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The Great Net Spellbook.
I'd like to thank the following people for posting all of these
spells (I must have forgotten some: my apologies to all of them):
adickson@eve.wright.edu Adam Dickson
allanm@vulcan.med.ge.com Allan J. Mikkola
anagram@desire.wright.edu Stephen P. Potter (Sh'r'ldana)
arrvid@shumv1.ncsu.edu Arrvid Carlson
ars3_cif@uhura.cc.rochester.edu Aaron Sher (Phrixus)
asr@beach.cis.ufl.edu Allen S. Rout
beaver@logm.se Per Beremark
cl2g+@andrew.cmu.edu Charles Anthony (Tony) Leone
ccs017 Jonathon Salazar (peregrin)
cscon113@uoft02.utoledo.edu Jim Lewallen
davenpor@cis.ohio-state.edu James Davenport
deand@polari Dean Dretske
dkk@mit.edu David Krikorian
dmccart@modl01.intel.com Jamye Worthington
dmccart@gomez.intel.com D. J. McCarthy
ez003387@george.ucdavis.edu Tim Prestero
f35437c@saha.hut.fi Aki Taskinen
gcwynne@ecuvm1.bitnet * ???
gefagan@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu Geoffrey Fagan
goldman@ferris.cray.com Matthew Goldman
gt6940a@prism.gatech.edu Daniel L. Rouk
hopcraft@mailer.swarthmore.edu Geoffrey Hopcraft
jaydee%maple.decnet@pine.circa.ufl.edu ???
jarvis@northstar68.dartmouth.edu Mark A. Robinson
jensenjp@clutx.clarkson.edu jon
jvogel@jarthur.claremont.edu Jeff Vogel
krzyston@garfield.cs.wisc.edu Jay Krzyston (Damian the Pale)
lee@sq.sq.com Liam Russell Eric Quin
lsargent@peruvian.utah.edu L. Myke Sargent
mck1@ra.msstate.edu Matt King (Archmage)
murray@fsu.scri.fsu.edu John Murray
mwo@beach.cis.ufl.edu Michael Owen
nhoj@hicom.hitachi.com ???
null@freja.diku.dk Niels Ull Jacobson
ordania-dm@cup.portal.com Charles K. Hughes
orion@desire.wright.edu Adam Dickson (Broonsey)
PDJ7631@venus.tamu.edu Illithid (Paul D. Jones)
pyr530@oz.plymouth.edu Rob Holden
pyr563@oz.plymouth.edu Bill Noland
rogue@ucrmath.ucr.edu Ed Zeamba
rterrell@ncratl.atlanta.ncr.com Roger Terrell
sater@cis.ohio-state.edu Ronald P. Sater
scorpion@rice.edu Vernon Lee
slfxx@cc.usu.edu Craig A. Jensen
steig@cs.stanford.edu Mark Steiglitz
tjaden@blake.u.washington.edu Jason Nelson
tsc0265@rigel.tamu.edu teh "csc outcast" cheng
tsouth@pro-pac.cts.com Todd South
walker@dalcsug.uucp Paul D. Walker
wsbusr@eutws1.win.tue.nl Boudewijn Wayers
whitehur@calvin.tymnet.com P.K. Whitehurst
NO net access (any more) John Deachman
NO net access (any more) Rob van Riel
NO net access (any more) Jim Vilandre
Address unknown Chong Chou Chu
Address unknown Scott Neilly
Many thanks to cscon113@uoft02.utoledo.edu, who accumulated a lot of
these spells. When he started out, he was going to put each author's
name next to each spell. Then he started getting two and three copies
of the same spell, and decided to just put their names here, so if you
have a question, get in touch with one of these people, not with him
or me.
Note that some of the spells contained in the Great Net Spellbook have
been copyrighted by the author. Permission has been granted by these
authors to copy and freely distribute copies of their work, so long as
no commercial or barter considerations are obtained in exchange for such
copies. All spells are for personal use only. If you distribute these
spells, you must also distribute these copyright conditions and the
names of the authors and editors.
After receiving these spells, I have gone through all of them, edited
them to make the format uniform, and to make them more legible. Note
that I did not change the wordings in any way, except in some obvious
cases of spelling errors. Furthermore, when no level was indicated, I
(or cscon113@uoft02.utoledo.edu) just guessed what level it was to be
in. Also, in those cases where no school, range, area of effect, or the
like was supplied, I made one up.
Game Masters should be sure to check these spells, and make sure they
are right for the way you run your campaign. Some are awfully powerful
but some could use a little more kick, that is for you to decide.
Boudewijn Wayers (wsbusr@eutws1.win.tue.nl).
* The following spells were researched by Llewllynn. For those who are
interested, Llewllynn is a high level mage of Lawful Neutral alignment
(hence the Detect Chaos and Protection from Chaos spells). As for
access to druidical spells, he is married to Evaine, a half-elven
druid; as for cleric spells, he helped build the major temple to his
goddess on the world he lives in.
Boudewijn's note: You might not want to use these spells in your own
campaign, since it might disturb the balance between clerics/druids and
magic users.
Acid Hands Major Globe of Invulnerability
Cone of Acid Protection from Chaos
Cone of Fire Protection from Chaos, 10 Foot Radius
Delayed Blast Snowball Resist Acid
Detect Chaos Resist Cold
Frost Hands Resist Electricity
Hydro Shield Resist Fire
Llewllynn's Wall of Force Snowball