Oakland CPM Archive
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RPN Notation
Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), also called postfix notation, is
a simple but powerful stack oriented notation commonly used in
Hewlett-Packard calculators. You first enter the two numbers you
wish to operate on, using the <RETURN> key to separate the two
numbers you are entering and then you enter the function you wish
to perform. The numbers you enter are pushed onto a stack and
the function performed on the numbers in the stack. The result
is displayed immediately after the function is entered.
Within it's limits, HP11 follows the RPN conventions used by
Hewlett-Packard in their line of RPN calculators.
For example (assuming the decimal display mode):
To Solve Function Keystrokes Display
-------- ----------------- ---------- -------
9+3=12 9 plus 3 9<RET>3+ 12
9-3=6 9 minus 3 9<RET>3- 6
9*3=27 9 times 3 9<RET>3* 27
9/3=3 9 divided by 3 9<RET>3/ 3
9^3=729 9 to the 3rd power 9<RET>3^ 729
RPN is based on the stack. A number is entered onto the stack by
keying in the digits, ending with <RET>. Each subsequent number
keyed in will push the existing contents of the stack one level
The structure of HP11's 4 level stack is shown below:
T -> 0000 Stack register 4
Z -> 0000 Stack register 3
Y -> 0000 Stack register 2
X -> 0000 Stack register 1 <- Displayed
HP11 always displays the contents of the X register. When the
stack is lifted, the contents of each stack register are moved up
one level, the contents of register X are copied into Y and the
contents of register T, the topmost register, are lost.
When the stack is dropped, the contents of each stack register
are moved down one level and the contents of the T register are
copied into register Z. The result of the calculator operation
is placed in register X.
By entering a number 4 times to copy it into each stack register,
that number becomes a 'constant' in the Y register for subsequent
chain operations. Each subsequent operation will drop the stack,
restoring the same 'constant' value to the Y register for the
next operation.
Stack Functions
HP11 has several functions that affect only the stack. In each
of these examples, each stack register starts out loaded with the
number of that register.
Clearing the Stack (^X):
Control-X clears the entire stack. The values contained in
the LAST-X and memory registers are not affected. HP11
starts with a clear stack when loaded from disk.
T -> 4 T -> 0
Z -> 3 Z -> 0
Y -> 2 Y -> 0
X -> 1 X -> 0 <- Displayed
------ ------
Key: ^X (Clear stack)
Entering a number (<RET>):
<RET>, used as the ENTER key, terminates entry of a number
and places it on the stack. It also separates two numbers
entered one after the other. <RET> lifts the stack and
copys the number in the X register to the Y register,
replacing it with the number that has just been keyed in.
The value in the top stack register, register T, is lost.
T -> 4 T -> 3 Previous T (4) lost
Z -> 3 Z -> 2
Y -> 2 Y -> 1
X -> 1 X -> 789 <- Displayed
------ --------
Key: 789<RET> (Enter 789)
Stack drop:
A numeric function will drop the stack one level and replace
the value in X with the numeric result. The value in
register T is copied down to register Z whenever the stack
is dropped.
T -> 4 T -> 4 Value in T copied to Z
Z -> 3 Z -> 4
Y -> 2 Y -> 3
X -> 1 X -> 3 <- Displayed
------ ------
Key: + (X+Y)
Roll stack up (>) or down (<):
When the stack is rolled up, the stack is lifted one level
and the previous value of T is moved down to X. When the
stack is rolled down, the stack is dropped one level and the
previous value of X is moved up to T. No values are lost.
T -> 4 T -> 3 Value from T moved
Z -> 3 Z -> 2 down to X
Y -> 2 Y -> 1
X -> 1 X -> 4 <- Displayed
------ ------
Key: > (Roll Up)
T -> 4 T -> 1 Value from X moved
Z -> 3 Z -> 4 up to T
Y -> 2 Y -> 3
X -> 1 X -> 2 <- Displayed
------ ------
Key: < (Roll Down)
Exchange contents of X and Y (=):
The contents of registers X and Y are exchanged. No other
registers are affected. This function is useful when you
need to reverse the order of the operands before you perform
an operation sensitive to the order of the operands, such as
subtraction, division, or exponentiation.
Y -> 2 Y -> 1
X -> 1 X -> 2 <- Displayed
------ ------
Key: = (X<>Y)
Last X (L):
When a numeric function is executed, a copy of the last
value in the X register before the function is executed is
saved in the Last-X register. That value can be restored to
the X register using the 'L' key. The stack is lifted,
moving the current contents of the X register to the Y
register, etc. The value in the Last-X register is not
T -> 3 T -> 3 T -> 3
Z -> 2 Z -> 3 Z -> 2
Y -> 1 Y -> 2 Y -> 9
Last-X -> X -> 8 X -> 9 X -> 8 <- Displayed
------ ------ -----
Key: + Key: L (Last-X)
Numeric Functions and the Stack
When you want to key in two numbers, one after the other, you use
the <RET> key between entries to separate the numbers. When you
want to key in a number and execute a function that uses the
value already in the X register as the other operand, you don't
need to use the <RET> key. Instead, you enter the second operand
directly followed by the desired operation key.
T -> 4 T -> 3 T -> 3
Z -> 3 Z -> 2 Z -> 3
Y -> 2 Y -> 1 Y -> 2
X -> 1 X -> 5 X -> 6 <- Displayed
------ ------ ------
Key: 5 Key: + (X=X+5)
The functions <RET> and ^X (clear stack) disable the automatic
stack lift when the next number is keyed in. When any other
function is used, the stack lift is enabled, causing the stack to
automatically lift when the next number is keyed in. This effect
is very natural and you probably won't have to think about it.
One-Number Function:
Negation (two's complement) is HP11's only one one-number
function. It operates on the current value in the X
register, placing the result in the X register. The rest of
the stack is unaffected.
Two-Number Functions:
The remainder of HP11's numeric functions use the values in
both the X and Y registers. In operations such as
subtraction or division, the last number keyed in is the
number you are subtracting or dividing by. If you have the
numbers entered in the wrong order, use the '=' key to
exchange the values of the X and Y registers.
T -> 3 T -> 2 T -> 2
Z -> 2 Z -> 1 Z -> 2
Y -> 1 Y -> 8 Y -> 1
X -> 8 X -> 4 X -> 2 <- Displayed
------ ------ ------
Key: 8<RET> Key: 4 Key: / (Y/X)