────────■ DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooMPCBOARD PPE INTERFACE for the APCi MultiPlayer Doom Game Server via a multinode BBS
using custom 'PassThrough' Cables or custom'SWITCH' Cables. A very nice, quick, andeasy to set up interface. 4 Player DooM isa Blast! MPGS (c) Applied PersonalComputing, Inc. O'Fallon, Illinois, USACoded by WizBandit, SYSOP:T∞R∞N
MPGS204B.ZIP 71,619 03-06-95 MPGS.PPE v2.04ß for PCBoard v15.2+■───────────────────────────────────────────■ DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooMPCBOARD PPE INTERFACE for the APCi MultiPlayer Doom Game Server via a multinode BBS
using APCi custom PassThrough cables or TRNcustom 'Switch' cables. A very nice, quick,and easy to set up interface. 4 Player DooMis a Blast! MPGS (c) Applied PersonalComputing, Inc. O'Fallon, Illinois, USACoded by WizBandit, SYSOP:T∞R∞N
│ ██ ██ ██ ▀▀▀▀██ ██ ██▀▀▀██ ██ ██ ││ ██ ██ ██ ▀█████▀ ▀█████▀ ██ ██ ██ ██ ││ ──────────────────────────────────────── ││ ││ If You Run CDROMS You Need This PPE! │
│ ││ From The Author Of AREAS.ppe ││ ││──────────────────────────────────────────││ For PCBoard v15.21+ │
│ An UltiWares(c)1995 Release │╧╧════════════════════════════════════════╧╧
NDADDR12.ZIP 16,709 12-23-94 NICE DAY ADDRESS UPDATE V1.20 [PPE]This PPE is for every sysop that wants tohave his users enter all the address infor-mation. A cursor-driven menu will show upwhen a user logs in that has not enteredeverything in U
NDCOM110.ZIP 6,440 11-08-94 NICE DAY SYSOP COMMENT v1.10 [PPE]░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓███▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░Cursor-driven Comment-to-Sysopreplacement.100 % language configurable100 % colour configurable■ High quality release! ■░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓███▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░
NDFILE12.ZIP 54,692 01-12-95 NICE DAY FILES V1.20 [PPE]This is a must-have for every sysop.NDFiles is a cursor-driven replacementfor the PCB [F] command. It shows alist with all available directories.Fantastic features included:o Displays numb
NDFILE13.ZIP 57,577 01-10-95 NICE DAY FILES V1.30 [PPE]This is a must-have for every sysop.NDFiles is a cursor-driven replacementfor the PCB [F] command. It shows alist with all available directories.Fantastic features included:o Displays numb
NDFILE20.ZIP 58,495 01-12-95 NICE DAY FILES V2.00 [PPE] 8x FASTER!This is a must-have for every sysop.NDFiles is a cursor-driven replacementfor the PCB [F] command. It shows alist with all available directories.Fantastic features included:o Di
NDFILE30.ZIP 45,195 01-24-95 NICE DAY FILES V3.00 [PPE]NDFiles is a cursor-driven replacementfor the PCB [F] command. It shows alist with all available directories.If you are upgrading please readUPGRADE!.TXT.Fantastic features included:o Dis
NDMONEY4.ZIP 21,295 02-27-95 NICE DAY MONEY MANAGER [PPE] v4.00This PPE accepts credit cards to upgrade uselevels. It is the only and original PPE thatuses the PCB Accounting Features of PCBoard.Immediate upgrade possible. Another high-quality
NDMONEYB.ZIP 33,333 10-09-94 NICE DAY MONEY MANAGER V0.9ß [PPE]░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓███▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░A seamless credit card processingPPE using the PCB 15.2 accountingoptions.■ High quality release! ■░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓███▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░
NDREAD62.ZIP 28,481 12-11-94 NICE DAY EASY READER V6.2 [PPE]░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓███▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░A must-have for every PCB sysop!This PPE is a fully cursor-drivenreplacement for the 'R' command.■ NEW: WITH PCB-LAYOUT■ NEW: NO 'Reg' to:' TEXT■ Send me your la
NDTEXT10.ZIP 16,224 12-10-94 NICE DAY TEXTER [PPE] v1.00This is a new way of displaying text files tusers. Can be used in news files, bulletins,scripts etc. User can use cursor keys toscroll text up/down and can even download thtext files if yo
NETME100.ZIP 10,229 12-23-94 NETM-E v1.00 - Initial release, for PCBoard15.21 only! works with PCBoard Fido. [PPE]program to replace the (E) Message commandsin your FidoNet netmail conference. simplifyuser input for both Fidonet netmail and into
NET_CMDS.ZIP 21,259 01-24-95 ----------------------------------------:: NET-CMDS.PPE: By Daryl Stogner :: This PPE is a menu that let's you :: select an on-screen view of the cmds :: for AREAFIX/NETMAIL Msgs/Internet :: EMAIL. A
NEWS13.ZIP 4,695 03-04-95 NEWS.PPE, Ver. 1.3, by GalahadSoftware. A PCBoard 15.2+ PPE thatallows multiple news files to bedisplayed, and replaces the internalNEWS command. Now supports RIPgraphics!
NUFLAG11.ZIP 17,969 01-10-95 @X0E[PPE] @X0FMajor Upgrade to FLAG.PPE!Enhanced status/prompt line. rewritten tocontrol NON-batch protocol users, and usersthat have NO default protocol selected.ALL info screens are EXTERNAL,SEC+GRAPH+LANGspecif
NWSF110A.ZIP 12,186 03-12-95 ***********NEWSFLASH 1.10a*************NewsFlash is a PPE to enhance yourNEWS display file, letting you displaynews entries for a specific number ofdays. Simple to set-up and configure.NEW UPDATE! Includes Maintenance
function, more configurability, andsimple Editor PPE to add entries»»»»»»»»FREE REGISTRATION«««««««««««««Author: Herbert BushongCompiled with PPLC 3.x/req. PCB 15.2+
NWSF120.ZIP 15,602 03-16-95 ***********NEWSFLASH 1.20*************NewsFlash is a PPE to enhance yourNEWS display file, letting you displaynews entries for a specific number ofdays. Simple to set-up and configure.Includes Maintenance functions,
OCCPS36.ZIP 19,963 01-10-95 ONLINE CREDIT CARD PROCESSING SYSTEM v3.6OCCPS is a PPE program to allow onlineregistration processing via credit cards oroptionally to download a REGISTER.ZIP filefor mail-in registrations. Writes CHARGE.LOGfile wi
OCCPS40.ZIP 18,877 11-28-94 ONLINE CREDIT CARD PROCESSING SYSTEM v4.0OCCPS is a PPE program to allow onlineregistration processing via credit cards,order products online, or optionally todownload a REGISTER.ZIP file for mail-inregistrations. W
OCCPS41.ZIP 21,301 03-13-95 ONLINE CREDIT CARD PROCESSING SYSTEM v4.1OCCPS is a PPE program to allow onlineregistration processing via credit cards,order products online, or optionally todownload a REGISTER.ZIP file for mail-inregistrations. W
ONEARM15.ZIP 16,469 11-22-94 * One Armed Bandit * v1.5 * PCBoard .PPE gamthat simulates the playing of a slot machineNo maintenance required. No configurationfiles required. Quick & easy install viaCMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10.Free l
OPENWID2.ZIP 17,016 03-20-94 @X1E┌───────────────────────────┐@X07@X1E│OPENWIDE.PPE 4 PCBOARD 15.1│@X07@X1E│───────────────────────────│@X07@X1E│A beautifully designed PPE │@X07@X1E│to replace your OPEN cmd. │@X07@X1E│ANSI support, cursor key,
ORGAN102.ZIP 42,604 03-06-95 PCBoard Organizer v1.02 for PCBoard 15.2────────────────────────────────────────────▐│ ORGANIZE.PPE: This program allow your │▌▐│ users to browse the Calendar, or search│▌ ▐│ any Date. They can place notes on the
│▌ ▐│ Notebook, store Address's and Birthday│▌ ▐│ on the Address Book. Also have a small│▌ ▐│ Calculator. The Notes and Birthday's│▌ ▐│ can be seen on the NEWS, if they match│▌ ▐│ the current date. Made in PPLC 3.0
ORWAIT11.ZIP 9,150 01-12-95 ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗║ OR WAIT.PPE 1.1 - Revision 01/08/94 ║╠══─────────────────────────────────══╣║ This [PPE3] replace PCBTEXT #418, ║║ the WAIT prompt. This makes your ║║ BBS more fancy an
ORWAIT12.ZIP 20,841 01-24-95 ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗║ OR WAIT.PPE 1.2 - Revision 01/20/95 ║╠══─────────────────────────────────══╣║ This [PPE3] replace PCBTEXT #418, ║║ the WAIT prompt. This makes your ║║ BBS more fancy an
OR_WAIT1.ZIP 9,125 01-10-95 ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗║ WAIT.PPE v1.0 - Release 01/05/94 ║╠══─────────────────────────────────══╣║ This [PPE3] replace PCBTEXT #418, ║║ the WAIT prompt. This makes your ║║ BBS more fancy an
OVL-LMR.ZIP 5,907 03-13-95 AMi/X LAMeRS! PPE for PCBoard 15.2+Great PPE to show who the Lamersare on the BBS.
OVL-PAGE.ZIP 6,253 03-12-95 AMi/X PAGe! PPE for PCBoard 15.2+
OVL-PMT.ZIP 4,977 03-13-95 AMi/X PR0MPT! PPE for PCBoard 15.2+
P1-SUB10.ZIP 24,286 04-26-94 SUB10 Top Up/Downloaders PPESUB10 Creates a graphical output of thetop ten uploaders and downloaders on asystem. All graphs and screens are 100%configurable. Same as the one used on
Suburbia. Written by The Chairman.
PBLOTT01.ZIP 7,849 01-24-95 POWER BALL LOTTO QUICK PICK v1.0 for PCBv15.x A PPE program to generate Quick Picknumbers for play in the Power Ball Lottery.Shareware by Tom Palko, American SoftwareDevelopment Support BBS at (318) 443-0271
PBSTS33G.ZIP 7,208 12-16-94 PBStats 3.3Γ User Stats <PEX> for ProBoard 2with Full RIP Support from ≡NSD≡
PCB900.ZIP 31,560 01-10-95 ├───────════════ PCB900.PPE ════════───────┤┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│ Accept subscriptions via an easy to call ││ 900 number. Lower rates than some of the ││ other 900 services. Charges at both $
PCBBE110.ZIP 9,773 11-23-94 ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐│ The PCB Bulletin Executive v1.10 │├─────────────────────────────────────────┤│Automatically Creates/Updates Bulletin ││menu each time it is run. Displays last │
PCBDESC5.ZIP 15,427 09-07-94 PCBDescribe Version 5.20 09/07/94 release.utility for PCBoard systems that detectsdescription files included in uploaded filesand uses the contents as the uploaddescription. Optionally appends a lineindicating the
PCBOC110.ZIP 289,464 12-18-94 Online Checks Direct! <tm> For PCB (v1.10)PCBOCD (as it is called) is a unique programthat will allow your users to purchase froma product listing (via the PCBoard SalesExecutive) and to pay for the products withthe
PCBSEC10.ZIP 10,102 01-12-95 PCBSEC v1.0 - Encrypted E-Mail For PCBoard.Compiled with PPLC 3.0 - Freeware PPE forthe use of PCBoard SysOps.
PCBSEC20.ZIP 10,366 01-18-95 PCBSEC v2.0 - Encrypted E-Mail For PCBoard.Compiled with PPLC 3.0 - Freeware PPE forthe use of PCBoard SysOps. - 2.0 correctsthe problem of the PPE not generating theencrypted archives as well as correcting afew typ
PCBSEC30.ZIP 11,122 01-17-95 PCBSEC v3.0 - Encrypted E-Mail For PCBoard.Compiled with PPLC 3.0 - Freeware PPE forthe use of PCBoard SysOps. - 3.0 allowsmessage entry from a local level andimproves integrity checking of the PPE.
PCBSEC31.ZIP 12,002 01-24-95 PCBSEC v3.10 - Encrypted E-Mail For PCBoard.Compiled with PPLC 3.0 - Freeware PPE forthe use of PCBoard SysOps. - 3.10 allows anexternal message to be sent to users thathave had an encrypted archive transmitted to
them. Also a few small changes to tightenup the PPE code.
