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- Info-Atari16 Digest Wed, 3 Jul 91 Volume 91 : Issue 371
- Today's Topics:
- DOUBLE Version 2.01 (takes 32K less RAM !!)
- GCC 1.39 -g Problems
- GCR wanted
- Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #370
- lharc woes (AGAIN, was Is musedt.lzh corrupted?)
- MINIX on an Atari TT?
- MultiGEM, survey of responses
- NeXT
- Publishing Partner (w/SG10)
- ST Software from British distributors
- Supra HD utilities
- This week's program
- What's a STE anyway?
- where to look for the latest gcc libs?
- Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic
- cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed
- out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages
- to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU.
- Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to
- Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list
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- If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly
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- contact the redistributor, not us.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 3 Jul 91 08:19:22 GMT
- From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle!hwcs!neil@uunet.uu.net (Neil Forsyth)
- Subject: DOUBLE Version 2.01 (takes 32K less RAM !!)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <CMM.>
- larserio@ifi.uio.no writes:
- >Double Screen-Heigh emulator for STE, MEGA STE (and TT ??) VERSION 2
- >...
- >Why does this program only work om STE and not on standard ST ????
- >""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- >Both the display modes uses new hardware registers on the STE to
- >make the code small.
- Why not do things the way BIGSCREEN does and use normal ST hardware scrolling
- at a character height resolution. Then your program would benefit everyone.
- OK we can lose the interlace version for old ST's.
- >Lars-Erik 0sterud E-mail: larserio@ifi.uio.no (usenet)
- >Okriveien 39 Call me at: +47 2 13 15 71 (voice phone)
- >N-1349 Rykkinn or ABK-BBS: +47 2 13 26 59 (300-9600 bps)
- >Norway
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ! DISCLAIMER:Unless otherwise stated, the above comments are entirely my own !
- ! !
- ! Neil Forsyth JANET: neil@uk.ac.hw.cs !
- ! Dept. of Computer Science ARPA: neil@cs.hw.ac.uk !
- ! Heriot-Watt University UUCP: ..!ukc!cs.hw.ac.uk!neil !
- ! Edinburgh, Scotland, UK "That was never 5 minutes!" !
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ------------------------------
- Date: 3 Jul 91 12:14:39 GMT
- From: otter.hpl.hp.com!hpltoad!ghiggins!gjh@hplabs.hp.com (Graham Higgins)
- Subject: GCC 1.39 -g Problems
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- ++ I have got "gcc139b.lzh" containing the GNU assembler for ATARI-ST
- ++ version 1.38 from Uni Koeln and the GNU debugger "gdb" from A.A.
- I would advise against such "mix-n-match" setups. That's why I have been trying
- to create a "standard" ST GNU release on A.A.
- Here's an extract from A.A.'s
- file ....
- ++ Here is a heavily hacked gdb for atariST, based on the incredible work
- ++ of John Dunning of porting it to the ST.
- ++
- ++ The big difference is that this version supports dbx_format symbols and
- ++ stabs, not the gnu format (ie: "gcc -g" and not "gcc -gg"). gnu has
- ++ essentially dropped support for the -gg format. Other than that, it is
- ++ still undergoing development, to make it as stable, and to bring it up
- ++ to the changes in the latest rev of gdb from FSF. It is quite usable,
- ++ and a lot of you have been waiting for "something" so i am sending it
- ++ out for you to play with. I will provide updates (hopefully in a timely
- ++ fashion :-).
- Claro?
