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Message #204 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 09 Feb 92 22:08:10
From : Enno Borgsteede
To : Koos Kuil
Subj : (129) Re: PC - ST
Hallo Koos,
In a msg of <07 Feb 92>, Koos Kuil writes to Enno Borgsteede:
KK> You'll have it right, windows on the PC are very slowly
That's NOT what I meant. High resolution graphics is slow on most ISA machines.
MS Windows suffers from that.
KK> I find the windows on the Atari ST good enough.
I don't.
KK> It's also very cumbersome.
Do you really know MS Windows? It's got so much more than GEM that I can hardly
do without. It's not so fast and simple, but by functionality it is a whole lot
better. I program for Windows, and I like it.
--- GoldED 2.31p
* Origin: ST QuickBBS Haarlem - ABC - meer dan een Atari BBS (2:281/202.7)
Message #205 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 09 Feb 92 07:07:00
From : Vincent Partington
To : Hans-Ch Eckert % MAUS B
Subj : (67) Re: uniterm
In a message of <04 Feb 92 02:56:00>, Hans-Ch Eckert % MAUS B (2:242/2.6)
GG>> Surely the WHOLE HEART of Y modem is that it is a batch protocol
GG>> ???
HE> Well, there is some trouble involved insofar as some people can't
HE> distinguish
HE> one protocol from another. So the batching Ymodem is often called
HE> Ymodem-G after the option of some comm-prg and in this program there
HE> also exists (existed?) an option Ymodem that denoted Xmodem-1k in
HE> reality. This ought to be history, but these things do have a
HE> tendency to creep up long
HE> after their time, you know...
Hi Hans-Ch(ristian?),
Ymodem-G is a special version of Ymodem for nullmodemlinks or error checking
links (line MNP-5) Because all these kinds of links provide an error-free
transfer, Ymodem-G has absolutely *no* error recovery. That is, the sender
sends a normal bock with a CRC, but it doesn't wait for the other side to
acknowledge the block. That way, transfer goes a little quicker (Zmodem-like),
especially with long line turnaround times. If the receiver does get a wrong
CRC, it will immidiately terminate the transfer.
Vincent Partington (Visible Perversion of Insignia)
* Origin: Mijn hele vlinderverzameling voor fl10,- !!! (2:281/202.15)
Message #206 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 09 Feb 92 07:11:26
From : Vincent Partington
To : Peter Kocourek
Subj : (76) Re: MT-Tos.
In a message of <06 Feb 92 17:24:24>, Peter Kocourek (2:282/301.17) writes:
PK> In a message of <02 Feb 92 22:55:04>, Pascal Haakmat (2:281/202.13)
PK> writes:
FA>>> The MiNT way, probably. It should even implement memory protection,
PH>> The good way, thus, not the sloppy Mac way ...
PK> What's sloppy about Mac memory protection?
The MAC-way of multi-tasking is by events. A program has to release ALL
porcessor time to another program by calling an event loop (like EVNT_MULTI on
ST). It works quite OK when all programs are doing nothing but waiting for user
input, but when one program wants to do a lot of calculations (like raytracing)
it has to incorporate events whre it doesn't really want to do anything else.
Also, for some things, there just aren't any events. Although serial I/O
doesn't really require that much time, it can't be done 'in the background'
'coz there's no event for serial I/O.
Multitasking system that just give each program their share of time, like the
Amiga, don't have the problem with programs not wanting to release their time.
The problems with the events is also gone.
Vincent Partington (Visible Perversion of Insignia)
* Origin: Mijn hele vlinderverzameling voor fl10,- !!! (2:281/202.15)
Message #215 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 09 Feb 92 22:26:10
From : Paulo Laureano
To : Enno Borgsteede
Subj : (204) Re: PC - ST
*In a message dated 06 Feb 92 08:05:34 Enno Borgsteede writes:
EB> Hallo Paulo,
EB> In a msg of <05 Feb 92>, Pascal Haakmat writes to Paulo Laureano:
EB> PL>> Remember that most PC's around using VGA are a lot faster than
EB> the
EB> PL>> standart ST... so, a 800x600x256 colours display in a 386dx 33
EB> mhz is
EB> PL>> a LOT faster than a 640x400x2 on the ST.
