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142 lines
--- Documentation for Versions 2 and 3 of PR ---
PR is a file print utility for use with Epson and Gemini
printers. I am releasing it into the public domain with no
strings attached.
Version 2 of PR was written in BDS C, using version 1.50a
of the compiler. Version 1.6 of WILDEXP was linked with the
PR2.CRL file, and the -n switch of L2 was used.
Version 3 of PR was written in Eco-C using version 3.40
of the compiler.
The C source files which are included in the .LBR file
can be used to modify PR2 or PR3 for use with other printers.
- Al Shrock 8/10/85
(version 2 - last revised 9/3/86)
(version 3 - last revised 3/29/87)
Version 2 of PR has the following features:
- automatic paging w/ filename & page number on each page.
- high-bit masked during printing (can be suppressed).
- automatic left margin indentation (can be suppressed).
- automatic filtering of control characters (can be suppressed).
- command line switches to allow customized output.
- enhanced wildcard expansion of ambiguous filenames.
To invoke PR2, use the following form:
pr [-cfhinst] [u/d:]filename.ext
The filename.ext can be unique such as PR.DOC, or it can
be ambiguous such as *.DOC, or PR.D??, or even *.* for all
files. Preceeding the filename with a '!' will cause PR to
exclude any files matched by filename. For example, !*.COM
matches all files on the disk except the .COM files. Multiple
filenames may be specified on PR2's command line.
The parts of the command line enclosed by brackets are
optional. The [u/d:] refers to user and drive specification
which may be ommitted if the file exists in the current user
area, and the default drive.
The switches have the following interpretation:
- the 'c' switch requests a compressed printout.
- the 'f' switch suppresses control character filtering.
- the 'h' switch suppresses high-bit masking.
- the 'i' switch suppresses left margin indentation.
- the 'n' switch requests line numbering of the text.
- the 's' switch requests a subscript font printout.
- the 't' switch changes the width of tab characters to 4.
The following tables summarize the characteristics of the
command line switches:
| -i | -c, -s, -n | otherwise
left margin | 0 | 8 | 5
| -c, -n | -s | otherwise
page length | 80 | 144 | 60
| -c, -s, -n | otherwise
line length | 136 (*) | 80 (*)
(*) - usable text line length is altered depending on the left
margin, as well as the presence of line numbers.
The order of multiple switches on the command line is not
important. For example, '-tc' is the same as '-ct'.
There is no point in specifying the 'c' switch if the
'n' or 's' switches are also being used, since these switches
will automatically cause compressed print to be selected.
Version 3 of PR has the following features:
- automatic paging w/ filename & page number on each page. (*)
- high-bit masked during printing.
- automatic left margin indentation. (*)
- automatic filtering of control characters.
- command line switches to allow customized output.
(*) - only paging occurs in landscape mode
To invoke PR3, use the following form:
pr [-cln] [d:]filename.ext
The parts of the command line enclosed by brackets are
optional. The [d:] refers to drive specification which may
be ommitted if the file exists on the default drive.
PR3 expects only one unambiguous filename to be specified,
the wildcard expansion of PR2 is not available in PR3.
The switches have the following interpretation:
- the 'c' switch requests a compressed (sub-script) printout.
- the 'l' switch requests landscape (sideways) print mode.
- the 'n' switch requests line numbering of the text.
The following table summarize the characteristics of the
command line switches:
| line length | left margin | page length |
| | 128 | 8 | 80 |
| -n | 120 | 8 | 80 |
| -c | 128 | 8 | 144 |
| -l | 105 | 0 | 60 |
| -cn | 120 | 8 | 144 |
The order of multiple switches on the command line is not
important. For example, '-cn' is the same as '-nc'.
Special Notes:
There are 2 copies of the .COM files included in the
library. PR2.COM and PR3.COM are the Epson versions, and
PR2-G.COM and PR3-G.COM are the Gemini versions.
I have left in the extra code that I include in my personal
copies of PR2 and PR3. It presumes use with a Wyse WY-50
(or compatible) terminal. It makes use of the host message
area to show what file and page number are currently being
printed. This is handy if you use a printer buffer. The extra
code is only in the .C source files, the .COM files were compiled
without it.
PR3.REL and PR3-G.REL have been included in the library to
allow changes to the font used for landscape printing without
needing Eco-C. CHSET.MAC and CHSET.REL are the source and
relocatable files for the landscape character set. Simply edit
CHSET.MAC, which is the character data in binary format, then
assemble using a relocating assembler. Link the new character
set with the appropriate version 3 .REL file to generate a new
.COM file. This beats trying to wade through nearly two pages
of decimal (or worse yet, hexadecimal) initializers in the .C
source file.