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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Fri, 11 May 90 Volume 90 : Issue 531
Today's Topics:
.zoo files
Atari Stock again (groan) :-)
IBM-PC emulator for the Atari 1040ST
Lanier and Quark HDs on the ST? (2 msgs)
Phantom Typist and IKBD
poolfix3, poolfix4; naming conventions.
Pro-GEM Tutorials...
Programming self-help
Re-using a Megafile (2 msgs)
Tim Oren's Professional Gem course
Uniterm/Tektronix 4100 terminal emulator
Date: 10 May 90 06:22:13 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!laura!heike!klute@uunet.uu.net (Rainer Klute)
Subject: .zoo files
Message-ID: <2147@laura.UUCP>
In article <E-!!!d8@cs.psu.edu>, msb@gondolin.endor.cs.psu.edu (Michael
Barthelemy) writes:
|>What do I have to do to be able to use these files? I have only recently
|>started to ftp files and this is the first time I have run across .zoo files.
You should read article <1742@male.EBay.Sun.COM> (Subject: v11INF3:
Unpacking binaries (and retrieving old ones)) posted here only a few days ago.
Dipl.-Inform. Rainer Klute klute@heike.informatik.uni-dortmund.de
Univ. Dortmund, IRB klute@unido.uucp, klute@unido.bitnet
Postfach 500500 |)|/ ...uunet!mcvax!unido!klute
D-4600 Dortmund 50 |\|\ Tel.: +49 231 755-4663
Date: 10 May 90 13:37:28 GMT
From: cunixf.cc.columbia.edu!cunixa.cc.columbia.edu!cmm1@rutgers.edu
(Christopher M Mauritz)
Subject: Atari Stock again (groan) :-)
Message-ID: <1990May10.133728.20499@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>
Well, Atari stock drooped again yesterday to $5 a share. I do
believe that is an all-time low (except for the morning after
black monday -"the crash") when it sold at 4 1/2. It is
interesting to note that the market as a whole has been
rising steadily over the same period that Atari's stock has
fallen. Makes you wonder....
BTW, CBM stock was up yesterday in moderate trading. :-)
Chris Mauritz |Where there's a BEER,
cmm1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu |there's a plan.
(c)All rights reserved. |
Send flames to /dev/null |Air Warrior is king!
Date: 9 May 90 19:37:01 GMT
!ashwin@ucsd.edu (Ashwin Ram)
Subject: IBM-PC emulator for the Atari 1040ST
Message-ID: <19932@mephisto.UUCP>
Is there a good IBM PC emulator for the Atari 1040ST? How good is it (e.g.,
completeness, speed), and how much does it cost? Which IBM PC does it
emulate? Either hardware or software emulation would be fine.
Thanks in advance for any and all opinions and recommendations.
Ashwin Ram
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280
UUCP: ...!
Internet: ashwin@ics.gatech.edu, ashwin@pravda.gatech.edu
Ashwin Ram
Assistant Professor, School of Information and Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280
UUCP: ...!
Internet: ashwin@ics.gatech.edu, ashwin@pravda.gatech.edu,
Date: 9 May 90 13:19:23 GMT
From: psuvm!phb100@psuvax1.cs.psu.edu
Subject: Lanier and Quark HDs on the ST?
Message-ID: <90129.091923PHB100@psuvm.psu.edu>
Greetings and salutations,
I recently bought a used Lanier word processor system (for the hard drive)
and a used Quark QC10 10 MByte hard drive (for appleII/III/macintosh systems).
I bought these on spec hoping I could hook either one of them up to my ST.
The Lanier has "ST506" stamped on the side of the HD mechanism. I've been told
that this is useable with the ST, but that is all I know about it (I don't even
know how big it is...:). The Quark I've not had apart yet (perhaps tonite),
but it has 2 3-position rocker switches on the back which are used to select
which apple computer it hooks up to.
Does anyone know if either of these could be used with my 520 ST (upgraded to 1
Meg, color monitor, dual double sided floppies)? Someone told me that I would
have to get a host adapter and plug the drive mech into that. True? False?
Maybe? Being a poor and struggling college student, I would prefer to go with
the cheapest solution possible. :)
If you don't feel this warrants a posting, please feel free email me directly
at this account.
Thanx in advance for any and all replies...
In the dark, no one can hear the color of your eyes...
