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OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
Packing List
Files and documentation included in this Version 1.0 set
contains the following:
OSRM2 Version 1.0 Real Time Monitor And Collector
OSRM210.DOC = This file
OSRM2.INI = Sample Initialization File
OSRM210.EXE = Real Time Monitor Only.
OSRM2D10.DLL = Dynamic Support Dynalibs
OSRM2S10.DLL = Static Support Dynalibs
OSRM2 Version 1.0 Report And Analysis Utility
OSRM2RAU.ZIP = Report And Analysis Utility
OSRM2 Version 1.0 Technical Reference ( Registered Users )
OSRMUES.ZIP = UES Developers Toolkit
Please note that the OSRM2RAU executable has a limited
amount of functionality in the unregistered version. Also
note that the UES developers toolkit is available with
registrations for OSRM2 Version 1.0.
C.O.L. Consulting developers have not inserted any nagware
signs, timers or flags that pester you with the fact that
you have an unregistered copy.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
General Information And Registration
C.O.L. Consulting LTD., incorporated January of 1989, is a
registered subchapter 'S' corporation in the State Of New
York. The corporation provides DP consulting, software
development ( MVS, VM, MS-DOS, UNIX, OS/2 ) as well as
maintenance services.
C.O.L. Consulting LTD., reserves the right to limit the
functionality of future versions in unregistered copies, but
will continue to support Version 0.1 in it's entirety.
The software included in this archive package is a fully
functional evaluation copy of OSRM2 Version 1.0.
This application is shareware, software that is free to use
for a trial period, that being fairly defined by C.O.L.
Consulting LTD. as 1 months time ( 30 days ).
If at the end of the evaluation period, as defined above,
you do not wish to register OSRM210.EXE, you are obligated
to discontinue its use.
This shareware archive package which includes those files as
listed above must be distributed in their entirety.
Any questions, comments, suggestions and criticisms are
welcome. Please see the registration and service section at
the end of this document.
Upgrade costs will be based on the amount of functionality
that is added to the application. For instance, C.O.L.
Consulting LTD. will be porting this over to run under the
Presentation Manager of OS/2 as a full PM application, OSRM2
Version 1.1.
If you care to register your copy of OSRM2 Version 1.0,
please refer to the upgrading information section and
registration sheet at the end of this document. Both single
user and corporate discounts are available.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
General Information And Registration
An agreement with HH-InfoNet BBS, New Hartford CT, enables
you to pre-register your copy and expedite the registration
process. Upon completion of the on-line registration script,
see the registration section at the end of this document,
all you need do is send in your registration payment.
Through HH-InfoNet you will also be able to communicate
directly with the OSRM2 developers for all versions of the
system. OSRM2 registered users will receive priority
response and will receive update information by mail.
You may also register by filling out the appropriate form at
the end of this documentation, please see the registration
schedule to determine the cost of registration.
With registration of OSRM2 Version 1.0, you will receive:
* OSRM2 Version 1.0, Supporting DLL libraries and
printed documentation.
* OSRM2 Report And Analysis Utility Version 1.0,
Supporting DLL libraries and printed
* OSRM2 UES Software Development Kit. Which includes
documentation, API library interface, header files
and include files for 'C' and MASM.
Thank you.
C.O.L. Consulting, LTD.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
OSRM2 was created to provide OS/2 users with:
The ability to observe system resource contention and
consumption in a real-time environment.
More importantly, to provide the OS/2 user, or
administrator, a data collector in which system
resource usage trends can be stored and analyzed when
considering upgrades ( CPU, memory, peripherals,
software ).
The real-time monitor can provide the performance tuner with
indicators as to cpu or memory consumption as well as IO
contention under varying workloads.
The capacity planner data collector, available with Version
1.0, will provide trend information to observe exactly what
resources are being impacted the most and thus guide them to
configuring for cost effectiveness, one wouldn't buy a
faster CPU if memory contention is causing swapping
As with other multitasking operating systems ( MVS, UNIX )
resources are shared in an OS/2 environment thus allowing
concurrent workloads to exist at the same time in one
Because resources are generally limited, a careful eye must
be kept to insure that it is not exhausted. Once this occurs
processes may wait for a very long time thereby negating the
productivity and throughput originally meant to be provided.
