Oakland CPM Archive
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123 lines
This is the main utility of the ATARIBUS system. It is the software
interface between the ATARI and the CP/M system providing simulated disk
drives and the use of your CP/M LST: or console devices as the ATARI
printer P: device.
You must first patch AS.COM for the serial port setup of your system.
See PATCHING.DOC for details. After patching AS you start it up like:
Where 'x' is the default CP/M drive and <return> is the carriage return key
on your CP/M system. After AS loads it will clear the screen and then
display the current ATARI drive assignments, printer assignment and a list
of valid commands. First a word about what makes up one of the faked
ATARI drives.
AS.COM provides up to four pseudo-drives to the ATARI. To ATARI DOS
they appear as devices D1: through D4:. What they actually are is 90k
byte CP/M disk files. The records of these disk files are treated as sectors
of the ATARI disk.
There is only one way to create a Pseudo-Disk (PD) file, that is through
the 'A'ssign command of AS. Just press 'A' and you will then see a short
list of existing PD files, if any, and you be prompted for the ATARI drive
number you wish to assign the file to. Just type a digit from 1 through 4.
If there is already a PD file assigned to that drive it will be closed and
unassigned first.
Now you will be asked to enter in the CP/M filename of a PD file to
assign to the drive. You should enter the filename AND extension. A drive
specification may optionally preceed the filename.
The standard extensions for these PD files are ATR, AT1, AT2, AT3 or
AT4. 'ATR' should be used in most cases. The other forms are treated a
bit specially. The 'A'ssign command will show all files with an extension
matching '.AT?' on the default CP/M drive.
When AS.COM is run, it will search the default CP/M drives for files
named '*.AT#' where '*' means any name at all and '#' is a digit from 1
through 4. Any files found will be assigned by default to ATARI drive
number '#'. Thus you can have common files be automatically assigned
whenever you use AS. In the case of duplicate '#'s, the one appearing
first in the CP/M directory will be assigned.
If the filename you enter for the 'A'ssign command does not exist,
AS will create it for you. This is the only way to create a PD file.
The creation process takes a minute or two so don't get nervous. You
must have at least 90k, or possibly 92k depending on the allocation size
used on your CP/M drives, available on the drive where the file is being
created. The created file will appear as a blank formatted diskette to
The AS menu screen shows which files are assigned to which ATARI
drives. A blank line following a 'D#:' means that the drive is currently
The 'U'nassign command is used to remove the association of a file
with an ATARI drive. Just press 'U' then enter the number of the ATARI
drive you want to unassign.
If you press the <return> key alone to any prompt of the 'A' or 'U'
commands, the command will be aborted.
Note that real ATARI disk drives can co-exist with AS as long as
there are no duplicate assignments of drive numbers. If both a real
drive and a PD are assigned to the same number, you will get garbage
when you try to access that drive but no damage will be done.
By default, AS will intercept bus commands to the ATARI 'P:' or
printer device and will print them on the standard CP/M list device
'LST:'. You can use the 'L'ist device toggle command to switch the
printer device to the CP/M console screen. The current list device
is shown in the AS menu after the 'P:'.
The built-in ATARI printer handler does some strange things when
an ATARI End Of Line (EOL) character is printed. It will pad the rest
of the 40 character printer buffer with blanks and then send the
buffer to the printer. This causes all sorts of strange indentations
in a listing done through AS. To combat this, AS will, be default, strip
off all the padded spaces after EOLs in printed data. If for some
reason you don't want this done, use the 'S'trip spaces toggle to cause
spaces after an EOL to be printed. Press it again to revert back to
the default. The current setting of this option is displayed in the
AS menu on the line following the 'P:' printer device setting.
As a protection against accidental alterations of data, all the
default PD files, '*.AT#' files, are marked as WRITE PROTECTED by
default. Any attempts to write to one of these drives will return
a WRITE PROTECT ERROR to the ATARI. You can write enable these files,
or write protect a file you assigned yourself, with the 'W'rite protect
toggle command. Just enter the drive number and it will be WRITE
PROTECTED if it currently isn't, or WRITE ENABLED if it's currently
The 'C'hange CP/M default drive command is used to, amazingly
enough, change the CP/M default drive. Just enter the drive letter,
A through P, and it will become the default drive which is searched
for '.AT?' files by the 'A'ssign command.
The 'D'irectory command will display all files on a given CP/M
drive. Just enter the drive letter, or press <return> for the current
default drive.
The 'Q'uit command will close all currently assigned PD files and
then return to CP/M. You will be given a chance to abort the command
in case you typed it accidentally.
You can boot from a PD file assigned to drive 1, if you have a
copy of ATARI DOS in it. You should get a copy of DOS and then boot
it on your 810, or borrow a friend's 810, which is assigned to drive
1. Then assign a PD file as drive 2 and use the WRITE DOS FILES command
of DOS to put a copy of the DOS in the PD file. Once you have it in
a PD file, you can boot from the PD file and THEN use the WRITE DOS FILES
command to put DOS in other PD files.
That's about it for AS. For other operations on PD files, such as
listng files present in them or converting between the ATARI DOS files
in the PDs and CP/M files, see the AFC.DOC file.