Paul Baughman | Senior Student Consultant
AKA Unka Paul | Student Support Initiative
AKA The Man From UNKA |
AKA The Cloned OP | 227C Computer Building
AKA The Consultant's OP | University Park PA 16801
AKA The OP's Consultant | (814) 865-2160
Date: 10 May 90 09:56:03 GMT
From: snorkelwacker!ira.uka.de!fauern!fauern!csbrod@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Claus
Brod )
Subject: Lanier and Quark HDs on the ST?
Message-ID: <2721@medusa.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>
PHB100@psuvm.psu.edu writes:
> I recently bought a used Lanier word processor system (for the hard drive)
>and a used Quark QC10 10 MByte hard drive (for appleII/III/macintosh systems).
>I bought these on spec hoping I could hook either one of them up to my ST.
>The Lanier has "ST506" stamped on the side of the HD mechanism. I've been told
>that this is useable with the ST, but that is all I know about it (I don't even
Right, you can use a ST506 drive with your ST, but you'll have to get a
host adapter which translates the ATARI ACSI bus (DMA port) to SCSI and
a controller which translates SCSI to ST506. ACSI-SCSI host adapters
are available in all flavors. ICD makes good host adapters. You might
want to use a Adaptec 4000A SCSI-ST506 controller; this is the same
controller as in the SH205 or SH204. If you're lucky, you'll find someone
with an old SH204 and use the parts in there. This might be as simple
as plugging the old drive out and plugging yours in. You can also use
two ST506 drives with the Adaptec in a SH204/5, but then you're running
into slight problems with power and space (especially in the SH204 or
in the SH205 equipped with a 5.25" drive).
Claus Brod
Date: Wed, 09 May 90 17:13:36 BST
From: Chris Ridd <RiddCJ%computer-science.birmingham.ac.uk@NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK>
Subject: Phantom Typist and IKBD
Message-ID: <9005091713.aa01761@pooh.Cs.Bham.AC.UK>
A recent post mentioned that the PT must be fairly high up in the
AES code, possibly when the AES interacts with the IKBD. Well... I
definitely get the PT *a lot* whilst in Spectre (any version) -
noticeably in HyperCard and THINK C 4.0 (I don't type many "'s
anywhere else).
It mostly strikes when I type a ", which for the UK is Shift-2. I
don't press two keys quickly or anything, but I've got into the habit
now of pressing ", checking the screen, and then hitting Backspace a
couple of times :-(.
This clears GEM, it seems to me (it's quite a good scapegoat for
general wierdness on the ST though). The problem *must* be in the
IKBD - someone mentioned a bug with two keys in the IKBD buffer
getting repeated (Claus Brod?) - so obviously the 6301 firmware has
been disassembled. Are any more bugs visible in it?
-- Chris Ridd, Computer Science, Birmingham Uni, UK -- RiddCJ@Cs.Bham.Ac.Uk --
"'It's going to look pretty good, then, isn't it,' said War testily, 'the One
Horseman and Three Pedestrians of the Apocralypse.'" - Sourcery
Date: 10 May 90 10:03:31 GMT
ern!fauern!csbrod@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Claus Brod )
Subject: poolfix3, poolfix4; naming conventions.
Message-ID: <2722@medusa.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>
jfbruno@rodan.acs.syr.edu (John F. Bruno) writes:
>I think everyone is missing the major problem with the poolfix4. The choice
>of "poolfix4" implies that it is the next version of "poolfix3" and since
>poolfix3 came from Atari, people will assume poolfix4 also came from Atari.
>I'm sure that some people would be confused by this and go to Alan Pratt for
>support/questions/whatever... I don't think it matters how pompous and
>obnoxious the original post was. If the original name was "POOLPTCH" or
>something like that, I bet nobody would have complained at all (unless of
>course it didn't work).
Right you are, and I've done something about it. The whole thing happened
more or less accidentally: I disassembled POOLFIX3, then transferred the
source into my integrated assembler environment. There I did some patching
and saved it; the file selector suggested naming it 'POOLFIX3'; I didn't
want to overwrite the old version of the text and changed the last letter
from '3' to '4'... that's how the whole thing started. Somehow I forgot
to change the name before sending it to some readers. Yessir, it's my
own stupid fault, and I apologize for that. Everyone who owns POOLFIX4
now is asked to change the name to POOLF_CB or something like that;
please don't blame Allan if there are any problems with it. Hell,
what can I do more to clean up the mess...