Having solid information as to what the CPU average percent
busy was or the average memory usage percent, will provide a
much better guide to problem resolution or job scheduling
then an eyeball approach. Of course capacity planning
entails much more then mentioned here, but it is this base
that all capacity plans are built. Please refer to the
technical documentation.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
OSRM2 will provide this information to you in a varying
degree of formats and granularity. Considering the cost of
this application versus 'seat of the pants' capacity
planning, OSRM2 has the potential to save you time, energy
and money.
Each of the components that make up the OSRM2 system will be
generally discussed in the following order:
Real-time Monitor ( Version 1.0 )
Collector ( Version 1.0 )
Analyzer And Reporter ( Version 1.0 )
User Exit Support ( Version 1.0 )
For detail information about any specific topic please refer
to the included documentation or technical notes.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
Real-time Monitor
The real-time monitor is a visual display that provides the
user with a constantly updated information screen. The
information provided shows the average CPU utilization, the
amount of physical memory allocated, as well as the average
attainable IO disk operations per second.
For CPU utilization, the system runs a medium priority
regular dispatchable thread. The real-time monitor
calculates the CPU utilization by dividing the amount of
millisecond since its last update by 1000. The result is
utilization as utilization = busy/time.
For the physical memory consumption, the amount of storage
physically installed in the system as well as memory
consuming configuration options are considered in
determining the approximate amount of physical storage
remaining for user applications. The monitor continuously
queries for the largest physical block of memory available
and then divides this by the physical memory total.
The disk access service time indicator is based on the
average time it takes to perform and IO to each of the
partitions configured in the system. The user can configure
various partitions to be tested in any order.
The constant information is kept in an initialization file
in the same directory as the executable files.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
The Collector is an integral part of the Real Time Monitor.
The Collector samples the average CPU, memory, and IO
variables kept by the real time monitor. The granularity at
which this information is gathered is set by the
administrator of the system. The Collector then summarizes
these samples and records the data to disk. For example you
can set the collector to sample every 5 minutes and to
report on the hour interval. This will give you the average
indicator per hour of resource usage collected every 5
The data is written to the data history file every increment
of reporting, in the case of the above example, this would
be every hour. Time stamps and date stamps, as well as
minimum and maximum resource values, will allow for a large
amount of analysis and cross reference.
The collector will then clear out all of its buffers and
then start collecting again. In the example above the
collector will reset all real-time averages for the
following hours interval.
Each month the collector will create a new file which can
then allow the user to archive back dated history files and
not consume hard disk space. It is recommended to keep a
good amount of history data for analysis as the trends will
be more accurate as the historic data grows.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
Report And Analysis Utility
The report and analysis ( OSRM2RAU.EXE ) is a separate
executable application that uses the information stored by
the Collector to report on the amount of resource per time
interval that a particular system is consuming.
Variations as to the report interval are allowed as well as
range definitions, for example one might require a report on
the average amount of CPU utilization between the hours of
10:00 AM and 12:00 noon, for weeks 2 and 4 of the June 1989.
The user or administrator will have the ability to report on
utilization growth in the key areas of the system: CPU,
Memory and Disk IO. Regression analysis and queueing delays
will be available for review as well as generated
suggestions for enhancing performance ( Registered Copies
Only ). With this knowledge, upgrading the system will be an
exact decision, and will vary from user to user. This way
selective system enhancements will be possible.
The ability for developers and users to implement their own
summarization routines and reporting formats are allowed
through the use of UES ( User Exit Support ). Please see
information in this document as well as the technical
references for more detail.
Various data manipulation routines will be implemented over
time into the standard library, as well as the ability to
create a flat file which can be read into various
statistical packages or spread sheets for a more detailed
analysis. Of course it is the intent of C.O.L. Consulting,
LTD. to provide the user with a one stop application and the
features that will be implemented will have the objective of
obtaining this goal.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
User Exit Support
UES support is available with registered copies of OSRM2
Version 1.0. Included in the registration is a UES Software
For this feature alone we must respect the capabilities that
OS/2 has offered to use.
User Exit Support ( UES ) is a feature that allows the user
to develop various routines in a Dynamic Link Library (DLL)
format and hook these routines into various areas of the
OSRM2 Collector and OSRM2 Report And Analysis Utility.
