Oakland CPM Archive
Text File
584 lines
CP/M 2.2 & 3 Ver. 1
(C) Copyright 1985 PSD
2123 N.E. HALSEY ST.
There are two programs on the distribution disk; CONF.COM and
PRINTSET.COM. The PRINTSET.COM is the program that you will be using
in day-to-day operation. CONF.COM is the program you will use to
configure PRINTSET.COM. CONF actually stands for configure, but due to
the number of configuration programs already on our systems we thought
you might appreciate a name that had meaning and yet did not conflict
with the others.
This utility is used to preset your printer thus allowing you to
use programs that have printing capabilities, such as the PIP.COM which
comes with CP/M or SWEEP.COM from Dave Rand in Canada, that have very
little or no formatting capabilities. By presetting your printer, you
can dump a document and have it printed to allow enough left margin for
three ring binder holes, and in the case of some of the supported
printers, allow 1" skip-over perforation. Some even allow turning off
the skip-over function which is very handy when printing program code.
The very first item to be done is to make a backup of the distri-
bution disk so that you will have the master available should anything
happen to your working copy.
Refer to your computer operating manual if you need assistance to
accomplish this task, or call your dealer.
Put the master distribution disk away. DO NOT leave it lying on
your desk or working area.
Be sure that both CONF.COM and PRINTSET.COM are in the same user
area of the same disk. Run CONF.COM and you will first see the
copyright notice and BRANDS menu.
You may pick the letter corresponding to the manufacturer of the
printer that you own, or one of the numerals in the left column to
define the printer you have (will be discussed further down), or to set
your screen clear and color (or inverse) codes. If you make an error
or enter a letter or number not on the screen, the menu will be re-
displayed for your choice.
The printer information (from the menu or USER-DEFINED) and the
terminal setup information are independent of each other. If you don't
like one or the other when you are finished, you may come back into
CONF and re-do that one ONLY. Feel free to experiment with all these
The numeric options include:
1 = HELP !!! One screen full of general help with
the configuration.
2 = ABORT Get out of the program WITHOUT config-
3 = SAVE & EXIT MUST be used to save your changes
whether you are picking from the
BRANDS and MODELS menus, setting your
screen codes, or defining your printer
via the User-Defined option.
If nothing is entered in any area,
choosing option 3 will do nothing but
abort and put you back to the system
4 = Terminal Setup Allows you to improve the appearance
and speed of the PRINTSET menu
display. Follow the instructions on
page 6, or just leave the defaults if
you are in a hurry.
5 = User-Defined This option will be necessary if your
printer is NOT listed on the menus, or
if you wish to make your own
Read the instructions carefully to
avoid unnecessary work. The instruc-
tions begin on page 4.
First we will cover the printer which is made by one of the listed
This is the easiest part, simply enter the letter next to that
manufacturer and hit RETURN. A second or MODEL menu will be displayed
showing the models currently supported. Again, enter the letter next
to the model that you have. At this point, the first or BRANDS menu
will be re-displayed allowing you to either enter the number correspon-
ding to one of the items in the left column or if you've made a mistake
in any of the choices, simply pick the manufacturer again and continue.
If you choose the SAVE option, the PRINTSET.COM program will be
configured from the choices you've made.
Once you've built a menu and PRINTSET.COM has been successfully
configured, all that is necessary is for you to COPY the PRINTSET.COM
file to another name:
CONF.COM needs the PRINTSET.COM file to be in the same user area of
the same disk. If you rename PRINTSET.COM to another name, CONF.COM
will tell you that it 'Cannot Open Printset.com'. Using the COPY
(PIP.COM) function of your operating system will make another copy of
PRINTSET.COM and leave the original intact, thus allowing you to
configure yet another printer or change the choices you've already
DO NOT RENAME "PRINTSET.COM" to another name!!! Always use the
copy function issued with your computer or one of the Public Domain
programs to copy the PRINTSET.COM file to another name.
When the copy is complete you can run CONF.COM again and User-
Define your second mode or printer. Then, as per the example, copy
PRINTSET.COM to another name.
The names you choose should reflect (to you) the function of that
file. Logical names could be TI-WP.COM or DS-DATA.COM for the Texas
Instruments Word Processing Mode or the Data South Data Processing
Mode. Keep in mind that you will have to type the name every time you
wish to setup the printer so pick a name that is comfortable to you.
CAUTION: Stay away from the one letter names such as P.COM, the
reasoning should be obvious.
In this section of the program it will be necessary to enter a
(possibly) large number of codes. Since these must be entered sequen-
tially, an entry error discovered later will necessitate re-entering
all of the codes again. For this reason, please read the following
instructions carefully.
Before attempting to build your first User-Defined menu, find the
three pages within the manual with the 'fill-in-the-blank' lines on the
right side of the pages. Make at least three copies of each sheet and
store one set. These will be necessary if you have more then one
printer or your printer has multiple modes. These will help you decide
what you would like to see on your menu. DO NOT attempt to build your
own without first studying the sheets and filling them out to suit your
printer. Use a pencil to fill in the areas you need for your printer.
