No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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--- WITH KEEFY ---
Greetings fellow Trekker, or at least I presume you are? If not, there
seems little point in you reading any further really because this
little section is going to be about, erm, Star Trek, Star Trek, with
a little Star Trek and maybe even a bit of Star Trek thrown in for good
First things first, with James' permission, I hope to make this little
section a regular feature. If you are reading this file now, then I
presume permission has been granted (yep, it has! - POWER). Being a Trekker
myself, I've been very surprised at the huge amount of fans in the Atari
world. Just as an example, if you read the HOO-R-YOO articles which were in
the now-defunct STOSSER disk mag, you can hardly fail to notice that almost
all of them cited Star Trek as a favourite program.
This first installment of Trek Talk dosen't have a great deal in it,
simply because all the ideas and stuff are my own. I'm looking for your
help to make next issue's a lot better, so if you have any ideas, or
pieces you'd like to contribute, then either send them to James at
the normal address and he'll pass them on, or send them directly to me
(Keefy) at:
All disks sent will be returned with a few Trek bits and bobs on.
Anyway, what have I got for you this month?
The first thing I want you to write in with your opinions on is which
episodes of Trek you think is the best. Yes, I know, it's another one
of those 'mine is better than yours' debates, but a little competition
can be healthy. I want everyone to send in their top ten episodes, with
10 points for the best, nine for next best, and so on. To get the ball
rolling, below is the first top ten, with my opinions. Next month I hope
to have a good few more entries, including ones for the original series
and deep space 9, that is if you lot send any in...
2) FACE OF THE ENEMY (9 pts )
3) Q WHO ? (8 pts )
4) MANHUNT (7 pts )
5) CONSPIRACY (6 pts )
6) REDEMPTION (5 pts )
7) DARMOK (4 pts )
8) DESCENT (3 pts )
9) UNIFICATION (2 pts )
10) CLUES (1 pt )
2) ST II : THE WRATH OF KHAN (9 pts )
3) ST IV : THE VOYAGE HOME (8 pts )
For me, The Next Generation is by far the better of the 3 series so far
produced. Whilst I have great affection for both the original series
and Deep Space 9, they don't have quite the same sort of hold over me.
The original series now looks dated, especially when compared with the
films. Although I am still a great fan of the original series.
As regards DS9, this is proving the most difficult to get to like. It
is growing on me though. Probably the main thing that distinguishes it
from the others is the fact that for the most part, DS9 remains
stationary, boldly going nowhere. Recent episodes I have seen have
shown great improvement, but I really think that Sisko is in dire need
of an electric charge or something. He just dosen't seem to have the
command presence you'd expect of someone in his position.
If enough people respond we could even have top ten favourite characters
Fancy testing your knowledge of Trek? Well here's a few questions to
get your gums round. Answers and ratings are at the bottom of this
1) Name the Borg rescued by the Enterprise-D crew, and who subsequently
developed his own sense of individuality.
2) What was the name of the Klingon warrior who united the Klingon
empire about 1,500 years ago?. A replica of him reappeared later in the
Next Generation episode "Rightful Heir"?
3) Diana Muldaur played Dr Pulaski in the Next Generation and two
characters in the original series. Name one of those two.
4) Lwaxana Troi frequently addresses Deanna with a name which annoys her,
what is that name?
5) Which US president did the Enterprise Crew encounter during the original
series episode, The Savage Curtain?
6) Riker was offered the command of a ship, just before that same ship was
destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359, what was it called?
7) What was the location of the laboratory where Data and Lore were
8) How did Scotty keep himself alive after his ship had crashed into a
Dysons sphere in the Next Generation episode 'Relics'?
9) In TNG's Face of the Enemy, Deanna Troi was physically altered to
look like a member of which race?
10) Miles and Keiko O'Brien have a daughter, what is her first name?
11) What was unusual about Professor Moriarty on the Enterprise D's holodeck?
12) He's plain, simple who?
13) For humans it is Heaven, what is it for Vulcans?
14) Name the blue-faced barber aboard the Enterprise-D.
15) In the Next Generation episode, Loud as a whisper, what was the name
of the mediator?
16) In the Next Generation episode Lessons, Picard fell in love, but who
17) What was the name of Duras's illegitimate son, who Lursa and B'tor
tried to install as leader of the Klingon high council?
18) What is the Cardassian equivalent of a Starfleet Captain?
19) Natasha Yar had a sister, what was her name?
20) Tahna Los was a member of which terrorist organisation?
Right then, that's it for the questions, to see how you did, you'll have
to wait until you reach the end of this file.
Got something to say about Trekdom? Something that you want to get off your
chest? Fancy a moan about something I've written in this article, or
do you have some comments to make? If so, then why not write and we
can have a little chat. My address is around here somewhere.
Q and A
Having trouble remembering which episode you are looking for? Want to
know how many times a certain character has appeared? Or do you have
some other question? If so, then again, write to me and I'll see if I
can answer it. If I can't, then I'll print your wuestion for all Trekkers
to see, and chances are that someone will be able to help you out.
Four of the junior officers are hoping for promotion in this episode
because its crew evaluation time. They take part in various tests,
which are interrupted when they are sent on a mission which is very near
the Cardassian border. The four are then asked to do some strange
things such as fire phasers at a shuttle in the shuttle bay in precise
locations. They know something is going on, but they are not sure what.
I liked this story quite a bit. It was occasionally funny watching the
junior officers attempting to impress their superiors, and most of the
time failing miserably. Gradually everything starts to make sense. The
ending is a little sad, but all in all it's a goodie.
8 out of 10
Data is sent on a mission to recover some radioactive fragments from a
crashed probe. It's intended that he should stay well away from the
people on the planet, but following an accident, he wanders into a
village. Unfortunately, in the accident, Data lost his memory, he can't
even remember his name. Slowly, the people in the village start falling
ill. The people start blaming Data, and he sets out to find out what is
happening, but by now, the villagers are angry.
I'm still not sure about this story, it's alright, but not one of the best
I've seen. The story is a little predictable, mainly because it's obvious
from the start what is causing the illness.
6 out of 10
The Enterprise encounters a rogue comet, and after scanning it, all manner
of strange things start happening, mysterious symbols in the computer, and
strange alien artifacts start appearing all over the ship. They melt the ice
around the comet and discover a ship hidden beneath. Data starts acting
strangely, and eventually his mind is taken over, whilst all the time, the
ship is being turned into an alien temple of some sort.
This is another one that I wasn't particularly keen on. Why? Well,
simply because it's old hat. Data's mind has already been taken over by
something or other a million times before, so to have it happen again is
hardly original. The story is interesting but not one that I will watch too
5 out of 10
A young officer commits suicide, and the resulting investigation discovers
an empathic echo of an event eight years ago. Deanna is in charge of the
investigation, and it soon becomes apparent that this is no ordinary suicide
(if there is such a thing). However, whilst investigating Deanna starts to
experience some horrible things.
I liked this story quite a bit, and I must admit that the ending completely
surprised me, probably because it was a little sudden. At last the long
awaited Worf/Deanna relationship comes to a head (sort of), and I'm looking
forward to seeing more of them together in future episodes.
8 out of 10
Next month I hope to review the final episode of the Next Generation, All
Good Things, and possibly a couple of other bits and bobs too. Don't forget
if you'd like to review something, please do.
This will be a regular part of this section, every month, I will look at
Star Trek, with a different letter each month. It's by no means the
definitive guide to Trek, but should still provide some interesting info to
some of you. As this is the first time this section has appeared, it stands
to reason that the letter we will start with is the letter A.
Place in Star Trek IV near San Francisco. Chekov and Uhuru
had to find the naval base located there in order to get some
high energy photons from a nuclear vessel (USS Enterprise), in
order that they could travel back to the future. Checkov was
subsequently captured by American troops during the attempt
and seriously injured.
Leader of the Klingon High council following the assasination
of her father (Chancellor Gorkon) in Star Trek VI.
Assignment Earth:
Original series episode in which the Enterprise travelled back
in time to prevent a nuclear disaster.
Arsenal of Freedom:
Next Generation episode. On a visit to a planet called Minos,
they discover the remains of an aincient civilisation which
was destroyed by their own weapons. The planets people were
arms merchants, and unfortunately for the Enterprise crew, the
demonstration models are still functioning.
Alan a Dale:
Robin Hood character portrayed by Geordi La Forge in a fantasy
created for Captain Picard by Q in the Next Generation episode
Aldeberan whiskey:
Strong Green drink which Captain Picard gave to Guinan to keep
behind the bar. Scotty had a wee tipple (whole bottle), in
the Next Generation episode Relics.
Angel One:
Planet on which men are treated as second class citizens.
Also the title of a Next Generation episode in which the
Enterprise attempts to make survivors from a crashed freighter
leave the planet.
Amoeba: Huge single celled organism that consumed whole ships and
systems in the original series episode the Immunity Syndrome.
Aktuh and Melotah:
Klingon opera which Worf sang in the Next Generation episode
Unification before being rudely interrupted by 'a Fat
Acadamy Flight Range:
Location of an accident involving Wesley Crusher. In which a
friend was killed during an attempt at an illegal manouver in
training in the Next Generation episode The First Duty.
Access terminal:
Port aboard Borg ships at which individual Borg joined
themselves to the rest of the collective.
Ambassador Alkar:
Had the ability to transfer his negative emotions into others,
which allowed him to handle difficult disputes more easily.
Deanna Troi became one of his 'recepticles' in the Next
Generation episode Man of the people. This caused Deanna to
age dramatically and almost killed her. Alkar died when he
was seperated from Deanna's mind whilst trying to transfer
into someone else, having first been led to believe that
Deanna was dead.
Fish like humanoid creatures who put themselves into 'a self-
induced catatonic state' to avoid the traumas of space travel.
Two Antidean ambassadors attempted to blow up the Pacifica
Conference in the Next Generation episode Manhunt. They were
foiled when Lwaxana Troi read their 'simple' minds and
discovered the plot.
Antimatter mines:
Explosive devices used to threaten a fleet of Cardassian
vessels in the Next Generation episode 'Chain of Command'.
The action secured the withdrawal of Cardassian vessels and
the return of Captain Picard who had been captured in an
earlier covert manouver.
Apgar Dr:
Died during an explosion on his science station following an
argument with Will Riker in the Next Generation episode A
Matter of Perspective. Riker was then accused of his
murder, and almost extradited to answer the charge.
That's about it for this issues A-Z, next issue its, erm, the letter 'B' I
There was a young ensign called Crusher,
Who thought he could handle the pressure,
When the going got hot,
He was off like a shot,
and that was the last of the bugger.
McCoy had a little lamb,
It had a touch of colic,
He gave it brandy twice a day,
and now it's alcoholic.
Erm, that's it I'm afraid. If you have some much better jokes, (let's face
it, they can't be any worse!) I'd appreciate it if you could send me them.
Got some Trek stuff you want to sell or having trouble locating a certain
book? Maybe you just want someone to talk to about the best sci-fi show on
T.V.? If so then advertising in this little section might help. Only
adverts for Star Trek material will be accepted in this section. If you are
advertising anything else, you'd better write to James about that.
1) Hugh
2) Kahless the Unforgettable
3) Dr Miranda Jones and Dr Ann Mulhall
4) Little One
5) Abraham Lincoln
6) USS Melbourne
7) Omicron Theta
8) He suspended himself in a transporter buffer, and locked it into a
diagnostic cycle
9) Romulan
10) Molly
11) He gained consciousness and became aware of his surroundings. i.e.
He knew that he was just a holographic image on the enterprise
12) Garak
13) Sha Ka Ree
14) Mr Mot
15) Riva
16) Neela Daren
17) Toral
18) Gul
19) Ishara
20) Kohn-ma
SCORING: One point for each correct answer.
0-1 You probably couldn't care less about Star Trek, and would more than
likely prefer to watch something like Good Morning with Ann and Nick. If you
got one question right, it was probably just luck. I'm surprised you read
this article!
2-5 You've seen the occaisional episode, but certainly wouldn't go out
of your way to watch it.
6-10 Definately a Trekkie, you'll watch it on the telly when it's on,
and enjoy it. But you're not at the video buying stage yet.
11-15 Almost a Trekker, but not quite. You will try to watch it when
it's on telly, and may even have the odd video lying around. It's possible
you may be a member of a fan club.
16-19 A Trekker through and through. You spend almost all your spare
time watching videos and hoard every bit of Trek info you can get your
hands on. Probably a member of several fan clubs, you spend obscene amounts
of money on memorabilia, videos, books etc.
20 Either you are insufferably addicted or you cheated by looking at the
answers first.
Right, that's it for this month. If I get a good enough response, I will
definitely be here again next month. I know there are loads of Trekkies
and Trekkers out there so get writing to me now. For an idea of the
sort of thing I'm after, heres a few ideas to get you started...
Reviews of books, videos, fanzines, games etc.
Short stories, poems, jokes etc.
Puzzles, quizzes etc.
opinions, letters, questions, top tens etc.
In fact just about anything!
Don't be afraid to write, I won't bite, honest! I particularly need
original series and DS9 stuff, as this is something I know little about.
Until next month,