The OSRM2 Collector saves to disk files what in essence is a
series of data structures ( objects ! ) which contains
variables of system activity and performance. With UES a
routine can be called from the OSRM2 Collector and have this
structure passed to it for manipulation.
The OSRM2 Report and Analysis Utility calls its own data
reduction and summary routines via DLL calls. In the same
vein, UES will support the calling of routines both pre and
post analysis. This can allow for more advanced data
analysis routines and report writers to be added.
Through UES, there is the potential for a vast interchange
of data manipulation and reporting routines that may be
freely distributed.
Just as spreadsheet macros are communicated across bulletin
boards as well as incorporated into libraries, the potential
exposure is great and the benefit to the end user even
greater as this would reduce the time required to create
their own routines. At the same time productivity increases
and development time decreases.
The major difference of UES versus macros is that the power
of a programming language, and its flexibility, can be used
in place of the sometimes limited macro capabilities.
C.O.L. Consulting LTD. will not be responsible for
maintaining third party UES libraries but will provide
support through license and maintenance agreements with the
UES developers.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
Installation Requirements
OSRM2 Versions 1.0
The above versions of OSRM2 require at least OS/2 Version
1.0 operating system. The executable programs included
within this archive package were assembled as a Window
Compatible application which will permit it to run in a text
window under version 1.1 of OS/2 ( Presentation Manager ).
The application will detect if it is running full screen or
as a window and adjust it's color scheme accordingly.
It is recommended to install this application on a hard disk
system, as the IO timing will not allow floppy disk drives
to be tested due to the delay to processing during IO.
Development Environment
OSRM2 was developed with the following:
OS/2 Version 1.1
Microsoft MASM 5.1
Microsoft C 5.1
Microsoft Editor Protected Mode ( MEP ).
Intel based 80386
7 Megabytes Real Memory
80 Megabytes Hard Disk Space with 5 Partitions
VGA Adapter with a Paradise VGA Controller
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
To install the OSRM2 system for various operating system
environments follow these global instructions:
Place the files OSRM210.EXE, OSRM2RAU.EXE and OSRM2.INI in
a directory together. The OSRM2.INI file included in this
archive package is a working sample and can be edited for
your specific configuration.
Place the files OSRM2D10.DLL, OSRM2S10.DLL, RAULIB.DLL,
OSRMMSG.DLL in the directory specified in your CONFIG.SYS in
the LIBPATH= statement. You can optionally place the DLL
files in the same directory as the executable files but be
sure to change your LIBPATH statement to include the
directory and reboot your machine.
Add the program and path specification to the Program
Selector in Version 1.0 of OS/2 or the Start Program Manager
of Version 1.1 of OS/2.
Create a directory where you will be storing the history
data files as well as the generated report and analysis
files. Make sure to indicate the full designator and path
created in the OSRM2.INI file before starting the system.
If installed to run under Presentation Manager of OS/2
Version 1.1, specify to run under a text window to display
within the Presentation Manager Screen Space. This is
optional as the OSRM2 system will run full screen as well.
Follow the initialization instructions on the options
available for the OSRM2.INI file.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
Initialization Parameters
OSRM2 1.0 includes a required initialization file,
OSRM2.INI, which defines various options to be used during
the processing of each run.
In general each parameter, with the exception of the REAL
parameter, is optional. You may omit to include the optional
parameters and OSRM2 will default to the values noted as
DEFAULT under each description.
Following is the current list of acceptable parameters:
[REAL=] Real memory indicator.
[NUMDRIVES=] Number of drive partitions to test.
[DESIGNATOR=] Drive designator list.
[TIMEDRIVES=] Disk drive test visit interval.
[OPTIONIO=] Drive Testing Options.
[COLLECTORINTV=] Collector sample interval.
[SUMMARY=] Summary and file interval.
[UES=] User Exit Support requests.
[MODNAME=] UES dynamic link library.
[PROCNAME=] UES procedure for collector.
[FILESPATH=] Path to store data files.
[END] Indicated End of INI file.
In time additional parameters may be added, or current
parameters may be dropped based on applicability, user
request and functionality.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
Parameter Rules
All parameters must be entered in UPPER CASE ONLY and have
both the parameter name and assigned value enclosed in
brackets: [PARAMETER=assigned value].