EB> This can't be true. I have a 25 MHz 386 DX, with Windows running in
EB> 800x600 x256. It's very slow compared to the ST in monochrome mode.
EB> So slow that I only use 256 colors if I really need them. Even 16
EB> color mode is slower than the ST.
It is true on 33mhz PC with a decent VGA card (sorry). a 256 colours
screen uses 6 times mor memory than a equivalent 2 colours screen, the
ST is working on a lot more than the display as well as the PC the BIG
diference is that the 386dx at 33mhz is a LOT faster than the 68000.
EB> PH> Well, maybe. I haven't got enough PC experience to judge it
EB> quite
EB> PH> honestly.
EB> I do have the experience, and the technical knowledge. Like most
EB> PC's mine is accessing the VGA-card through a genuine AT-bus,
EB> running at 8 (eight) MHz. That's about the same speed as the ST uses
EB> on its data bus.
EB> Since the VGA-card uses a lot more memory than the ST-display and it
EB> doesn't run much faster the screen update MUST be slower. This is
EB> why in the Windows echo people are so anxious to get VGA-cards with
EB> highly optimized drivers or even built-in graphics coprocessors.
The bus is not very important when you compare the source of the data, and
when that source is a 8mhz (16bit output) 68000 in one case, and a 33mzh (full
32 bit) processor on the other. Even with a 8mhz bus the PC feeds it with a
lot more data in a quite shorter period of time.
Windows is SLOW, I am *not* even talking about windows. VGA cards are
adressed and used outside windows. If windows was a near-decent piece of
software we could use it as a base for testings, but windows is allways slow
on whatever graphic modes you use.
Even a 386dx using unix and xwindows (also slow, but a lot faster then
windows) is a lot faster using 800x600x256 than a ST. I don't know about
whatever graphic boards you may be using, but I also use a 25 mhz 386
sometimes and its no doubt faster.
--- Paragon v2.0858
* Origin: BAT BBS * ShareWare HQ * 351-1-705070 (2:362/4)
Message #217 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo' (Rec'd)
Date : 10 Feb 92 23:54:04
From : Peter Kocourek
To : Swavek Jabrzemski
Subj : (87) Re: FSM - is there such a thing?
In a message of <08 Feb 92 18:29:34>, Swavek Jabrzemski (3:712/520.3) writes:
SJ> I recently got a fax from GST listing all the new features of
SJ> Timeworks Publisher 2 upgrade, but conspicuously making no mention of
SJ> a product known by the name (and thus far the name only!) of FSM GDOS.
SJ> So, I asked them why. Here's what they replied:
SJ> "The new version of the product is not FSM GDOS compatible. To date we
SJ> have only been supplied with a beta copy of FSM GDOS. When we receive
SJ> a viable copy of the product and are advised of a confirmed release
SJ> date we will work towards compatibility."
SJ> And that comes from the developer of a product which Atari itself was
SJ> for many, many months bundling with their computers as THE DTP
SJ> SOLUTION! That's also why I think that all Atari users should support
SJ> their software developers (by buing the products), who continue doing
SJ> it in spite of what appears like Atari's efforts to DISCOURAGE them!
I think we are seeing here a prime example of Atari marketing and strategic
policy making. If one of the Tramiels had the clarity of vision, he would
write a book about it, which then could be used as a text book of how not
to go about selling your products in an MBA course.
Over here, we have just seen the release of the Dutch translation of
Timeworks DTP, version 1.something a few months ago. This dated back to a
promise of Atari's from 1987 that there would be a Dutch translation "soon" and
Atari of course kept its word, if not its schedule. The intervening time was
well spent, for the magazine reviewers had a field day with it. Not only was
the help file entirely incorrect, the
terminology used was incredibly confusing and sometimes plain wrong, but to
crown it all, the famous demo document "Professional DTP without the price" was
translated too. They managed to garble the headline with a glaring grammatical
error... when one of the reviewers asked Atari about this, they hadn't even
SJ> On another note, have you seen XBoot? I just got mine from Gribnif
Yes, I have. Briefly.
