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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Tue, 1 May 90 Volume 90 : Issue 500
Today's Topics:
Fortran Standard?
GCR Problem
Phantom Typist captured! (2 msgs)
Portfolio file exchange
UNIVERSAL MORE at terminator-gemini
Virus questions
Date: 30 Apr 90 17:44:00 GMT
Subject: Fortran Standard?
Message-ID: <46300091@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>
Does anyone know: (1) If there is a standard (unix) for Fortran?
(2) If there is an ST compiler which compiles unix fortran?
Garret Gengler
-- Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part which wonders what the part
that isn't thinking isn't thinking of. <They Might Be Giants>
Date: 1 May 90 13:02:12 GMT
From: dz0x+@andrew.cmu.edu (David Joseph Zieger)
Subject: GCR Problem
Message-ID: <caDMXI600W0_E4hUZ4@andrew.cmu.edu>
I just got a Spectre GCR a couple days ago (at the Pgh. show), and
it seems to be having problems. I can start it up normally, and get to
the point where I insert the System/Finder disk. It proceeds for a
while - I get the sad-looking Mac, the 'Welcome to Macintosh' display,
and then the crash page. It says it's a bus error. The bus cycle was
not one of the ones mentioned in the manual, it was 65......... I ran
the self test, first the quick test. It did fine until it got to GCR
format, then it started giving me an error message, something like
'Initial RESTORE failure in XRESTORE', which kept scrolling up and off
the screen. I got it to format and verify using those commands alone.
Also, it does not Read All Sectors very well. On the included MAc PD
disk, it read only
on what to do? By the way, I'm using a 1040ST (non-upgraded in any
way), a color monitor, and one internal drive (not the ideal setup, but
I'm working on it). Thanks...
---- Dave Z.
Time Lord and Hitchhiker
'Time is an Illusion, Lunchtime Doubly So' - Douglas Adams
Date: 1 May 90 17:56:15 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!harrier.ukc.ac.uk!gos.ukc.ac.uk!dac@uunet.uu.net (David Clear)
Subject: Mail...
Message-ID: <2960@gos.ukc.ac.uk>
Sorry to post this here but I have been getting mail from people following
up my news articles requesting help.
To all those concerned:
Sorry, I have restricted mailing authority and can't mail you back
unless your site is a college/university or other site for which my
university can send mail to for free.
% cc life.c | David Clear <dac@ukc.ac.uk>
% a.out | Computer Science, University of Kent,
Segmentation fault (core dumped) | Canterbury, England.
Date: 1 May 90 19:16:14 GMT
From: deimos.cis.ksu.edu!maverick.ksu.ksu.edu!uafhp!uafhcx!cjy@uunet.uu.net
(Calvin Yockey)
Subject: Phantom Typist captured!
Message-ID: <4173@uafhp.uark.edu>
Well, it finally happened. The phantom, which usually hits me about once
every three months while using my favorite application, 'uw', struck. The dif-
ference is, this time I was using Revolver, the task switching software that
allows you to partition your ST into multiple virtual machines. I was able to
switch to another VM and save the VM with the phantom in it to disk with
Revolver's "rollout" function. Upon returning to VM #1, the phantom was still
there; so, I exited to the desktop. As has been reported to the net, the phan-
tom survived exitting the program. I rolled out a new image of VM #1 in that
state. (Incidentally, VM #2 showed no signs of the phantom's presence.) Any
program I invoked that used gem windows suffered the usual effects, other pro-
grams such as Mark William's 'msh' seemed unaffected. Intersect software says
that they do not save or restore any of the keyboard settings other than the
interrupt vectors, which would seem to indicate that the theory that the
problem is in the keyboard is incorrect, since "rolling" in the "infected"
partition to a properly performing VM causes the phantom to return.
So, here's a chance for the ST guru's to figure out the cause and cure
for the phantom once and for all. Because of the way Revolver works, anyone
wishing to work on the phantom would have to have a machine equipped the same
as mine. Specifically, TOS 1.4, 4 Meg, and the Revolver software. The reason
for the memory requirement is that the VM that the phantom was captured in was
a greater than 2 Meg partition.
I will ftp an arc file containing this note, my 'revolver.inf' file, and
the phantom-infected roll-out (it's only 250K with Revolver's compression) as
'phantom.arc' in the 'atari/new' directory of 'terminator'.
One final bit of information, my auto folder contained in order :
qstauto.prg - Version 1.46
saver.prg - pyro
timeset.prg - ICD's clock setter - not resident
However, I doubt this is relevent, as I have had the phantom strike under
TOS 1.0 with entirely different programs in the auto folder.
Good luck.
Calvin Yockey
University of Arkansas
Date: 1 May 90 20:05:55 GMT
From: deimos.cis.ksu.edu!maverick.ksu.ksu.edu!uafhp!uafhcx!cjy@rutgers.edu
(Calvin Yockey)
Subject: Phantom Typist captured!
Message-ID: <4174@uafhp.uark.edu>
phantom.arc has been moved to the 'atari/unindexed' directory on 'terminator'.
Calvin Yockey
Date: 1 May 90 18:12:09 GMT
From: cs.dal.ca!silvert@uunet.uu.net (Bill Silvert)
Subject: Portfolio file exchange
Message-ID: <1990May1.181209.24049@cs.dal.ca>
Recently someone posted a query about file interchange between a
Portfolio and an Atari ST. It sounded as though he was using the serial
port, but is there a way to transfer files through the parallel port as
with the PC? Currently I get text files on my ST, which is connected to
a modem, and then I copy them to disk, and then I put the disk in my
laptop, and then I can transfer the files to the Portfolio. If I had an
ST equivalent to the server on the PC I could transfer files directly
from the ST hard drive to the portfolio -- that would be handy.
William Silvert, Habitat Ecology Division, Bedford Inst. of Oceanography
P. O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, CANADA B2Y 4A2. Tel. (902)426-1577
BITNET=bill%biomel%dalcs@dalac InterNet=bill%biomel@cs.dal.ca
Date: 1 May 90 16:04:13 GMT
From: clyde.concordia.ca!mcgill-vision!quiche!calvin!depeche@uunet.uu.net (Sam
Subject: revolver
Message-ID: <3294@calvin.cs.mcgill.ca>
Now that I have more memory, I want to get revolver; I have heard
many good things about it.
Has anyone successfully used revolver with WP4.1 (August 89) and Tos 1.4?
The version I am trying out does not work, but it is an old version.
Also, if you have an e-mail address of the author of this prorgam,
please send it to me. (actually, a paper-mail address would be great,
|S. Alan Ezust | depeche@calvin.cs.mcgill.ca|
|McGill University School of Computer Science | Montreal, Quebec, Canada |
| "The mind is a terrible thing...." |
Date: 1 May 90 18:03:25 GMT
From: clyde.concordia.ca!mcgill-vision!quiche!calvin!depeche@uunet.uu.net (Sam
Subject: supercharger
Message-ID: <3301@calvin.cs.mcgill.ca>
Well, just wanted all of you to know that I am now a proud owner/user
of supercharger. Just about everything works great.
Originally I was having trouble printing with it, but that was due
to the fact that I had pq.prg resident, which is an ST print spooler
which interferes with Supercharger.
Basically, it is a pretty decent PC-emulator. It comes with decent
documentation, a short DMA cable and a stupid little power line which
plugs into your joystick port (note - there is a batch of powerlines
in superchargers which are wired BACKWARDS and will not work. If your
local dealer is having trouble getting one to work, this might be the
It also comes with DOS 4.01 and a few handy utilities which make
installing a dos partition on your hard disk quite painless,
and a few other handy utilities which make your Atari mouse look like
an MS mouse, and make your ST disks readable in IBM mode (so you don't
have to write boot sectors), etc.
I bought a transformer at Radio Shack for $12, since I needed one anyway
due to the fact that my 1040ST power supply already has a lot of work
to do in order to support 2.5mb of memory. I threw the powercord in the
trashbasket. (I like having joysticks plugged in my joystick ports).
Some interesting things about this emulator - it has 1mb of memory inside
it which you can use as a ramdisk from ST mode, and if you go into IBM
mode, it automatically detects any ST ramdisks and lets you use them
as if they were in IBM memory!!
The built-in character font is a little strange, but it is readable.
I ran it with these programs:
telix (modem worked fine)
wordperfect 5.1 (mouse and printer worked fine)
xtree gold (everything worked great)
One annoying thing is that it is not possible to switch out
of the Supercharger mode without rebooting the ST, and it isn't possible to
switch back into Supercharger mode without rebooting the MS-Dos. Supposedly
it will be possible to go in the second direction within a couple of months.
I had a couple of tech-support questions to ask, called and left a message
last night, and someone CALLED me back first thing this morning (pacific
time). So to sum it up, I am impressed!
|S. Alan Ezust | depeche@calvin.cs.mcgill.ca|
|McGill University School of Computer Science | Montreal, Quebec, Canada |
| "The mind is a terrible thing...." |
Date: 1 May 90 08:19:00 GMT
Subject: UNIVERSAL MORE at terminator-gemini
Message-ID: <16000065@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
Shell users: (esp. Gemini)
if this is useful, I just posted it to terminator as xmore.arc.
When show (or Ansehen) is clicked on in Gemini, xmore will
take effect if there is an
alias more xmore
in your mupfel.mup or gemini.mup file. It will view Degas and .DOO
files on its own and any other file for which you have a standalone
in my mupfel.mup is:
alias more xmore
setenv MOREDFT e:\bin\more.ttp ; SMORE.ARC at terminator
setenv MOREARC e:\bin\arc.ttp,v
setenv MORELZH e:\bin\lzh.ttp,v
setenv MOREZOO e:\bin\zoo.ttp,v
setenv MOREDOC e:\tempus.app
setenv MORETXT c:\auto\qview.prg
setenv MOREPS g:\uscript\uscript.prg
setenv MOREDVI e:\tex\dviprev.prg
i.e. it is fully configurable depending upon your other viewers as
well as command line options (following the comma).
p.s. I was trying to have it do .IMG files as well (on its own),
but really couldn't make heads or tails of the PICFMTS.DOC
at terminator. Maybe there is a viewer out there I could
configure it to use.
-- Greg
Date: 1 May 90 14:16:36 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!spcc386!stefan@uunet.uu.net (Stefan Posthuma)
Subject: Virus questions
Message-ID: <595@spcc386.UUCP>
In article <1993@unccvax.UUCP> cs01bd@unccvax.UUCP (brian daniels) writes:
>Does anyone out there know if viruses that attach themselves to files
>exist on the st? The anti-virus programs I have seen are all concerned
>with the boot sector only.
Yep, there are. Quite a lot actually but there're not very widely spread.
I know at least one viruskiller that checks for linkviruses, the
Anti Virus Kit (AVK). It checks files for linkviruses, but cannot repair
them since this is quite hard to do.
"Oh my God, it is the attack of the Half-Crazed Mutant Teenage Alien Computer
Junkies!!" +------------------------------------
"Relax! It are just some SPCC employees" | uunet!mcvax!spcc386!stefan
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #500