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Bone Shatter (Evocation)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per 5 levels
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
This is a more powerful version of the 5th level spell Bone Splinter.
It is identical to that spell except that is has a +3 "to hit" bonus
and causes a serious compound fracture when a hit is scored in melee,
with the following results:
to hit
location modifier effects
-------- -------- ------------------------------------------------
head -8 major skull fracture:
save vs. spell or die; else suffer 4d8 points
of damage (no save for 1/2).
arm * -4 major broken arm:
arm is totally useless; it cannot be used to
attack or defend with.
leg * -4 major broken leg:
leg is totally useless; movement is 1/2
ribs -4 broken rib:
loss of 1d6 CON points and 2d8 points of damage
(no save).
spine @ -8 severed vertebrae:
save vs. spell or die; else paralysed until
pelvis -4 major hip fracture:
-6 to DEX when using legs; movement rate is at
1/4 normal; suffer 3d8 points of damage (no
* if attacking from the side, only the nearest appendage may be
@ the spine may only be targeted if attacking from the rear.
A cure critical wounds spell is required to heal one of these effects
(except for paralysis, which must be cured by normal means) as long as
the victim is still alive, and a heal spell will fully restore a living
victim to full health.
The material components for this spell are an intact bone of at least a
foot in length, and a large metal hammer which are consumed when the
spell is cast.
Coradon's Conflagration (Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 150 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 4 rounds
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell causes a fiery explosion similar to that of a Fireball, but
with a smaller radius (initially a 20' radius sphere). However, the
flames caused by this spell will continue to burn for 4 rounds (the
initial round, plus 3 additional rounds). The damage inflicted on
victims inside the area of effect, the bonus to the victim's saving
throw, and the radius of the flames vary according to how long the
flames have been burning, as follows:
round damage radius save bonus
----- ------ ------ ----------
1 8d8 20' 0
2 4d8 15' +1
3 2d8 10' +2
4 1d8 5' +3
Damage suffered is cumulative from one round to the next, but the save
bonus is not. Anyone who makes a successful save takes only half damage
that round, and automatically saves on any subsequent rounds; those who
fail their saves suffer full damage, and must have all their
possessions save vs. magical fire to avoid destruction. If anyone
leaves the area of effect and returns later, a new save must be made,
even if the previous one was successful.
The conflagration may, or may not conform to a confined space, at the
caster's discretion. Apart from the changes mentioned above, the
conflagration otherwise acts like a Fireball.
The material components for this spell are the heart of a red dragon,
and a powdered diamond worth at least 600 GP.
Damians Mindswap (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 7"
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
When this powerful enchantment is cast, the spell user attempts to rip
the target creatures soul from its body and temporarily place it in a
gem of not less than 15000 GP. At the same time the casters soul is
eased from his body and also travels through the gem. When, and if,
both souls are in the gem, they both proceed to the opposed bodies from
which they came. You'll note that this has two very noticeable
1) the caster and victim have essentially swapped minds (or bodies,
whichever you prefer), this has the effect that the caster now takes on
the physical attributes of that body (i.e. STR, CON, DEX and COM). The
caster still retains his own mental capacities and previous knowledge
(i.e. INT, WIS, CHR, hit points and level).
2) If the caster or victim can kill their old body (i.e. their swapped
body) then the others soul goes to its respective plane. Thus, after
completion of the spell, if the caster kills his old body then he can
never be displaced from his new, for in all intents and purposes it is
his body now. If neither is killed and at some later point in time a
cleric casts an exorcise spell at either body (both have to be within
7" of each other though) the caster of the original Mindswap must save
vs. death or return to his old body.
If the save vs. this spell is made it indicates that this persons body
will never accept the casters soul and need never fear this spell from
the same caster again.
Demonic Immunity (Abjuration)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
Requires a demon's amulet of at least a type one demon, which is slowly
consumed and will be destroyed when the spell ends. Renders you
invulnerable to all demonic powers. Does nothing for physical attacks.
You cannot be telekinesed, you cannot be charmed by a demon, their
unholy words don't affect you, etc. No demonic powers can harm you.
The tougher the demon's amulet, the longer the spell lasts. The
duration can be split between people.
Type 1 demon: lasts 4 rounds. That's one round for 4 people, etc.
Type 2 demon: lasts 6 rounds.
Type 3 demon: lasts 8 rounds.
Type 4 demon: lasts 12 rounds.
Type 5 demon: lasts 20 rounds.
Type 6 demon: lasts 50 rounds.
Any "named" demon: lasts 100 rounds.
Ding Shu's Draconian Holocaust (Invocation, Evocation)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 20" + 1" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 1/5" per level by 1" per level swath
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell causes to what appears to be a huge Celestial Dragon to
appear in the air and swoop down spewing forth its fiery breath.
The spell affects an area of 2 feet wide by 10 feet long per level of
the caster. All creatures in the area of effect take 1D10 + 2 points of
damage from the fire.
This spell does structural damage to all constructions in the area of
effect. The damage is 3/2/1/.5 points to wood/earth/soft stone/hard
stone per level of the caster.
The material component of this spell is the scale from a fire breathing
dragon and a potion of firewater.
Ding Shu's Marvelous Chopsticks (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 12"
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 12" radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
This spell brings into existence a pair of huge chopsticks, 30 feet
long, which attacks all creatures as if they were AC 10 (modified by
dexterity). These giant chopsticks attack with the casters THAC0.
Victims weighing more than 5 tons are immobilised by the chopsticks,
while those of lesser weight will be picked up, and may be deposited,
within the same round, at any point in the spell's range. Those who
successfully roll to bend bars manage to free themselves, but they may
suffer falling damage as a result.
Most probably, the caster will choose to deposit the victims into a
gargantuan mouth which appears above his head. This mouth can hold 2
size L, 4 size M, or 8 of size S creatures at one time.
Each round, the mouth "chews" its contents for 10D10 damage each. When
a creature trapped inside the mouth is reduced to below 0 hit points,
the creature is "swallowed" into the astral plane, and more room
becomes available for creatures to be dropped into the mouth.
Normally, persons reduced to such a hit point score would die in a
matter of minutes, but in the timelessness of the astral plane, they
may remain unconscious but barely alive for thousands of years,
provided they had more than -10 hit points when they entered the
plane. This of course is only valid in campaigns which use the
optional rule concerning hovering at death's door.
If the creature caught by the chopsticks weighs more than 5 tons, then
the mouth will move toward the trapped creature and start biting it
into little pieces until it is all gone.
The spell requires minimal concentration and direction once it has been
cast. This allows the caster to cast other spells, and maintain
concentration on them instead.
If the caster is killed before the end of the spell's duration, the
mouth and chopsticks will remain, with the chopsticks capturing
creatures that were enemies of the caster and depositing them in the
mouth when space allows.
Naturally, the material component of this spell is a pair of
Eldarr's Major Spell Conversion (Alteration)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting Time: 3 turns
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the two previous spell conversion spells,
except it may convert any spell of level 9 or less to any known spell
of 8th level or lower.
The material components for this spell are as per those for Improved
Spell Conversion, except the gem must be worth at least 800 GP.
Expanded Awareness (Alteration, Divination) Reversible
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 1/2" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell, when used, gives the caster a great deal of information
about the immediate area. The caster receives the effects of the
following spells or spell like powers:
Detect Phase Detect Secret Doors
Detect Magic Detect Charms and Curses
Detect Illusion Detect Poison
Detect Invisibility Detect Enemies
Detect Evil or Good Detect Traps
Detect Psionics Detect Lie
The spell remains constantly in effect and the caster receives all the
information at once. There is no problem with assimilating the data.
The range of detection for this spell is 1/2" per level of the caster.
With the appropriate spell reversals, the caster using this spell could
become blind to some or all of the things that the spell detects for as
long as the spell would normally last. For example, the reversal of
know alignment cast upon the caster will cause him to be unable to
detect evil or good. In some instances, it will become obvious to the
caster that some of the detections are lost.
The caster does not have to concentrate to use this spell, the
information arrives immediately and the caster knows instantly. The
caster can cast other spells while this spell is in effect.
The reverse of this spell causes one creature to be unable to detect,
by any means, any of the above things for the magic of the spell will
render all attempts ineffective. There is no save versus this effect.
Fellstar's Flame Sheet (Evocation)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
This is an improved version of Fellstar's Flame Arc; it is identical to
that spell, with the following exceptions:
The flames fall to the ground from the height at which they were cast,
so in effect, anyone at the initial height or below is affected by the
flames. In addition, if these flames are blocked by an obstacle, they
will flow around the barrier and will rejoin at a distance equal to the
width the obstacle; therefore, if the flames are blocked by a 2 foot
wide boulder, they will rejoin 2 feet behind the rock. This applies in
both the horizontal and vertical dimensions.
The flames from this spell will continue to burn for one round after
the spell is cast; anyone hit by the flames on the first round suffers
10d10 points of damage, and those hit on the second round suffer 5d10
points of damage. On either round, a successful save vs. spell reduces
the damage by half (saves for the second round are at +2); if this save
fails, all possessions must save vs. magical fire or be destroyed.
Note that damage is cumulative if caught in the flames on both rounds
the spell is in effect.
The material components for this spell are as per those for the Flame
Arc spell, with the addition of one or more gems worth at least 500
GP. The gems and the volcanic rock are consumed when the spell is
Fenzill's Phantasmal Fingers (Necromancy)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 40 yards + 5 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One target
Saving Throw: None
This spell is an enhanced version of the second level spell spectral
hand; it differs from that spell in the following ways: it can be used
to deliver a touch spell of any level and it gives a +3 to the attack
roll. It has an AC of -4, but it cannot be destroyed by any attack (it
may only be dispelled). Instead, any hit on the hand inflicts full
damage on the caster (although a successful save vs. spell reduces this
damage by half). The caster may end the spell with a single word.
Genocide (Evocation, Necromancy)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 5 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius sphere
Saving Throw: Special
This spell allows the caster to kill one or more creatures of the same
species: the caster chooses a creature as the initial target for the
spell, and after the incantations are complete, a black bolt shoots
forth from the caster's finger towards the chosen target. If this
creature makes its saving throw vs. spell at -2 (or if it has 15 or
more HD) there is no effect and the spell terminates.
If the save of the initial target fails, the creature dies, and the
spell continues as follows: if there are no more creatures of the same
species within the area of effect, the spell ends at this point.
Otherwise, the bolt will continue jumping to other targets. The bolt
jumps randomly from one target to the next; range is not a
consideration - as long as the target is in the area of effect, and it
is of the appropriate race, it may be hit by the bolt. Each creature
that is hit with the bolt must make a successful saving throw vs. spell
(with no modifiers) or die.
This spell will affect a number of hit dice equal to: 10 HD + 1 HD per
level of the caster (the number of creatures is not a factor). The
spell will terminate when one or more of the following occurs: the HD
limit is exceeded, there are no more potential targets in the area of
effect, or the bolt strikes a target with more than 15 HD (such a
creature is unaffected by this spell). Each target hit with the bolt
counts towards the HD limit, whether its saving throw was successful or
The bolt will never jump to a creature of a different species, or to
one that has already been hit (whether living or dead). Any creature
with more HD than the original target will not be affected by the bolt,
but its number of HD is still counted towards the HD limit of the
spell. If a target's HD would exceed the limit of the spell, it is not
affected (and the spell terminates).
The bolt will never jump back to the caster; in addition, the caster
may choose individuals to be unaffected by the spell simply by naming
them as part of the incantations (usually used to avoid killing friends
or allies).
Note that some races are closely related, but are not considered
identical species for purposes of this spell (i.e. goblinkind).
"Half-breeds" will be affected by this spell if either of their
parent-race is targeted, as well as when the cross-breed is
specifically targeted. However, if a parent-race is named as the
target, a half-breed of that race earns a +2 to its save. For example,
a half-elf is affected normally if half-elves are named as the target
of this spell. They would also be affected if either humans or elves
were targeted, although they would gain a +2 to their saves in the
latter two cases.
After this spell is cast, the wizard must make a successful system
shock roll or fall unconscious for 1d10 rounds. Note that the DM may
wish to inflict other penalties on the caster due to loss of blood (see
material components below), especially if the spell is cast more than
once is a short period of time.
The material components of this spell are a pint of the caster's blood
and a figurine/statuette of the race to be targeted. The blood is
consumed at the time of the casting, and the figurine is also
destroyed, unless the caster makes a successful save vs. spell.
Lazatar's Spellstopper (Abjuration)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 2 hours
Area of Effect: 100 square foot section of wall per level
Saving Throw: None
This very potent abjuration is used to protect a castle, keep, city,
etc. from one or more enemy spells. For each level the caster has
obtained, he may protect up to a 100 square foot section of wall; more
than one application of this spell may be cast on a single wall at
once, as long as the areas of protection do not overlap (the caster may
shrink the area of effect to any size less than the maximum, as
desired); in other words, no one brick of the wall may be under
protection by more than one Spellstopper at a time. The protection
afforded by this spell extends to individuals on top of an affected
The Spellstopper may be used to affect one other spell for each level
of the caster; thus a 19th level caster may provide protection against
19 other spells directed at the protected area. These affected spells
may be *any* spells, with the exception of Wish and Dispel Magic;
however, the chosen spells must be ones the caster already has learned.
Once this spell is cast, any of the chosen spells directed at the
protected area automatically fail; the Spellstopper has no affect on
other spells.
The Spellstopper may be removed by a Wish or it may be dispelled. For
every non-chosen spell cast at the area of effect, the chance for
dispelling the Spellstopper is increased a percentage equal to the
level of the spell. This bonus is cumulative (up to 25%) and lasts for
one turn. In order to earn this bonus, the wall itself must be
targeted; an attack directed at a defender on top of the wall does not
contribute to this bonus.
As an example, let us assume a wall is protected from, among others
spells, Passwall, and Magic Missile, and that Fireball and Transmute
Rock to Mud are not affected. On the first round, a Magic Missile is
directed at one of the defenders; since the wall protects its
defenders, the spell is stopped. The next round, a Passwall is cast on
the wall; since it too is a chosen spell, the Passwall has no affect.
On the third round, a Fireball is cast at the defenders, and since it
was not named during the casting of the Spellstopper, it has full
effect; in addition, if a Dispel Magic was cast within one turn, it
would have a 3% bonus, since Fireball is a third level spell. Nine
rounds after the Fireball is cast, a Rock to Mud is cast on the wall;
it too has full effect; if a Dispel Magic was cast now, it would have
an 8% bonus applied to it (3% for the Fireball and 5% for the Rock to
Mud). Two rounds later, another Rock to Mud is cast; subsequent dispel
attempts now have and 10% bonus (5% for each Rock to Mud; the 3% for
the Fireball no longer applies, as it has been more than 10 rounds
since it was cast).
Each casting of the Spellstopper temporarily reduces the caster's
constitution by 1d4 points; an hour of undisturbed rest will restore
one constitution point lost in this manner. If the caster's
constitution is reduced to 0 or less by casting this spell, he must
make a successful system shock roll to prevent actual death.
The material component for this spell is a thin sheet of lead, as well
as the material components for *all* spells the Spellstopper will
protect against.
Lazzaro's Murderous Sword (Enchantment)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 50 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell is a version of Mordenkainen's sword, but with a twist. This
spell causes a shimmering aura to form around any sword. This sword
will then arise and be at the command of the spell caster. He may order
to attack, defend, guard, or whatever. The sword can respond to
moderately complex tasks like, "Let no one through this door unless
they say the word, ixitayal."
In combat the sword hit any AC on a 19 or 20, it has the same hit
points as a fighter of the level of the caster (18 con), has the same
AC as the caster, and fights like a fighter of the same level (i.e. 2
attacks per round, THAC0 whatever). It attacks as if wielded by someone
with an 18/00 strength (+3,+6). It also has it's own bonuses; it
requires a magical sword as material component. If the sword has any
special abilities these will also be used in the combat.
The sword acts independently of the caster (obviously) and requires no
concentration to maintain. However the caster must remain with 50 yards
of the sword or it falls to the ground, inert (with magic drained from
it). The ways to defeat the sword: render the caster unconscious, hit
it for loss of hit points, encase it in something, or successfully
dispel it.
As discussed above the material component is a magical sword, the magic
of which is consumed after the spell ends (gives high level mages a
reason to collect all those magic swords and destroy them in the
process). The other material component is a gem with the soul of
fighter trapped in it. This gem becomes embedded in the sword during
the spell. Each time the gem is used, it has a cumulative 5% change of
shattering, freeing the poor soul inside. Obviously the gem is not
consumed after the spell ends.
Lichdom (Alteration)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 3 hours
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast, the wizard saves vs. Death. If he fails, he
becomes a lich, otherwise he dies. Should he be raised or resurrected,
he can try again. This spell makes clear why a wizard has to be 18th
level to be able to become a lich.
Lorth's Translocation (Alteration)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
Lorth's Translocation is a the most advanced teleport-class spell ever
devised. Given a description of any sort, the caster is able to place
himself at the specific location. The description might be a detailed
mental image, a verbal description, a painting, "Thirty feet due east",
"The center of the room in which stands the Sceptre of AshkaMankh", or
anything else sufficiently precise. If there does not exist a location
such as the one described, nothing will happen. If the description is
insufficiently precise ("A field of grass", "The center of a forest"),
the spell will have no effect. If the location does exist, then the
caster will be placed there, no matter where it is.