DO NOT imbed spaces between the '=' sign and the assigned
value, note the examples and supplied OSRM2.INI file.
Comments are allowed and should be preceded by a semi-colon
character ';', for example:
[PARAMETER=assigned value] ; Comment
; Or comment here as well.
Note the ranges currently acceptable for the parameters,
when an out of range is detected OSRM2 will use default
values for that parameter. Out of range events will be
detected when summary reports are created, those parameters
out of range will be flagged.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
Parameter Setting
[REAL=# of megabytes]
The REAL option allows the user to specify the amount
of real physical memory installed in the system. This
value entered will be used in determining the amount of
free physical memory during each real time monitor
update. The value specified in this option must be
rounded to the nearest megabyte boundary.
VERSIONS 0.1 / 1.0
RANGES 2 - 16
DEFAULT Value must be specified
Specifies that there is 7 megabytes of real memory
installed in the system.
This value may be varied upwards to test the effect of
increasing real memory to reduce swapping and decrease
response time.
Not using this variable, or specifying an illegal value
may result in undesirable errors during real-time
processing, data recording and reporting. For example,
if value specified is lower then available memory
during processing.
At least the amount of actual memory.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
[NUMDRIVES=Number Of Disk Partitions To Test]
The number of hard disk partitions to track IO
performance for.
VERSION 0.1 / 1.0
RANGES 1 - 5
This would indicate that there are three partitions to
be tested during the monitor session.
Although specifying 1 will test a drive, the user will
not be able to appreciate the variations to other
partitions performance as it does differ with respect
to data set activity, location and read/write head
Attempting to specify more drives then are installed
will cause the default to be used. See DESIGNATOR
cautions as they are included.
At least the number of partitions installed or the
maximum ( 5 ) if the number of partitions exceeds the
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
[DESIGNATOR=Partition List]
The list of disk drive partition designators that will
be IO tested.
VERSION 0.1 / 1.0
RANGES Combinations of C - Z
Would indicate that drives C, D and F would be tested
at the TIMEDRIVES interval.
The reason for excluding the floppy drives is due to
the inherent delay associated with removable media. See
NUMDRIVES notes if more then 1 partition in system.
Specifying an invalid designator will cause the default
to be used. See NUMDRIVES caution as they are included.
Valid drive for number specified in NUMDRIVES
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
[TIMEDRIVES=IO Test Time In Seconds]
The time in seconds that spaces the IO testing period.
This value must be rounded to the nearest second.
VERSIONS 0.1 / 1.0
RANGES 1 - 15
This would cause the real time monitor to test the disk
drive IO rate approximate every five seconds. If using
the designator options in the DESIGNATOR example drive
C would be tested first then 5 seconds later drive D
would be tested, etc..
A small enough value will insure that an accurate
picture of disk drive performance is being captured.
To small a value will degradate the performance of
other applications IO activity.
4 - 6 Seconds depending on the number of drives being
tested. Version 1.0 users please reference the OPTIONIO
parameter notes.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
OPTIONIO=Options for TIMEDRIVES testing]
This option allows the user to specify that the disk
drives selected with the DESIGNATOR will be test each
during a TIMEDRIVES interval ( VALUE = 1 ) or that all
drives will be tested at once during the TIMEDRIVES
RANGES 0 - 2
Using all the above disk drive IO testing options, this
would cause drives C, D and F to be tested at one time
every five seconds. Whereas using a value of 1 would
cause the drive testing to rotate and only one drive at
a time tested every five seconds.
Keep in mind that if a low TIMEDRIVES value is used in
combination with a large NUMDRIVES value and using a
value of 2 for the OPTIONIO parameter may cause
degradation to system performance.
None other then performance issues.
1 with many drives and small TIMEDRIVES value or 2 with
less then 3 drives and a minimum 5 second TIMEDRIVES
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
[COLLECTORINTV=Collector Sampling Interval]
This option allows the user to specify a sampling
interval, in minutes, for collecting performance
statistics from the real-time monitor.
RANGES 1 - 15 minutes.
DEFAULTS 1 minute
This would cause the collector to collect the real-time
monitor variables approximate once every five ( 5 )
To large a value will cause peaks of performance
indicators to be averaged out, this would give
misleadingly low percentages of resource consumption.
The real-time monitor averages out during each of it's
monitor passes that while being accurate will
eventually smooth out over times of inactivity.
If activity is in bursts set this value low, if the
system sustains constant activity this value may be
increased but should not exceed 5 to 10 minutes.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
[SUMMARY=Time to gather collector records to file]
The summary value is used collect and summarize the
COLLECTORINTV record and write the record to disk. A
time and date stamp are appended to each record before
being written to disk.
RANGES 15 to 60 minutes
DEFAULT 15 minutes.
This would cause a summary record to be recorded to
disk every fifteen minutes during the session.
The more numerous the summary records the more accurate
the analysis.
Same considerations as COLLECTINTV.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
[UES=Flag indicating user exit requested]
This flag is for indicating that a User Exit Support
DLL is requesting to be called after the summary record
is written.
Indicates that the user is requesting to load a UES
See UES Technical Reference.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
[MODNAME=Name of UES DLL file]
This parameter designates the 1 to 8 character DLL file
RANGES Only 1 UES module in Real Time
DEFAULT No UES module loaded
This would indicate that the User Exit Support
procedures are in a DLL called MYUES001.DLL.
See UES Technical Reference
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
[PROCNAME=Name of UES procedure to call]
This parameter designates the UES procedure to call
from the MODNAME DLL file.
RANGES Only 1 procname allowable
DEFAULT No procedure called
EXAMPLE [PROCNAME=ExtractDiskTiming]
This would cause OSRM2 to call the ExtractDiskTiming
procedure from the specified MODNAME module.
The procedure called has unlimited possibilities and
may call other routines that are imported from other
libraries. This basically serves as a gateway for
object passing. See UES Technical Reference.
The called procedure should not exact a large overhead
as the real-time monitor will wait until the call is
returned from.
See UES Technical Reference.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
[FILESPATH=Path to data file storage]
This option specifies the drive \path (up to 64
characters) specification for storing data summary
RANGES See description.
DEFAULT Current directory
For organizational purposes this should remain separate
from other application data and program files.
Specify a valid path or will default to current
See notes.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
This indicates that there are no more parameters to be
read from the INI file.
VERSIONS 0.1 / 1.0
This indicates that there the end statement will cause
the remainder of the INI file to be disregarded.
Make sure at least the REAL parameter is placed before
the END statement.
Have one to reduce INI parsing overhead.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
Starting OSRM2
Before starting the OSRM2 real time monitor, please insure
that you have:
* Installed the system files in their proper places,
refer to Installation on Page 7.
* Prepared your OSRM2.INI file with the proper * Prepared your OSRM2.INI file with the proper
parameter settings for your monitor session, refer
to Initialization Parameter File section starting
on Page 8.
Before starting OSRM2, it is recommended to insure that it
is the first applications started after a boot up of OS/2.
To Start OSRM2 From
OS/2 Version 1.0
From the program selector choose the program name you have
assigned to OSRM2 and press enter. If you have not installed
OSRM2 into the program selector, start a OS/2 session and
switch to the directory where you have installed OSRM2 and
at the command prompt enter
[C:\OSRM2]osrm2 [ then press the enter key ]
OS/2 Version 1.1
From the Start Program dialog box, open the group where you
have installed the OSRM2 program entry and double click on
the application name you have assigned OSRM2. If you have
not installed OSRM2 into the Start Program dialog box, start
a windowed OS/2 screen session and switch to the directory
where you have installed OSRM2 and at the command prompt
[C:\OSRM2]osrm2 [ then press the enter key ]
You will immediately see the real-time monitor screen jump
to life as it begins measuring system activity.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
The OSRM2 Real Time Display
When OSRM2 is started, the initialization file is read and
processed and then the system activity display ( SAD ) is
There are 3 system indicators displayed; the CPU utilization
percent, the Real Memory percent allocated, and the number
of Disk IO's attainable per second.
Following are the abbreviations for the resource indicators
in the SAD:
CPU Cpu Percent Utilization
MEM Percent Memory Allocated
IOs Attainable IO Per Second.
As you watch the display, you will see the bars that
indicate resource utilization, or work, change as the number
of applications and the work they are performing consume
these resources.
