Oakland CPM Archive
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BIGCAL - Version 2.2
This program will produce a wall size calendar of any month
or range of months you want. The program has friendly prompts which
are easy enough to understand.
The output from the program is meant to be for two pages of
11" x 14 7/8" paper, i.e. 132 lines by 126 columns. You can use a
narrow 8 1/2" printer but it must be set for compressed print and
have at least 126 columns of width. The output on 8 1/2" paper looks
kind of stretched but is still reasonably nice. Also, when setting the
printer, be sure that the print head is starting to print on the very
top line of a new page. Some months don't have any blank lines at the
top or bottom and won't fit on the page unless you start right at the
top. And when doing multiple months it will really foul things up for
following months.
Planned future enhancements include the use of Epson dot
graphics for pretty printing. The current format is, I feel, quite
rough, although it does get the job done and I have found the
calendars to be quite useful. I also plan to make certain other
options possible such as the size of the output and possibly other
printers. If anyone has any other suggestions they would like to
see implemented, please leave E-mail for me at one of the BBS's
listed below.
The source code is in C and I do not plan to release it at
this time. The program is, and shall always remain, copyrighted by me.
However, the object code may be freely transferred with the condition
that the program copyright message be retained and no profit be made
from its transfer by either party. I encourage its spread via BBS's.
Andrew M. Sopchak
June 5, 1986
E-mail can be left at:
1. Lillipute Z-Node - 312-649-1730
or 312-664-1730
2. MicroMint BBS - 203-871-1988