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¬ *
¬ Documentatioε fo≥ M2-D┬ (Modula-▓ Database⌐ *
¬ Release 1.1░ *
¬ 02/18/8╣ *
¬ Copyrigh⌠ 198╣ b∙ JosepΦ I« Mortenseε *
¬ Al∞ Right≤ ReserveΣ *
¬ *
I« Introduction
M▓-D┬ i≤ thσ produc⌠ oµ thσ author'≤ wisΦ fo≥ aε eas∙ t∩ usσ namσ ì
anΣ addres≤ filσ program« It≤ mos⌠ importan⌠ feature≤ are:
¬ Add¼ edit¼ delete¼ search¼ browse¼ sort¼ o≥ prin⌠ witΦ ì
onσ-ke∙ mnemoniπ commands.
¬ SearcΦ record≤ oε an∙ oµ seveε fields.
¬ PrinteΣ outpu⌠ oµ eithe≥ label≤ o≥ envelopes«
¬ Prin⌠ selecteΣ grou≡ oµ label≤ (al∞ oµ onσ zi≡ codσ fo≥ ì
¬ Disδ outpu⌠ oµ label≤ anΣ aε ASCI╔ commß-delimiteΣ ì
datafilσ usablσ b∙ WordStar'≤ MergePrin⌠ feature«
¬ ┴ grea⌠ companioε t∩ WordStar« Run≤ froφ WS'≤ n∩ filσ ì
men⌡ witΦ ╥ command.
¬ Use≥-selecteΣ printe≥ font≤ froφ withiε M▓-D┬ (iµ yo⌡ ì
havσ aε Epsoε F╪ compatiblσ printer).
¬ Read∙ t∩ ruε oε an∙ Kaypr∩ CP/═ computer« Caε bσ ì
installeΣ t∩ ruε oε othe≥ Z8░ CP/═ machine≤ witΦ 8░ columε b∙ 2┤ ì
ro≈ monitor« T∩ instal∞ i⌠ fo≥ othe≥ Z8░ CP/═ machine≤ seσ thσ ì
M2-D┬ i≤ issueΣ a≤ SHAREWARE« Yo⌡ arσ welcomσ t∩ copy¼ use¼ anΣ ì
freel∙ distributσ copie≤ oµ DB.CO═ anΣ thi≤ documentatioε file« ì
Iµ yo⌡ likσ i⌠ anΣ decidσ t∩ usσ it¼ pleasσ senΣ $10.0░ (US⌐ to:
JosepΦ I« Mortensen
421┤ Chelseß Ct.
Midland¼ M╔ 48640
51╖ 835-6923
CompuServσ 70037,3161
M2-D┬ wa≤ compileΣ anΣ linkeΣ witΦ Z8░ Turb∩ Modula-▓ (Copyrigh⌠ ì
198╢ BorlanΣ International)« Thosσ wh∩ reques⌠ i⌠ ma∙ havσ thσ ì
Modulß-▓ sourcσ codσ includinτ suppor⌠ modules« Update≤ wil∞ bσ ì
≤en⌠ t∩ thosσ wh∩ senΣ thei≥ $10.
**** Specia∞ Notσ oε Versioε 1.1░ ****
Versioε 1.1░ ha≤ ß slightl∙ differen⌠ filσ forma⌠ thaε previou≤ ì
version≤ anΣ wil∞ no⌠ worδ properl∙ witΦ datß file≤ createΣ witΦ ì
them« ┴ conversioε utilit∙ DBCONVRT.CO═ i≤ supplieΣ t∩ conver⌠ ì
t∩ thσ ne≈ format« I⌠ i≤ iε thσ thσ librar∙ filσ whicΦ contain≤ ì
thi≤ documentatioε file.
è II« Startinτ M2-DB
Afte≥ makinτ ß backu≡ oµ you≥ origina∞ cop∙ oµ M2-D┬ inser⌠ you≥ ì
workinτ disδ iε Drivσ ┴ anΣ enter: A╛ D┬ <[du:]filename>
Thσ drive/use≥ designatioε anΣ thσ filenamσ arσ optiona∞ oε thσ ì
commanΣ line« Iµ yo⌡ omi⌠ thσ filename¼ M▓-D┬ wil∞ promp⌠ yo⌡:
ⁿ << M2-DB 1.10 >> 02/18/8╣ |
ⁿ |
ⁿ Copyright 1989 by Joseph I. Mortenseε |
ⁿ |
ⁿ Enter filename║ |
Iµ M▓-D┬ doe≤ no⌠ finΣ thσ filσ yo⌡ specify¼ yo⌡ wil∞ ge⌠ thi≤ ì
NEWFIL┼ not found. Create new file? Y/N
Iµ yo⌡ entereΣ ß filσ namσ oε thσ commanΣ line¼ thσ firs⌠ screeε ì
yo⌡ seσ look≤ likσ thi≤ (iµ you'rσ usinτ ß previousl∙ openeΣ ì
ⁿ <╝ M▓-D┬ 1.10 >╛ 02/18/8╣ |
ⁿ |
ⁿ Copyrigh⌠ 198╣ b∙ JosepΦ I« Mortenseε ⁿ
ⁿ |
ⁿ NAMEADDR.FI╠ opeε fo≥ processing¼ las⌠ useΣ oε 01/11/89« |
ⁿ |
ⁿ |
ⁿ |
ⁿ Ente≥ Today'≤ Date║ <mm/dd/yy╛ [<CR╛ skip≤ datσ entry▌ |
Yo⌡ wil∞ als∩ bσ askeΣ fo≥ thσ datσ sincσ M▓-D┬ wil∞ ì
automaticall∙ pu⌠ thσ datσ entereΣ oε eacΦ entr∙ yo⌡ adΣ t∩ thσ ì
file« Iµ yo⌡ ente≥ <RETURN╛ a⌠ thσ datσ prompt¼ M▓-D┬ wil∞ ski≡ ì
thσ res⌠ oµ thσ datσ entr∙ anΣ usσ whateve≥ datσ i⌠ ha≤ storeΣ ì
froφ prio≥ uses.
Iµ you≥ filσ contain≤ an∙ activσ records¼ thσ firs⌠ onσ wil∞ bσ ì
displayeΣ likσ this:
.paèSAMPLE.FIL-01/11/89 << M2-DB 1.10 >> 2 records
LAST> Farwell FIRST> Geoffrey MID> L.
ADDRESS> 9006 Emery Way ADDR2>
CITY> Donaldson Corner STATE> CO ZIP> 80386
PHONE NOS> 285-6478
BIRTHDAY> 12/22/38 ANNIVERSARY> 09/05/60
DATE ENTERED> 01/11/89
A>dd D>el E>dit F>ind N>ext P>rev O>utput S>ort C>fτ Q>uit
Thσ filσ namσ anΣ datσ arσ displayeΣ iε thσ uppe≥ lef⌠ corne≥ oµ ì
thσ display« ┴ coun⌠ oµ activσ record≤ iε thσ filσ appear≤ iε ì
thσ uppe≥ righ⌠ corner« Thσ namσ anΣ curren⌠ versioε oµ M▓-D┬ ì
sho≈ iε thσ uppe≥ cente≥ oµ thσ screen.
III« Thσ Commands
M▓-D┬ use≤ singlσ lette≥ command≤ whicΦ arσ alway≤ showε iε thσ ì
men⌡ linσ a⌠ thσ bottoφ oµ thσ screen:
A>dΣ D>e∞ E>di⌠ F>inΣ N>ex⌠ P>re÷ O>utpu⌠ S>or⌠ C>fτ Q>ui⌠
Thσ maiε command≤ arσ explaineΣ iε thσ followinτ sections.
A« A>dΣ ß Record
Thσ firs⌠ timσ yo⌡ usσ M▓-D┬ ß blanδ forφ wil∞ comσ oε thσ screeε ì
witΦ ß men⌡ oε thσ bottoφ linσ oµ thσ screen« T∩ makσ ß ne≈ ì
entr∙ yo⌡ pres≤ ┴ fo≥ Add« Thσ curso≥ jump≤ t∩ thσ firs⌠ fielΣ ì
iε thσ datß forφ anΣ await≤ you≥ input« WordSta≥-likσ editinτ ì
command≤ (^A,^S,^D,^F⌐ movσ thσ cursor« TAB¼ CR¼ o≥ ^╪ move≤ t∩ ì
thσ nex⌠ field« ^┼ wil∞ bacδ u≡ onσ field« ^┘ delete≤ froφ ì
curso≥ t∩ thσ enΣ oµ thσ field« T∩ finisΦ thσ entr∙ typσ ^┌ iε ì
an∙ fielΣ o≥ typσ ß carriagσ returε a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ thσ las⌠ fielΣ ì
iε thσ datß form« Oε ß ne≈ entr∙ yo⌡ d∩ no⌠ neeΣ t∩ fil∞ iε ì
"Datσ Entered;ó M▓-D┬ doe≤ i⌠ automatically.
.paèThσ datß entr∙ screeε look≤ likσ this:
SAMPLE.FI╠-01/11/8╣ <╝ M▓-D┬ 1.10 >╛ ▓ records
LAST╛ ___________________▀ FIRST╛ MID>
WordStar-typσ [^A,^S,^D,^F▌ key≤ movσ cursor« TAB¼ CR¼ o≥ ^╪ move≤ to
nex⌠ field« ^┼ back≤ up« ^┘ delete≤ froφ curso≥ t∩ end« ^┌ exits.
A>dΣ D>e∞ E>di⌠ F>inΣ N>ex⌠ P>re÷ O>utpu⌠ S>or⌠ C>fτ Q>ui⌠ A
Wheε yo⌡ finisΦ aε entry¼ yo⌡ caε abor⌠ it¼ savσ i⌠ anΣ continuσ ì
addinτ ne≈ entries¼ o≥ savσ anΣ qui⌠ addinτ ne≈ ones« Thσ numbe≥ ì
oµ entrie≤ i≤ limiteΣ b∙ thσ 64╦ oµ memor∙ oµ mos⌠ Z8░ computers« ì
M▓-D┬ limit≤ thσ numbe≥ oµ record≤ whicΦ caε bσ sorteΣ t∩ 1200« ì
However¼ yo⌡ arσ limiteΣ b∙ disδ capacit∙ a≤ follows:
SSD─ (191K⌐ -¡ 60░ records
Seσ sectioε ╟ belo≈ fo≥ furthe≥ informatioε oε sorting«
B« E>di⌠ ß Record
T∩ edi⌠ ß recorΣ pres≤ ┼ anΣ thσ curso≥ jump≤ (exactl∙ a≤ witΦ ì
addinτ ne≈ records⌐ t∩ thσ firs⌠ field« Thσ samσ editinτ key≤ ì
appl∙ iε editinτ a≤ iε addinτ ne≈ records« Pres≤ ^┌ t∩ exi⌠ anΣ ì
savσ thσ changes.
.paèEditinτ ß record:
SAMPLE.FIL-01/11/8╣ <╝ M2-D┬ 1.10 >╛ ▓ records
LAST╛ Alfredson__________▀ FIRST╛ Ear∞ MID╛ R.
ADDRESS╛ 864▓ W« Inne≥ Drivσ ADDR2>
CITY╛ Elbertß STATE╛ M╬ ZIP╛ 50876
PHONE NOS╛ 432-8698
BIRTHDAY╛ 08/18/4│ ANNIVERSARY╛ 08/23/66
DAT┼ ENTERED╛ 01/11/89
WordStar-typσ [^A,^S,^D,^F▌ key≤ movσ cursor« TAB¼ CR¼ o≥ ^╪ move≤ to
nex⌠ field« ^┼ back≤ up« ^┘ delete≤ froφ curso≥ t∩ end« ^┌ exits.
A>dΣ D>e∞ E>di⌠ F>inΣ N>ex⌠ P>re÷ O>utpu⌠ S>or⌠ C>fτ Q>ui⌠ E
C« D>eletσ ß Record
T∩ deletσ ß recorΣ pres≤ ─ froφ thσ menu« M2-D┬ wil∞ asδ yo⌡ iµ ì
yo⌡ reall∙ meaε i⌠ beforσ deletinτ thσ record.
D« F>inΣ ß Record
M2-D┬ allow≤ searche≤ oε seven differen⌠ fields║ las⌠ name¼ firs⌠ ì
name¼ city¼ state¼ birtΦ month¼ anniversar∙ month¼ o≥ zipcode« T∩ ì
finΣ ß giveε recorΣ yo⌡ pres≤ ╞ froφ thσ menu« Yo⌡ wil∞ theε bσ ì
prompteΣ fo≥ thσ searcΦ iteφ anΣ thσ searcΦ string«
A≤ oµ releasσ 1.0│ M▓-D┬ doe≤ ambiguou≤ searche≤ fo≥ las⌠ name¼ ì
firs⌠ name¼ city¼ o≥ zi≡ codσ witΦ a≤ littlσ a≤ ß singlσ lette≥ ì
o≥ number« T∩ ge⌠ t∩ thσ "Só sectioε oµ you≥ filσ merel∙ ente≥ ì
"só a≤ you≥ searcΦ string« Fo≥ zi≡ code≤ beginninτ 46..« ente≥ ì
"46ó a≤ thσ string« Thi≤ featurσ give≤ yo⌡ thσ maximuφ flexΘ-ì
bilit∙ iε searching« Iε mos⌠ case≤ thσ firs⌠ threσ o≥ fou≥ ì
letter≤ oµ thσ las⌠ namσ wil∞ givσ yo⌡ thσ onσ yo⌡ want« Don'⌠ ì
worr∙ abou⌠ uppe≥ o≥ lowe≥ case« Thσ searcΦ routinσ convert≤ ì
everythinτ t∩ uppe≥ case« M▓-D┬ wil∞ star⌠ thσ searcΦ anΣ ì
displa∙ thσ firs⌠ recorΣ tha⌠ matche≤ thσ searcΦ string« Iµ i⌠ ì
i≤ no⌠ thσ onσ yo⌡ want¼ pres≤ "Nó (fo≥ "no"⌐ anΣ thσ searcΦ goe≤ ì
on« Pres≤ 'Yº iµ it'≤ thσ onσ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ edi⌠ o≥ print« Iµ thσ ì
searcΦ strinτ i≤ no⌠ found¼ M▓-D┬ tell≤ yo⌡ so« Duσ t∩ thσ ì
fairl∙ unsophisticateΣ searcΦ routinσ useΣ iε M▓-D┬ searche≤ iε ì
ver∙ largσ file≤ wil∞ bσ ß bi⌠ slow.
è E« Browsσ Mode¼ thσ N>ex⌠ anΣ P>re÷ Commands
Onσ oµ thσ nicσ feature≤ oµ M▓-D┬ i≤ thσ abilit∙ t∩ browsσ recorΣ ì
b∙ recorΣ througΦ thσ file« ╬ (fo≥ next⌐ move≤ t∩ thσ nex⌠ ì
recorΣ iε thσ file« ╨ (fo≥ previous⌐ move≤ backwarΣ througΦ thσ ì
file« EacΦ timσ yo⌡ opeε aε existinτ recorΣ filσ thσ firs⌠ ì
recorΣ iε thσ filσ i≤ displayed« Yo⌡ caε browsσ througΦ thσ ì
entirσ filσ usinτ thσ ╬ anΣ ╨ commands.
F« O>utpu⌠ Options
M2-D┬ offer≤ severa∞ outpu⌠ options« I⌠ i≤ preconfigureΣ t∩ ì
producσ onσ incΦ b∙ 3.╡ incΦ continuou≤ feeΣ labels¼ singlσ ì
envelope≤ (smal∞ o≥ large)¼ o≥ ß datafilσ iε ASCI╔ commß ì
delimiteΣ forma⌠ fo≥ usσ witΦ WordSta≥ MergePrint¼ dBII/III¼ anΣ ì
othe≥ programs« Thσ abilit∙ t∩ writσ aε ASCI╔ datafilσ open≤ thσ ì
extensivσ option≤ oµ mergσ printinτ t∩ thσ user« ┴ specia∞ ì
printe≥ men⌡ (seσ belo≈ oε thσ C>fτ command⌐ allow≤ ß choicσ oµ ì
printe≥ font≤ (Epsoε FX8╡ compatible≤ only)« Yo⌡ caε continuσ ì
makinτ selection≤ froφ thσ printe≥ men⌡ (combininτ elitσ witΦ ì
widσ anΣ italic¼ fo≥ example)« Thσ configuratioε i≤ saveΣ witΦ ì
you≥ datß filσ unti∞ yo⌡ choosσ t∩ changσ it« Yo⌡ caε als∩ havσ ì
ß defaul⌠ returε addres≤ prin⌠ oε envelopes.
Outpu⌠ oµ label≤ caε bσ multiplσ copie≤ oµ ß singlσ namσ anΣ ì
address¼ singlσ copie≤ oµ name≤ yo⌡ picδ one b∙ one¼ ß selecteΣ ì
se⌠ (onl∙ thosσ matchinτ unambiguou≤ searcΦ strings¼ ß giveε ì
zipcode¼ fo≥ example)¼ o≥ thσ entirσ file« Iµ yo⌡ selec⌠ ì
individua∞ label≤ o≥ envelopes¼ yo⌡ caε usσ thσ F>inΣ anΣ N>ex⌠ ì
command≤ t∩ browsσ thσ filσ unti∞ yo⌡ finΣ thσ recorΣ t∩ print« ì
Wheε yo⌡ havσ thσ onσ yo⌡ want¼ pres≤ ╨ t∩ prin⌠ it.
Iµ yo⌡ selec⌠ Datafile¼ M2-D┬ write≤ ou⌠ thσ entirσ filσ witΦ ì
al∞ field≤ iε comma-delimiteΣ format.
G« S>or⌠ thσ File
Wheε yo⌡ givσ thσ S>or⌠ command¼ M▓-D┬ sort≤ thσ filσ oµ record≤ ì
b∙ las⌠ namσ anΣ theε firs⌠ name« Afte≥ thσ filσ i≤ sorted¼ i⌠ ì
i≤ rewritteε iε sorteΣ forφ oε thσ disδ drivσ yo⌡ specify« Memor∙ ì
limitation≤ oµ Z8░ computer≤ (anΣ thσ programminτ limitation≤ oµ ì
thσ author!⌐ restric⌠ thσ sortinτ t∩ 120░ record≤ iε M▓-DB« ì
Previou≤ version≤ oµ M▓-D┬ limiteΣ thσ sor⌠ t∩ 600« T∩ allo≈ fo≥ ì
thσ increasσ t∩ 120░ releasσ 1.0┤ changeΣ thσ sor⌠ routinσ b∙ ì
truncatinτ las⌠ name≤ t∩ teε letter≤ anΣ firs⌠ name≤ t∩ four« Iε ì
al∞ bu⌠ ß fe≈ case≤ thσ sor⌠ wil∞ worδ properly« Ver∙ largσ ì
file≤ wil∞ takσ timσ t∩ sort« Fo≥ example¼ ß 10░ recorΣ filσ ì
take≤ 7░ second≤ t∩ sor⌠ anΣ rewritσ oε ß 5MH· Kaypr∩ '8│ usinτ ì
quaΣ densit∙ drive≤ anΣ TurboROM« Sincσ thσ sortinτ anΣ ì
rewritinτ arσ disδ-intensivσ operations¼ slowe≥ CPU'≤ (2.╡ o≥ ┤ ì
MHz⌐ takσ ver∙ littlσ longer« Unles≤ yo⌡ arσ constantl∙ addinτ ì
entrie≤ t∩ you≥ file¼ yo⌡ won'⌠ neeΣ t∩ sor⌠ ver∙ often« Thσ ì
sor⌠ routinσ automaticall∙ remove≤ deleteΣ record≤ froφ thσ filσ ì
s∩ i⌠ doe≤ no⌠ gro≈ fa⌠ oε unuseΣ bytes.
*¬ CAUTIO╬ *¬ ì
Wheε M▓-D┬ doe≤ ß sort¼ i⌠ need≤ ß lo⌠ oµ RAM« I⌠ use≤ ß 20+╦ ì
arra∙ t∩ creatσ thσ inde° fo≥ thσ sort« Thσ sor⌠ routinσ check≤ ì
thσ amoun⌠ oµ freσ memor∙ beforσ beginninτ thσ sor⌠ t∩ preven⌠ aε ì
ou⌠ oµ memor∙ error« Iµ yo⌡ havσ 21╦ o≥ morσ oµ freσ memory¼ ì
you'l∞ havσ n∩ problem« M▓-D┬ ha≤ ß commanΣ no⌠ showε oε thσ ì
men⌡ whicΦ tell≤ ho≈ mucΦ freσ memor∙ i≤ available« Beforσ yo⌡ ì
sort¼ pres≤ 'Mº a⌠ thσ maiε menu« Thσ amoun⌠ oµ freσ memor∙ wil∞ ì
bσ displayeΣ oε thσ men⌡ line« M▓-D┬ wil∞ d∩ ß sor⌠ witΦ n∩ ì
probleφ wheε ruε froφ WordSta≥ 4.0'≤ maiε men⌡ witΦ Xtrake∙ 2.╢ ì
residen⌠ oε ß 63╦ Kaypro«
A≤ ß precautioε yo⌡ ma∙ wisΦ t∩ makσ ß backu≡ cop∙ oµ you≥ ì
datafilσ oε ß separatσ diskettσ beforσ doinτ ß sort« Thσ sor⌠ ì
routinσ automaticall∙ create≤ ß backu≡ filσ froφ thσ origina∞ ì
file« Yo⌡ wil∞ finΣ i⌠ a≤ "BACKUP.DTAó oε thσ disk.
*¬ CAUTIO╬ NO« ▓ **
Beforσ yo⌡ d∩ ß sort¼ decidσ wherσ thσ ne≈ sorteΣ filσ wil∞ go« ì
Sincσ M▓-D┬ write≤ ß ne≈ filσ durinτ thσ sor⌠ operation¼ yo⌡ mus⌠ ì
havσ disδ spacσ enougΦ fo≥ thσ seconΣ file« Fo≥ tha⌠ reason¼ thσ ì
sor⌠ routinσ ask≤ yo⌡ whicΦ drivσ t∩ pu⌠ thσ ne≈ filσ on«
Onσ furthe≥ note║ tryinτ t∩ sor⌠ aε empt∙ filσ (░ records⌐ ¡¡ ì
yes¼ someonσ ha≤ trieΣ i⌠ ¡¡ wil∞ causσ ß ruε-timσ error.
H« C>onfiguration
Thσ C>fτ commanΣ let≤ yo⌡ se⌠ printinτ default≤ fo≥ label≤ anΣ ì
envelopes« Wheε yo⌡ opeε ß ne≈ file¼ thσ configuratioε prograφ ì
run≤ automatically« Yo⌡ ma∙ changσ thσ configuratioε anytimσ b∙ ì
pressinτ 'Cº a⌠ thσ maiε menu« Yo⌡ wil∞ seσ ß onσ linσ men⌡ oµ ì
variou≤ prin⌠ mode≤ whicΦ yo⌡ caε combinσ (e.g.¼ proportiona∞ anΣ ì
nea≥ lette≥ quality⌐ t∩ thσ exten⌠ you≥ printe≥ allows« Wheε ì
you'vσ madσ you≥ selection¼ pres≤ 'Qº t∩ quit« You≥ selectioε i≤ ì
saveΣ iε ß bi⌠ patterε iε thσ data file« C>fτ als∩ ask≤ iµ yo⌡ ì
wan⌠ ß defaul⌠ returε addres≤ whicΦ wil∞ automaticall∙ prin⌠ oε ì
envelopes« Thi≤ i≤ als∩ storeΣ a≤ ß specia∞ par⌠ oµ thσ datß ì
file« I⌠ caε bσ changeΣ anytimσ yo⌡ wish«
I« Miscellaneous
M2-D┬ recognize≤ thσ drive/use≥ area≤ availablσ iε CP/M« Oµ ì
course¼ b∙ usinτ uniquσ filσ name≤ yo⌡ caε havσ multiplσ datß ì
file≤ iε an∙ onσ use≥ area.
Iµ yo⌡ havσ difficultie≤ witΦ M▓-DB¼ pleasσ advisσ thσ autho≥ oµ ì
thσ bugs« Iµ yo⌡ havσ idea≤ t∩ improvσ it¼ d∩ likewise« ╔ ma∙ ì
o≥ ma∙ no⌠ d∩ anythinτ witΦ thσ suggestions¼ bu⌠ I'Σ likσ t∩ hea≥ ì
froφ thosσ wh∩ arσ usinτ it....alonτ witΦ you≥ teε bucks¼ oµ ì
course« ╔ havσ incorporateΣ somσ usersº suggestion≤ int∩ ìèrevision≤ oµ thσ code.
T∩ instal∞ M2-D┬ oε computer≤ othe≥ thaε Kaypr∩ (anΣ othe≥ ADM-3┴ ì
typσ displays⌐ usσ ß disδ edito≥ o≥ debugginτ too∞ (DD╘ o≥ ì
SuperZap¼ fo≥ example⌐ t∩ patcΦ thσ followinτ locations:
036╕ Screeε widtΦ (usuall∙ 50H⌐ [addres≤ correcteΣ froφ ì
earlie≥ versioε oµ documentation]
036╣ Screeε heigh⌠ (usuall∙ 18H)
038┴ Curso≥ positioninτ sequence« Firs⌠ bytσ i≤ thσ ì
ááááááááááááááálengtΦ oµ thσ string« (1B╚ 2D╚ [Esc=▌ fo≥ ADM-3A)
039┴ Ro≈ o≥ Columε first┐ 0░ fo≥ column¼ 0▒ fo≥ row
039├ Ro≈ offse⌠ (20╚ fo≥ ADM-3A)
039─ Columε offse⌠ (20╚ fo≥ ADM-3A)
03A▓ CommanΣ t∩ clea≥ screen« Firs⌠ bytσ i≤ lengtΦ oµ ì
áááááááááááááááthσ string« (1A╚ fo≥ ADM-3A)
03A┼ Inser⌠ linσ string« Firs⌠ bytσ i≤ length.
03B╕ Deletσ linσ string« Firs⌠ bytσ i≤ length.
03C░ Clea≥ t∩ enΣ oµ linσ string« Firs⌠ bytσ i≤ ì
Yo⌡ ma∙ als∩ usσ thσ followinτ patcΦ filσ (M2PAT.ASM⌐ writteε b∙ ì
Jiφ Lil∞ wh∩ sen⌠ i⌠ t∩ mσ viß GEnie« I⌠ wil∞ providσ termina∞ ì
installatioε fo≥ an∙ program≤ writteε unde≥ Turb∩ Modulß-▓ ì
includinτ M▓-DB.
╗ TM2PAT.AS═ Turb∩ Modula-▓ Termina∞ Attributσ Patcher
╗ re÷ 1.░ -Jiφ Lil∞ │ Jaε 8╣ Vecto≥ BoarΣ RCP/═ 716-544-1863
╗ Thi≤ filσ wil∞ overla∙ an∙ TM▓ compileΣ codσ t∩ worδ witΦ you≥ terminal.
╗ I⌠ wa≤ inspireΣ b∙ Joσ Mortensen'≤ M2-db10┤ Databasσ prograφ whicΦ was
╗ supplieΣ witΦ ß .CO═ filσ anΣ ß lis⌠ oµ patches« Hσ suggesteΣ thσ use
╗ oµ DDT« ╔ finΣ thi≤ techniquσ les≤ tedious« ╔ examineΣ othe≥ TM▓ .COM
╗ file≤ anΣ founΣ tha⌠ hσ haΣ madσ aε erro≥ oε thσ firs⌠ address« ╔ also
╗ havσ addeΣ ß patcΦ t∩ thσ termina∞ namσ fo≥ completeness.
╗ N∩ guaranteσ tha⌠ al∞ thσ stufµ i≤ herσ fo≥ al∞ terminal≤ bu⌠ i⌠ certainly
╗ fill≤ thσ ga≡ lef⌠ bu⌠ therσ beinτ n∩ GINS╘ fo≥ TM▓ likσ therσ wa≤ fo≥ TP3.
╗ Usage║ 1¡ edi⌠ fo≥ you≥ terminal
╗ 2¡ assemble¼ AS═ M2PAT
╗ 3¡ overla∙ file¼ MLOA─ db110.COM,M2PAT
org 0353h ;makσ thσ patcΦ completσ witΦ ne≈ name!
db 'Applσ CP/═ ';you≥ termina∞ name
╗ 123456789012345<---¡ fifteeε char≤ ma° t∩ bσ safe
orτ 0368h
db 80 ;Screeε width
db 2┤ ;screeε height
è orτ 038Ah ;Curso≥ positioninτ sequence.
db 4 ;Firs⌠ bytσ i≤ thσ lengtΦ oµ thσ string.
db 1Bh
db 3Dh
orτ 039AΦ ;Ro≈ o≥ Columε first?
db 1 ;░ fo≥ column¼ ▒ fo≥ row
orτ 039Ch
db 20h ;Ro≈ offset
db 20h ;Columε Offset
orτ 03A2Φ ;CommanΣ t∩ clea≥ screen.
db 2 ;Firs⌠ bytσ is lengtΦ oµ thσ string.
db 1Bh,2Ah
orτ 03AEΦ ;Inser⌠ linσ string.
db 0 ;Firs⌠ bytσ i≤ length.
orτ 03B8h ;Deletσ linσ string.
db 0 ;Firs⌠ bytσ i≤ length.
orτ 03C0Φ ;Clea≥ t∩ enΣ oµ linσ string.
db 2 ;Firs⌠ bytσ i≤ length.
db 1Bh,54h
enΣ ì
Thi≤ documentatioε writteε Septembe≥ 19¼ 1988.
ReviseΣ 02/18/89