Because this program was designed to be a WORKING utility and not
an elaborate program to spend hours involved with, the menus are
limited to one screen full, including titles. That equates to 20 lines
per column including titles. As you can see from the three pages of
material mentioned above, there are 3 columns; however, the middle
column has many more then 20 options. Therefore it will be necessary,
if your printer has above average capabilities or is of the 15"
carriage variety and can have the right margin set, for you to make
some choices as to what you want within the column's boundaries.
You will be asked a number of questions dealing with the control
codes for your printer. These codes will need to be entered in HEX
format. Most printer manuals show the control codes in ASCII format
but have an example in hex.
If you need it or would rather use it, we've included a HEX
conversion chart at the end of this documentation.
chr$(27), chr$(89)
Your manual will at the very least show a sequence like the first
line in the example above. From that point, manuals differ greatly and
you may have to refer to a page (normally toward the back) which will
have a chart showing the equivalent of the second and third lines of
the example.
To begin USER-DEFINED select number 5 from the main menu. Have
your prepared fill-in sheets ready.
You will be offered a number of options under various title
headings. They will be presented in the same order as the ones on the
three pages of fill-ins.
If you make a typing error while entering the data into one of the
lines you may use the backspace key to edit the line. If you have
entered a RETURN and then discover that an error was entered on a
previous line you will NOT be able to go back to that line and fix it.
The only solution is to enter a slash ( / ) which will return you to
the BRANDS menu. Then you will have to enter number 5 again and START
The resulting menu may not be as elaborate as some of the ones
we've developed. For example, if your printer has multiple mode
capability, such as Data Processing, Word Processing, and IBM Compa-
tible, you will need to build a separate menu for each mode.
Building separate menus whether it be for different printers or
printers with multiple modes will not be hard after you've done the
first one.
Whether you pick from the BRANDS and MODELS menus or choose to
define your own, you have the option of entering the clear screen and
colors desired (or inverse on and inverse off for monochrome) for your
terminal or computer. This function is accessed by entering the number
next to SET SCREEN CODES located in the left column. Once entered, you
will be faced with the same situation as the User-Defined printer in
that all answers to the prompts MUST BE answered in HEX.
Your computer or terminal manual will have the codes listed within
it to allow at least the clear screen, and probably the inverse on and
Refer to the back of this documentation for the ASCII to HEX
conversions and enter them according to the prompt.
Read the HELP screens CAREFULLY! You will see that the input
request line states that there are 10 and 20 HEX codes of space
available depending on whether you are inputting clear screen or
inverse video. One HEX code is actually two characters. For example,
an ESC or Escape character is 1B in HEX, and 27 in decimal. When your
manual states that the code for INVERSE ON is 'ESC j', this means that
you would need to enter '1B,6A' into the input request line for Inverse
On, separating the characters with a comma preferably and NO spaces
after the comma.
The screen options may be changed by running CONF again and picking
the number next to TERMINAL SETUP and again answering the questions in
HEX. If you're satisfied with the printer menu as you had designed it,
you will find it un-necessary to re-enter the printer.
To run your configured printer setup program, just type PRINTSET
(or the name of the copy -- EPSON, for example). This will bring up
the menu for the printer you have selected or USER- DEFINED. Now you
may enter as many choices as you please. Functions will be performed
in the same order that you type them. For example, if you are using
the EPSON FX-80, typing
(the letters may be upper or lower case), will:
1. do a software reset (restore printer to power-on defaults)
2. set the elite font
3. set the left margin to a width of 15 characters
If you don't wish to see the menu, then simply type
to accomplish the same thing faster.
You may find during use that, contingent to the printer you are
using, the left margin will vary according to the print size selected.
Not all printers have this capability, some call 1" left margin a 1"
left margin, while others adjust according to the pitch selected.
If yours has this capablity then you will surely find that instead
of having just the margins available from the menu, you will be able to
double that by turning on the printer, running PRINTSET.COM or whatever
you have renamed it, and selecting the left margin before selecting the
The logic is this:
If you select a left margin of 10 and are in the power-up
state on the printer (either just turned on or reset) the default print
size will probably be Pica or 10 CPI. Therefore, the left margin will
be adjusted according to Pica size. Then changing to Condensed size
will give you the same physical left margin as the Pica, about 16
characters in Condensed, or 1". If on the other hand you request from
the menu a change to another PRINT SIZE before requesting a left margin
setting, the left margin will be adjusted according to that PRINT SIZE.
Thus Condensed with a 10 left margin would give a left margin of 5/8".
Another fun item to play with is the capabilities of some printers
to allow the combining of multiple PRINT TYPES. A good example of this
would be combining Condensed, SuperScript, and Italics. If you thought
it was nice to be able to print 132 columns on an 8" sheet of paper,
wait till you see this.
* User-Supported Software *
If you are using this program and finding it of value, your
contribution ($14.95 suggested) will be appreciated. Please be sure to
include your name and address ( & phone number if you like ) along with
your contribution.