- Graham
- ======
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Graham Higgins | gjh%ghiggins@hpl.hp.co.uk
- Hewlett-Packard Labs | gjh%ghiggins@hplb.hpl.hp.com
- Filton Road, Stoke Gifford | gjh%hplb.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa
- Bristol, U.K. | ...!mcvax!ukc!hplb!gjh
- Tel: +44 272 799910 x24014 Fax: +44 272 790554
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Disclaimer: My opinions above are exactly that, mine and opinions.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 3 Jul 91 14:07:04 GMT
- From: noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!samsung!know!daemon@arizona.edu
- Subject: GCR wanted
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Anyone want to sell a GCR with Mac 128K ROMs? E-mail a message to
- me, FAX a note (613) 584-2852 or leave a message on my answering machine
- (613) 584-4825.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 3 Jul 91 14:14:31 GMT
- From: exurchn1.ericsson.se!exucph@ucbvax.berkeley.edu (Chinh Pham)
- Subject: HELP
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Hello everyone,
- My name is Chinh. I am new to USENET as well as to the atari
- computer system. My friend brought me an atari st four years
- ago. Since then, I used it for maximum of 50 times. Now that I
- have free time, I want to learn more about this computer that
- my friend brought for me. I have quite a few questions to ask,
- but before I go crazy with them, I will ask only the essential
- ones.
- 1. I live in Dallas. Where can I get any help for my computer?
- 2. I have hard disk, color monitor, and an ST. What can I do
- with them (besides selling them)?
- 3. I heard so much good things about it. How can I use as it as
- a terminal to call into the IBM mainframe? In other words,
- what emualtion package should I purchase?
- 4. I would like to do some word processing (publishing) with
- my atari. What publishing programs are there available?
- What laser printer is best suited for the atari?
- 5. I read some of your notes about monitors. What is a good
- one (reasonablely priced) for publishing program?
- 6. Is the ST good, or should I dumped it for something new?
- 7. My friend wants to put up a BBS board. I don't want to buy
- PC for it, so can I use the atari instead? And where would I
- get such information about it? And is it hard to maintain,
- given that I am a novice at it?
- Besides those questions, I asked you persuade me that this gift
- my friend gave me is worthwhile - not just gag sitting on my desk
- collecting dusts.
- PLEASE HELP...... Chinh.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 03 Jul 91 08:28:06 CDT
- From: Mike Dorman <MDORMAN1@UA1VM.UA.EDU>
- Subject: Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #370
- To: Atari List <Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu>
- The newest version of STeno and STalker are being distributed by GRIBNIF,
- the NeoDesk people. They're due for release next month--and should have all
- the cool features that people want.
- The new version of Flash is supposed to be some rewrite from an Australian
- developer, but it hasn't picked up a distributor, although a bunch of people
- are trying to pick it up...
- Mike.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- : Michael Alan Dorman : :
- : MDORMAN1@UA1VM.UA.EDU : Hobbies are things people do when they should be :
- : BIX: syssupport : sleeping. --M.A.D. :
- : GEnie: M.DORMAN2 : :
- : PostalNet: : :
- : Box 8068 : Stonehenge was built by two drunks with no :
- : Tuscaloosa, AL : witnesses. --P.S.McGhee :
- : 35486 : :
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 1 Jul 91 19:48:52 GMT
- From: cucstud!tfd!afp!gna!linn!Vincent.Pomey@uunet.uu.net (Vincent Pomey)
- Subject: lharc woes (AGAIN, was Is musedt.lzh corrupted?)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- >>files, worse on very small files), and has a built-in GEM interface.
- > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- >why? does this mean it won't port to unix et al?
- The ZIP file format is originating from PKZIP on PC (no source but a
- description of file format and algorithms used). STZip is written for, guess
- what, Atari ST !!
- It certainly won't port to unix (Modula-2 & 68000), but a portable UNZIP in C
- has been posted in comp.sources.misc a few months ago, and a portable ZIP will
- be posted in a few weeks (see Info-Zip@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil for infos,
- betas, flames etc).
- ---
- --==>> Linn <<==-- AtariST Paris
- Vincent.Pomey@linn.fidonet.org
- or tfd.com!afp!gna!linn!linn.fido!Vincent.Pomey
- ------------------------------
- Date: 3 Jul 91 06:46:18 GMT
- From: waikato.ac.nz!comp.vuw.ac.nz!actrix!Alex.Valdez@decwrl.dec.com (Alex
- Valdez)
- Subject: MINIX on an Atari TT?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <A0b7wig2@mwowm.mantis.co.uk> mathew@mantis.co.uk writes:
- > Has anyone tried running ST MINIX on a TT? Does it work? Anyone know of
- > any plans for a TT MINIX?
