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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Mon, 4 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 749
Today's Topics:
Bugs in Uniterm 2.0e
Form Doc's
GNU C Floating Point Math
Help with Uniterm 2.0e
LaserPrinters and the ST
Real '
Richard, Richard, Richard! (was Re: Mega chips & drive questions)
Sun executables of Zoo
Utrascript ST-1
Versaterm PRO correction
Date: 4 Dec 89 07:38:49 GMT
From: bsu-cs!kendall@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Stephen P. Kendall)
Subject: Bugs in Uniterm 2.0e
Message-ID: <10362@bsu-cs.bsu.edu>
This isn't a bug in Uniterm's Kermit, but I have had a problem with Kermit
sending a false short break signal when keys on the let side of the keyboard
are left-shifted. On a DECserver that interprets a break as an untrappable
logoff, this can be a major problem. Anyone else who has experienced this
problem, please send email. If I'm not unique in this, I'll post a summary.
Stephen Kendall
Ball State University
Date: 4 Dec 89 19:30:13 GMT
From: richard@elroy.jpl.nasa.gov
Subject: Form Doc's
Message-ID: <5120.257a7166@elroy.uh.edu>
In article <89338.035427JJL101@PSUVM.BITNET>, J.J. Lehett <JJL101@PSUVM.BITNET>
> Is there anyone that knows where I could get a copy of the Documents to
> Form other than in DVI form....preferably in straight ASCII type.
> -------
> ********************************************************************
> * J.J. * JJL101@psuvm.bitnet *
> * * Penn State Center for Academic Computing *
> * John Lehett * Computational Mathematics *
> ********************************************************************
I could also use an ASCII copy of the docs as I dont have a copy of TEX
and would not care to attempt to hack my way through learning TEX even
if I did have a copy of it.
Richard Coggins
University Of Houston
Date: 4 Dec 89 21:02:45 GMT
From: cs.utexas.edu!mailrus!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!news@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
(Jwahar R. Bammi)
Subject: GNU C Floating Point Math
Message-ID: <1989Dec4.210245.2798@usenet.ins.cwru.edu>
In article <3497@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU>, esp_05@jhunix (Stdnt 05) writes:
>Some of the errors include:
> cos(0) doesn't seem to work
> (x*x)+(y*y) doesn't work when -1<y<0
> sqrt() doesn't work (with -mshort only);
> neither do related functions frexp and pow.
you have a very old copy. all of the above problems in the Fp support
routines and pml were fixed some time ago. please grab yourself a new copy
from dsrgsun.ces.cwru.edu or from the terminator archive.
>Any ideas or suggestions? After comparing GNU C with an ancient copy
>of the original (c.1986) Megamax C, with Megamax C blowing GNU C away,
can you be more specific. in what sense did it "blow it away"?
bang: ?any internet host?!dsrgsun.ces.CWRU.edu!bammi jwahar r. bammi
domain: bammi@dsrgsun.ces.CWRU.edu
GEnie: J.Bammi
Date: 4 Dec 89 18:20:32 GMT
From: shlump.nac.dec.com!engage.enet.dec.com!oldtmr!wallace@decwrl.dec.com (Ray
Subject: Help with Uniterm 2.0e
Message-ID: <1372@engage.enet.dec.com>
In article <473088e9.20b6d@apollo.HP.COM>, weber_w@apollo.HP.COM (Walt Weber)
>There is a glitch with the 'redial' command in the dialer menu. It apparently
Simon did post a patch to fix this bug to the net quite some time ago. It was
just a one or two byte patch. I have looked through all my uniterm files and
have not been able to find the patch instructions. If I come across them I
will post them.
Ray Wallace
(INTERNET,UUCP) wallace@oldtmr.enet.dec.com
(UUCP) ...!decwrl!oldtmr.enet!wallace
(INTERNET) wallace%oldtmr.enet@decwrl.dec.com
Date: 4 Dec 89 21:09:11 GMT
From: agate!web-1d!laba-1aj@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (John Kawakami)
Subject: LaserPrinters and the ST
Message-ID: <1989Dec4.210911.13420@agate.berkeley.edu>
In article <24675@cup.portal.com> buggs@cup.portal.com (William Edward JuneJr)
> As far as I know, the major cost of _any_ PostScript-compatible device
>> or software is the royalty paid to Adobe for developing PS.
I understand that the user ends up paying only about $25 for the PS part
of the printer. I'd guess that most of the extra lettuce goes to pay for
the RAM and 35 (or so) fonts. That is probably why US costs whatever it
>> Thus, UltraScript is not likely to drop in price.