This spell can transport the caster to any plane, any distance. Note
however that it is very, very difficult to describe a specific place in
planes such as the Astral or the Ethereal, due to the lack of good
landmarks. Of course, if there should happen to be a solid object in
the place described, the caster is slain instantly.
Magic Swarm (Alteration)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
The magic swarm spell is both a very potent, and a very unstable
spell. With this spell, the wizard may bind up to three attack-type
spells (those that cause any type of damage) together into one spell.
The caster begins the incantations of the magic swarm and then "loads"
the spells to be bound into the swarm (this effectively casts the
spells - the proper components are required, and the loaded spells fade
from memory; the magic swarm is the "target" for these spells). The
wizard then finishes the binding process by continuing the incantations
of the swarm. This entire process takes two turns plus the casting
times of the spell(s) to be bound.
When the magic swarm is actually cast, the bound spells are released
simultaneously (this has a casting time of 3). However, due the
unpredictable nature of this spell, there is a chance that some of the
bound spells may not function normally. At the time of casting, the DM
rolls 1d3; the result is the number of spells that work properly - the
remaining spells fizzle and are lost (the spells go off in the order
they were bound, so it is important to keep track of the order).
Due to the extreme exertion required to cast this spell, the following
penalties/stipulations are placed on its use:
- only one magic swarm spell may be memorised in any two day period.
- after a magic swarm is cast (actually cast, not after binding), no
further spell casting is possible for one turn (10 minutes).
- after the spell is cast, the caster temporarily loses 1d4
constitution points; if this brings the wizard's constitution score to
zero or below, a system shock roll must be made; if this roll is
failed, the wizard dies, otherwise he falls into a coma until his
constitution is restored to a positive value; it takes one hour of rest
to restore one constitution point lost in this manner.
- if the magic swarm is not cast in one hour per level of the caster,
the caster must make a saving throw vs. spell; if this save fails, the
swarm will discharge will full effect, centered on the caster (1d3 is
still rolled to determine how many spells actually go off and how many
fizzle); if the save is successful, the magic swarm simply fades from
memory and is lost (along with all bound spells).
The material component for this spell is a bag of holding (which
effectively "holds" the spells in the bound state). When the spell is
cast, the bag is destroyed unless the caster makes a successful saving
throw vs. spell at -2.
Mental Library (Alteration)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: See below
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the Mental Ledger spell in that it enables the
caster to record information in some unused portion of the casters
brain and then gives the caster the ability to read the information at
a later date as if they were reading it in their own hands.
This spell actually will allow the caster to hold as many spells as he
knows and any that the caster might learn in the future. In fact, any
spells that are stored in the casters brain through the use of the
spell will remain there essentially forever available for recall when
This spell also allows the caster to record information other than
spells in this "storage area". The caster can store the entire contents
of any book that he reads and can access the book at any time in the
future just like the spell Mental Note.
Too add more information after the spell is cast requires that the
caster cast the spell again at the time that they wish to add more
The material components for this spell the first time it is cast is a
specially prepared lead crystal which has been enchanted to absorb
magical energies. The value of this item is no less than 50000 GP. To
add more information in subsequent castings, the caster would require a
pure lead crystal of 5000 GP (as in the mental ledger spell).
This spell is highly useful for mages on the go who want all their
spells and library without having to carry it around for themselves.
The casting time depends on what is being stored. It takes one hour per
spell level per spell memorised, and it takes the time it takes the
caster to read a book to store a book (the caster is allowed to take
short breaks and sleep if there is a large amount of information being
Mezzalldam's Choking Fist (Evocation)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 3 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a disembodied hand similar to those of Bigby's
Hand spells, except it is much smaller (about the size of an ogre's
hand). It will attack as directed by the caster (no concentration is
required to do so - the wizard simply chooses the target). The hand
does not automatically hit, but will attack using the caster's THAC0,
with a +2 "to hit" bonus.
If a hit is scored, the fist closes tightly around the victim's throat;
it will continue squeezing until the target is dead, or until the hold
is broken. Once per round, the fist's lock may be broken by making a
successful bend bars roll (the victim has a 10% penalty applied to this
roll); only one person may do this each round, due to the small size of
the hand. Other party members who try to free the victim must devote
their entire attention to this for the round (i.e. no other action may
be taken, DEX bonuses to AC are lost, etc.).