- >
- >
- > mathew
- > --
- > << baby mother hospital scissors creature judgement butcher engineer >>
- Last I heard, MINIX doesn't work on 68030s, (TT or Amiga 3000).
- --
- ================================Alex Valdez=============================
- "Alas sais na naman, oras ng pagdidili-dili...
- Isaisip ang mabuti, ang masama'y iwaksi..."
- ------------------------------
- Date: 3 Jul 91 17:58:39 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.ed
- u!bonnie.concordia.ca!daily-planet.concordia.ca!alcor.Concordia.CA!seldin@arizo
- na.edu ( JONATHAN SELDIN )
- Subject: MultiGEM, survey of responses
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I have to apologize to everybody for taking so long to send this
- summary of the replies I received about MultiGEM. All the
- replies arrived during a two-day period. At first, I was waiting
- for more replies. Then, I was caught in a rush to meet a
- deadline. This is the cause of the delay.
- Here are the replies:
- seimet@rhrk.uni-kl.de wrote:
- I use MultiGEM since April and it seems to be pretty good. Unfortunately
- the ST-version (TT-version will be available soon) does not support the
- new desktop, i.e. you can't start programs by the function keys.
- >1. How good is it? Will it run, for example, dvist and unix
- >windows? Will it permit a background kermit transfer via unix
- >windows or uniterm?
- I have never tried but I don't think MultiGEM supports a background data
- transfer. You can run up to 6 applications (including accessories!) at the
- same time but this is no real multitasking. The programs in the background
- only get cpu time when the main application calls GEM using an evnt-call. So
- if this application is no GEM application or rarely makes AES calls the
- background programs won't get cpu time.
- >3. Does it run on a TT? If not, is there a version for the TT?
- MultiGEM runs on a TT, but as mentioned above at the moment it doesn't
- support the TT or MegaSTE desktop. The author recommends to run MultiGEM
- only in ST ram but that's not necessary.
- In my opinion there is no reason to sell two versions, one for the ST and
- one for the TT. Nevertheless there are plans to sell a special TT version for
- a higher price. If the problems with the new desktop are fixed (they have to
- be because these bugs are the same for TT and MegaSTE) MultiGEM should run
- on all machines.
- Hope you got some new information from this. Bye
- ********************************************************
- * Uwe Seimet *
- * seimet@sun.rhrk.uni-kl.de *
- *------------------------------------------------------*
- * I hate this machine, I wish that they would sell it. *
- * It doesn't what I want but only what I tell it. *
- * (Programmer's lament) *
- ********************************************************
- -------------------------------
- avgroeni@praxis.cs.ruu.nl wrote:
- As far as I know (haven't seen it, but someone I know has) MultiGEM is just
- like GEM, but the AES shel_ primitives now support not only parallelism between
- one application and multiple accessories, but also to more than one allpication,
- where each application has a window of itself, containing the menu bar and
- sub-windows.
- (this is exactly the ways MSWindows works.) The GEM primitived are written in
- such a
- way that it does NOT matter whether the system allows multitasking. That is, an
- application
- that is written on a single tasker doesn't notice any difference, provided it's
- resolution
- dependent, etc.
- --
- ________________________________________________________
- Annius Groenink|undergraduate student
- Laan van Borgele 24|maths/computer science at the
- 7415 DJ Deventer|University of Utrecht, Holland.
- The Netherlands|[from Sep91 I'll be in Leeds, UK.
- AVGROENI@CS.RUU.NL|You can use the same EMAIL address.]
- ----------------------------------------------
- rjast1@unix.cis.pitt.edu wrote:
- Ok, here's what I know about Multi-GEM, in talking to the company releasing
- it in the U.S:
- It comes from Germany (American company is translating it), is supposed to
- be able to multitalk GEM programs, not just TOS/TTP (every program multitasked
- works inside a GEM window). It uses the ST's ACC ports - so at least 6
- programs can be running (dunno if DC Stuffer or similar programs can
- do more). Since it uses the ACC ports, it's supposed to allow you to
- run ACC's just like a PRG - just double click on it. It splits memory up
- such that the main program you have up gets priority, and others next
- priority.
