No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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Well you've certainly got us bang
to rights this time guv'nor, and no
mistake! This is the Maggie diskmag
team looming out from you on this
particular advert for a more
nightmarish experience
than usual..
New Maggie News ..
* Maggie 23 finally released in late May..
* Maggie 23 the biggest ever issue produced by the current team!
* Work underway on updated Maggie shells, tentative release for issue 25
on the Falcon, sooner on the ST?
* Nothing else yet, we're still in the post issue 23 recovery period!
Some info now about us..
What are we??
Short Answer:- Probably one of the most famous and long-lived diskmags to
appear on the Atari ST and related computers (grin!)
Longer Answer:- Maggie is an independently produced non-commercial diskmag with
an interesting past, enjoyable present, and (hopefully) active future.. Maggie
had its roots in the demo scene of the early 'nineties, and quite a lot of
coverage is still concerned with the activities of the present day demo makers
and state of the art coders working on the ST, and Falcon, with anything of
interest from the Jaguar sometimes included as well.. Maggie has broadened to
take on quite a lot of other topics, and also features multimedia sections
similar to ST News, quite a bit of humour, programming tips, games reviews,
interviews and even more..
What does it work on??
Maggie runs on just about any ST and Falcon configuration.. Any 'normal' or
pre-TOS 2.06 machine should be ok, Maggies from issue twelve onwards have been
patched to work on the Falcon too (and should therefore also be ok with TOS
2.06 as well?), and Maggie has got its own technically advanced custom shell
menu program for the Falcon from issue eighteen onwards.. I don't know about
such strange creatures as the TT, or Mega STe, or the high spec Atari clones
such as the Medusa.. Perhaps some feedback from the users of these sorts of
machines would be a good idea??
Just who are these Maggie people anyway
The main man or editor in chief is one C.i.H. otherwise known as Chris
Holland, or 'stop that man, he owes me money'.Chris is believed to have been
raised by wild pomegranate trees after the airliner carrying him home at birth
crashed somewhere really isolated.. His subsequent assumption of the Maggie
editorship and winning the Nobel prize for really good crayoning technique
shows that this experience has not harmed him one bit..
Felice, otherwise known as 'Ta mate' is the deputy editor and was not raised
by wild animals or vegetation, but is known to be the brains behind a Michael
Jackson cardboard cut out conspiracy operating somewhere out of the West
Leon O'Reilly, known by too many pseudonyms to keep this textfile to a
reasonable length (oh, alright, current one is Mr Pink) who is involved as a
staff writer and programmer behind the rather brill Falcon enhanced menu shell
program.. Due to reasons involving his wearing age- inappropriate headgear,
success continues to elude him..
Sparehead Three, or Kev Dempsey has even better crayoning skills than CiH and
so does *most* of the cover graphics for new issues of Maggie..
*Except when he didn't..
Ripley, or Tash when she is not dodging spits of acidic alien blood in her
servo-powered walking frame often helps out with some of the other graphics and
text as well..
Tat, or Steve specialises on the Falcon coding side of things too when he is
not wearing his chocolate coated facial expression.. He has written the odd,
usually programming related article for us as well..
Lots of other people are writing/have written for us as well.. People from Keefy
to Richard Karsmakers, even the esteemed editor of this prog, Dave Hollis too
sometimes joins in.. Truly, lack of talent is no barrier!!
Can I join in??
Yes you can Anyone is welcome to join in the fun..
By post and things to..
CiH/Maggie Correspondence
26 Robinson Road
Northants NN10 0EU
by E-Mail to..
See new E-Mail address, the previous Demon mailboxes are still running at the
moment as well, but don't count on them being there forever..
Anything sent by these routes will be gratefully appreciated and get a reply
of some sort..
Where can I get more info about Maggie
Just contact the addresses given above..