Claus Brod
Date: 10 May 90 11:43:23 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!harrier.ukc.ac.uk!gos.ukc.ac.uk!dac@uunet.uu.net (David Clear)
Subject: Pro-GEM Tutorials...
Message-ID: <2987@gos.ukc.ac.uk>
Could someone please mail me the Pro-GEM tutorials. I don't have FTP access.
% cc life.c | David Clear <dac@ukc.ac.uk>
% a.out | Computer Science, University of Kent,
Segmentation fault (core dumped) | Canterbury, England.
Date: 9 May 90 18:54:20 GMT
From: usc!snorkelwacker!bu.edu!dartvax!eleazar.dartmouth.edu!dav@ucsd.edu
(William David Haas)
Subject: Programming self-help
Message-ID: <21953@dartvax.Dartmouth.EDU>
saj@chinet.chi.il.us (Stephen Jacobs) writes:
>There are a lot of questions of the form "How do I get the ST to do job X
>in language Y". These are well answered with small example programs. It
>gets messy to try to save all of these examples in any kind of organized
>manner, and there's a tendency to forget whether a particular question has
> ...
Ok. I will volunteer. I don't have a lot of free time but I can dedicate
a constant amount each week to it. What I expect to happen is I will get a
lot of contributions and it will take a month or two to get the first version
made. Then I will send a copy to each volunteer to review. After that I will
post something once a month that will indicate where to find the file/files
and how to use them.
Here is what you should do:
a) Ignore this message and wait a few months for this to come together
or die a horrible death.
b) Send me contributions. It can be as small as you want or as big
as you want, C-code or text describing whatever. All submissions
should be Public Domain or Free use if author's name remains in
comments. I will not accept anything that is copywrited, shareware
or has any 'catches' except for inclusion of the submitter's name.
When you make your submission let me know if you want to be a
reviewer of the document before it gets posted.
I would like source code for working GEM programs even if you don't
want the code itself posted. I would like some example GEM programs
to play with. Simple or complex. When you send in stuff keep in
mind I am a c-hacker by trade but I have a very limited knowledge of
Atari internals.
On another note. A few months ago I posted asking if there was any
interest in a GCR mailing list. I recieved 1 reply. I am still willing
to run one if I get enough people on the list.
Date: 10 May 90 11:20:56 GMT
From: eru!luth!sunic!mcsun!unido!fauern!fauern!csbrod@bloom-beacon.mit.edu
(Claus Brod )
Subject: Re-using a Megafile
Message-ID: <2725@medusa.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>
csbrod@medusa.informatik.uni-erlangen.de (Claus Brod ) writes:
>>Well, I don't know much about hardware, but I can tell you about this
>>point. It is possible, and not a bad idea, to put a second drive into
>>the megafile 30 and on the hostadaptor of it. (Hope you get my
>It's not quite as easy as in a SH205. There you'll just have to plug
>in the new drive, find some room for placing the new drive and retarding
>switch-on power for the second drive in order not to bring down the weak power
>supply in the SH205.
Boy, when you start commenting your own messages you know you badly need
a break. I forgot to say what to do to a Megafile 30/60 when putting a second
drive in it. ATARI has made two slight modifications on the controller
1. Locate the 20-pin-plug for the second drive. Pin 17 has been connected
to grounds via a resistor. Cut the resistor (upper board side).
2. Pin 18 of the same plug has been soldered to grounds, too. Remove
this connection (lower board side).
Claus Brod
PS: For techs: Pin 17 and 18 are +RLL READ and -RLL READ, respectively.
Date: 10 May 90 10:08:31 GMT
From: snorkelwacker!ira.uka.de!fauern!fauern!csbrod@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Claus
Brod )
Subject: Re-using a Megafile
Message-ID: <2723@medusa.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>
freak@salyko.cube.sub.org (Alexander Reinelt) writes:
>Well, I don't know much about hardware, but I can tell you about this
>point. It is possible, and not a bad idea, to put a second drive into
>the megafile 30 and on the hostadaptor of it. (Hope you get my
It's not quite as easy as in a SH205. There you'll just have to plug
in the new drive, find some room for placing the new drive and retarding
switch-on power for the second drive in order not to bring down the weak power
supply in the SH205.
>The software is the other prob - AHDI is, as far s I know, not prepared
>for a second unit. And it has some bugs besides that point ...