- It looks promising - they didn't say about what it can't do however
- so that'll take trial and error. The company mentioned $99 price,
- though I've heard some places saying about $69 or so.
- Anyways, could you send me the address/phone number of the place
- you saw it advertised? Thanks...
- Robert Anisko
- rjast1@unix.cis.pitt.edu
- ---------------------------------------------
- Is anybody surprised that I waited awhile to see if I would get
- more replies?
- Jonathan P. Seldin
- Department of Mathematics seldin@alcor.concordia.ca
- Concordia University, Montreal seldin@vax2.concordia.ca
- --
- Jonathan P. Seldin
- Department of Mathematics seldin@alcor.concordia.ca
- Concordia University, Montreal seldin@vax2.concordia.ca
- ------------------------------
- Date: 3 Jul 91 08:05:31 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!sdd.hp.com!spool.mu.edu!munnari.oz.au!uhccu
- x!uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu!kiki@arizona.edu (Jack W. Wine)
- Subject: NeXT
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Jul1.172711.21104@doug.cae.wisc.edu> carter@engr.wisc.edu
- (Gregory Carter) writes:
- >...
- >Looks Like NeXT has got the phrase "Power without the price." Down to a
- >surface mount science.
- >
- It seems like systems will eventually be built from one chip; maybe one day,
- debating about which one is superior will be as commonplace as arguments over
- the better phone or refrigerator. Apple's redirection toward OS production
- seems to indicate that growth and profits are found in the software domain,
- but I'm not sure which companies will be dominant in the software/hardware
- arena.
- >...
- >Even if you where to argue that the current architecture targets a
- >specific HOME market, it STILL costs too much!
- >
- Since CD-I systems will probably become a popular fixture in home, school
- and business, it would be nice if Atari could become a development platform
- for them. As a peripheral, CD-I seems to cover both the audio/video niche
- markets. For audio, AM-quality sound or voice-quality play up to 18 hours.
- Impressive video capabilites that include Photo CD display (16 million
- colors), dynamic picture effects like dissolves, wipes, etc., full-screen
- full motion video with a MPEG card. In one system version, expansion
- ports will allow Ethernet, SCSI, memory boards, parallel port, multiple
- serial ports, etc. [This info is from a brochure and I'll post complete
- specs if there is interest].
- >Atari missed the boat, they should have made an entirely NEW modular
- >machine. Soon as I get the money, my MEGA STE is going to sit and
- >either run MAC software or my BBS software.
- >
- Jim Miller, V.P. of R&D, said that a new series with expansion slots
- was under development, so they'll have the product, but will they have
- the price?
- Jack
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 Jul 91 00:20:42 GMT
- From: noao!asuvax!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!wciu!abode!scale@arizona.edu (Luis
- Outumuro)
- Subject: Publishing Partner (w/SG10)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Jul1.124741.16156@netcom.COM> yonder@netcom.COM (Christopher
- Russell) writes:
- >I have Publishing Partner (a vintage copy -- did they ever make an
- >upgrade?). Anyways, I wanna use it with my SG10. The readme files
- >says to set the printer to IBM mode and use the MX80 driver. I tried
- >this. I tried the FX80 driver. I tried the Gemini driver with the
- >SG10 in Star mode. It prints "something" out in any of these modes.
- >Unfortunately only the largest of letters seem to print out correctly.
- >
- >For example: on the example (tutorial) document the title "Publishing
- >Partner" prints out ok in all of the above meantioned modes. I think
- >the point size is about
- >all prints out very fragmented.
- >
- >It is an old version of the program that was sold to me with my ST. I
- >had kinda always told myself I would try it out "real soon now". It
- >looks to be a pretty good rudimentary page layout program. Is it
- >still used much? SoftLogik Corp. still around?
- >
- >--
- >Christopher L. Russell (yonderboy) Phone: (408)378-9078 Campbell,CA
- >yonder@netcom.COM or clr40@amail.amdahl.com or chrisr@leland.stanford.edu
- Hi Christopher,
- If I remember correctly (boy, what a disclaimer!), the SG10
- has both an IBM mode and an Epson mode; for you to use either the MX80 or the
- FX80 printer drivers, the SG10 will need to be in the Epson mode. Using the
- IBM mode on the SG10, you should use the IBM Proprinter driver (if there is
- one).
- Yes, Publishing Partner has been upgraded to PageStream (of which, the
- latest version (2.1) is about to be released any day now). Yes, Soft-Logik
- is still around (and doing well!); you can reach them at the following address
- to ask about upgrading:
- (Ooops! I cannot find the address, but here is the toll-free phone number)
- Soft-Logik Publishing Corporation
- 800/829-8608
- Good luck Chris, bye....................
- Luis
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Jun 91 23:58:02 GMT
- From: cucstud!tfd!afp!gna!linn!Jan.Willekens@uunet.uu.net (Jan Willekens)
- Subject: ST Software from British distributors
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In a message of <24 Jun 91 04:20:23>, dddean@bluemoon.uucp (2:320/100.1)
- writes:
- d> over here. Also: Would there be any type of compatibility problems?
- d> I have heard that the programs over there will not run on our US
- d> machines.
- That depends. Lots of games use the VBL interrupt for their routines. The VBL
- interrupt is generated 50 (vertical blank rate of 50 Hz) or 60 (vertical blank
- rate of 60 Hz) times a second in color mode. (72 Hz in monochrome) And here is
- where the problem lies. The non-US machines use the NTSC standard of 60Hz,
- where the machines in Europe use the PAL standard of 50Hz. On a machine with a
- VBL rate of 50Hz, one can 'use' more CPU clock cycles per VBL than on 60Hz,
- because one VBL takes longer. Now if the routines executed in one VBL take up
- say 99% of all available CPU time, these routines cannot run in 60Hz, because
- there will not be enough CPU time. When this is the case, the game will crash.
- But if the routines take less time, so that there is enough CPU time in 60Hz,
- the game will run. The only effect will be that everything goes more quickly
- than in 50Hz.
- Greetings... - Jan -
- ---
- STabloid's Chief Editor... Prerelease out soon!
- Jan.Willekens@p12.f202.n281.z2.fidonet.org
- or tfd.com!afp!gna!linn!p12.f202.n281.z2.fido!Jan.Willekens
- ------------------------------
- Date: 3 Jul 91 07:40:00 GMT
- From: CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU!I9853100@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
- Subject: Supra HD utilities
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Does anybody know what the latest version of the Supra HD utilities is?
- If so, what are the differences from version 2.62 and how can I get the
- latest version (yes, I do own a Supra drive)? Any info would be appreciated.
- Thanks,
- Doug Tarico
- I9853100@ccit.arizona.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 3 Jul 91 03:37:40 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!sun-barr!lll-winken!iggy.GW.
- Vitalink.COM!widener!dsinc!unix.cis.pitt.edu!gvlf3.gvl.unisys.com!tredysvr!cell
- ar!darling@arizona.edu (Darling)
- Subject: This week's program
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- uace0@menudo.uh.edu (ATARI Computer Enthusiasts) writes:
- > Just thought I'd let everyone know that I will be on vacation for the rest of
- > the week, so I've posted this week's program to atari.archive.umich.edu.
- >
- > DC Homey will home the mouse cursor to the center of the screen. Just press
- > <ALTERNATE>+<CONTROL>+<LEFT SHIFT>+<H> at any time.
- >
- > - mike vederman / Double Click Software
- >
- > --
- > -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- > Double Click Me | Double Click Software | P.O. Box 741206 | Houston, Tx, 7727
- > -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- > Voice: (713)977-6520 | DC DESKTOP | DC FORMATTER | DC UTILITIES | and others
- I'm a big fan of Double-Click Software. Every time I go to GEnie's Atari ST
- File Exchange section, I always look for Double-Click contributions right
- away; works from DC Desktop all the way down to F-Light are permanent
- installations on my system. But it appears that these programs are getting
- increasingly useless as time goes on. I mean, you've got to be kidding me;
- you're going to replace a slight wrist motion with a four-key combination?
- Why???
- I don't mean this as an insult, but I get the impression that the committment
- to one new program per week is resulting in rushed jobs and a low tank of
- ideas. Guys, you're the greatest, and we won't be insulted if you want to
- cut back to one program per 2 or 3 weeks, so as to spend more time on each.
- ~
- darling@cellar.UUCP \\\ Thomas Darling * record production * dance re-mixing
- uunet!cellar!darling \\\ Fact HQ Studio * The Cellar BBS:215/336-9503 * FACT
- v
- ------------------------------
- Date: 1 Jul 91 14:25:30 GMT
- From: cucstud!tfd!afp!gna!linn!Jan.Willekens@uunet.uu.net (Jan Willekens)
- Subject: What's a STE anyway?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In a message of <24 Jun 91 19:46:49>, freds@hpspdla.spd.HP.COM (2:320/100.1)
- writes:
- f> What is the difference between the MEGA ST and the STE?
- There are two STE's, the 1040 STE and the Mega STE. The 1040STE looks like an
- ordinary 1040ST except for the two addidtional
- joystick/paddle/lightgun/lightpen ports at the left side and the two
- connectors for connecting the STE to you HIFI. Here follow some specs.:
- - TOS 1.06 or the newer 1.62. (which should be 1.062, actually)
- - OS contained in 256Kb ROMs.
- - Contains Blitter chip.
- - Color palette of 4096 colors.
- - Hardware support for horizontal and vertical scrolling.
- - Prepared for an external Genlock-interphase.
- - 8-bit stereo PCM-sound. Programmable sound generator.
- - 1 Mb RAM, expandable to 4Mb using SIMMs.
- The Mega STE looks like a TT, only it is grey and not white.
- - The Mega STE has all the facilities the 1040STE has, except for
- the extra joystick/etc. ports! (please explain, Atari...)
- - 16Mhz MC68000 CPU with 16 Kb cache. 8 Mhz/16 Mhz without cache/16 Mhz with
- cache can be set by the control panel.
- - Socket for the MC68881/82-16 Floating Point coprocessor.
- - 2Mb or 4Mb RAM (SIMMs) There are rumors about a 1Mb version, but they
- have not yet been comfirmed. Memory can be expanded by placing SIMMs on
- the motherboard or by using a VME adapter.
- - Hard Disk 3.5'' 48Mb 28ms. This is a SCSI hard disk, so the Mega STE has a
- host adapter. It has no external SCSI ports, only one ACSI port.
- - Real time clock like in the Mega ST.
- - 2 RS232 ports
- - 1 LAN 1Mbit/s port
- - Internal connector for VME-bus Rev. C. 1
- - Internal Fan (2) for hard disk and motherboard
- - 'TT' desktop
- - A far better keyboard than the Mega ST's
- f> Can a MEGA ST be upgraded to the STE? What does Atari have
- f> to say on this subject?
- No way. The soundhardware is too different and the STE's have hardware
- scrolling capabilities which cannot be implemented onto a Mega ST. The Mega
- ST's ROMs aren't 1Mbit chips, the STE's are. The differences are just too
- large.
- f> I have tryed to sell the system, but I have had no real offers. I
- f> had buyers for the monitors, and one piece of software. I guess no one
- f> likes the old MEGAs.
- Yes, you are out of luck. Lots of people are selling whole systems including
- Mega ST's, hard disks, printers. etc. because they want to buy a Mega STE or
- TT. There are just too few people who want to buy 'older' systems.
- Greetings... - Jan -
- ---
- STabloid's Chief Editor... Prerelease out soon!
- Jan.Willekens@p12.f202.n281.z2.fidonet.org
- or tfd.com!afp!gna!linn!p12.f202.n281.z2.fido!Jan.Willekens
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 03 Jul 91 16:15
- From: "Thomas Koenig"
- Subject: where to look for the latest gcc libs?
- To: Info-Atari16 Discussion <info-atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu>
- Where is the place to look for the latest gcc libs? I tried ftp at
- dsrgsun.ces.cwru.edu,, but I only empty directories all
- the way.
- Thomas Koenig
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Atari16 Digest
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