PHCD.ZIP 8,791 07-26-94 PPE THAT TELLS YOU WHAT CD ROM IS IN THEDRIVE!! HANDELS UP 20 CD'S !!!!.........*************** PHANTOM BBS ************************* (716)-366-3884 ***********
PHUN-MEB.ZIP 3,171 02-01-95 [PPE] LOGIN MESSAGE SCARER V.1.0 [PHUN]┌─────────────────────────────────────┐│ Broadcasts a message to all nodes : ││ > at the login * 90% configurable < ││ > + SPECIAL SETUP FOR THE SYSOP ! < │└───────────────────
PHUN-TC1.ZIP 1,607 01-31-95 [PPE] THIS-CALL-STATISTICS V.1.0 [PHUN]┌─────────────────────────────────────┐│ A cool PPe to install in the logoff ││ to show the user what he did during ││ his call (# of Pages/Chats/Errors). │└───────────────────
PKPRES4B.ZIP 57,866 01-08-94 ───»»»» Pkpress 4.0 BETA «««─── ■ Recompresses zip files with max compression, saving MEGABYTES ■ CONVERTS Pkzip 1.1 to 2.04g format ■ Powerful Comment Processor - (Replace,Append,Strip,Save)
■ Config file for User Customization ■ Now works on ALL DOS Platforms ■ Much faster, reliable, & powerful than ANY of the competition ■ Records Logfile if requested ■ All processing is done in ONE step
■ New interface, more error checking ■ Many MORE features with registration ■ Better error handling, MORE features
PMTTV12.ZIP 24,104 11-27-94 ┌───────────────────────────────────┐│ PMTT V1.12 11/27/94 ││A Cool PPE program that is still ││developing stage, but is fully ││Functional to use right now. ││Simple to install and use, pl
POB396LS.ZIP 6,358 01-02-95 ┌ POB396LS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 1.00R [1/1]├───────────────────────────────────────────│POB396LS.PPE is a replacement for the main│prompt 396. This PPE include a LINESCROLLER│and any other key shortcuts. [ESC] for B
POB396_2.ZIP 7,535 01-10-95 ┌ POB396LS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 1.01 [1/1]├───────────────────────────────────────────│POB396LS.PPE is a replacement for the main│prompt 396. This PPE include a LINESCROLLER│and any other key shortcuts. [ESC] for B
POB605.ZIP 5,585 01-10-95 ┌ POB605 [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 1.00 [1/1]├───────────────────────────────────────────│POB605.PPE is a replacement for the entry│605 (Proceed with logoff?) in PCBtext.│Read the DOKU <g> for more details.│This PPE
POBJOIN2.ZIP 25,576 01-24-95 POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 V1.00Conference join menu. Full lightbar support,net support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), shohighmsg and actmsg in sel. conference, fullconfigurable with configfile, multi lang.support, sho
│POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join │menu available! Full lightbar support, net │support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show │highmsg and actmsg in sel. conference, full│configurable with configfile, multi lang.
│support, show conferences in dark color if │user is not registered in or not, and much │much more! Read doku for all informations!!│ NOW you can define FIDO comp. Netnames! │ *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995
│ German PCBoard Distributor └───────────────────────────────────────────
POBJOIN5.ZIP 18,421 01-24-95 ┌ POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 2.10 [1/1]├───────────────────────────────────────────│POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join│menu available! Full lightbar support, net│support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show│h
POBJOIN8.ZIP 31,559 01-28-95 ┌ POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.21 - 2.30 [1/1]├───────────────────────────────────────────│POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join│menu available! Full lightbar support, net│support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show│h
POBJOIN9.ZIP 33,902 03-12-95 ┌ POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.21 - 2.50[1/1]┐├───────────────────────────────────────────┤ │POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join │ │menu available! Full lightbar support,net │ │support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...),
show │ │highmsg, actmsg and last read insel. conf.│ │Supports FIDO comp. net, multilang. supp. │ │shows FIDO area name if FIDO,and much more│ │ Read doku for allinformations!! │ │ code rewritten forspeed improovment │ │ *FREEWARE*
POBNLS01.ZIP 7,804 01-10-95 ┌ POBNLS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 0.01ß [1/1]├───────────────────────────────────────────│POBNLS.PPE is a Nodelist browser for PCB.│If you run FIDO with PCBoard 15.21 you'll│need this! You can search for SYSOP name│o
POBNLS02.ZIP 8,599 01-12-95 ┌ POBNLS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 0.02ß [1/1]├───────────────────────────────────────────│POBNLS.PPE is a Nodelist browser for PCB.│If you run FIDO with PCBoard 15.21 you'll│need this! You can search for SYSOP name│o
POBNLS03.ZIP 8,686 01-18-95 ┌ POBNLS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 0.03ß [1/1]├───────────────────────────────────────────│POBNLS.PPE is a Nodelist browser for PCB.│If you run FIDO with PCBoard 15.21 you'll│need this! You can search for SYSOP name│o
POB_SC2.ZIP 11,286 01-10-95 ┌ POB_SC2 [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 1.00 [1/1]├───────────────────────────────────────────│POB_SC2.PPE is a very simle PPE only for│PCBoard Distributors!│This PPE make it easier to insert the code│for the PCBoard Dist
POG14.ZIP 17,882 11-22-94 .. Pot Of Gold .. v 1.4 .. PCBoard .PPE gameof chance. Try your luck at this fun game.No maintenance required. No configurationfiles required. Quick & easy install viaCMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10.Free BBS
POSTBLT1.ZIP 12,298 01-17-95 A POSTLINK Mail run report Utility!Postblt will create an informativebulletin for your last mail run,letting your users know how manymessages that were exported, andimported. Fully configurable as tocolor, node ID
POWPP200.ZIP 224,273 01-02-95 ─────────═ PowerPPL v2.0 ═──────────PCBoard Programming Language Editor!────────────────────────────────────This customizable editor does* colorize the PPL KeyWords* give full PPL Help (CTRL-F1)* Compile and RUN PP
PPESCR17.ZIP 37,949 11-09-94 PPE-Script v1.70 (11-01-94) - Newask/Logon/ Logoff/Script program. Replaces registrationdoors and offers full registration options. Script file driven .PPE allows branching to Five levels of scripts and is extremely
PPE_MENU.ZIP 21,366 11-07-94 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-- PPE-MENU.ZIP: Generic Menus in -- PPE format for PCBoard v15.2+. --------------------------------------- These menus have HOT-KEYS or use -- HI-LITE BARS that move with
PPPFK101.ZIP 5,802 02-09-95 PPPFake v 1.01. This program replacestemporarily slip.exe or ppp.exe to catch theparameters sent to them by slippm. It savesthe settings in a commandfile that will starthe slip or ppp program directly for you.
