Oakland CPM Archive
Text File
56 lines
This program creates a new PW.SWP file for you.
Permissible Swap File sizes are 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64,
72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128, 136, 144 and 152K (plus 1K
more in every case to take care of the configuration data stored
PIP the NEW-SWP.COM file onto a formatted (Blanked) disk. Put
that disk in B. Put your PW-Edit disk in A. Press RESET. When
you get the A> prompt, type B:<CR>. When you get the B> prompt,
type NEW-SWP <CR>. A menu will come up. Answer the questions
(standard answers are given as suggestions). The machine will
then start building the new PW.SWP file for you, reporting
progress in K. It took 14 minutes to compile a 128K PW.SWP in my
standard Kaypro II.
When completed, PIP onto the disk PW.COM and anything else you
want, and have left room for. My 128K disk has Smartkey and some
Definition files.
A point to remember is that use of a LARGER THAN 64K Swap file
commits you to make two more disks with the same size file. One
of them will carry PF.COM and the other will carry PP.COM. You
will have to switch disks to format, and to print. You will also
wait a lot longer for things to happen. In the event that you
also want to use Perfect Speller, you will need a fourth disk
with PS.COM, DICTNARY.SPL and AFFIXTAB.SPL on it, as well.
The cursor display line must be between 1 and 24. Tab spacing,
fill column and indent column should be between 0 and 79. The
indent column should be less than the fill column. The delay
count can be any valid integer, but the range 100 to 1000 is a
reasonable one. The clock rate can be 4, even though Kaypro II
runs at 2. This was typed using my 128K PW-Edit disk, which was
set at 128, 10, 65, 8, 0, 4 and 300 (answers to questions).
The first 117 bytes tell Perfect Writer how to interface with
Kaypro, and are simply copied from your disk. The next 8 bytes
are answered by the questions above. The balance of the first
1024 bytes are copied from your disk. Then the NEW-SWP program
goes to work padding out the rest of the Swap File to the length
you have specified. It works.
From KUGRAM Vol 1 No 4 Disked by George M. Myers
by Chip Weems 3/25/84
Computer and Information Science Dept
Graduate Research Center A-305
University of Masachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003
as well.
The cursor display line must be between 1 and 24.