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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Sat, 9 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 783
Today's Topics:
Hard drive kits. Which one?
prototype cartridge board, and (A few random thoughts)
Spectre Sound
TimeWork's DeskTop Publisher version 1.1 help
tv show and the Mega ST
What Kermit/UNITERM bugs?
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 89 11:10:56 PST
From: Cassius_Gaius_Longinus@cc.sfu.ca
Subject: Hard drive kits. Which one?
Message-ID: <1963352@cc.sfu.ca>
Hi. How that I know I can send to the list, and hope that it makes
it to the usenet as well, I have a couple questions.
First, I have managed to put together enough $$ for a hard drive.
What I would like to know is, which of the kits is better, the ICD,
the Supra, or the BMS one. I realize thatit is somewhat difficult
to say if you only had one of them, but what is the general feeling
on the net. Also, what about drives. I think I want a seagate "ST296N",
but the "ST277R" also looks good.OY(K which one do you people think
it would be better - appart from the 20 meg extra storage of the 296,
which I might not really need, but it's nice to have. Also, if the
277 is the choice, do I get the "XT" or the "AT" kit, or just the
bare drive?
Second, after having received all the parts (all 21 of them) for the
GNUemacs from the Panathrea server, I found out that the 'emacs' file
was corrupted. All other 'unzooed' ok, and even the emacs one did,
but gave me a warning, and wouln't load. So, would a kind sould mail
but gave me a warning, and wouln't load. So, would a kind soul mail
me the 'emacs' file. Also, is there a better editor that I should
perhaps look at?
Thanks, and sorry to have gone on for so long but this IS my first
'real' post.
? BITNET: usereaxe@sfu; INTERNET/ARPA: cassius_longinus@cc.sfu.ca ?
? UUCP:..!ubc-cs!cc.sfu.ca!cassius_longinus; or a1254@mindlink.uucp ?
? CIS: 73040,2210; ?
? Standard disclaimer: ?
? Since I work for myself, I stand behind my words! SO there... ?
? Standard cute remark: ?
?"Delay in the use of force, and hesitation to accept responsibility?
?for its employment when the situation clearly demands it, will ?
?always be interpreted as a weakness. Such indecision will encourage?
?further disorder and will eventually necessitate measures more ?
?severe than those which would have sufficed in the first instance" ?
Date: 7 Dec 89 15:42:22 GMT
From: uvm-gen!pegram@uunet.uu.net (pegram r)
Subject: prototype cartridge board, and (A few random thoughts)
Message-ID: <1359@uvm-gen.UUCP>
From article <1220@electro.UUCP>, by ignac@electro.UUCP (Ignac Kolenko):
(earlier comments and interesting digitizer project deleted)
> while on the subject of cartridges: does ANYONE know of where you can get
> ** real ** prototype boards for the atari's cartridge port????
> --
> =====Ignac A. Kolenko (The Ig) watmath!watcgl!electro!ignac=====
> co-author of QuickST, and the entire line of Quick Shareware!!!!
> "I don't care if I don't win, 'cause I don't care if I fail"
> from 'Youth Of Today' by SUBURBAN DISTORTION
I haven't gotten the latest E. Arthur Brown Catalog in, but they used
to carry such a board (or boards). The one I'm thinking of had the
bus completely buffered, all you needed to add was your circuit on the
rest of the board. EABCO (shorthand for the above company) may also have
had an adaptor board that allowed a Radio Shack (non-metric contact
spacing) proto-board to plug onto the bus directly. I don't have
their address, in any case it was posted here recently(2x). I don't know
if they ship overseas, but they provide *very* good service. There
were more sources for protoboards (I too wanted to use the cart port
for my Sr. EE. project, used the parallel port instead <speed wasn't a prob>
8-)), but they disappeared fast.
Bob Pegram (pegram@griffin.uvm-gen.uvm.edu)
On another topic:
P.S. Steve Yelvington: (provider of EABCO address)
I lost my flaming reply to your mention of EABCO (just as well
8-)). I buy from EABCO, I have and use WordWriter's outliner, I will
look into getting foldEd, who's name is suggestive of what I want.
I meant to say that there was a small and shrinking amt of
*large* *world-class* S/W applications (in the USA). Only in desktop
publishing and music does the ST have leading applications (and
healthy competition), maybe there are a few other examples. I get
envious when I see what PCs and MACs can run. We not only get no new
or updated apps, we have maybe 1 std. app for each major area (Word
Processing,<WP or WordUp> SpreadSheet,<LDW Power>, etc.)and commercial
programming languages and tools are disappearing (no Modula2 to buy,
no Forth either) without the useful/trendy new replacements (e.g. no
OOPs, see earlier queries on the net for G++). Shareware and Pd S/W
don't count, they're what sustains "dead" computers (see US Computer
Shopper's orphan computers section).