PSN!USER.ZIP 4,571 03-16-95 USER PPE v.1.0 FoR PCBOARD
PSNLOG10.ZIP 4,577 02-04-95 LoGiN PPE v1.0 - for PCB 15.2
PULL11.ZIP 13,672 01-10-95 ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐│ Pull Down Menu PPE 1.1 - Scott Eby │├────────────────────────────────────────┤│ Best and ONLY Pull Down Menu PPE. ││ Replaces Main Menu and is totally ││ con
PULL12.ZIP 15,337 01-17-95 ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐│ Pull Down Menu PPE 1.2 - Scott Eby │├────────────────────────────────────────┤│ Best and ONLY Pull Down Menu PPE. ││ Replaces Main Menu and is totally ││ con
PULLSH.ZIP 23,719 12-15-94 <<<Finally a full PULL DOWN Menu>>><<< VERSION 3.5 MAJOR REVISION >>><<<PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.1+ bbs's >>>Fully configurable pull down menusthat supports running other ppe'sor regular commands without theuse of an .
PWA-NSP1.ZIP 4,818 02-05-95 ┌──────── PWA New-Scan Pro-PC v1.0 ────────┐│ Ami/X styled new file scan PPE for PCB! ││ Scan options features todays, yesterday, ││ weekly, and even user adjustable in real ││ time. Source code included!└────────
PWAA1L10.ZIP 3,481 01-21-95 ┌───[ AMI-X ONELINERS v1.00 by Timecop ]───┐│ A great looking, AMI-X styled One-liners ││ PPE. Features a filter to remove those ││ trouble causing PCB @-macros, as well as ││ on-the-fly @-color code interpretatio
PWAAFSUE.ZIP 4,082 01-21-95 ┌──── AMI-X Full Screen User Editor PPE ───┐│ This is a great looking AMI-X styled PPE ││ to install in your CMD.LST. │└──────────────────────────────────────────┘
PWAALT10.ZIP 4,491 03-13-95 ┌─ AMI-X Last Transfers v1.00 by Timecop ──┐│ Another PCBoard PPE with an AMI-X style, ││ this one creates a bulletin displaying ││ the last X number of files uploaded and ││ downloaded by your users.└───────────
PWAAMXCH.ZIP 4,628 01-16-95 ┌─────── AMI-X Chat PPE by Timecop ────────┐│ A small, quick, and simple AMI/X styled ││ SysOp Chat replacement PPE. Very clean ││ with no nonsense. │└───────────────────────────────────────
PWAATB10.ZIP 8,927 03-13-95 ┌ AMI-X Alltime Top DL/UL v1.00 by Timecop ┐│ [AMI-UPLD.PPE & AMI-DNLD.PPE] : Generate ││ bulletins with a great AMI-X look of top ││ uploaders and downloaders by bytes. │└───────────────────────────────────────
PWAAXCHW.ZIP 4,887 03-13-95 ┌ AMI-X Chat PPE bugfix ver. 2 by Timecop ┐│ A small, quick, and simple AMI/X styled ││ SysOp Chat replacement PPE. Very clean ││ with no nonsense. Minor bugfix version. ││ Wordwrap added in this version.└─────
PWAAXUVU.ZIP 3,182 03-13-95 ┌───── AMI-X User Verification Utility ────┐│ A small and quick PPE that allows you to ││ view information about any other user, ││ all done in an AMI-X style. │└───────────────────────────────────────
PWABFV20.ZIP 110,729 02-19-95 ┌───────────[ FileView PPE v2.0 ]──────────┐│ This is a fantastic file viewer PPE that ││ totally eclipses all other file viewers! ││ Extremely fast, highly configurable, and ││ has complete lightbar and hotkey suppo
PWABQT10.ZIP 9,655 03-13-95 ┌──[ Quoter PPE v1.0 by BlackCat /\ PWA ]──┐│ PCBoard message quoter which uses pplc ││ 3.0 for easier and seamless integration. ││ A nice addition for sysops using Nets to ││ brighten up your quotes.└────────────
PWABWM10.ZIP 27,026 02-19-95 ┌──[ WMTop PPE v1.00 by BlackCat /\ PWA ]──┐│ A PCB 15.2+ PPE : Weekly and Monthly top ││ uploaders/downloaders bulletin creator ││ (bytes & files). Uses a database instead ││ of reading logfiles or adding a TPA. T
PWACJ11.ZIP 10,026 12-25-94 ┌─── Conference Join v1.1 by Drew [PWA] ───┐│ A conference join PPE that shows only the││ conferences a user has access to while ││ ignoring "blank" conferences as well as ││ unaccessible ones. v1.1 fixes a min
PWACJ12.ZIP 9,423 02-05-95 ┌─── Conference Join v1.2 by Drew [PWA] ───┐│ A conference join PPE that shows only the││ conferences a user has access to while ││ ignoring "blank" conferences as well as ││ unaccessible ones. Major speed improv
PWAEEM11.ZIP 12,997 01-14-95 ┌── Enhanced End of Message v1.1 by Drew ──┐│ Replace your End of Message prompt with ││ this clean looking, highly configurable, ││ hotkey & lightbar driven PPE replacement.││ Written in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2 on
PWAEF20.ZIP 26,649 12-25-94 ┌──── Enhanced Flag v2.0 by Drew [PWA] ────┐│ Get rid of that ancient FLAG.PPE! Use ││ those up and down arrows to flag your ││ files -- OBV/2 & V/2 style. EFLAG v2.0 ││ has been totally rewritten from scrat
PWAEF21.ZIP 25,024 07-02-94 ┌───[ Enhanced Flag v2.0 by Drew / PWA ]───┐│ Get rid of that ancient FLAG.PPE! Use ││ those up and down arrows to flag your ││ files -- OBV/2 and V/2 style. EFLAG.PPE ││ is totally lightbar and hotkey drive
PWAEF211.ZIP 26,123 03-16-95 ┌──[ Enhanced Flag v2.11 by Drew /\ PWA ]──┐│ Get rid of that ancient FLAG.PPE! Use ││ those up and down arrows to flag your ││ files -- OBV/2 and V/2 style. EFLAG.PPE ││ is totally lightbar and hotkey drive
PWAEMC11.ZIP 16,440 01-01-95 ┌── Enhanced Mesg Edit Cmds v1.1 by Drew ──┐│ A crisp & clean looking PPE replacement ││ for your (S) (A) (D) etc. message edit ││ prompt. Hotkey and lightbar driven for ││ an easy interface. Written in PPL 3
