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519 lines
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Module ASPI.C
// ASPI manager interface routines.
// Copyright (C) 1993, Brian Sawert.
// All rights reserved.
// Notes:
// Compile with MEDIUM or SMALL model for DOS, MEDIUM for DLL.
// Compiling as DLL defines __DLL__ and defines _FAR as far.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(__DLL__) // DLL options
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <mem.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(__DLL__) // DLL options
#include "aspidll.h" // ASPI DLL routines and variables
#include "aspi.h" // ASPI definitions and constants
#include "scsi.h" // SCSI definitions and constants
// -------------------- defines and macros -------------------
#define BUSY_WAIT 0x1000; // repeat count for busy check
#define IOCTL_READ 2 // IOCTL read function
#define ASPI_NAME "SCSIMGR$" // SCSI manager driver name
// -------------------- global variables -------------------
void (far *ASPIRoutine) (aspi_req_t far *); // far address of ASPI routine
BYTE f_installed; // flag for ASPI existence
BYTE aspi_stat; // ASPI status byte
BYTE host_stat; // host status byte
BYTE targ_stat; // target status byte
BYTE host_count; // number of host adapters
BYTE host_num; // host adapter number (0 default)
BYTE host_id = -1; // host SCSI ID
aspi_req_t _FAR *srb; // SCSI Request Block pointers
abort_req_t _FAR *abortsrb; // SCSI abort request structure
sense_block_t _FAR *srb_sense; // pointer to SRB sense data
// -------------------- external variables -------------------
// -------------------- local functions -------------------
int aspi_func(aspi_req_t _FAR *ar); // ASPI entry point function
// -------------------- external functions -------------------
// -------------------- function definitions -------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Routine to check for and initialize ASPI driver.
// Usage: int FUNC aspi_open(void);
// Returns nonzero on success, 0 if ASPI driver not found or init failed.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int FUNC aspi_open(void)
int dh; // ASPI driver handle
if (!f_installed)
{ // not initialized
if ((dh = open(ASPI_NAME, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) != -1)
{ // open device driver
if (ioctl(dh, IOCTL_READ, (void _FAR *) &ASPIRoutine,
sizeof(ASPIRoutine)) == sizeof(ASPIRoutine))
{ // got ASPI entry point
#if defined(__DLL__) // DLL options
dwPtr[0] = AllocRealBuff((DWORD) sizeof(aspi_req_t));
dwPtr[1] = AllocRealBuff(sizeof(abort_req_t));
if (dwPtr[0] != NULL && dwPtr[1] != NULL)
{ // allocated SRB buffers
srb = (aspi_req_t far *) MAKELP(LOWORD(dwPtr[0]), 0);
abortsrb = (abort_req_t far *) MAKELP(LOWORD(dwPtr[1]), 0);
f_installed++; // set installed flag
srb = (aspi_req_t *) malloc(sizeof(aspi_req_t));
abortsrb = (abort_req_t *) malloc(sizeof(abort_req_t));
if (srb != NULL && abortsrb != NULL)
{ // allocated SRB buffers
f_installed++; // set installed flag
close(dh); // close device driver
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Routine to close and clean up.
// Usage: void FUNC aspi_close(void);
// Called with nothing.
// Returns nothing.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void FUNC aspi_close(void)
if (f_installed)
{ // already initialized
#if defined(__DLL__) // DLL options
dwPtr[0] = FreeRealBuff(dwPtr[0]); // deallocate buffers
dwPtr[1] = FreeRealBuff(dwPtr[1]);
free(srb); // deallocate buffers
srb = abortsrb = NULL; // clear pointers
f_installed = 0; // clear installed flag
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Routine to call ASPI driver.
// Usage: int aspi_func(aspi_req_t _FAR *ar);
// Called with pointer to SCSI Request Block (SRB).
// Returns nonzero on success, 0 on error.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int aspi_func(aspi_req_t _FAR *ar)
int retval = 0;
if (f_installed)
{ // ASPI manager initialized
#if defined(__DLL__) // DLL options
aspi_req_t far *arptr; // real mode pointer
if ((arptr = (aspi_req_t far *) MaptoReal(ar)) != NULL)
{ // got a valid real mode pointer
retval = AspiCall(ASPIRoutine, arptr); // call ASPI through DPMI
ASPIRoutine((aspi_req_t far *) ar); // call ASPI manager
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inquire the status of the host adapter.
// Usage: int FUNC aspi_host_inq(char _FAR *idstr, BYTE _FAR *hprm);
// Called with pointers to buffer for manager ID string and host adapter
// parameters.
// Returns number of host adapters on success, -1 on error.
