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- BBCAT.DOC v1.0
- 07/08/85
- Eric Gans
- French Dep't UCLA
- Los Angeles, CA 90024
- BBCA╘áá i≤áá ßáá cataloτáá prograφáá integrateΣáá witΦááá m∙ ì
- archive/dater/backu≡ utilit∙ BBAC╦ (v6.0⌐ t∩ providσ ß convenien⌠ ì
- wa∙á oµá keepinτá tracδá oµ backeΣ u≡ file≤á anΣá oµá eliminatinτ ì
- duplicates«á Unlikσ NCAT¼á UCA╘ e⌠ al.¼á whicΦ arσ mean⌠ chiefl∙ ì
- fo≥á thσ floppy-disδ user¼á BBCA╘ i≤ designeΣ primaril∙ fo≥ thosσ ì
- witΦ harΣ disk≤ wh∩ onl∙ usσ floppie≤ fo≥ back-u≡ anΣ storage«
- Thσá cataloτá entrie≤á createΣ b∙ BBCA╘á includσá thσá date¼ ì
- eithe≥á a≤ entereΣ b∙ BBAC╦ o≥ a≤ takeε froφ CA╠ (whicΦ shoulΣ bσ ì
- iεá A0║á anΣ kep⌠ u≡ t∩ date)«á Wheε BBAC╦ back≤ u≡ ßá file¼á i⌠ ì
- look≤á fo≥ ß cataloτ filσ oµ typσ BB*.CA╘ (*=u≡ t∩ si° character≤ ì
- oµá anythinτá yo⌡á like⌐ iε thσ curren⌠ use≥ areßá anΣá add≤á thσ ì
- backup≤á t∩á thσ catalog¼á changinτ thσ datσá fo≥á file≤á alread∙ ì
- backeΣá u≡ oε thσ samσ disk«á BotΦ BBAC╦ anΣ BBCA╘ wil∞ creatσ ß ì
- cataloτ filσ (defaul⌠ namσ BB0.CAT⌐ iµ the∙ don'⌠ finΣá one╗á yo⌡ ì
- caεá renamσá thi≤á filσ a≤ yo⌡ pleasσ withiε thσá limit≤á oµá thσ ì
- BB*.CA╘á filespec«á BBAC╦á wil∞á als∩ reminΣá yo⌡á oµá duplicatσ ì
- backups«
- Yo⌡á arσ encourageΣ t∩ kee≡ differen⌠ CA╘ file≤ fo≥ type≤ oµ ì
- file≤á tha⌠á yo⌡ bacδ u≡ oε differen⌠ (set≤á of⌐á floppies║á jus⌠ ì
- don't keep more than one in the same drive/user area.ì
- BBCA╘á wil∞á cataloτ onl∙ floppie≤ inserteΣ iεá thσá defaul⌠ ì
- backu≡ drivσ (bytσ a⌠ 102╚: 0=A¼á1=┬ etc.)«á Yo⌡ arσ askeΣ fo≥ ß ì
- filσá masδá beforσá cataloguing¼á anΣ afterwarΣá yo⌡á ma∙á deletσ ì
- individua∞á file≤ froφ thσ cataloτ (yo⌡ caε als∩ deletσ theφ froφ ì
- thσ flopp∙ a⌠ thσ samσ time)«á BBCA╘ als∩ permit≤ yo⌡ t∩ renumbe≥ ì
- you≥ disks╗á i⌠ wil∞ changσ al∞ thσ appropriatσ filσ entries« Iµ ì
- yo⌡ usσ aε unnumbereΣ disδ witΦ BBAC╦ i⌠ wil∞ givσ i⌠ numbe≥ 255╗ ì
- yo⌡ wil∞ probabl∙ wan⌠ t∩ changσ thi≤ t∩ ß morσ reasonablσ numbe≥ ì
- witΦ BBCAT.
- Al∞á thesσá feature≤ makσ i⌠ eas∙ t∩ kee≡ ßá recorΣá oµá thσ ì
- date≤á oµá al∞ you≥ backup≤ anΣ thσ disk≤ wherσ the∙á arσá found« ì
- Thi≤á shoulΣ sharpl∙ reducσ thσ numbe≥ oµ floppie≤ yo⌡ neeΣá kee≡ ì
- activσ fo≥ backu≡ purposes«
- BBCAT Commands
- C = Catalog
- Yo⌡á wil∞ bσ askeΣ t∩ inser⌠ ß disδ anΣ t∩ givσ ßá file-masδá fo≥ ì
- thosσá file≤á yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ catalog«á Al∞ use≥ area≤ oµ thσá flopp∙ ì
- wil∞ bσ searcheΣ fo≥ appropriatσ files╗á duplicatσ entrie≤á (samσ ì
- file¼ datσ ª disk⌐ wil∞ bσ indicateΣ oε screeε bu⌠ no⌠ entereΣ iε ìèthσá catalog«á Thσá datσá withiεá thσá filσá wil∞á bσá displayeΣ ì
- accordinτá t∩á BBAC╦ forma⌠ (mm-dd-yy)╗á iµ therσ i≤á none¼á thσ ì
- curren⌠ datσ (froφ CAL.COM⌐ wil∞ bσ entereΣ iε thσ catalog«á Yo⌡ ì
- shoulΣá usσ thi≤ commanΣ chiefl∙ t∩ ente≥ you≥ olΣ disk≤á iεá thσ ì
- system╗á afterward¼á i⌠á i≤á advisablσ t∩ le⌠ BBAC╦ takσ carσá oµ ì
- recordinτ ne≈ backup≤ iε thσ catalog.
- L = List
- Al∞á file≤á iε thσ cataloτ tha⌠ matcΦ thσá filemasδá and/o≥á disδ ì
- numbe≥á yo⌡á ente≥ (default=none⌐ wil∞ bσ listeΣá alphabetically« ì
- Thσ datσ anΣ disδ numbe≥ wil∞ bσ showε fo≥ eacΦ file╗á thσ numbe≥ ì
- oµá file≤á listeΣá anΣ thσ tota∞ numbe≥ iε thσá cataloτá wil∞á bσ ì
- given.
- P = Print
- Thi≤á commanΣ wil∞ senΣ thσ result≤ oµ thσ "Listó commanΣ t∩á thσ ì
- printer¼á alonτ witΦ ß headinτ givinτ thσ cataloτ name¼ filemask¼ ì
- disδ numbe≥ (iµ any⌐ anΣ date.
- E = Erase
- Thσá displa∙á i≤ tha⌠ oµ thσ Lis⌠ command«á Yo⌡á arσá giveεá thσ ì
- optioεá oµ deletinτ thσ file≤ froφ ß diskettσ a⌠ thσ samσ timσ a≤ ì
- the∙ arσ removeΣ froφ thσ catalog╗á otherwisσ yo⌡ ma∙ searcΦá thσ ì
- entirσ cataloτ fo≥ erasure« Thσ disk-erasσ optioε shoulΣ bσ useΣ ì
- wheneve≥á possiblσ sincσ i⌠ keep≤ you≥ floppie≤ anΣ you≥á cataloτ ì
- iε sync.
- N┬á - Iµ yo⌡ usσ thσ disk-erasσ optioε i⌠ i≤ ß gooΣ ideß t∩á lis⌠ ì
- thσá file≤á froφá othe≥á disk≤ a≤ wel∞á s∩á yo⌡á caεá checδá you≥ ì
- duplicates.
- R = Renumber diskette
- Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ prompteΣ fo≥ thσ (new⌐ number« ┴ numbe≥ filσ wil∞ bσ ì
- createΣá oε thσ flopp∙ (an∙ existinτ numbe≥ filσ wil∞ bσ deleted⌐ ì
- witΦá forma⌠á -[date].nuφ wherσ [date▌ i≤ thσá curren⌠á datσá anΣ ì
- "numó i≤ ß numbe≥ betweeε ▒ anΣ 255« Thu≤ fo≥ disδ #▒ oε Jul∙ 4¼ ì
- 1985¼á BBCA╘ woulΣ creatσ thσ filσ -070485.001«á Unlikσ mos⌠ CA╘ ì
- programs¼á BBCA╘á wil∞á no⌠ makσ separatσ entrie≤á fo≥á differen⌠ ì
- file≤á witΦá thσ samσ number«á Thi≤ make≤ i⌠ simplσ t∩á (re)namσ ì
- numbe≥ file≤ t∩ reflec⌠ thσ content≤ oµ thσ diskette╗á jus⌠á kee≡ ì
- thσá leadinτ "-ó anΣ thσ threσ digit≤ afte≥ thσ ".ó Al∞ relevan⌠ ì
- cataloτ entrie≤ wil∞ bσ changeΣ t∩ thσ ne≈ number.
- Q = Quit
- Iµ change≤ havσ beeε madσ t∩ thσ catalog¼ i⌠ wil∞ bσ rewritteε t∩ ì
- disk and a BAK file made of the old catalog.
- Sincσá botΦ BBAC╦ anΣ BBCA╘ creatσ ß (renamable⌐ defaul⌠á cataloτ ì
- BB0.CA╘ iµ n∩ cataloτ i≤ founΣ iε thσ curren⌠ use≥ area¼ therσ i≤ ì
- n∩ neeΣ t∩ creatσ you≥ owε BB*.CA╘ files« Iµ yo⌡ d∩ so¼ thσ firs⌠ ìètw∩á byte≤ mus⌠ contaiε binar∙ zeroes«á (Thesσ byte≤á contaiεá ß ì
- coun⌠ oµ file≤ iε thσ catalog.)
- Cataloτ entrie≤ occup∙ 1╢ bytes║á 1▒ fo≥ thσ filename¼á ▓ fo≥ thσ ì
- date¼ ▒ fo≥ thσ disδ numbe≥ anΣ ▓ fo≥ ß pointe≥ t∩ thσ nex⌠ file« ì
- Thσ entrie≤ arσ no⌠ sorteΣ alphabeticall∙ bu⌠ arσ alphabetizeΣ b∙ ì
- mean≤ oµ ß linkeΣ list«á T∩ savσ space¼ non-asciΘ character≤ arσ ì
- used¼ s∩ yo⌡ shoulΣ onl∙ list o≥ prin⌠ thσ cataloτ witΦ BBCAT.
- Sincσ thi≤ i≤ ß ne≈ package¼ ╔ woulΣ particularl∙ appreciatσ you≥ ì
- suggestions for enhancements, fixes, etc.