SJ> range), and it took me all of 10 minutes to realise that it is light
SJ> years ahead of its competition. GET IT NOW.
<yawn> I will consider this. Please fill out the required forms in
--- Bermuda v1.00
* Origin: On & On & On: The Bright Blue No Turning Back Point (2:282/301.17)
Message #218 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo' (Rec'd)
Date : 11 Feb 92 16:48:38
From : Peter Kocourek
To : Swavek Jabrzemski
Subj : (89) Re: Spectre and removable
In a message of <08 Feb 92 19:32:52>, Swavek Jabrzemski (3:712/520.3) writes:
SJ> I'm not sure that I follow. All of my SyQuest Mac cartridges (and in
SJ> fact a few of my Atari cartridges as well!) have been formatted on a
SJ> Mac (the only disadvantage being that you lose some 4 Mb of storage
SJ> this way), and some of them are even being regularly used on both
No necessarily. Of you use SilverLining's formatter, this disk space should
remain useable. There was also some trick with Disk First Aid to regain this
space, but I can't remember what it was...
--- Bermuda v1.00
* Origin: On & On & On: The Bright Blue No Turning Back Point (2:282/301.17)
Message #219 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 11 Feb 92 16:55:44
From : Peter Kocourek
To : michael smith
Subj : (135) Re: The New Falcon!
In a message of <06 Feb 92 18:38:30>, michael smith (3:680/842) writes:
PK>> So we'll have a games console with an 68030? Isn't that overdoing it
PK>> a bit?
ms> Not when it has a CD-ROM drive as well...
A games console with 32-bit color, DSP sound, 68030, CD-ROM... give me a
--- Bermuda v1.00
* Origin: On & On & On: The Bright Blue No Turning Back Point (2:282/301.17)
Message #220 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 09 Feb 92 11:29:10
From : Gianfranco Marino
To : Andrew Hardwick
Subj : Re: ansi editors
In a message of <02 Feb 92 13:56>, CLIFFORD COOK (2:258/59) writes:
CC> Unforunately I dont know of any good ST ansi editors one solution
CC> could be a copy of PC Ditto then you could run a very good PC ed
CC> called The draw Cliff
Try No Pro: it's a shareware program I found (I think) on 310/3 and it is for
ansi animations.
--- TIDY_UP 1.31 6f9e
* Origin: DEUS bbs - Livorno, Italy (2:332/604.4)
Message #221 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 10 Feb 92 23:10:56
From : Giacomo Cocchella
Subj : (66) Re: ansi editors
In a message of <02 Feb 92 13:56>, CLIFFORD COOK (2:258/59) writes:
CC> Unforunately I dont know of any good ST ansi editors one solution could
No, there is a good ANSI editor working on ST... Ask to Gianfranco Marino, my
friend, on 2:332/604.4 Fidonet or 90:8001/503 NeST. See ya...
Giacomo Cocchella
--- TIDY_UP 1.31 e9bc
* Origin: I'm a point of DEUS BBS Livorno (Italy) (2:332/604.7)
Message #222 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 12 Feb 92 17:42:20
From : Pascal Haakmat
To : michael smith
Subj : (138) Re: The New Falcon!
In a message of <06 Feb 92 18:48:16>, michael smith (3:680/842) writes:
ms> than actual fact. So far, its my understanding that jaguar is a
ms> chipset, and the panther is just one system using it.
Well ... The Panther, I believe, was a 16 MHz 68000 games console by Atari
that was finished, but never released, and now they're developing (I don't
know how far they are ...) the 64 bit RISC Jaguar ...
Still, it will probably end up being a totally overhyped 32 or perhaps even
32 bit thingie ...