PWAEMC12.ZIP 13,363 01-14-95 ┌── Enhanced Mesg Edit Cmds v1.2 by Drew ──┐│ A crisp & clean looking PPE replacement ││ for your (S) (A) (D) etc. message edit ││ prompt. Hotkey and lightbar driven for ││ an easy interface. Written in PPL 3
PWAEMC13.ZIP 14,988 03-16-95 ┌── Enhanced Mesg Edit Cmds v1.3 by Drew ──┐│ A crisp & clean looking PPE replacement ││ for your (S) (A) (D) etc. message edit ││ prompt. Hotkey and lightbar driven for ││ an easy interface. Written in PPL 3
PWAEQU10.ZIP 15,082 12-25-94 ┌── Enhanced Quick Uploader v1.0 by Drew ──┐│ Do your blind uploads the CORRECT way: ││ no more choking if you already have files││ flagged for download. Features lightbars,││ private message to the sysop, and sour
PWAPG21.ZIP 41,817 01-14-95 ┌─── Prompts Galore! v2.1 by Drew [PWA] ───┐│ Replace 44(!) of those boring PCBoard ││ text prompts with these slick looking ││ lightbar prompts! This is a must have ││ for the complete lightbar maniac. V2
PWAUSREF.ZIP 7,671 01-21-95 ┌───── User Refer PPE by Cyber Demon ──────┐│ Use this to let your validated users ref-││ er other potential new users. Uses some ││ great looking ansi-animation effects! │└───────────────────────────────────────
Q-ND062.ZIP 134,027 10-27-94 ■ NUKEDUKE v0.62ß of (11/14/94) - (Q-TIP!) ■NUKEDUKE: the best nuker ever made forpcboard! multiple files nuking/awarding/commenting, description editor, dummy filecreator, free dl maker, flag.ppe stylespace tagging
QUOTE.ZIP 30,616 01-10-95 @X19┌──────────────────────@X10┐@X07@X19│ @X1FMAIN MENU QUOTE v1.0 @X10│@X07@X19└@X10──────────────────────┘@X07@X07A PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.2@X07Fix your main menu to display@X07different quotes anywhere@X07on the scr
QV11.ZIP 6,980 12-23-94 Quick View v1.1 + PCBoard PPE utility tquickly pull up a user's record while readinmessages online. Check it out! Compiled o12/20/94. FREEWARE!!
R2LODOUP.ZIP 3,999 12-25-94 PCB Logon Door for v15.x
RADCD102.ZIP 84,787 12-02-94 [- RADCD Ver 1.02 -]** Fixes and Enhancements **RemoteAccess Dropped Carrier DetectorReads RA.LOG and posts message to userswho drop caller.Supports Multi-Line systems.Supports HUDSON and JAM message bases.Sysop d
RANGEN10.ZIP 37,130 12-01-94 RanGen v1.00: Simple program to pick randomnumbers. You are prompted for the upper andlower range and the total number of numbersyou want drawn. Output is stored in a logfile for later review. By T&J SoftwareBBS: (7
──┴─┬───┴──┬───┴──┬───┴──┬───┴──┬───┴──┬──────┬╔═════════════════════════════════════╗────┴║ This is a User 'WALL' Program ║────┬╟─────────────────────────────────────╢────┴║ * Color Configurable Graphics ║──
──┬║ * A VERY Graphical Interface ║────┴║ * Definable Input Lengths ║────┬║ * Optional Disclaimer Display ║────┴║ * Display Centering ║────┬║ * Added Help feature and MORE! ║──
──┴╟─────────────────────────────────────╢────┬║ Red Dragon Software ║────┴╚═════════════════════════════════════╝────┬──┴───┬──┴───┬──┴───┬──┴───┬──┴───┬──┴─────┴──┬───┴──┬───┴──┬───┴──┬───┴──┬───┴──┬───
RECEIPT2.ZIP 15,337 02-13-94 RECEIPT.PPE PCBoard 15.1 PPEthat generates a receipt foryour subscribers and allowsthem to download it.
REG_LECH.ZIP 4,708 01-02-95 Anti-Leech PPELockout users by time defined periods
REMIND01.ZIP 10,509 01-23-95 ╒═══════════Remind.PPE v1.0════════════╕│ Counts the number of days remains ││ till New Years and number of shopping││ days till Christmas. Display a ││ message on a holiday or special │
│ events day. Logon/off script or menu ││ command. FREEWARE ││ Software Kitchen BBS 718-281-0645! │╘══════════════════════════════════════╛
RGD-BFDL.ZIP 2,831 01-10-95 Stats before D/L v1.0
RGD-ST2.ZIP 3,358 01-10-95 User Stats v2.0
RGD-ULOG.ZIP 5,329 01-10-95 Login PPE (Newuser, handle, pass, etc.)
RGD-US.ZIP 4,837 01-10-95 User List v1.0
RGD_BFDL.ZIP 1,371 01-07-95 Stats before D/L v1.0
RGD_PAGE.ZIP 3,558 10-28-94 Page PPE. Quick, Simple, and Source Included
RGD_PAGE.ZIP 3,558 12-10-94 Page PPE. Quick, Simple, and Source Included
RGD_ST2.ZIP 1,898 01-07-95 User Stats v2.0
RGD_ULOG.ZIP 3,869 01-07-95 Login PPE (Newuser, handle, pass, etc.)
RGD_US.ZIP 3,377 01-07-95 User List v1.0
RH_TOPS1.ZIP 43,211 12-31-94 ┌──────────────────────────────────┐│ = ToTaL ToP CReaToR v1.0 = ││ ■ Totally Configurable ││ ■ All Tops Have A Differnt PPE ││ For Building Into Bulletins ││ ■ Creating Tops Online└───────
RLOGOFF.ZIP 35,781 01-10-95 Random logoff ansi displayer with full sourc
RMAIL11.ZIP 4,938 03-01-95 RMAIL V1.1 - The PPE scans allconferences for the MAIL WAITINGflag, shows which conferences containwaiting mail, and disables downloadfunctions until the mail is read.Registration is only $8.Created by Lobo Consult
SCCONF11.ZIP 11,298 01-14-95 Band new PPE to replace the Jcommand from the PCBoard mainmenu. Lets you put all of yourconfrences in groups that number1,2,3,4 no matter what thier realnumbers are! StarCOMM FREEWARE!
SCCONF12.ZIP 8,926 10-23-94 Band new PPE to replace the Jcommand from the PCBoard mainmenu. Lets you put all of yourconfrences in groups that number1,2,3,4 no matter what thier realnumbers are! StarCOMM FREEWARE!