>> Can anyone confirm this?
>> ___ Stephen F. White, esq. standard_disclaimer()
>I thought PostScript was or is becoming PD?
>Ed June
The PS standard is out there for anyone to emulate; it's in the "red-book"
from Adobe. What is missing though is stuff called "Type 1" font support.
Type 1 fonts make small characters readable on low rez (300 dpi) printers.
Obviously, this is one way that Adobe is keeping one step ahead of the
The only PD PS I can think of off hand is Ghostscript from the GNU project.
Ghostscript is a PS screen previewer.
Date: 4 Dec 89 21:30:25 GMT
From: agate!web-1d!laba-1aj@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (John Kawakami)
Subject: NOTATOR vs. FINALE (mac)
Message-ID: <1989Dec4.213025.14837@agate.berkeley.edu>
In article <4739@blake.acs.washington.edu> ramsiri@blake.acs.washington.edu
(Enartloc Nhoj) writes:
>With NOTATOR and the ***** ATARI LASER ****** i can
>print a 7 page score in under 7 minutes... and it looks BEAUTIFUL!
>I am told by a colleague of mine who runs FINALE ... the much raved
>about notation package for the mac, that it can take as much as
>a FULL HOUR to print a SINGLE postscript page of music.
I realize this is probably not the right forum for this, but here goes:
Over and over, I read people who point out how s l o w PS is.
Sometimes, they are justified; PS is pretty slow if it has too little RAM,
a very complex image, bad code, etc. But usually, people blame postscript
when the program generating the postscript is at fault.
Now, I don't know anything about Finale, but I don't think something
as simple as a page of music should take more than a few minutes to print
(yes, that _is_ slower than the SLM; heh heh). I suspect Finale is doing
one of two things: producing ugly, horrendous PS; or letting the printer
figure out how the page should be set and giving it just enough info to
let it grind the page out. I'd bet my mother that it's the former.
>Unfortunately, i still know people who are buying macs for music..
>While ATARI at this time has the upper hand in music sales...
>they could easily clean up if they put some effort into getting
>ATARI systems in the high schools and universities.. in studios etc..
I see lots of STs in music mag photos. They are pretty popular. But
there are not that many midi-ized musicians out there.
>for ATARI. POINT: "ATARI.. hurry up .. and get the TT out here!"
>Unfortunately, timing IS a factor in the industry!
Yes, I agree. And if you get the TT out there with an educational discount
and Unix, you might very well see a (somewhat) significant number of
university students taking out (even more) student loans to have Unix in
their rooms. (If the TT were in the $2.5k range, I'd get it, fast!)
Date: 04 DEC 89 15:16:10 CST
From: Z4648252 <Z4648252%SFAUSTIN.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: Real '
Message-ID: <891204.15155972.020516@SFA.CP6>
Hello all,
I discovered two really 'neat' things about and for Spectre GCR. The
discoveries deal with graphics and a "work-around" for anyone having
problems with the reading and writing to Macintosh diskettes.
If you have some great ST pictures in Degas format, you can convert
them to .PICT pictures!!! Request the following from PANARTHEA:
volume8/depict Convert DEGAS .PI3 files to MacPaint
It was a shocker to me as to how easy and fast DEPICT works. All that
remains is for the user to transfer it over to the 'Mac side' of his/her
Using PICSWITCH .7, I've converted just about everything, including
Amiga IFF pictures. The results have been great.
Ok, here is a simple work-around for Spectre GCRers who are having
problems reading/writing Macintosh diskettes. The Mega that I am on has
been so hacked to death due to a lightning strike a few years back that it
radiates RF in a manner that would make Marconi proud. Hence, it has
had problems writing and sometimes reading Macintosh diskettes. That is
frustrating, especially when I see other Megas reading/writing Mac disks
faster than real Macs. (Why me? Why always me??)
The solution is neat and fast, but it is a work-around. Take the
Mac disk that you need to read or write to. Use Spectre GCR's Transverter
program and do a conversion to a Spectre format diskette. That's it!
And....it is fast. Just like most people who are having problems with
this, I never dreamed that Transverter could handle Mac diskettes. The
only disadvantage is that the user will have to do his Macintosh disk I/O
via Transverter. I never thought that Transverter could read/write
to Macintosh diskettes when the GCR couldn't.
This opens a new world for me. I can use my years' worth of
Tom Hudson pictures and volumes of Amiga pictures and convert them
to the Mac side of my ST. I can now read and write to Mac disks.
