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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Module ASPI.H
// Declarations for ASPI constants and structures.
// Copyright (C) 1993, Brian Sawert.
// All rights reserved.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef _ASPI_H // check for multiple inclusion
#define _ASPI_H
// -------------------- constant definitions --------------------
#define MAX_CDB 10 // maximum CDB size
#define MAX_SENSE 32 // maximum sense data size
#define MAX_IDSTR 16 // maximum ID string size
// -------------------- type definitions --------------------
#if !defined(__WINDOWS_H)
typedef unsigned char BYTE; // variable type definitions
typedef unsigned int WORD;
typedef unsigned long DWORD;
// -------------------- ASPI command codes --------------------
#define HOST_INQ 0 // host adapter inquiry
#define GET_DEV 1 // get device type
#define SCSI_IO 2 // execute SCSI I/O command
#define ABORT_IO 3 // abort SCSI I/O command
#define SCSI_RESET 4 // reset SCSI device
#define HOST_SET 5 // set host adapter parameters
#define DISK_INFO 6 // get disk drive information
// -------------------- ASPI status codes --------------------
#define REQ_INPROG 0x0 // SCSI request in progress
#define REQ_NOERR 0x1 // SCSI request completed without error
#define REQ_ABORT 0x2 // SCSI request aborted by host
#define REQ_ERR 0x4 // SCSI request completed with error
#define BAD_REQ 0x80 // invalid SCSI request
#define BAD_HOST 0x81 // invalid host adapter number
#define BAD_DEV 0x82 // SCSI device not installed
// -------------------- SCSI request flag description --------------------
#define RF_POST 0x1 // posting enabled (bit 0)
#define RF_LINK 0x2 // linking enabled (bit 1)
#define RF_DCMD 0x0 // direction set by SCSI command
#define RF_DREAD 0x8 // transfer from SCSI target to host
#define RF_DWRITE 0x10 // transfer from host to SCSI target
#define RF_DNONE 0x18 // no transfer
// -------------------- host adapter status codes --------------------
#define H_OKAY 0x0 // host adapter did not detect error
#define H_TIMEOUT 0x11 // selection timeout
#define H_OVERRUN 0x12 // data overrun or underrun
#define H_BUSFREE 0x13 // unexpected bus free
#define H_SEQFAIL 0x14 // target bus phase sequence failure
// -------------------- target status codes --------------------
#define T_NOSTAT 0x0 // no target status
#define T_CHKSTAT 0x2 // check status (sense data available)
#define T_BUSY 0x8 // specified target/LUN is busy
#define T_CONF 0x18 // reservation conflict
// -------------------- disk drive flags --------------------
#define DF_NOINT13 0x0 // no INT 13 access
#define DF_INT13DOS 0x1 // INT 13 with access
#define DF_INT13NODOS 0x2 // INT 13 without DOS access
#define DF_INVALID 0x3 // invalid flags
// -------------------- SCSI Request Block (SRB) definitions --------------------
typedef struct srb_0
{ // function 0: Host adapter inquiry
BYTE numadapt; // number of host adapters (R)
BYTE targid; // target ID of host adapter (R)
char manageid[MAX_IDSTR]; // SCSI manager ID string (R)
char hostid[MAX_IDSTR]; // host adapter ID string (R)
BYTE hostparams[MAX_IDSTR]; // host adapter unique parameters (R)
} srb_0_t;
typedef struct srb_1
{ // function 1: Get device type
BYTE targid; // device target ID (W)
BYTE lun; // logical unit number (W)
BYTE devtype; // peripheral device type (R)
} srb_1_t;
typedef struct srb_2
{ // function 2: Execute SCSI I/O
BYTE targid; // device target ID (W)
BYTE lun; // logical unit number (W)
DWORD datalength; // data allocation length (W)
BYTE senselength; // sense allocation length (N) (W)
BYTE far *databufptr; // data buffer pointer (W)
void far *srblinkptr; // SRB link pointer (W)
BYTE cdblength; // SCSI CDB length (M) (W)
BYTE hoststat; // host adapter status (R)
BYTE targstat; // target status (R)
void far *postptr; // POST routine address (R)
BYTE workspace[34]; // reserved ASPI workspace
// -------------------- see notes below --------------------
BYTE scsicdb[MAX_CDB]; // SCSI command descriptor block
BYTE sensealloc[MAX_SENSE]; // sense data allocation area
// -------------------- notes on variable length data --------------------
// scsicdb - SCSI command descriptor block (CDB) - M bytes.
// Note: Length will vary with CDB type (6 byte or 10 byte).
// sensealloc - sense allocation area - N bytes.
// Note: Position and length will vary with CDB type.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
} srb_2_t;
typedef struct srb_3
{ // function 3: Abort SCSI I/O command
BYTE far *srbptr; // address of SRB to abort (W)
} srb_3_t;
typedef struct srb_4
{ // function 4: Reset SCSI device
BYTE targid; // device target ID (W)
BYTE lun; // logical unit number (W)
BYTE reserved[14]; // reserved bytes
BYTE hoststat; // host adapter status (R)
BYTE targstat; // target status (R)
void far *postptr; // POST routine address (R)
BYTE workspace[34]; // reserved ASPI workspace
} srb_4_t;
typedef struct srb_5
{ // function 5: Set host parameters
BYTE hostparams[MAX_IDSTR]; // host adapter unique parameters (R)
} srb_5_t;
typedef struct srb_6
{ // function 6: Get disk information
BYTE targid; // device target ID (W)
BYTE lun; // logical unit number (W)
BYTE driveflags; // flags for drive parameters
BYTE drivenum; // INT 13 drive number
BYTE headtrans; // preferred head number translation
BYTE secttrans; // preferred sector size translation
BYTE reserved[10]; // reserved bytes
} srb_6_t;
typedef struct aspi_req
{ // combined SRB structure
BYTE command; // command code (W)
BYTE status; // return status (R)
BYTE hostnum; // host adapter number (W)
BYTE reqflags; // SCSI request flags (W)
BYTE expand[4]; // reserved for expansion
union srb_union
{ // individual SRB's
srb_0_t s0; // function 0 SRB
srb_1_t s1; // function 1 SRB
srb_2_t s2; // function 2 SRB
srb_3_t s3; // function 3 SRB
srb_4_t s4; // function 4 SRB
srb_5_t s5; // function 5 SRB
srb_6_t s6; // function 6 SRB
} su;
} aspi_req_t;
typedef struct abort_req
{ // ASPI abort request
BYTE command; // command code (W)
BYTE status; // return status (R)
BYTE hostnum; // host adapter number (W)
BYTE reqflags; // SCSI request flags (W)
BYTE expand[4]; // reserved for expansion
srb_3_t s3; // function 3 SRB
} abort_req_t;
// -------------------- ASPI function declarations --------------------
#if defined(__WINDOWS_H) // declare DLL functions
#define FUNC FAR PASCAL _export
#ifndef _FAR
#define _FAR far
#else // non-Windows definitions
#define FUNC
#ifndef _FAR
#define _FAR
int FUNC aspi_open(void); // initialize ASPI manager
void FUNC aspi_close(void); // close ASPI manager
int FUNC aspi_host_inq(char _FAR *idstr, BYTE _FAR *hprm);
// get host adapter info
int FUNC aspi_devtype(BYTE id); // get SCSI device type
int FUNC aspi_io(BYTE _FAR *cdb, BYTE far *dbuff, WORD dbytes,
BYTE flags, BYTE id, WORD _FAR *stat); // perform SCSI I/O
int FUNC aspi_abort_io(void); // abort SCSI request
int FUNC aspi_reset_dev(BYTE id); // reset device
int FUNC aspi_set_hostprm(BYTE _FAR *hprm, int hbytes); // set host parameters
int FUNC aspi_get_driveprm(BYTE id, BYTE _FAR *flags, BYTE _FAR *drvnum,
int _FAR *heads, int _FAR *sectsize); // get SCSI disk drive parameters
int FUNC aspi_sense(BYTE _FAR *sb, int sbytes); // return SCSI sense info