From the StarLanes BBS 618-539-3751
SCQWK10.ZIP 11,828 01-24-95 StarCOMM QWK Command Replacement v1.0* Full LightBar* Makes PCB QWK Quick and EASY!* Select, Download, Upload* Download or Upload and Logoff
SETED30B.ZIP 17,415 01-02-94 SETED V3.0 Beta [PPE] This is a MAJOR UPGRADto SETED the User settings editor. This PPEwill replace the PCboard W command with aMenu driven interface. Starting with ver 3.0you can now customize the Color, Text and a
SHELL_22.ZIP 18,041 01-10-95 THE SHELL GAME - Ver 2.2, a PPE forPCBoard 15.2. A game of chance thatrecreates the Shell Game. Find thehidden pea under one of the shells,try to avoid being arrested, and trynot to let the ShellMaster cheat you!
SHELL_23.ZIP 18,737 01-18-95 THE SHELL GAME - Ver 2.2, a PPE forPCBoard 15.2. A game of chance thatrecreates the Shell Game. Find thehidden pea under one of the shells,try to avoid being arrested, and trynot to let the ShellMaster cheat you!
SHELL_25.ZIP 19,678 01-24-95 THE SHELL GAME - Ver 2.5, a PPE for PCBoard15.2, From Galahad Software. A game of chancthat recreates the Shell Game. Find thehidden pea under one of the shells, try toavoid being arrested, and try not to let the
ShellMaster cheat you! Features a monthly aHall of Fame scoring record.
SKCHAT13.ZIP 10,836 11-01-94 Sy Kopath Chat v1.3 - PCBoard PPE.A fun fake chat program. Quick and easyinstall in CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST.No configuration file, no maintenance!Shareware $10. Free BBS support.Updated for PCboard v15.2.Compiled
SOMANY23.ZIP 21,583 11-25-94 [PPE] SO MANY CDs! Version 2.3More CD-ROMs than drives? Let usersrequest files from offline CD's!Sysop notified at login of requests;if local, sysop loads requested CD'sand file is posted as attachmentto message t
SPELL111.ZIP 753,488 11-01-94 -- PCB Spell v1.11 (A PCBoard 15.2+ PPE!) --Wow! Here is the culmination of work startedseveral months ago. This is an online SpellChecker for your messages. Easy to installsimple to use. Users love it. Supports
SPLASH.ZIP 4,387 12-26-94 Logon Splash screen replacementwith full source code
SSET11.ZIP 46,384 02-01-95 SUPERSET v1.1 <ASP> - DOS EnvironmentExtender which replaces the DOS 'SET'command. With SuperSet you can:* Extend the length of any environmentvariable to any arbitrary length. Beat
the normal DOS limit of 127 characters.* Prepend or append to existing environmentvariables. No more re-typing your entirepath just to add one more directory.* Save, Load and Update environment snapshotfiles. Quick, one-shot way of setting-up
your environment in a single command.* Replace or delete environment variables.* Modify the parent OR the master environmenblock.* Prune Novell NetWare network drives in thePATH.* Display all environment strings in aneasy-to-read format.
* Display environment size and usage info.Shareware. $12.95 registration fee.
STP301B.ZIP 59,679 10-26-94 STPCB (USRSTATS) PPE V3.01 BETA 10/26/94PCBoard/USR sysops can now allow callersto view modem diagnostics while on-line!Requires PCB 15.1 or 15.2 and smallfootprint USR Courier modem. Multi-nodecompatible, super-eas
SWHO12.ZIP 5,849 10-24-94 SuperWho [PPE] - v1.2 - A fun replacement foyour PCBoard WHO command that will show fakusers on your system. Limited only by youimagination. Free BBS support for registereusers! No delays or beg screens.f
SYSALERT.ZIP 2,937 03-06-95 ┌───SYSALERT.PPE v1.0────┐│ Beeps and let the sysop││ knows when someone ││ logon their bbs. ││ FREEWARE ││ Software Kitchen BBS ││ 718-281-0645 │└────────────────────────┘
T-RISK20.ZIP 152,506 01-23-95 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐│··─*─> Time Risk V2.0 PCBoard [PPE] <─*─··│├──────────────────────────────────────────┤│ A PPE for PCBoard 15.2+ which your users ││ gamble away their online time by playi
TABPPE62.ZIP 65,896 03-06-95 TABPPE62.ZIP v6.2 PPE written to interfacePCBoard 15.21 BBS's with the True Media's900-XXXX Subscription service. TABS-PPEprovides access level upgrades, supportsPCB's credit accounting, and provides ASCII
and/or DBase III+ format logging anddetailed information about the service.Smooth seemless interface. Adds to callernotes, creates bulletins, and more. Reallyallows this service to work for you !!
TAGGED10.ZIP 15,337 11-06-94 == TAGGED10.PPE == Version 1.0Initial release of the firstprogram that allows your usersto keep a database of the filesthey want to download, ONLINE!Your users will love you forthis new addition.Uploaded by: Thom
TB511B06.ZIP 163,570 11-29-94 TriBBS 5.11 - Beta 6 - TriBBS will no longerrecognize @hangup@ when it appears in amessage's subject line.
TH-M2C15.ZIP 11,858 11-28-94 Pre-processor that scans your incomingInternet email for messages to specifiedconferences on your BBS. Saves youtransfer time because it lets you receivemessages for Internet mailings lists onceinstead once for eac
THEWHO12.ZIP 9,368 01-10-95 THEWHO v1.02b PPE of (01/01/95)Thewho v1.02b is the most configurable 'WHO'replacement out, and you'll love it!
THT194V1.ZIP 2,599 01-04-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕╒═╛ From the House of The Master ╘═╕│ Comes ┌┬┐ ┬ ┬ ┌┬┐ Pcboard ││ Another │ │─┤ │ PPE MSG194 ││ Fine ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ Replaces │
│Two PCBTEXT Prompt's [194,630] for the ││Private Message and Return Receipt. │╘═╕ Another Free PPE from --->>> <<THT>>╒═╛ ╘══════════════════════════════════════╛
THT39622.ZIP 10,682 01-03-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕╒═╛ THT CMD396 v2.02 ╘═╕│Replacement for the MAIN Command prompt ││for PCB 15.1+ just install this PPE in the││PCBTEXT Record # 396 and ad your Command │
THTDUP11.ZIP 16,700 02-03-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕╒═╛ THTDUP v1.10 PPE ╘═╕│ Daily Upload Bulletin Generator For PCB ││ 15.1+, Creates a Display file with all ││ of Today's Upload's from any │
THTEV100.ZIP 13,003 02-03-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕╒═╛ ╘═╕│ Two Small PPE'S for PCBTEXT 157 & 116 ││ Event Timer and Letting the user know ││ How much time is left before the Event │
THTLC115.ZIP 18,707 02-03-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕╒═╛ The Last Caller's v1.15 PPE ╘═╕│ THT Last Caller's AMI Style Last ││ Caller's Display, Many options all ││ Colors and the number of Last Calls │
THTLG211.ZIP 7,911 01-25-95 A Login PPE for PCB 15.0 & 15.1 replaces thePrompt's that ask for the USER's Name & PWFreeWare From The Master @ <<THT>>Now Logs and sends Messages when the UserForget's there PassWord's or Someone elsetries to ha
THTML100.ZIP 13,416 02-03-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕╒═╛ THT-Mail v1.00 PPE ╘═╕│ Mail Waiting PPE, Very Configurable ││ All colors, Length of the Colors ect... │╘═╕ <<THT>>╒═╛
THTMSG11.ZIP 19,544 02-03-95 This is the Ultimate PCB 15.1 Message HeaderReplacement, For all of you that Don't Carefor the Look of the PCBoard Message Headerthis is the PPE for you, completely configwith all Colors and Positions of all Prompts
THTNS202.ZIP 11,216 12-26-94 ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕╒═╛ THT NewScan v2.02 ╘═╕│NewScan PPE for PCB 15.1+ Replace the N in││PCBoard with this Very Small PPE. In This ││Version I added Multiple config's for the │
THTOFF20.ZIP 14,355 02-03-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕╒═╛ THT Auto-Off v2.00 PPE ╘═╕│ PPE to replace PCBTEXT 493 ││ Graphics display, Color Configurable ││ Amount of Time Also, PCB 15.1+ │
THTQT1B6.ZIP 18,766 02-03-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕╒═╛ THTQUOTE v1.0 Beta 6 ╘═╕│ Quoter for Replying to Messages For PCB ││ 15.1+, Use's AutoSig if you have it ││ Installed, Completely Configurable │
THTSP110.ZIP 14,849 02-03-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕╒═╛ THT-SpeeD v1.10 PPE ╘═╕│ Displays a Bar Graph of all Connects to ││ Your Board, Starts at the Lowest Baud ││ Allowed in your PCBOARD.DAT file. │
THTUE100.ZIP 21,858 02-03-95 ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕╒═╛ THTUEDIT v1.00 PPE ╘═╕│ Full Screen User Editor for online use ││ And though EOM if you can Modify yours, ││ Or Use the one with the PKG. Full Conf │
TH_M2C.ZIP 8,486 11-29-94 Pre-processor that scans your incoming Inter
TH_SIG11.ZIP 6,852 11-23-94 TH-SIG is a small PPE to add a .sig to eachoutgoing piece of email and each newspostthat leaves your system. It gathers allnecessary information other than the .sigitself from PCBOARD.DAT. The .sig is fullycustomiz
TICKLE10.ZIP 52,944 01-10-95 "TICKLE FILE" Ver 1.00 - 01/03/95 - (PPL 3.0"Tickle File" is a program that maintains apersonal database which can contain up to 24filenames with a 15 character description.Users "Tickle" their memory by viewing thei
TIEAB15.ZIP 22,618 03-06-95 The Internet E-Mail Address Book PPE!@X87v1.5 Red Dragon Software(c) 1995. Thisis a must have utility for any PCBoard BBSthat offers private internet e-mail! Allowsusers to store address as well as automatic
starting of Internet E-mail! Also showsuser there internet address per your system! Cleaned stuff up a bit on this version andadded some things! SHAREWARE: Cheap only$7.00!
TR-SYSP2.ZIP 3,686 03-16-95 SYSTEMPASSWORD PPE v2.0100% easy install dox
TR-WINFO.ZIP 5,732 03-16-95 CHANGE USER INFO PPE v1.0Another great "W" replacementfor your pleasure. Kewl styleand 100% sysop configurableCompiled in PPLC2 runs withany PCBOARD version. And with100% easy lamer install dox
TSCHAT20.ZIP 202,886 11-28-94 TSCNET CHAT Version 2.00. (NON-BETA)The ultimate chat replacement forPCBoard 15.x! 29 User Commands, 17Sysop Commands, Actions, Topics, WHOcommand, Receives PCBoard Broadcasts,Calls users in PCBoard, ChannelOwners
TSSQF20.ZIP 20,780 01-02-95 CW-QF v1.0: QuickFiles PPE Ami/X Style
TVIEW35.ZIP 33,461 03-06-95 TextView PPE 3.5 by Joseph Sheppard. ForPCBoard BBS V15.x. Used for displaying textinformation to your callers in a formatsimilar to the PCBoard Bulletin section.Great for Online Magazines. TextView menu
items can launch other Text Features orPPE's!
TWTERM25.ZIP 228,050 03-28-94 3D EGA Term for playing Trade Wars 2.0.Graphics, Sound Blaster support.Includes, Mapper, Level-Diagram mapping,and more. Get more done faster and wiserwhile on-line or off. Includes it's owneasy to use script langua
ULPPPE11.ZIP 8,171 08-14-94 ░░▒▓ ULP_PPE Version 1.1Beta ▓▒░░This program allows you to informyour users why their upload failedimmediately after they upload afile to the system that doesn'tpass your ULP tests. This PPErequires you to be u
UP_DATE.ZIP 15,867 02-03-95 This PPL Code will check the Usersfile for the callers Address Info, Ifthere is none it will display a menuwhere they place there address Info.
USAV12.ZIP 13,816 12-01-94 USAV12.PPE --------------***>PCBoard 15.2 (PPE) This is an onlineviewing PPL for USATODAY. I wrotethis PPE out of frustration aftertrying to install the USADOOR carriedon PLANET CONNECT. Added new newsareas.FREEWAR
USAV98.ZIP 8,479 12-03-94 USAV98.PPE ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓PCBoard 15.2 (PPE) This is an onlineviewing PPL for USATODAY. I wrotethis PPE out of frustration aftertrying to install the USADOOR carriedon
USRCSV22.ZIP 5,496 03-05-95 USERCSV v2.2 <PPE>Creates a comma seperated file with usersinfo. Ready to be imported in to a database, word processers, and other applications.FREE REGISTRATION!Gift_Ware by: Jay Parekh A Touch Of Class On-Li
UT_SEC_1.ZIP 4,893 01-24-95 [PPE] SECURE.PPE v1.1This is a nice PPE to add securityto any of your commandsFREE WARE! No Registration no delays!Another fine PPE by@X04D@X0CA@X0FNTE
VAULT.ZIP 17,466 03-07-94 @X5E┌───────────────────────────┐@X07@X5E│VAULT.PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.1 │@X07@X5E│───────────────────────────│@X07@X5E│A Beautifully Designed TIME│@X07@X5E│and BYTE Bank. Unique ANSI,│@X07@X5E│Online Help, Exchange and
VEN_VIEW.ZIP 1,937 12-26-94 (V) Command Replacement for PCB 15.1+
VSCHO2.ZIP 148,107 12-11-94 VSCHO2.PPE file will adda Simulated sysop chatto callers. So they thinkthey are actually chat withyou. This is for a BBS thatyou are never there to chat,but gives callers a chance tochat with your computer.