So long,
* Origin: No! Go away! Leave me alone! Stop it! (2:281/202.13)
Message #224 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 11 Feb 92 20:41:28
From : Sam Przyswa
To : Michael Fung
Subj : (116) Re: Music and Sex
In a message of <03 Feb 92 00:00:58>, Michael Fung (6:600/15) writes:
MT>> I am a guitar player, I use Ibanez 540 Roadstar
MT>> with a Korg A3 into a Mesa/Boogie studio pre amp into a
MT>> Mesa/Boogie power amp driving a Australian made 2x12" speakers in a
MT>> half Marshall type half Quad.
MF> I am mixed up in a band as well. We use Fender leads and Honer bass.
MF> However, we have not looked into the MIDI side of things although it
MF> does seem promising with an Atari.
Hello Singapore and Australia !!! I'm Sysop of Rock'n Jazz BBS in
Paris-France, BBS orientated Music & Midi. I have two Atari ST 4Mo, one for
the BBS, one for Music/Midi, I Use Cubase V2.0 Sequencer, we have created
the European Midi-Link between several Midi-BBS (Holland, Germany, Italy,
England and France) we also receive the MidiLink Musician's Network Echomail
from USA.
If you need some help in Midi feel free...
Electronic Greetings. -Sam Przyswa-
<< Rock'n Jazz BBS >> 33-1-40 54 86 04
E-Mail : sam.przyswa@linn.fidonet.org
--- LED 1.00t
* Origin: << Rock'n Jazz BBS >> Paris France (33)1/4054 8604 (2:320/102.1)
Message #225 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 11 Feb 92 20:59:56
From : Sam Przyswa
To : Michael Fung
Subj : (121) Re: Say! MiNT really works!
In a message of <03 Feb 92 00:20:36>, Michael Fung (6:600/15) writes:
MF> I have tried out MiNT before and it does work. However, I get really
MF> annoyed by the screen messing up and keystrokes getting relayed to
MF> programs that you want to stay in the background. For one, I cannot
MF> run PCommand from it... And it would probably slow the system down so
MF> much that a 14.4 would not transfer properly...
I used MiNT with KSH V4.1 as shell and it work fine, I tested the
system with two tasks in background, redirected I/O on file as "program
[command] > file" and WordPlus in foreground without problems.
But I know that all GFA programs does't work with MiNT.
Greetings. -Sam Przyswa-
--- LED 1.00t
* Origin: << Rock'n Jazz BBS >> Paris France (33)1/4054 8604 (2:320/102.1)
Message #226 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 11 Feb 92 21:13:18
From : Sam Przyswa
To : Petr Jandik
Subj : (197) Re: Re: Piccy Formats
In a message of <01 Feb 92 10:15:46>, Petr Jandik (2:420/14.6) writes:
PJ> MROS is not ane special operatong system for Cubase & company, but
PJ> only addition system for task switching. All the programs are able to
PJ> run on normal TOS separately. With MROS you can add some multitasking
PJ> features.
Hi Petr, an other Cubase's user ! as me, do you receive some
Music/Midi echomail ? I'm Sysop of "Rock'n Jazz BBS" in Paris, what is your
Midi setup ?
See you... -Sam Przyswa-
--- LED 1.00t
* Origin: << Rock'n Jazz BBS >> Paris France (33)1/4054 8604 (2:320/102.1)
Message #227 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 12 Feb 92 18:44:26
From : Franck Arnaud
To : michael smith
Subj : taiwanboxes
In a message of <06 Feb 92 18:39:12>, michael smith (3:680/842) writes:
[About taiwanboxes]
ms> People with any common sense are still buying computers for as much
ms> as twice what you _can_ get them for, simply because they'd like them
ms> to last at least the three years it will take them to depreciate
the nice thing with taiwan boxes is that every thing can be easily replaced.
the mother board died? just gotta buy a new one at the shop down the street.
even if you have to replace the whole machine in the 3 years, it's still
cheaper than a big-name one, and you have an up-to-date box at the end of
the 3 years :-) btw, taiwan boxes are using the same chipsets and hd than
the big names anyway. And bignames can have problems too (my mega ste power
supply just died last week).
