No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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520 lines
;Sprite tutorial number 2
;Source code listing for the Untouchables disk magazine.
;Coded by Ninja of the Enterprise on the 9th November '91
;Sprite font by Technotron
;Neither the Untouchables or myself take any responsibility for the
;accuracy or efficiency of this source code listing.
;It does exactly what it was designed to do and it is possible to
;write a faster method but this was designed to teach the basics
;of sprite masking to those who have no knowledge of that topic.
;If you require further help then please write to either myself
;or the Untouchables and they will forward the letter to me. I
;hope you can learn something from my work and thanks for being
;interested in it.
;Well here goes for some equates that make my routines sprite
;indipendant... just change these values.. (see article for how.)
no_blocks = 8
length_in_words = no_blocks*4
height = 29
;Note: The first section of this code is identical to my last article.
;This is because it is a standard 'demo' initalize method I always use.
;Feel free to use it in your own code, its a compliment after all!
;Set the system up for supervisor mode...
clr.l -(sp)
move.w #$20,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
move.l d0,stack
bsr store_and_install_screen_setup
pea screen_note
move.w #9,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
move.l current,a0
move.l other,a1
move.w #8000,d1 ensure that the both screens
shift move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ have the screen note.
dbf d1,shift
;everything upto this point should have been staright
;forward and easy to understand (that also includes the contents
;of 'the store_and_install_screen_setup' subroutine).
;So now we move onto the tutorial bit...
;As there is an article in the magazine I won't go into
;to much detail but I will explain the actual routines...
;First we need to set up both the logo and mask buffers...
bsr setup_logo_buffers
bsr setup_mask_buffers
;So we now have everything ready to go, so here comes the main loop...
move.w #$25,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #2,sp wait for the vbl
move.l other,d0
move.l current,other swap the screen buffers
move.l d0,current around.
lsr.w #8,d0 and now move it directly into
move.l d0,$ffff8200.w the screen hardware registers
bsr draw_new_sprite a bit obvious!?!
cmp.b #$39,$fffffc02.w 'Space' key been pressed yet?...
bne main_loop If not loop again....
;So now I close down the program and restore everything
;back to what it was before this program was executed....
;First the screen address and resolution
move.w screen_resolution,-(sp)
move.l logical_screen,-(sp)
move.l physical_screen,-(sp)
move.w #5,-(sp)
trap #14
lea 12(sp),sp
;restore the palette
movem.l palette_store,d0-7
movem.l d0-7,$ff8240
;return to user mode
move.l stack,-(sp)
move.w #$20,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
;and terminate the program.
clr.w -(sp)
trap #1
;store the current screen state...
move.w #2,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #2,sp
move.l d0,physical_screen
move.w #3,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #2,sp
move.l d0,logical_screen
move.w #4,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #2,sp
move.w d0,screen_resolution
;and also store the palette...
movem.l $ff8240,d0-7
movem.l d0-7,palette_store
;and now I can set the ST to low resolution and my own screen
;buffer at the end of the program...
move.l #end_of_program,d0
add.l #256,d0 set d0 to a 256 boundary
clr.b d0 after the end of the program.
move.l d0,current
move.l d0,other
add.l #$8000,other
move.l d0,a0
move.w #$4000,d1 ensure that the new screens
.wipe move.l #0,(a0)+ buffer is clean.
dbf d1,.wipe
clr.w -(sp)
move.l d0,-(sp)
move.l (sp),-(sp)
move.w #5,-(sp) make the resolution and
trap #14 screen address changes.
lea 12(sp),sp
;and install my new palette...
movem.l logo_palette,d0-7
movem.l d0-7,$ff8240
lea logo_sprite_map,a2
moveq #15-1,d0 I need 15 'new' sprites
;get the start of the sprite to be copied and shifted...
move.l (a2)+,a0
;get the start of where the 'new' sprite will be writen...
move.l (a2),a1
moveq #height-1,d1 the sprite is 'height' rows high.
moveq #4-1,d2 the sprite has 4 planes.
bc set 0
rept no_blocks
move bc(a0),bc(a1) copy the 'bc' 16 pixels in plane.
bc set bc+8
bs set 0
rept no_blocks
roxr bs(a1) shift the 'bs' 16 pixels in plane.
bs set bs+8
addq #2,a0 next plane of source sprite.
addq #2,a1 next plane of destination sprite.
dbf d2,do_next_plane
lea (no_blocks-1)*8(a0),a0 next line of source sprite.
lea (no_blocks-1)*8(a1),a1 next line of destination sprite.