If OSRM2 is the only application started then you can see
the effect of all three indicators change by opening an OS/2
command prompt window and listing a long file with the type
First the memory utilization will increase as storage is
allocated to open the command environment.
The CPU will flash across the utilization range as windows
are activated and the window is used to process work.
The attainable disk IO will change if you create work that
requires a disk access.
If you make the OSRM2 window the active window, note that
the activity of the CPU will decrease, this is because the
window has input focus, which prioritizes itself, and OSRM2
does not consume much overhead in it's timing or calculation
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
Function Keys
Along with the SAD are two ( 2 ) control functions as
described below:
F1) TOGGLE OSRM2 DISPLAY UPDATES: Pressing the F1 key will
toggle the updating of the SAD. This will increase IO
testing as the overhead for constantly updating the
screen display is used in the IO timing visit loop. If
you find that you often turn off screen updating you
may wish to lengthen the delay in the TIMEDRIVES
F2) TOGGLE DISK TEST: Pressing the F2 key will toggle the
disk test on or off. If disk test is toggled off only
the memory and CPU tests occur and a flag is written to
the collector structure indicating possible invalid
disk timing data.
F5) EXIT OSRM2: Pressing the F5 key will exit the real-time
monitor in all versions, and in Versions 1.0 and above
this will also shutdown the data collector and summary
execution threads and processes respectfully.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
As mentioned in the above, pressing the F5 key will exit
OSRM2 from the system and shutdown all associated processes.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
Current OSRM2 Version 1.0 Users ( Unregistered )
Send in the included registration form, making sure to
include all information as well as payment by check or
money order for your registration payment.
Dial in to HH-InfoNet BBS (203) 738-0306 or (203) 738-
1046 and fill out the registration script on-line.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
C.O.L. Consulting, LTD. can be reached on-line from:
Compuserve:COMPUSERVE ID [72261,2700]
HH-InfoNEt: (203) 738-0306 / (203) 738-1046 send
messages to Frank Castellucci.
Brentwood: (914) 835-1315 send message to Frank
When leaving a message, please include registration number
as well as hardware description and nature of problem.
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
Registration Payment Schedule
Single User Registrations
Below are the single user registration schedules to follow
when registering a copy of OSRM2:
Single User $70.00
Upgrade to 1.1 $100.00
The upgrade to 1.1 fee includes Version 1.0 to be mailed
immediately and Version 1.1 will ship automatically upon
Corporate Discounts Version 1.0 / 1.1
1 - 20 Users $70.00 per user
Upgrade to 1.1 $100.00 per user
21 - 50 $59.50 per user
Upgrade to 1.1 $85.00 per user
If number of users is greater then 50 you qualify for a site
Site License $2400.00 flat rate.
Upgrade to 1.1 $3300.00 flat rate.
Upgrade to 1.1 fees will ship Version 1.0 immediately and
Version 1.1 will ship automatically when released.
When registering include a work or daytime phone number as
well as the OS/2 version currently in use and the size
floppy diskette ( 5 1/4 or 3 1/2 ).
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
Registration Form Template
Single user registration:
Date __ / __ / __
Copys to Register @ $70.00 each _____
Total Enclosed $ _____.__
Name: _________________________________
Address: _________________________________
City: _________________________________
State: __ Zip: __________
Phone: ( ___ ) ___ - ____
OS/2 1.__ Floppy Size ____
Media on 5 1/4 is 360kb density Media on 3 1/2 is 720kb
Please make all registration payments by check or money
orders in United States Dollars to:
C.O.L. Consulting, LTD.
RR1 265 Overlook Way
Purdys NY, 10578
OS/2 Resource Monitor Facility
Version 1.0
Real Time Monitor And Data Collector
(C) Copyright 1989, C.O.L. Consulting LTD.
Corporate registration:
Date __ / __ / __
Number of Users to Register ( see schedule ) _____
Total Enclosed $ _____.__
Contact: _________________________________
Address: _________________________________
City: _________________________________
State: __ Zip: __________
Phone: ( ___ ) ___ - ____
OS/2 1.__ Floppy Size ____
Media on 5 1/4 is 360kb density Media on 3 1/2 is 720kb
Please make all registration payments by check or money
orders in United States Dollars to:
C.O.L. Consulting, LTD.
RR1 265 Overlook Way
Purdys NY, 10578