--- Bermuda v1.00 Li
* Origin: --==> Linn <==-- Paris Europe (2:320/100)
Message #228 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 12 Feb 92 10:36:36
From : Mike De.Petris
To : Thorsten Schulze
Subj : (155) Re: ACS and 1mega520TOS1.0
In a message of <06 Feb 92 18:25:08>, Thorsten Schulze (2:241/5605) writes:
GC>>> Why do you use 4kbuf if Binkley have a own trasmit and receive
GC>>> buffers ?
MD>> It is needed by QuickBBS ! 8^)
TS> For what does QuickBBS need it ???????
4x2 K buffers for file transfers, as they told me.
Ciao, ** Mike **s
--- TIDY_UP 1.31 5d11
* Origin: Atarian ST - TS! [+39-40-768412] (2:333/608)
Message #229 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 11 Feb 92 01:26:08
From : Ondra Cada
To : Iain Paton
Subj : (21) Re: 68881/68882
In a message of <27 Jan 92 06:15:08>, Iain Paton (2:259/5) writes:
GG>> I'm sure that I read (Oh years ago in PCW ) that the difference
GG>> between the Intel and Motorolla Math Co pros was that the latter
GG>> DIDN'T have to be
GG>> written for especially and that any program would be passed to
GG>> them automatically.
IP> Not really possible, if I write my own specific piece of code for
IP> floating point that doesn't use a co pro, it won't even if one is
IP> present. I think they probably meant that a program which installed
As far as I know it's _both_ true. Of course, a program _must_ be designed
to use copro. But, on Motorola you can put in software emulator (at LineF),
which _fully_ emulates copro. Program needn't know anything 'bout real
configiration - if copro is real or emulated. On Intel you theoretically
can do the same; but to be effective program _must_ chcek itself if copro
is present or not and _self_modify_ its code to support both cases.
(I am not too much sure 'bout Intels - years ago I've study them; maybe I've
forgotten something serious.)
xx OC
--- LED 1.00 [BYE 0.35]
* Origin: OC's point, Prague, Czechoslovakia (2:420/14.4)
Message #230 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 11 Feb 92 01:35:08
From : Ondra Cada
To : Iain Paton
Subj : (22) Re: GEMULATOR
In a message of <27 Jan 92 06:22:36>, Iain Paton (2:259/5) writes:
IP> designers run it up to 12Mhz). A VGA card in _text_ mode is many
IP> times faster than the ST's mono as they only have to shift a couple
nono. VGA in text mode _CAN_ be many times faster. But, my own benchmarks
proved that standard 8MHz mono ST in its pseudo-text mode (VT-52 emu) is
lightly faster than 12MHz AT/286 with VGA card in text mode. Reason?
_Horribly_ slow BIOS+DOS screen i/o services on PCs.
Of course, writing directly to VRAM on PC in text mode you easily can
overrun ST graphics.
xx OC
--- LED 1.00 [BYE 0.35]
* Origin: OC's point, Prague, Czechoslovakia (2:420/14.4)
Message #233 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 11 Feb 92 01:57:56
From : Ondra Cada
To : Peter Kocourek
Subj : (36) Re: GEMULATOR
In a message of <02 Feb 92 23:39:12>, Peter Kocourek (2:282/301.17) writes:
PK> No, it was a 386SX running Windows 3... it was quite ridiculously
^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
Puhhhhh! Windows3 are such a slow software I've never seen anything like it.
You cannot be surprised it's slow. Windows3 really _CAN_ run even on 86 or
286 (btw, at same freq is 286 faster than 386SX), but they are said to be
usable _ONLY_ at 486 or 386DX with more than 20 MHz ....
Throw Windows into shredder, try to install GEM on your PC and compare _its_
speed with ST (with or without NVDI).
xx OC
--- LED 1.00 [BYE 0.35]
* Origin: OC's point, Prague, Czechoslovakia (2:420/14.4)
Message #234 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 10 Feb 92 21:32:22
From : Tomas Hurka
To : George Gallagher
Subj : (101) Re: 68881/68882
Hi George,
In a message of <25 Jan 92 21:26:30>, George Gallagher (2:259/2.2) writes:
GG> I'm sure that I read (Oh years ago in PCW ) that the difference
GG> between the Intel and Motorolla Math Co pros was that the latter
GG> DIDN'T have to be ^^^^^^
GG> written for especially and that any program would be passed to them
GG> automatically.
GG> Comments ??
That cannot be true, since TOS hasn't any system calls for using
math-coprocessor. Moreover Motorola's CPU 680x0 hasn't special instruction
for math-coprocessor like Intel 80x86 has. Registers of 68881 is like other
peripherals devices mapped to memory. Its four registers (according to ATARI
ST Profibuch) are on
$FFA40 (Status register, FPstat)
$FFA4A (Command register, FPcmd)
$FFA4E (Condition code reg., FPccr)
$FFA50 (Operand register, FPop)
Bye Tom
--- LED 1.00
* Origin: Hukatronic point, Prague, Czechoslovakia (2:420/14.2)
Message #235 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo' (Rec'd)
Date : 11 Feb 92 13:19:56
From : Tomas Hurka
To : Swavek Jabrzemski
Subj : Re: HELP - question time
Hi Swavek,
In a message of <03 Feb 92 02:23:26>, Swavek Jabrzemski (3:712/520.3) writes:
SJ> 2. Nobody could help me with how to check if a math co-processors is
SJ> present or not, and if so - whether it's working or perhaps busted
OK, here is routine _FpuInit. It is test for FPU from TurboC.
Unfortunatelly _FpuInit is a library function, so I haven't it in source
This is only disassbled version.
_FpuInit MOVE.L A2,-(A7)
MOVE.W #2,-(A7)
MOVE.W #5,-(A7)
TRAP #13
ADDQ.W #8,A7
MOVE.L D0,-(A7)
MOVE.W #$26,-(A7)
TRAP #14
ADDQ.W #6,A7
MOVE.W #2,-(A7)
MOVE.W #5,-(A7)
TRAP #13
ADDQ.W #8,A7
MOVEA.L (A7)+,A2
MOVE.W #$8080,$44022
MOVE.W #$D,$44022
Routine returns 0xD in memory location 0x44022 if FPU isn't present,
otherwise returns 0x8080. I don't know how good you are in reading assembler
code, so if you have any question, let me know. Another way is to use
TurboC, which really use FPU (if it is present) for float and double
arithmetic operation and measure the speed. The speed-up factor could be
about 100.
SJ> Hence my desperate call for HELP! Could someone please enlighten me
SJ> on these two questions?
I hope it helps you a little.
Bye Tom
--- LED 1.00
* Origin: Hukatronic point, Prague, Czechoslovakia (2:420/14.2)
Message #236 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 11 Feb 92 13:58:20
From : Tomas Hurka
To : Pascal Haakmat
Subj : (147) Re: Supercomputers!
Hi Pascal,
In a message of <06 Feb 92 18:54:52>, Pascal Haakmat (2:281/202.13) writes:
PH> Does anybody have some details about the latest generation of
PH> supercomputers? I don't need it, really, but I'm very curious ... How
PH> many MHz do they usually run on (that is, if something like MHz still
PH> exists on those monsters!), how many bit-computers are they, etc ...
Last year I read in Time no.45 a small article about supercomputer
CONNECTION MACHINE 5. It is the latest supercomputer from Thinking Machines.
It is based on massive parallelism and has a modular design that can be
configurated with anywhere from 32 to 16384 processors. At maximum power
CM-5 could deliver a peak speed of two teraFLOPS. They write that CM-5 is
the speediest computer in the world, having bettered the most powerful Crays
on some problems by a factor of 100. Using todays components at current
price, such a 16384-processor machine would fill a room the size of a small
gymnasium and cost $200 million. :-))))
Bye Tom
--- LED 1.00
* Origin: Hukatronic point, Prague, Czechoslovakia (2:420/14.2)
Message #237 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 12 Feb 92 22:50:42
From : Peter Hobson
To : All
Subj : Artists and music persons...
Any one out there interested in getting involved with new and exciting
(honest) licensware projects?? We need a good artist and music type person
urgently so please get in touch.
Peter Hobson
TDZ Software Co.
-- QuickBBS ST v1.06+
--- /\/\idas v1.00
* Origin: >>> Magnum BBS <<< The-Box -=- QuickBBS-ST (2:255/313.0)
Message #238 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 15 Feb 92 01:44:48
From : Swavek Jabrzemski
To : Michael Fung
Subj : (119) Re: Uniterm V2.0c
MF> Just like I have problems connecting with ACE BBS... his v32 modem does
MF> not seem to like mine... we always connect without MNP after much
MF> difficulty and the connection is highly unreliable...
One possible explanation for that might be the fact that our MNP is turned off
(when turned on, it also automatically turns on a cache which than - true to
form - proceeds to cache hot keys, thus effectively disabling them; the modem
mob has since fixed that, but to get the upgrade you have to pay for it (as
they refuse to acknowledge that it was a bug to start with), so right now we're
tossing between that and perhaps getting another modem, which is not only
cheaper but also has MNP 4 + 5 as well as V.42bis (which incidentally is what I
just upgraded my own Faxmodem to) and apparently will soon have an option to
add a fax feature to it, possibly supporting fast fax protocol to boot).
So, have patience, it'll be fixed one way or another possibly within the next
two weeks or so (plus tomorrow I'll be adding a new 200 Mb drive).
--- ComScan v1.00 TB/ST
* Origin: /|\ - The Missing Link (3:712/520.3)
Message #240 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 15 Feb 92 01:45:14
From : Swavek Jabrzemski
To : Peter Kocourek
Subj : (73) Re: Fonts and Stuff
PK> I know the feeling. ) Everybody keeps telling me to throw away all the
PK> garbage from my System Folder, which is nearly 17 megabytes in size.
Mine is awfully close to that figure as well; I trim it down every so often,
but before I know it... :-)
PK> Don't you use Suitcase? I find it much handier for fonts and DAs than
PK> standard Apple way of using the Font/DA mover. Suitcase somes in
PK> especially handy if you use ATM. You don't have to put the vector fonts
PK> in the System Folder for ATM to find 'em, but you can leave them in the
PK> same folder the NFNT is in.
Of course I do (use Suitcase), doesn't everyone? Except for the few that use
Font/DA juggler, that it? But what's NFNT, what does it do, and why do you
need it (or are you referring to the invisible resource file that contains
all the font information, like the id number etc.)? I thought that
especially the new, 4.1 Font/DA mover takes care of all that automatically,
and all the current fonts are in the NFNT format?
SJ>> Comes with a 828-page Users Guide, 136-page Getting Started book, 100-
SJ>> page Equation Editor, and on 6 disks, including an Installer
PK> It's beginning to look like a MessyDOS program, where manuals are
PK> measured in metric tons, rather pages.
The main difference being, of course, that you don't have to read the manual to
use the program, unless you want to use its sophisticated, high power features.
With Word Perfect 5 for the PC, the furthest I ever got was the totally BLANK
screen you get after executing that PATHETIC excuse for a word processor
(notwithstanding the fact that after a year of daily use, aided by elephant
memory and a bedsheet size 15-color coded overlay you can actually produce
quite amazing results, but is the effort worth it?).
--- ComScan v1.00 TB/ST
* Origin: /|\ - The Missing Link (3:712/520.3)
Message #241 of 241 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 14 Feb 92 14:07:30
From : Kay Vesperman
To : Pascal Haakmat
Subj : Re: Supercomputers!
The most startling info I have on supercomputers is that BHP Research bought a
US$300,000 air-cooled Cray! First private organisation to own a Cray.
--- QuickBBS ST v1.06
* Origin: Where on Earth is Queensland? (3:711/438.2) (90:7000/105.0)
End of Messages.