I want suggestions as to what *large* type of program do
netters (and friends) want/need that isn't available in native mode
for the ST. Naturally, we also need suggestions on how to make those
dreams come true (maybe more imports??!). If there are ways that
non-commercial S/W can do the job I'd like to hear about it, but
I fear that we'll open Pandora's Box with that one.
RBP III (pegram@griffin.uvm-gen.uvm.edu <at U. of Vt.>)
Date: 9 Dec 89 22:18:14 GMT
From: well!dsmall@apple.com (David Small)
Subject: Spectre Sound
Message-ID: <14881@well.UUCP>
The base note asks if Spectre GCR can handle Mac sound. (I'll condense
it for space reasons).
Yes, it can. If selected, the Spectre software will produce sound
using the same 370-byte digitized sound buffer the Mac uses. So it bleeps,
blonks, and whatnot. SoundMaster works, so you can tie various MacSounds to
Mac events (keyclick, beep, disk eject, etc.) Talking Moose works, if you're
into that. I'm embarrassed to report that even MacPlaymate sound works (it's
not that good, really!).
Only exception: the latest Systems (6.0.2/3/4) did sound a different
way, and we have some bug that prevents them from thinking they're running on
a Mac Plus. It's in the process of being fixed. Sys 3.2 and such work just
fine. The "Sound" CDEV will only appear in Mac Plus mode, by the way
(ALT +; see manual).
-- thanks, Dave / Gadgets by Small
"I wish I could come up with something clever to put at the bottom of my
Date: 09 DEC 89 12:11:28 CST
From: Z4648252 <Z4648252%SFAUSTIN.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: TimeWork's DeskTop Publisher version 1.1 help
Message-ID: <891209.12112692.027270@SFA.CP6>
Hello all,
From Panarthea, I just downloaded the converted Macintosh fonts
that are in the encoded file. Inside the file were a nice selection of
fonts with an accompanying ASSIGN.SYS.
I substituted my ASSIGN.SYS with the file's ASSIGN.SYS, ran the
WIDTH.APP program and received an "Error Loading Driver File" message
or something to that effect.
Instead of trying to fight this thing, I'd like to ask others
on the net, "What are the ground rules for using a different
ASSIGN.SYS?" Obviously, the generous contributor included the
appropriate ASSIGN.SYS with these fonts as an aid to keep us from
having to edit our former ASSIGN.SYS. Help? Comments, anyone?
Larry Rymal: |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| <Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET>
Date: 9 Dec 89 21:45:31 GMT
From: matthews@umd5.umd.edu (Mike Matthews)
Subject: tv show and the Mega ST
Message-ID: <5759@umd5.umd.edu>
In article <891206.19213238.024049@SFA.CP6> Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET (Z4648252)
> I just saw on the television the sitcom, Growing Pains.
>In plain view of everyone, was a Mega ST during an office scene. Wow!
>Gee. Revolution???
>Larry Rymal: |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| <Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET>
I KNEW I wasn't imagining things!!!!
Yeah, I saw it too. My girlfriend just said I was "cute."
Date: 9 Dec 89 21:32:12 GMT
From: phoenix!mpsimon@princeton.edu (M. Patrick Simon)
Subject: What Kermit/UNITERM bugs?
Message-ID: <12091@phoenix.Princeton.EDU>
In article <1333@castle.ed.ac.uk> aimd@castle.ed.ac.uk (M Davidson) writes:
>In article <89337.135453SML108@PSUVM.BITNET> SML108@PSUVM.BITNET writes:
>>On the subject of kermits and ST's...
>>I also use the Uniterm Kermit to transfer to and from my ST.it works fine wit
>>h VAX computer systems, however weird, VERY WEIRD stuff happens with Unixsys-
>>tems, both System V and 4.3bsd. It works fine transferring text files, but
>>gives a potpourri of errors with binary files. This DOES NOT HAPPEN ON VAXES
>[stuff deleted]
>Strange, I've downloaded loads of stuff from a Sys V UNIX machine and it
>always works fine - the only time it doesn't is when I forget to set the
>'-i' option on the UNIX kermit (for binary mode transfer). There's maybe
>something wrong with your UNIX kermit (although I have heard of some
>sort of bug in Uniterm's Kermit but it always works OK for me)...
>>Scott Le Grand aka SML108@PSUVM.PSU.EDU
>Mark Davidson <aimd@ed.castle>
I have also had difficulties with Kermit in Uniterm (v2.0b). Downloading
works fine, even in binary mode, but uploading does not work fine if there
is a communication server present (e.g. something that forces kermit to
use 8th bit prefixing, or whatever that's called). I know this is a bug
in Uniterm's implementation of kermit because another kermit I have for the
ST will do those same uploads correctly. From the discussion here, it does
not sound as if this bug has been fixed in later versions.
--Patrick Simon mpsimon@phoenix.princeton.edu
p.s. I had even more difficulties with transfer until I set the Unix end
kermit's parity correctly. This can be done in the kermit initialization
file, so you don't need to check it each time.
p.p.s. I use uniterm all the time, and really appreciate the effort Simon Poole
has put into this program.
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #783