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DIABLO.LIB Version 1.20
Release 1
This is a library to be included in Turbo Pascal programs. This program
will allow you to use a Diablo 630 or compatible printer like a plotter.
As a version 1.20, the following subroutines are present:
init_diablo Initialize printer for plotting. This
must be called before any other plotting
command is executed.
reset_diablo Used at the end of the program. If used
to start a new picture, it must again be
followed by init_diablo.
dot plots a dot and updates current x
up move up one pixel
down move down one pixel
right move right one pixel
left move left one pixel
move(x,y) move to position x,y
plot(x,y) plot a dot at x,y
draw(x1,y1,x2,y2) draw a line from x1,y1 to x2,y2
drawto(x,y) draw a line from current position to x,y
poly(x,y,rad,side) draw a polygon at x,y. rad is radius.
side is number of sides
circle(x,y,rad) draw a circle at x,y. rad is radius
An 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper is approximately 500 pixels x 500 pixels.
This is a very nice coincidence. Did the Diablo design team have this program
in mind when they designed it?
Don't use metal printwheels or carbon ribbons. (Unless you're the type that
uses $10 bills to start fires with)
The following programs are on this disk:
diablo.lib the library itself
demo.pas a demo just to make sure it works.
dragon.pas draws a dragon fractal curve
snowflak.pas draws a fractal snowflake
nova.pas draws an interesting picture
web.pas a string art program. Experiment with values.
graftal.pas A program for drawing plants. See Computer Language
July 1986
diablo.doc You're reading it now.
Don't be to surprised if these demos are boring, slow, inefficient, etc.
They were thrown together quickly for release 1 and should be used mainly
to understand the operatrion of diablo.lib
In the future, I will be releaseing (PD) .LBR files containing .LIB files
for various other aspects of graphics. For example, 3-d drawings, text,
anything else I run across). I will also release a DEMO.LBR file of some
sorts containing graphics programs for use with diablo.lib and future .libs.
If you have suggestions or comments, leave me a message somewhere. I will
appreciate any programs you write using these routines, and if acceptable
I will add them to the DEMO.LBR (or whatever name I choose).
Sorry for the incredibly poor documention. I was tired of this program sitting
around since April, and decided to hurry up and release it. It's got to be
interesting to at least one person other than myself.
If anyone would send me a list of the functions in Borland's graphix toolbox
for the IBM, I would appreciate it. I'm trying to write these functions to
work with programs written for IBM graphics. It would be nice to get a file
for the IBM, and simple insert the $i command and have it work.
Leave any messages at the following PBBSs:
CORE Z-NODE 614/864-2673
PHOENIX 614/863-9611
CLEARINGHOUSE 614/771-1147
Tim Meekins
8372 Morris Rd.
Hilliard, OH 43026
August 1, 1986