>I use CBHD SYS. This is a very nice hard disk driver. It is based on the
>Well, overall its a great thing. Claus Brod is unfortunately no more
>contactable via usenet, but maybe I could help you a bit...
I've managed to obtain access again, you can e-mail me. But please don't
expect me to answer via e-mail; please include your snail mail address
in your e-mail to me.
Claus Brod
Date: 10 May 90 06:47:59 GMT
From: cca.ucsf.edu!wet!logic@cgl.ucsf.edu (Henry Kwan)
Subject: ST-Term?
Message-ID: <1210@wet.UUCP>
Does anyone have a copy of ST-Term (latest version 3.6?) that they could
mail to me? I've been told by several people that it has a good
implementation of Zmodem.
If you don't have a copy, but know of which online service which does (CIS,
GEnie, Delphi, etc.), please pipe up so I can grab it myself or convince
someone I know to. :-)
Thanks a bunch.
P.S. To: S. Alan Ezust, thanks for the offer of sending ST-Term to me. I
tried to mail you back but the message bounced even though I tried four
different routes! If you see this, please do mail me ST-Term. Thanks!
Henry Kwan | AppleLink: D0690
FWB, Inc. | CompuServe: 71320,1034
2040 Polk St. Ste 215 | Internet: claris!wet!logic@ames.arc.nasa.gov
San Francisco, CA 94109 | UUCP:
Date: 10 May 90 07:43:55 GMT
From: usenet.ins.cwru.edu!dsrgsun.CES.CWRU.Edu!bammi@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
(Jwahar R. Bammi)
Subject: Tim Oren's Professional Gem course
Message-ID: <BAMMI.90May10034355@picasso.ces.cwru.edu>
In article <46300094@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu> gwg33762@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
> The first 10 lessons of the Professional Gem course are available, archived,
> from terminator.cc.umich.edu. They are in the atari/programming directory
there should be 17 parts + appendicies. if you cannot find them there,
grab progem.zoo from dsrgsun.ces.cwru.edu (or picasso.ces.cwru.edu).
domain: bammi@dsrgsun.ces.CWRU.edu
GEnie: J.Bammi
Date: 9 May 90 19:16:11 GMT
win@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Ashwin Ram)
Subject: Uniterm/Tektronix 4100 terminal emulator
Message-ID: <19931@mephisto.UUCP>
Hi... I'm a long-time user of UNITERM but I've been a little behind on
upgrades. What is the latest version available?
I now need a Tektronix 4100 terminal (actually, anything in the 410x or 420x
series). Does UNITERM emulate any of these terminals, and if not, would it
be possible to add these without much trouble? I'd imagine it would only be
a matter of adding the escape sequences to UNITERM's database.
Are there other Tektronix emulators available for a monochrome Atari ST?
If some version of UNITERM (or some other program) handles 410x or 420x,
could you either mail it to me or tell me where I can get it from?
Thanks a lot,
-- Ashwin.
Ashwin Ram
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280
UUCP: ...!
Internet: ashwin@ics.gatech.edu, ashwin@pravda.gatech.edu
Ashwin Ram
Assistant Professor, School of Information and Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280
UUCP: ...!
Internet: ashwin@ics.gatech.edu, ashwin@pravda.gatech.edu,
Date: Wed, 09 May 90 15:54:28 BST
From: Kevin Maguire <SA44%liverpool.ac.uk@NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK>
Subject: WHERE IS PINHEAD????????
Message-ID: <9005092019.AA06214@Argus.Stanford.EDU>
Does anyone know where I can get pinhead from???????
I've looked on terminator but can't find it.
Clearing my 2.5M everytime is becoming a pain. I've fixed most
programs with a little cruncher I wrote a while back. (I know it was
crap but it does have one use)
It seems that GEMDOS doesn't clear the memory if a program has no
relocation data (last word in GEMDOS header == FFFF)
My little cruncher tacks some code on that uncompresses the original.
This code doesn't need relocating so a crunched program runs
instantly it is loaded. I use this to speed up most programs, but a
few don't like to be crunched.
BTW using my cruncher after PACK2 usually knocks off a further 1 or 2K
!!!!!! Not much but it saves the space that the uncruching code uses
and I get speedy execution for less disk space.
Nsfnet : sa44%ibm.liv.ac.uk@nsfbet-relay.ac.uk
Uucp : ...!mcvax!ukc!liv-ib!sa44
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #531