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Bang And Blast Man
Explosive Fun
Bang and Blast Man Explosive Fun is the first game we have
produced for the Atari ST(E) and hopefully not the last so please
register, details are at the end of the text file.
You are free to copy this game as long as all files are intact,
so it can go on BBS's, in PD Libraries and all over the Internet.
However I do not want anyone to include it on any compilation disks
without written permision from MegaGOLD. MegaGOLD dose still retain
copyright on all files.
1meg ST\STE use STOSfix for TOS 2.06
A Friend
Two Joysticks
Basic Idea:
The idea of this game is fairly simple, kill!! You and your
friend (you do have one?) are in a maze seperated by rubble
(normally). Using the joystick you must run round dropping bombs
which in turn blow the rubble up and finally the other person. Sound
simple? ... Well to liven things up there are icons, 20 infact which
appear under rubble or are there at the start of the game.
This is a complete run down on what the icons do and an attempt
to describe their appearance. If an icon is lost after laying bombs
the bombs will still have the affect of the icon. The icons are split
into 2 catagories Basic and Advanced.
Basic Icons:
Yellow Flame: Looks like a yellow flame and increases your bomb
explosion length by one.
Orange Flame: Looks like a flame but this time orange and
increases your bomb length by two.
Water Droplet: Looks like well a water droplet and decreases
your flame size by one, with a minimum size of one.
Extra bomb: Bomb with a white cross i.e. a plus sign and lets
you drop one extra bomb.
Lose Bomb: Guess what a bomb with a white negative sign on it
and it decreases the number of bombs you can drop at one time with a
minimum of one again.
Multiple Bombs: A plain black bomb and lets you drop well
multiple bombs i.e as many as you want (infinite.) Collecting another
turns it off.
Remote Control: Hard to describe but lots like three small bombs
getting hit by a beam or as some people say a candle stick. This
allows you to blow your bombs up when you want to and not when they
want to, this is acheived by pressing your remote key (Keys described
later.) Again collecting another turns it off.
Walk Through Bombs: A plain black bomb with lines coming out of
the left hand side. Normally you can not walk through any bombs but
collecting this allows you to walk through them and collecting another
turns it off.
Speed Up: Looks like a blue boot and allows you to increase your
speed (Speed Table below Slow.)
Slow Down: Looks like orange blob of glue and as the name
suggests slows you down (Speed Table below).
Speed Table:
| Very Slow (Minimum) |
| Slow |
| Normal |
| Fast (Maximum) |
Advanced Icons:
Punch Increasement: Looks like a boxing glove with a white plus
on it. It allows you to punch a bomb one square further than before.
To punch a bomb stand next to it, not necessarily facing it and press
you punch key (Key Table later.) This causes the bomb to hurtle
through the air and explode on impact however upon hitting a wall it
will bounce forward (Try it and see.)
Punch Decreasement: Looks like a boxing glove with a white
negative sign and it decreases your bomb size with a minimum of no
Teleport: Looks like a white T and teleports you to any blank
square without an icon, be careful of teleporting in to an explosion
or a no escape area. Green teleporters are available but are not icons
as they do not disappear when walked on (permanent) and are there when
the game starts.
Plasma (Probably the best icon in the game): Looks like a green
flame (Do not play this on a black and white T.V.), which changes your
bomb explosion to green and allows it to blow through rubble until it
hits a wall or its maximum size. Collecting it again (Very Stupid)
turns it off.
Immunity: An orange jacket. This makes you immune to bomb
explosions for a period of time (User Definable) and flash white,
collecting death has no affect while immune (See next Icon.) Jackets
affect is inclusive.
Death (Probably the worst icon in the game): Looks like a skull
and makes you flash black for a period of time (User Definable Again),
you may not drop any bombs in this time period and once again is
inclusive. Collecting an Immunity icon while having Death will turn it
off Death that is.
Radioactive: A Radiation sign, now your bombs do not blow up
after a set period of time, they instead explode randomly (Dangerous)
and collecting this again turns it off.
Invisible Bombs: A faded bomb and when you drop bombs they are
invisible and only appear just before they explode (Try punching one.)
Collecting it again turns it off.
Invisible Player: A faded face and makes your player invisible
for a certain period of time (User Definable.) and flash every so
often. This allows you to hide from the other player and even
Random: A yellow question mark and has one of four different
affects (One good and Three bad):
Plasma (The Good one): See Plasma for details.
Death: See Death for details.
Reverse Control: Reverses your players control i.e. Up
is Down, Left is Right etc. This lasts for a user definable period and
is inclusive.
Bomb Diarrhoea (The Very Bad One): As you walk around
you randomly drop bombs with a size one explosion for a period of time
(Which is guess what? ..User Definable) and it is inclusive.
Well thats all the icons, remembered them all yet?
Rundown(From Start to End):
Insert your disk into the drive, it is autobooting. If you have
TOS 2.06 use STOSfix 3.0. The program is hard drive installable by
creating a folder on your hard drive and copy the FILES folder into it
and then the BANG.PRG (In the AUTO folder) into it and run it by
double clicking on the BANG.PRG.
First of all you will get a nice loading screen just in case you
do not know what is happening. Then you get our intro press fire to
quit (It quits once the writing has faded out so don't hit the fire
button repeatively) except on the MEGAGOLD logo.
Next you get a Title Screen press fire to get to the Main Menu
or leave and a Credit Screen scrolls up press fire to get to the Title
Main Menu:
Using your Joystick (Defaulted to player one, change by pressing
F2 or F1) you can select one of the 7 options, press fire to select:
Title Screen
Play Game
Basic Options
Advanced Options
Toggle Hertz
Load Data
Save Data
Be careful pressing escape quits to the desktop.
Title Screen:
Takes you back to the Title Screen simple.
Play Game:
Have a guess? Takes you to select arena.
Basic Options:
This accesses another menu with 10 options which affect what you
start with by pushing left or right to change it (Not necessarily in
this order.)
Player 1 Colour: Allows you to change player 1's colour between 6
Player 2 Colour: See Above except for player 2.
Bomb Size: Allows you to change the size of your explosions from 1-9
Bomb Number: Allows you to drop 1-6 bombs when you start the game or
Immunity: How long your initial immunity lasts (if any.)
Speed: Allows you to change your speed from Very Slow to Fast
Punch Size: Allows you to change the size of your punch from none to
9 squares.
Remote: Allows you to start with remote or not.
Plasma: Allows you to start with plasma or not.
Walk Bombs: Allows you to start with the ability to walk through
bombs or not.
Exit: Quits back to the main menu by pressing fire and ESC is the
keyboard shortcut.
Advanced Options:
This contains 10 options:
Icon Type: Weather you play with Basic Icons or Basic and Advanced
Icon Chance: The percentage that a piece of rubble will have an icon
under it from 10-100, a 100% means every piece of rubble will have an
icon under it. Pressing fire while changing it moves it in steps of 5
instead of 1.
Immunity: Define how long immunity lasts when you collect it (50-500
in steps of 50)
Diarrhoea: Define how long bomb diarrhoea lasts when you collect it
(50-500 in steps of 50)
Reverse: Define how long reverse controls lasts when you collect it
(50-500 in steps of 50)
Death: Define how long death lasts when you collect it (50-500 in
steps of 50)
Icon Blow: Weather icons are blown up by bomb explosions or not.
Music Type: Lets you choose between cycled music, random music or a
selected music for in the game.
Music No: Lets you change the music played for selected music
between 1 and 8 when random or cycled music is selected it shows the
last music played.
Exit: Press fire to get to the main menu and ESC is the keyboard
Toggle Hertz:
Changes the hertz from 50 to 60 and vice-versa, the keyboard
shortcut is F3.
Load Data:
Load up a previously saved options or the default one and do not
worry it dose not access the disk. To do this use the joystick up or
down to select between the 100 different files and press fire to load.
Pressing ESC goes to main menu.
Save Data:
Allows you to save the currently set options by selecting the
correct one and typing in the new name and press return. Pressing
return to save or ESC to re-select. Pressing ESC takes you back to the
Main Menu while selecting. The first option default can not be renamed
as it the default when the game loads up but you can save on top of
Select Arena:
When pressing Play Game you can now select between 31 arenas at
the time of writing by pushing left or right and fire to select.
Movement (Unless reversed):
Joystick Up Move Up a Square
Joystick Down Move Down a Square
Joystick Left Move Left a Square
Joystick Right Move Right a Square
Joystick Fire Drop a bomb (If you can drop any more)
The keys used throughout the game.
Main Menu Keys:
F1 Selects Player 1 Joystick (Joystick Port)
F2 Selects Player 2 Joystick (Mouse Port)
F3 Toggle Hertz
ESC Goes back one menu
Select Arena Keys:
F1 Selects Player 1 Joystick (Joystick Port)
F2 Selects Player 2 Joystick (Mouse Port)
F3 Toggle Hertz
Main Game:
F1 Set 50hz
F2 Set 60hz
ESC Quits game
CONTROL Player 1 Punch Key
LEFT SHIFT Player 1 Remote Key
RETURN Player 2 Punch Key
RIGHT SHIFT Player 2 Remote Key
Notes On Game Play:
General Tips:
Tip 1: Do not collect a immunity icon straight away way and wait until
you can reach them and then collect it (See Tip 1 on how to win.)
Tip 2: Collecting icons in the right order is useful. i.e. When you
are fast collect a slow the a speed icon as you will still be fast.
Another example is ones which turn thereselves off when collected
twice like radioactive, so collect two of these.
Tip 3: If you have a punch size of 1 and do not have plasma, place
your bomb next to the rubble and punch it to clear the rubble quicker.
Tip 4: Some levels are designed with punch bomb in mind so use them to
your best advantage.
Tips on how to win (hopefully) and lose your friends.
Tip 1: Try to collect immunity, remote and more than one bomb, when
you can reach the other player. Then run towards him/her holding down
your remote key and the fire button.
Tip 2: Get hold of a punch bomb icon and try to punch bombs of walls
at the other player, better still punch multiple, invisible bombs at
Tip 3: If the other player can't walk through bombs and you have a few
bombs and a remote then surround her/him in bombs (preferably
invisible) and gloat over your plan before moving out of the way and
pressing your remote key.
Tip 4: If they run down a corridor lay a bomb at the entrance and
punch it at them then move out of the way quickly, oh yes laugh.
Tip 5: If they are in a dead-end and don't have walk through bomb then
drop a bomb at the end and move then wait.
Tip 6: Try to collect invisible bomb, and remote bomb then lay one
somewhere and wait for them to pass it, then whack remote. Better
still lay lots of bombs then lose your remote and carry on as normal
then wait for them to go near the bombs and remote them.
Registration costs a mere £5 and gives you the following things:
Bang And Blast Man Explosive Fun Plus: The newest version of this game
with Bomb Chain Reactions, One Way Arrows, A League Option (3-10
Players), Players Have Names, Menus are layed out better and the game
can be up to 33% faster.
Bang And Blast Man Level Editor: Allows you to create your own arenas
to play on, only works with the plus version.
MegaGOLD support and information on the newest version of this game.
Plus for an extra £10 (£15 in all) we will give you the complete
source code to Bang And Blast Man Explosive Fun Plus. This includes
the 75K approx STOS Source code, 12K approx assembly source code. STOS
is needed to make use of this along with The Missing Link Extension
v2.0, Misty v1.7 or v1.8 and the Compiler is useful. A good assembler
would also be useful but not essential to understand the game.
Hopefully a text file will be included on how to understand the
game's code. However we at MegaGOLD still retain copyright on the
source code and do not allow it to be sold or given away, its intetion
is teach people on how to program a game in STOS.
The address to send your money and details to is:
Michael Mellor,
12 Molesworth Terrace,
PL10 1DH
Please make all cheques, postal orders and international money
orders made payable to Michael Mellor. Remember to include your name
and address.