dbf d1,do_next_line do the next line...
dbf d0,shift_logo make another logo...
lea logo_sprite_map,a3
lea logo_mask_map,a2
moveq #16-1,d0 I need 16 masks
;get the start of the sprite to generate the mask...
move.l (a3)+,a0
;get the start of where the mask will be written...
move.l (a2)+,a1
moveq #height-1,d1 the sprite is 'height' rows high.
move.w #no_blocks-1,d3 the number of blocks in a line.
clr.l d6
move.w (a0),d6 get plane 1
or.w 2(a0),d6 or plane 2
or.w 4(a0),d6 or plane 3
or.w 6(a0),d6 or plane 4
swap d6
move.w (a0)+,d6 get plane 1
or.w (a0)+,d6 or plane 2
or.w (a0)+,d6 or plane 3
or.w (a0)+,d6 or plane 4
not.l d6 flip the bits
move.l d6,(a1)+ store a mask block
dbf d3,.do_the_next_block
dbf d1,.do_next_line
dbf d0,.mask_a_buffer
;First, I need to update the X and Y pointers...
move.l x_map_pos,a0
move.w (a0)+,x_coord
cmp.l #xend,a0
bls x_okay
move.l #xnew,a0
x_okay move.l a0,x_map_pos
move.l y_map_pos,a0
move.w (a0)+,y_coord
cmp.l #yend,a0
bls y_okay
move.l #ynew,a0
y_okay move.l a0,y_map_pos
bsr display_sprite
move.l other,a1 get the new screen
add.l #26*160,a1 move to the offset
;unlike last time, the X and Y co-ords are already known, so I can
;remove a section of the code from the previuos article.
move.w x_coord,d0
add.w #16,d0
move.w d0,d4 duplicate the x-axis co-ord.
;decide which of the 16 sprites and masks I will need...
and #$f,d4 only want the 1st 4 bits.
;Get the 16 bit boundary offset...
and.w #$fff0,d0 don't want the 1st 4 bits.
;convert x co-ord from an artist co-ord to a coder co-ord..
ror d0
;add new x co-ord to the screen..
lea (a1,d0.w),a1
;This time, we are going to use the y co-ord also...
move.w y_coord,d0
muls.w #160,d0 160 bytes to a line remember!?!
lea (a1,d0.w),a1
;select the sprite from the buffer
lsl.w #2,d4 quick multiply by 4
lea logo_sprite_map,a0 a0 now points to the table
move.l 0(a0,d4.w),a0 a0 now points to the sprite.
;select the mask from the buffer
lea logo_mask_map,a2 a2 now points to the table
move.l 0(a2,d4.w),a2 a2 now points to the mask.
;So, here comes the bit you've all been waiting for...
;Yes!! The mask to the screen routine!!!!
move.w #height-1,d0 'height' number of lines
rept no_blocks
move.l (a1),d1 read planes 1 & 2 from the screen.
and.l (a2),d1 and the block mask into the above.
or.l (a0)+,d1 or sprite planes 1 & 2 as above.
move.l d1,(a1)+ write new planes 1 & 2 to screen.
move.l (a1),d1 read planes 3 & 4 from the screen.
and.l (a2)+,d1 and the block mask into the above.
or.l (a0)+,d1 or sprite planes 3 & 4 as above.
move.l d1,(a1)+ write new planes 3 & 4 to screen.
add.l #160-(8*no_blocks),a1 goto the offset on the next line.
dbf d0,shift_a_line
;the variables....