What more could I want?
Larry Rymal: |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| <Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET>
Date: 4 Dec 89 07:10:36 GMT
From: thelake!steve@UMN-CS.CS.UMN.EDU (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: Richard, Richard, Richard! (was Re: Mega chips & drive questions)
Message-ID: <1104890110363128@thelake.UUCP>
In article <472ae52a.14a1f@force.UUCP>,
covertr@force.UUCP (Richard E. Covert) describes a friend ...
> ... He has a stock 1040ST ...
Then he says...
> ... Anyway, there he is sitting with a 2.5 meg 1040ST ...
He quotes kbad@atari ...
>> if you hang anything but ROM's out there, you're asking for trouble. It was
>> _designed_ this way, the intent of the cart port is to provide ROM space,
>> nothing else.
Immediately followed by...
> Ken, WHY was the cart port designed that way?? ...
Of course, there's ...
> ... I sold my SLM804 and am buying a Panasonic KX-P4450 laser printer.
> Much faster (11 ppm vs, 8 ppm for the SLM) ...
followed by ...
> ... I know that the slm804 is faster than any other
> printer ...
But my very favorite is ...
> ... that is ONE reason why I refuse to buy the new TT.
>I am staying with the ST, and will try to buy a TT/p as a Registered Developer
-- Steve Yelvington, up at the (frozen) lake in Minnesota
UUCP: ... pwcs.StPaul.GOV!stag!thelake!steve
PS: If you would fix your postnews and/or install a .sig file with a valid
mail address, maybe people would razz you without posting it to the entire
flipping planet.
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 89 16:45:53 EST
From: Allen King <aking@BBN.COM>
Subject: Sun executables of Zoo
Does anybody know where I can get an executable (or C source) of Zoo which
I can run upline on a Sun 3/50?
Allen King
Date: 4 Dec 89 20:00:14 GMT
cis.ohio-state.edu (Richard E. Covert)
Subject: Utrascript ST-1
Message-ID: <473ad3c9.14a1f@force.UUCP>
In article <8912010117.AA23074@es56.escd.uucp>, karl@es56.UUCP (Karl Rowley)
> Has anyone out there tried Ultrascript ST-1? There is an add in the latest
> Start magazine for this new version of Ultrascript. It supports all sorts
> of output devices, including dot matrix printers and the HP Laserjet IIp.
> Ultrascript ST-1 and the HP Laserjet IIp may be a good cheap postscript
> solution. It sounds like the Laserjet may require a memory upgrade to
> support this -- does anyone know if a memory upgrade is required?
> Karl Rowley
> Evans & Sutherland Computer Division
> Mountain View, California, USA
> escd!karl@decwrl.dec.com
> ...!amdahl!escd!karl
I don't know about the HP Laser Jet IIp, but I hust ordered a Panasonic
KX-P4450 Laser Partner from a mail order place in Santa Cruz CA. It came to
$1642 with COD,shipping,the 1 megabyte memory upgrade, and a 12 foot Centronics
parallel printer cable. And yes, UltraScript ST-1 is supposed to work with the
KC-P4450 since it has Laser Jet Plus emulation.
BTW, Panasonic has a toll free techincal support number. It is
I am going to call them and ask how hard it is to write a printer driver
for the 4450.
All in all, for the price seems like quite a deal!!
Richard E. Covert (covertr@gtephx)
(602) - 581-4652
| AG Communications Systems, Phoenix AZ |
UUCP: ?ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!zardoz!hrc | att?!gtephx!covertr
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 89 14:27:17 EST
From: Marcelino Bernardo <MBERNAR%ERENJ.BITNET@CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu>
Subject: Versaterm PRO correction
Recently, Greg Csullog wrote that Versaterm PRO (Mac terminal emulation
software) does not support kermit server mode. This is WRONG. I am using
Versaterm PRO version 3.0.2 and it does support server mode. To enable it,
select "Kermit options" in the "Settings" pulldown menu. A new option would
then be available under the "File" menu to use the server mode, "Kermit
I haven't used all versions of Versaterm PRO so I don't know if this is
available in all versions. Obviously, neither has Greg. Please check
your facts before you make a general statement like that. Uniterm is a great
terminal software. One does not need to put down other software to make it
look good. I've used Uniterm for the last 6 months with great pleasure. I
just started using Versaterm PRO on a Mac IIci and am also satisfied with it.
Marcelino Bernardo
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #749