No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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C/C++ Source or Header
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Copyright 1990,1991,1992 Eric R. Smith. All rights reserved.
/* proc.h: defines for various process related things */
#ifndef _proc_h
#define _proc_h
#include "file.h"
/* a process context consists, for now, of its registers */
typedef struct _context {
long regs[15]; /* registers d0-d7, a0-a6 */
long usp; /* user stack pointer (a7) */
short sr; /* status register */
long pc; /* program counter */
long ssp; /* supervisor stack pointer */
long term_vec; /* GEMDOS terminate vector (0x102) */
* AGK: if running on a TT and the user is playing with the FPU then we
* must save and restore the context. We should also consider this for
* I/O based co-processors, although this may be difficult due to
* possibility of a context switch in the middle of an I/O handshaking
* exchange.
char fstate[216]; /* FPU internal state */
char fregs[12*8]; /* registers fp0-fp7 */
long fctrl[3]; /* FPCR/FPSR/FPIAR */
* AGK: for long (time-wise) co-processor instructions (FMUL etc.), the
* FPU returns NULL, come-again with interrupts allowed primitives. It
* is highly likely that a context switch will occur in one of these if
* running a mathematically intensive application, hence we must handle
* the mid-instruction interrupt stack. We do this by saving the extra
* 3 long words and the stack format word here.
short sfmt; /* stack frame format identifier */
long iar; /* instruction address */
short internal[4]; /* four words of internal info */
#define PROC_CTXTS 2
#define SYSCALL 0 /* saved context from system call */
#define CURRENT 1 /* current saved context */
* Timeout events are stored in a list; the "when" field in the event
* specifies the number of milliseconds *after* the last entry in the
* list that the timeout should occur, so routines that manipulate
* the list only need to check the first entry.
typedef struct timeout {
struct timeout *next;
struct proc *proc;
long when;
void (*func) P_((struct proc *)); /* function to call at timeout */
extern TIMEOUT *tlist;
#define NUM_REGIONS 64 /* max. number of memory regions for a proc */
#define MIN_HANDLE (-5) /* minimum handle number */
#define MIN_OPEN 6 /* 0..MIN_OPEN-1 are reserved for system */
#define MAX_OPEN 32 /* max. number of open files for a proc */
#define SSTKSIZE 8000 /* size of supervisor stack (in bytes) */
#define ISTKSIZE 2000 /* size of interrupt stack (in bytes) */
#define FRAME_MAGIC 0xf4a3e000
/* magic for signal call stack */
#define CTXT_MAGIC 0xabcdef98
#define CTXT2_MAGIC 0x87654321
/* magic #'s for contexts */
#define PNAMSIZ 8 /* no. of characters in a process name */
#define DOM_TOS 0 /* TOS process domain */
#define DOM_MINT 1 /* MiNT process domain */
typedef struct proc {
/* this is stuff that the public can know about */
/* NOTE: some assembly code (in intr.s and contxt.s) makes
* assumptions about the offsets of sysstack, ctxt[0], systime,
* and usrtime.
long sysstack; /* must be first */
CONTEXT ctxt[PROC_CTXTS]; /* must be second */
long magic; /* validation for proc struct */
BASEPAGE *base; /* process base page */
short pid, ppid, pgrp;
short ruid; /* process real user id */
short rgid; /* process real group id */
short euid, egid; /* effective user and group ids */
ushort memflags; /* e.g. malloc from alternate ram */
short pri; /* base process priority */
short wait_q; /* current process queue */
/* note: wait_cond should be unique for each kind of condition we might
* want to wait for. Put a define below, or use an address in the
* kernel as the wait condition to ensure uniqueness.
long wait_cond; /* condition we're waiting on */
/* (also return code from wait) */
#define WAIT_MB 0x3a140001L /* wait_cond for p_msg call */
#define WAIT_SEMA 0x3a140003L /* wait_cond for p_semaphore */
/* (all times are in milliseconds) */
ulong systime; /* time spent in kernel */
ulong usrtime; /* time spent out of kernel */
ulong chldstime; /* children's kernel time */
ulong chldutime; /* children's user time */
ulong maxmem; /* max. amount of memory to use */
ulong maxdata; /* max. data region for process */
ulong maxcore; /* max. core memory for process */
ulong maxcpu; /* max. cpu time to use */
short domain; /* process domain (TOS or UNIX) */
short curpri; /* current process priority */
#define MIN_NICE -20
#define MAX_NICE 20
* programs should *not* try to read this stuff via the U:\PROC dir.
char name[PNAMSIZ+1]; /* process name */
TIMEOUT *alarmtim; /* alarm() event */
short slices; /* number of time slices before this
process gets to run again */
short bconmap; /* Bconmap mapping */
FILEPTR *midiout; /* MIDI output */
FILEPTR *midiin; /* MIDI input */
FILEPTR *prn; /* printer */
FILEPTR *aux; /* auxiliary tty */
FILEPTR *control; /* control tty */
FILEPTR *handle[MAX_OPEN]; /* file handles */
uchar fdflags[MAX_OPEN]; /* file descriptor flags */
ushort num_reg; /* number of memory regions allocated */
MEMREGION **mem; /* allocated memory regions */
virtaddr *addr; /* addresses of regions */
ulong sigpending; /* pending signals */
ulong sigmask; /* signals that are masked */
ulong sighandle[NSIG]; /* signal handlers */
ushort sigflags[NSIG]; /* signal flags */
ulong sigextra[NSIG]; /* additional signals to be masked
on delivery */
char *mb_ptr; /* p_msg buffer ptr */
long mb_long1, mb_long2; /* p_msg storage */
long mb_mbid; /* p_msg id being waited for */
short mb_mode; /* p_msg mode being waiting in */
short mb_writer; /* p_msg pid of writer of msg */
short curdrv; /* current drive */
fcookie root[NUM_DRIVES]; /* root directories */
fcookie curdir[NUM_DRIVES]; /* current directory */
long usrdata; /* user-supplied data */
ushort umask; /* file creation mask */
DTABUF *dta; /* current DTA */
#define NUM_SEARCH 6 /* max. number of searches */
DTABUF *srchdta[NUM_SEARCH]; /* for Fsfirst/next */
DIR srchdir[NUM_SEARCH]; /* for Fsfirst/next */
long srchtim[NUM_SEARCH]; /* for Fsfirst/next */
long txtsize; /* size of text region (for fork()) */
long (*criticerr) P_((long)); /* critical error handler */
void *logbase; /* logical screen base */
short starttime; /* time and date when process */
short startdate; /* was started */
struct proc *q_next; /* next process on queue */
struct proc *gl_next; /* next process in system */
char stack[STKSIZE+4]; /* stack for system calls */
/* different process queues */
#define CURPROC_Q 0
#define READY_Q 1
#define WAIT_Q 2
#define IO_Q 3
#define ZOMBIE_Q 4
#define TSR_Q 5
#define STOP_Q 6
#define SELECT_Q 7
#define NUM_QUEUES 8
extern PROC *proclist; /* list of all active processes */
extern PROC *curproc; /* current process */
extern PROC *rootproc; /* pid 0 -- MiNT itself */
extern PROC *sys_q[NUM_QUEUES]; /* process queues */
#endif /* _proc_h */