stack dc.l 0
physical_screen dc.l 0
logical_screen dc.l 0
screen_resolution dc.w 0
palette_store ds.w 16
current dc.l 0
other dc.l 0
dc.b "The 'NINJA' sprite is being masked onto",10,13
dc.b "the old copies of itself.",10,13
dc.b "Press 'Space' to finish.",10,13
dc.b 10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10
dc.b 10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10
dc.b "Coded by the Ninja of the Enterprise",10,13
dc.b "Sprite font by Technotron"
dc.b 0
dc.w -1
dc.w 0,$555,$444,$333,$222,0,0,0
dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$777
ynew dc.w 0,1,2,3,4,5,7,9,$B,$D,$F,$12,$15,$18,$1B,$1E
dc.w $22,$26,$2A,$2E,$32,$37,$3C,$41,$46,$4B,$4F,$53
dc.w $57,$5B,$5F,$62,$65,$68,$6B,$6E,$70,$72,$74,$76
dc.w $78,$79,$7A,$7B,$7C,$7D,$7C,$7B,$7A,$79,$78,$76
dc.w $74,$72,$70,$6E,$6B,$68,$65,$62,$5F,$5B,$57,$53
dc.w $4F,$4B,$46,$41,$3C,$37,$32,$2E,$2A,$26,$22,$1E
dc.w $1B,$18,$15,$12,$F,$D,$B,9,7,5,4,3,2,1
yend dc.w 0
xnew dc.w 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,$B,$D,$F,$12,$15,$18,$1B,$1E,$22
dc.w $26,$2A,$2E,$32,$37,$3C,$41,$46,$4B,$51,$57,$5D
dc.w $63,$69,$6E,$73,$78,$7D,$82,$86,$8A,$8E,$92,$96
dc.w $99,$9C,$9F,$A2,$A5,$A7,$A9,$AB,$AD,$AF,$B0,$B1
dc.w $B2,$B3,$B4,$B3,$B2,$B1,$B0,$AF,$AD,$AB,$A9,$A7
dc.w $A5,$A2,$9F,$9C,$99,$96,$92,$8E,$8A,$86,$82,$7D
dc.w $78,$73,$6E,$69,$63,$5D,$57,$51,$4B,$46,$41,$3C
dc.w $37,$32,$2E,$2A,$26,$22,$1E,$1B,$18,$15,$12,$F
dc.w $D,$B,9,7,5,4,3,2
xend dc.w 1
y_map_pos dc.l ynew+30
x_map_pos dc.l xnew+20
x_coord dc.w 0
y_coord dc.w 0
dc.l logo0,logo1,logo2,logo3,logo4,logo5,logo6,logo7
dc.l logo8,logo9,logo10,logo11,logo12,logo13,logo14,logo15
dc.l mask0,mask1,mask2,mask3,mask4,mask5,mask6,mask7
dc.l mask8,mask9,mask10,mask11,mask12,mask13,mask14,mask15
;line 1
dc.w $FC01,0,0,0,$F87E,0,0,0,$1F80,0,0,0,$3F00,0,0,0
dc.w $F,0,0,0,$C001,0,0,0,$F800,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 2
dc.w $F801,$8601,0,0,$F07C,$842,0,0,$1F00,$10C0,0,0,$3E00,$2100,0,0
dc.w $F,8,0,0,$8001,$4001,0,0,$F000,$800,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 3
dc.w $F001,$CE01,0,0,$E078,$9866,0,0,$1E00,$19C0,0,0,$3C00,$3300,0,0
dc.w $F,$C,0,0,1,$C001,0,0,$E000,$9800,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 4
dc.w $E001,$FF01,0,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1FE0,0,0,$3800,$3F00,0,0
dc.w $E,$F,0,0,3,$C003,0,0,$A000,$FC00,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 5
dc.w $E001,$FF01,0,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1FE0,0,0,$3800,$3F00,0,0
dc.w $E,$F,0,0,3,$C003,0,0,$A000,$FC00,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 6
dc.w $E001,$FF81,0,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1FF0,0,0,$3800,$3F00,0,0
dc.w $E,$F,0,0,3,$C003,0,0,$A000,$FC00,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 7
dc.w $E001,$FF81,0,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1FF0,0,0,$3800,$3F00,0,0
dc.w $E,$F,0,0,7,$C007,0,0,$3000,$FE00,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 8
dc.w $E001,$FDC1,$200,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1FB8,$40,0,$3800,$3F00,0,0
dc.w $E,$F,0,0,7,$C007,0,0,$3000,$FE00,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 9
dc.w $E001,$FDC1,$200,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1FB8,$40,0,$3800,$3F00,0,0
dc.w $E,$F,0,0,7,$C007,0,0,$3000,$FE00,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 10
dc.w $E001,$FCE1,$300,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F9C,$60,0,$3800,$3F00,0,0
dc.w $E,$F,0,0,$E,$C00F,0,0,$3800,$FF00,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 11
dc.w $E001,$FCE1,$300,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F9C,$60,0,$3800,$3F00,0,0
dc.w $E,$F,0,0,$E,$C00F,0,0,$3800,$FF00,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 12
dc.w $E001,$FC71,$380,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F8E,$70,0,$3800,$3F00,0,0
dc.w $E,$F,0,0,$E,$C00F,0,0,$3800,$FF00,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 13
dc.w $E001,$FC71,$380,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F8E,$70,0,$3800,$3F00,0,0
dc.w $E,$F,0,0,$1C,$C01F,0,0,$1C00,$9F80,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 14