// Note:
// Host parameter support depends on vendor and hardware.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int FUNC aspi_host_inq(char _FAR *idstr, BYTE _FAR *hprm)
int retval = -1;
memset(srb, 0, sizeof(aspi_req_t)); // clear SRB
srb->command = HOST_INQ; // set command byte
if (aspi_func(srb))
{ // ASPI call succeeded
if ((aspi_stat = srb->status) == REQ_NOERR)
{ // request completed without error
host_id = srb->su.s0.targid; // save host SCSI ID
if (idstr != NULL)
{ // copy manager ID string
strncpy(idstr, srb->su.s0.manageid, MAX_IDSTR);
if (hprm != NULL)
{ // copy host adapter parameters
memcpy(hprm, srb->su.s0.hostparams, MAX_IDSTR);
retval = srb->su.s0.numadapt; // return host adapter count
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inquire device type for specified SCSI ID.
// Usage: int FUNC aspi_devtype(BYTE id);
// Called with target ID.
// Returns device type on success, -1 on error.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int FUNC aspi_devtype(BYTE id)
int retval = -1;
memset(srb, 0, sizeof(aspi_req_t)); // clear SRB
srb->command = GET_DEV; // set command byte
srb->hostnum = host_num; // set host adapter number
srb->su.s1.targid = id; // set target SCSI ID
if (aspi_func(srb))
{ // ASPI call succeeded
if ((aspi_stat = srb->status) == REQ_NOERR)
{ // request completed without error
retval = srb->su.s1.devtype; // return device type code
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Execute SCSI I/O through ASPI interface.
// Usage: int FUNC aspi_io(BYTE _FAR *cdb, BYTE far *dbuff,
// WORD dbytes, BYTE flags, BYTE id, WORD _FAR *stat);
// Called with pointer to data buffer, data buffer size, pointer to CDB,
// request flags, and target ID.
// Returns ASPI status on success, -1 on error. Fills stat variable
// with host status in high byte, target status in low byte.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int FUNC aspi_io(BYTE _FAR *cdb, BYTE far *dbuff, WORD dbytes,
BYTE flags, BYTE id, WORD _FAR *stat)
#if defined(__DLL__) // DLL options
void far *pptr, far *rptr; // real and protected mode pointers
int cdbsize;
int timeout; // timeout counter for polling
int retval = -1;
memset(srb, 0, sizeof(aspi_req_t)); // clear SRB
srb->command = SCSI_IO; // set command byte
srb->hostnum = host_num; // set host adapter number
srb->su.s2.targid = id; // set target SCSI ID
srb->reqflags = flags; // set request flags
srb->su.s2.databufptr = dbuff; // set pointer to data buffer
srb->su.s2.datalength = dbytes; // set data buffer length
srb->su.s2.senselength = sizeof(sense_block_t);
// set sense data buffer length
cdbsize = sizeof(group_0_t); // assume 6 byte CDB
if (*((BYTE _FAR *) cdb) >= MIN_GRP_1 && *((BYTE _FAR *) cdb) < MIN_GRP_6)
{ // CDB size is 10 bytes
cdbsize = sizeof(group_1_t);
srb->su.s2.cdblength = cdbsize; // set CDB length
srb->su.s2.senselength = MAX_SENSE; // sense sense data length
memcpy(srb->su.s2.scsicdb, cdb, cdbsize); // copy CDB to SRB
srb_sense = srb->su.s2.scsicdb + cdbsize; // point to sense data buffer
#if defined(__DLL__) // DLL options
if ((dwPtr[2] = AllocRealBuff((DWORD) dbytes)) != NULL)
{ // allocated real mode buffer
pptr = MAKELP(LOWORD(dwPtr[2]), 0); // create protected pointer
rptr = MAKELP(HIWORD(dwPtr[2]), 0); // create real pointer
memcpy(pptr, dbuff, dbytes); // copy data to real buffer
srb->su.s2.databufptr = rptr; // set pointer to real mode buffer
if (aspi_func(srb))
{ // ASPI call succeeded
timeout = BUSY_WAIT; // set timeout counter
while (srb->status == REQ_INPROG && timeout > 0)
{ // request in progress - keep polling
timeout--; // decrement timeout counter
retval = aspi_stat = srb->status; // save ASPI status
if (aspi_stat != REQ_INPROG)
{ // request completed
host_stat = srb->su.s2.hoststat; // save host status
targ_stat = srb->su.s2.targstat; // save target status
*stat = ((WORD) host_stat << 8) | targ_stat;
// return combined SCSI status
#if defined(__DLL__) // DLL options
memcpy(dbuff, pptr, dbytes); // copy data back to protected buffer
dwPtr[2] = FreeRealBuff(dwPtr[2]); // free real mode buffer
{ // memory allocate failed
retval = -1; // return error
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Abort pending SCSI I/O request.
// Usage: int FUNC aspi_abort_io(void);
// Called with nothing.
// Returns ASPI status of aborted SRB on success, -1 on error.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int FUNC aspi_abort_io(void)
int timeout; // timeout counter for polling
int retval = -1;
memset(abortsrb, 0, sizeof(abort_req_t)); // clear abort SRB
abortsrb->command = ABORT_IO; // set command byte
abortsrb->hostnum = host_num; // set host adapter number
abortsrb->s3.srbptr = (void far *) srb; // point to current SRB
if (aspi_func((aspi_req_t _FAR *) abortsrb))
{ // ASPI call succeeded
timeout = BUSY_WAIT; // set timeout counter
while (srb->status == REQ_INPROG && timeout > 0)
{ // request in progress - keep polling
timeout--; // decrement timeout counter
retval = aspi_stat = srb->status; // save ASPI status
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reset SCSI device through ASPI driver.
// Usage: int FUNC aspi_reset_dev(BYTE id);
// Called with target ID.
// Returns ASPI status on success, -1 on error.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int FUNC aspi_reset_dev(BYTE id)
int timeout; // timeout counter for polling
int retval = -1;
memset(srb, 0, sizeof(aspi_req_t)); // clear SRB
srb->command = SCSI_RESET; // set command byte
srb->hostnum = host_num; // set host adapter number
srb->su.s4.targid = id; // set target SCSI ID
if (aspi_func(srb))
{ // ASPI call succeeded
timeout = BUSY_WAIT; // set timeout counter
while (srb->status == REQ_INPROG && timeout > 0)
{ // request in progress - keep polling
timeout--; // decrement timeout counter
retval = aspi_stat = srb->status; // save ASPI status
if (aspi_stat != REQ_INPROG)
{ // request completed
host_stat = srb->su.s4.hoststat; // save host status
targ_stat = srb->su.s4.targstat; // save target status
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set host adapter parameters.
// Usage: int FUNC aspi_set_hostprm(BYTE _FAR *hprm, int hbytes);
// Called with pointer to vendor specific host parameters buffer.
// Returns ASPI status on success, -1 on error.
// Note:
// Host parameter support depends on vendor and hardware.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int FUNC aspi_set_hostprm(BYTE _FAR *hprm, int hbytes)
int nbytes;
int retval = -1;
memset(srb, 0, sizeof(aspi_req_t)); // clear SRB
srb->command = HOST_SET; // set command byte
srb->hostnum = host_num; // set host adapter number
nbytes = (hbytes < MAX_IDSTR) ? hbytes : MAX_IDSTR; // set transfer length
memcpy(srb->su.s5.hostparams, hprm, nbytes); // copy host parameters
if (aspi_func(srb))
{ // ASPI call succeeded
retval = aspi_stat = srb->status; // save ASPI status
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get disk drive parameters.
// Usage: int FUNC aspi_get_driveprm(BYTE id, BYTE _FAR *flags,
// BYTE _FAR *drvnum, int _FAR *heads, int _FAR *sectsize);
// Called with SCSI ID and pointers to flags byte, INT 13 drive number,
// number of heads, bytes per sector.
// Returns ASPI status on success, -1 on error.
// Note:
// This function is not supported by all manufacturers.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int FUNC aspi_get_driveprm(BYTE id, BYTE _FAR *flags, BYTE _FAR *drvnum,
int _FAR *heads, int _FAR *sectsize)
int retval = -1;
memset(srb, 0, sizeof(aspi_req_t)); // clear SRB
srb->command = DISK_INFO; // set command byte
srb->hostnum = host_num; // set host adapter number
srb->su.s6.targid = id; // set target ID
if (aspi_func(srb))
{ // ASPI call succeeded
if ((aspi_stat = srb->status) == REQ_NOERR)
{ // request completed without error
*flags = srb->su.s6.driveflags; // return disk drive flags
*drvnum = srb->su.s6.drivenum; // return INT 13 drive number
*heads = srb->su.s6.headtrans; // return number of heads
*sectsize = srb->su.s6.secttrans; // return bytes per sector
retval = aspi_stat; // return ASPI status
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve sense data from last ASPI I/O call.
// Usage: int FUNC aspi_sense(BYTE _FAR *sb, int sbytes);
// Called with pointer to sense data buffer and data buffer length.
// Returns number of bytes transferred on success, -1 on error.
// Note:
// Reads static data from last call where targ_stat was T_CHKSTAT.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int FUNC aspi_sense(BYTE _FAR *sb, int sbytes)
int nbytes;
int retval = -1;
if (targ_stat == T_CHKSTAT)
{ // check for valid sense data
nbytes = (sbytes < srb->su.s2.senselength) ?
sbytes : srb->su.s2.senselength; // set transfer length
memcpy(sb, srb_sense, nbytes);
// copy sense data
retval = nbytes; // return byte count