You will become a REGISTERED USER by sending a contribution to the
address below.
We will be happy to give any assistance to registered users.
Registered Users will be the first notified of any future updates or
revisions, as well as any New Software developed.
**** PSD ****
2123 N.E. Halsey
Portland, OR 97232
(503) 249-0627
You are encouraged to copy and share this program with other users,
on the conditions that the programs and documentation are not distri-
buted in modified form, that no fee or consideration is charged, and
that this notice is not bypassed or removed.
*** 1st Column *** [ ENTER YOUR CODES HERE ]
Normal Pica Print ------ ____,____,____,____,____,____
Elite Print ------------ ____,____,____,____,____,____
Condensed Print -------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Condensed OFF ---------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Proportional Print ----- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Proportional Spacing --- ____,____,____,____,____,____
SuperScript ------------ ____,____,____,____,____,____
SuperScript OFF -------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Italics Print ---------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Italics Print OFF ------ ____,____,____,____,____,____
Emphasized Print ------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Emphasized OFF --------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Shadow Print ----------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Double Width ----------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Double Width OFF ------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Correspond Quality ----- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Correspond Qual OFF ---- ____,____,____,____,____,____
*** Middle Column ***
3 Lines Per Inch ------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
4 LPI ------------------ ____,____,____,____,____,____
6 LPI ------------------ ____,____,____,____,____,____
8 LPI ------------------ ____,____,____,____,____,____
9 LPI ------------------ ____,____,____,____,____,____
12 LPI ----------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
3 Characters ----------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
5 ---------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
7 ---------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
10 --------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
12 --------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
15 --------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
*** Middle Column Cont. *** [ ENTER YOUR CODES HERE ]
5 Characters ----------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
7 ---------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
10 --------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
12 --------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
15 --------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
5 Characters ----------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
7 ---------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
10 --------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
12 --------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
15 --------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
5 Characters ----------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
7 ---------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
10 --------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
12 --------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
15 --------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
cont. next page
*** Right Column *** [ ENTER YOUR CODES HERE ]
Quiet Mode ------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Draft Mode ------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Near Letter Quality ---- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Line ------------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Serial ----------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Logic Mode ------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Incremental Mode ------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Word Processing Mode --- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Data Processing Mode --- ____,____,____,____,____,____
IBM Mode --------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Uni-Directional -------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Bi-Directional --------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
.Misc Print Codes.=
Double Strike ---------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Double Strike OFF ------ ____,____,____,____,____,____
Underline Print -------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Underline OFF ---------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Right Margin ON -------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Right Margin OFF ------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Skip Over Perf --------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Skip Perf OFF ---------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Cancel Buffer ---------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Auto Justify ----------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Form Feed -------------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Software Reset --------- ____,____,____,____,____,____
Decimal - Hexadecimal - ASCII Conversion Chart
or CHR$(n) or CHR$(n) or CHR$(n)
0 00 NUL 43 2B + 86 56 V
1 01 SOH 44 2C , 87 57 W
2 02 STX 45 2D - 88 58 X
3 03 ETX 46 2E . 89 59 Y
4 04 EOT 47 2F / 90 5A Z
5 05 ENQ 48 30 0 91 5B [
6 06 ACK 49 31 1 92 5C \
7 07 BEL 50 32 2 93 5D ]
8 08 BS 51 33 3 94 5E ^
9 09 HT 52 34 4 95 5F _
10 0A LF 53 35 5 96 60 `
11 0B VT 54 36 6 97 61 a
12 0C FF 55 37 7 98 62 b
13 0D CR 56 38 8 99 63 c
14 0E SO 57 39 9 100 64 d
15 0F SI 58 3A : 101 65 e
16 10 DLE 59 3B ; 102 66 f
17 11 DC1 60 3C < 103 67 g
18 12 DC2 61 3D = 104 68 h
19 13 DC3 62 3E > 105 69 i
20 14 DC4 63 3F ? 106 6A j
21 15 NAK 64 40 @ 107 6B k
22 16 SYN 65 41 A 108 6C l
23 17 ETB 66 42 B 109 6D m
24 18 CAN 67 43 C 110 6E n
25 19 EM 68 44 D 111 6F o
26 1A SUB 69 45 E 112 70 p
27 1B ESC 70 46 F 113 71 q
28 1C FS 71 47 G 114 72 r
29 1D GS 72 48 H 115 73 s
30 1E RS 73 49 I 116 74 t
31 1F US 74 4A J 117 75 u
32 20 SP 75 4B K 118 76 v
33 21 ! 76 4C L 119 77 w
34 22 " 77 4D M 120 78 x
35 23 # 78 4E N 121 79 y
36 24 $ 79 4F O 122 7A z
37 25 % 80 50 P 123 7B {
38 26 & 81 51 Q 124 7C |
39 27 ' 82 52 R 125 7D }
40 28 ( 83 53 S 126 7E ~
41 29 ) 84 54 T 127 7F DEL
42 2A * 85 55 U