dc.w $E001,$FC39,$1C0,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F87,$38,0,$3800,$3F00,0,0
dc.w $E,$F,0,0,$1C,$C01F,0,0,$1C00,$9F80,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 15
dc.w $E001,$FC39,$1C0,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F87,$38,0,$3800,$3F00,0,0
dc.w $E,$F,0,0,$1C,$C01F,0,0,$1C00,$9F80,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 16
dc.w $E001,$FC1D,$E0,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F83,$1C,0,$3800,$BF00,0,0
dc.w $E,$F,0,0,$38,$C03F,0,0,$E00,$FC0,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 17
dc.w $E001,$FC1D,$E0,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F83,$1C,0,$380F,$BF00,0,0
dc.w $C00E,$F,0,0,$3B,$C03C,0,0,$FE00,$3C0,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 18
dc.w $E001,$FC0F,$70,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F81,$E,0,$380F,$FF08,0,0
dc.w $800E,$400F,0,0,$77,$C078,0,0,$FF00,$1E0,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 19
dc.w $E001,$FC0F,$70,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F81,$E,0,$380F,$FF0C,0,0
dc.w $E,$C00F,0,0,$7F,$C070,0,0,$FF00,$E0,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 20
dc.w $E001,$FC07,$38,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F80,7,0,$380E,$FF0F,0,0
dc.w $E,$C00F,0,0,$70,$C070,$F,0,0,$E0,$FF00,0,0,0,0,0
;line 21
dc.w $E001,$FC07,$38,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F80,7,0,$380E,$FF0F,0,0
dc.w $E,$C00F,0,0,$E0,$C0F0,$F,0,$80,$F0,$FF00,0,0,0,0,0
;line 22
dc.w $E001,$FC03,$1C,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F80,3,0,$380E,$7F0F,$8000,0
dc.w $E,$C00F,0,0,$E0,$C0F8,7,0,$180,$1F0,$FE00,0,0,0,0,0
;line 23
dc.w $E001,$FC03,$1C,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F80,3,0,$380E,$7F0F,$8000,0
dc.w $E,$C00F,0,0,$E0,$C0FC,0,0,$380,$3F0,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 24
dc.w $E001,$FC01,$E,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F80,1,0,$380E,$3F0F,$C000,0
dc.w $7FFE,$800F,0,0,$1C0,$C1F8,0,0,$1C0,$1F8,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 25
dc.w $E001,$FC01,$E,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F80,1,0,$380E,$3F0F,$C000,0
dc.w $FFFE,7,0,0,$1C0,$C1F8,0,0,$1C0,$1F8,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 26
dc.w $E001,$FC01,6,0,$C070,$F87E,0,0,$1C00,$1F80,0,0,$380F,$3F0E,$C000,0
dc.w $FFFE,3,0,0,$1C0,$C1F8,0,0,$1C0,$1F8,0,0,0,0,0,0
;line 27
dc.w $C001,$CC01,$3006,0,$8060,$9866,$6018,0,$1800,$1980,$600,0,$300C,$330C,$CC03,0
dc.w 0,0,$FFFF,0,$300,$C338,$C0,0,$C0,$CC,$30,0,0,0,0,0
;line 28
dc.w $8001,$8401,$7802,0,$40,$842,$F03C,0,$1000,$1080,$F00,0,$2008,$2108,$5E07,0
dc.w 0,0,$FFFF,0,$200,$4210,$81E0,0,$80,$84,$78,0,0,0,0,0
;line 29
dc.w 0,0,$FC03,0,0,0,$F87E,0,0,0,$1F80,0,0,0,$7F0F,0
dc.w 0,0,$FFFF,0,0,0,$C3F0,0,0,0,$FC,0,0,0,0,0
logo1 ds.w length_in_words*height
logo2 ds.w length_in_words*height
logo3 ds.w length_in_words*height
logo4 ds.w length_in_words*height
logo5 ds.w length_in_words*height
logo6 ds.w length_in_words*height
logo7 ds.w length_in_words*height
logo8 ds.w length_in_words*height
logo9 ds.w length_in_words*height
logo10 ds.w length_in_words*height
logo11 ds.w length_in_words*height
logo12 ds.w length_in_words*height
logo13 ds.w length_in_words*height
logo14 ds.w length_in_words*height
logo15 ds.w length_in_words*height
mask0 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask1 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask2 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask3 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask4 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask5 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask6 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask7 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask8 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask9 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask10 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask11 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask12 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask13 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask14 ds.l no_blocks*height
mask15 ds.l no_blocks*height