VSCHO3.ZIP 4,229 12-10-94 VSCHO7.PPE file will adda log on menu option socallers Can fill outPredifined ScriptQuestionaires thisis for BBS that are tiredof callers not fillingout Questionaires whenask to so this puts it right upfront for
VSCHO5.ZIP 4,868 12-10-94 vscho5.PPE - Is a PPE program Iwrote after see one I thought was neat.It makes callers think the Sysopis typing to them then acts likeyou dropping carrier on them.Just a fun program to add variety toyour board.
VSCHO6.ZIP 7,238 05-16-94 VSCHO6.PPE file will adda log off menu option socallers Can leave a messagefor sysops, hangup orjust log off. Very good forboards that want to add moreoptions to callers.
VSCHO7.ZIP 2,030 12-10-94 VSCHO7.PPE file will adda display of your choice toyour (QWK) command. Easy toinstall. You just have toedit display file with PCBEDIT.
VSTAT10.ZIP 2,721 01-25-95 VSTAT10.PPE - Another 'V' replacementfor PCBoard 15.2+. Used for user toview their personnal statistics.Freeware - Off The Wall Software.
V_INS100.ZIP 8,304 11-09-94 ┌[ Install-PPE v1.00 ]─────────────────────┐│ ││ ** PPE DEVELOPERS DOWNLOAD THIS NOW! ** ││ ││ This install utility used in all Vinyl
V_SSC100.ZIP 17,564 11-09-94 ┌[ Split-Screen Chat PPE v1.00 ]───────────┐│ ││ Over 6 months in development! Emulates ││ *ANY* other chat program, Sysop & USER ││ custom colors, next generation install
WC100.ZIP 9,219 12-12-94 ──[ The Weather Center PPE - v1.00 ]────────The Weather Center PPE allows users todownload the weather maps and viewerprovided by Planet Connect Satellitedelivery system. It provides a nice m
WC110.ZIP 12,513 01-10-95 ──[ The Weather Center PPE - v1.10 ]────────The Weather Center PPE allows users todownload the weather maps and viewerprovided by Planet Connect Satellitedelivery system. It provides a nice m
WHOCA114.ZIP 14,820 01-24-95 WHOCALL PPE v1.14 for PCBoard 15.2x────────────────────────────────────────────▐│ WHOCALL.PPE: This program keeps track │▌▐│ of the last callers who have connected │▌▐│ to your bbs (up to 1000 users). │▌▐│ Y
WHOCA115.ZIP 14,039 03-04-95 WHOCALL PPE v1.15 for PCBoard 15.2x────────────────────────────────────────────▐│ WHOCALL.PPE: This program keeps track │▌▐│ of the last callers who have connected │▌▐│ to your bbs (up to 1000 users). │▌
▐│ You can also create a bulletin with the│▌▐│ last 5 users who connected to your BBS,│▌▐│ to insert on the NEWS. Very fast logon │▌▐│ -------------------------------------- │▌▐│ MSmac Software ## 351-61-314336 [28.8] │▌
WOW100.ZIP 108,491 02-03-95 ╔═════════════════════════════════════════╗║ * WORDS-OF-WIT Version 1.0 * ║╠═════════════════════════════════════════╣║ A PPE for PCBoard 15.x that ║║ creates a random saying to display to ║
WOW110.ZIP 100,480 01-25-95 ╔═════════════════════════════════════════╗║ * WORDS-OF-WIT Version 1.1 * ║╠═════════════════════════════════════════╣║ A PPE for PCBoard 15.x that ║║ creates a random saying to display to ║
║ your users. Graphics screen is @X ║║ color code definable. Reads data files ║║ as large as 10,000 lines and more. ║║ Includes 4,500+ database of sayings. ║║ Registered version allows your users ║
║ to enter their own Words-Of-Wit. ║╠═════════════════════════════════════════╣║ * WORDS-OF-WIT Version 1.1 * ║╚═════════════════════════════════════════╝
WRITE.ZIP 17,323 02-27-94 WRITE.PPE PCBOARD 15.1 PPEUsers can use this beautifulANSI user information editorto change their system settingsand edit their personal info.Fully SYSOP configurable.Online help available. A MUSTSEE!!!
│ ██ ██ ████▀ ██ █████ │└──────────────────────────────┘Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ & DESC.SDIfrom ZIP, ARJ and LZH archives,creating/appening descriptionsin a PCBoard-oid listfile. 386+ Many fantastic features:
■ Automatic stripping of nonsence, high ASCII codes, graphics etc.■ Moving files with description■ Useable before (tape-)backups■ CD-ROM support, multi-configs■ No other BBS-Software needed■ NEW: remove PCBoard colorcodes
│ ▄█▀█▄ ██ █ ██ ▄█ ││ ██ ██ █████▀ ██ █████ 2.1e│└──────────────────────────────────┘Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ & DESC.SDI fromZIP, ARJ and LZH archives, creating/appening descriptions in a PCBoard-oid listfile. (386+)
Many fantastic features:■ Automatic stripping of all garbage■ Moving files with good description■ CD-ROM support, multi-configs■ No other BBS-Software needed■ NEW: 75 user defined strip-lines!■ NEW: Multiple ZIPs recognition...
ZAPMSG10.ZIP 27,420 01-31-95 ZAPMSG v1.00. Tired of deleting all those*.MSG files left over after tossing them toor scanning them from your BBS? Let ZAPMSGzap them for you! Easy to set up, easy touse, and it's free. Now includes Zapper Musi
Lawrence Gordon, AuthorFidoNet 1:100/560CIS 72672,1750
ZLINK100.ZIP 35,480 03-06-95 Z Word Link, Ver. 1.0, by GalahadSoftware, a PPE for PCBoard 15.2+.Z Word Link is a word game thatinvolves skill, strategy, and morethan a little luck! You createthree 4-letter words in a Z chain,
and the letters used determine yourscore! Only $5 to register!