Each round the victim is choked, a system shock roll must be made; each
additional round (past 1) of constriction inflicts a 5% penalty to this
roll. If this roll fails, the victim fall unconscious and if the hold
is not broken the following round, the victim dies. While a victim is
being choked he may perform no other actions (other than breaking the
fist's hold) - all the target's efforts are required to fight the
effects of the constriction. The fist will continue attacking until it
is destroyed/dispelled, or until the spells' duration expires; the
caster can also end the spell with a single word.
The fist may be destroyed by direct attack; it has an armour class of
-2 and as many hit points as the caster at full health. The fist will
also break its hold on a victim every time it loses half its remaining
hit points. Note however, that attacking the fist while it is choking
a victim is dangerous; if an attack on the fist fails to hit, another
normal attack must be immediately rolled against the victim, inflicting
any damage normally. If the fist's hold is released or broken, it may
be attacked without fear of hitting companions. If the fist is not
choking a victim, it may be attacked by anyone who beats the wizard's
initiative roll (or by anyone, if the fist fails to score a hit that
The material components for this spell are a bit of bone and skin from
any constricting snake; these components are consumed when the spell is
Mezzalldam's Lightning Swarm (Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 5' wide, 5' per level long ray
Saving Throw: 1/2
When this spell is cast, a 5' wide, electrically-charged, blue ray
shoots from the caster's finger, and strikes as directed up to
distances of 10 yards per level of the caster. The ray travels in a
straight line and is blocked by most obstacles; however, it will burn
through thin, flammable material such as cloth and straw.
When the ray reaches its terminal point, as chosen by the caster (or
when it strikes a blocking obstacle) it will erupt into a lightning
swarm. This swarm appears as a glowing, blue sphere with dozens of
small lightning bolts flashing in all directions. The radius of the
swarm is 5 feet per level of the caster.
Anyone caught inside the swarm suffers 10d6 points of damage; a
successful save vs. spell reduces this damage by half (victims wearing
metal armour suffer a -2 penalty to their saving throw). Those who fail
their save must make saves vs. lightning for all their objects; items
that fail their save are destroyed.
If the caster desires, the swarm may be continued for a second round.
If full concentration is maintained, the caster may move the swarm 10
feet per level of the caster; if the caster's concentration is broken,
the swarm stays where it is. Anyone that comes into contact with the
swarm during the second round suffers 5d6 points of damage. Those who
successfully saved on the first round automatically save on the second
round as well.
The material component for this spell is the heart of a blue dragon,
which is consumed when the spell is cast. Evil spellcasters have
discovered that the heart of a bronze dragon will also work as a
material component for this spell.
Mystyk's Mystical Missile (Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards + 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes a sparking, blue ray to shoot from the caster's hand;
the ray will strike any creature as chosen by the caster. When the ray
strikes the target, it will evolve into a vortex of electricity that
surrounds the victim. The target must make a saving throw vs. spell at
-4; if this save succeeds, the spell ends with no effect. If the save
fails, the victim suffers damage equal to 1d8 + 1 per level of the
caster, and the spell continues. Each round, a new save must be made,
with a cumulative +1 bonus (i.e. -3 on the second round, -2 on the
third, etc.); the spell ends if a save is successful, otherwise the
victim is again subject to a damage roll. The target must devote his or
her entire effort on escaping the vortex; if any other action is
performed that round, the save automatically fails and damage is
inflicted normally. If the victim is rendered unconscious by the
vortex, saves automatically fail (although the bonus still accumulates)
until the target regains consciousness.
If a victim is killed by this spell, the vortex will immediately attack
the nearest enemy of the caster; if none exist (within spell range of
the caster), the spell ends. The vortex moves at a rate of 24, and the
new target is attacked normally; the penalty or bonus to the save
resumes at the point it left off when the previous target was killed.
For example, if the initial target was killed during the fifth round,
the new victim's save begins with a +1 bonus. Any number of targets may
be attacked by this spell, as long as the saves are unsuccessful, and a
potential target is within range; otherwise, the spell ends.
The material components for this spell are the heart and scales of a
blue dragon, and any gem worth at least 500 GP. All components are
consumed when the spell is cast.
Nuke (Evocation)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3 hours
Area of Effect: 100-yard per level radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
Creates a thermonuclear explosion of 2 kilotons power per level of
caster. Range is zero so unless used with one of the Carrier spells
this is a suicide weapon.
Power Word, Vapourisation (Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 1" per level high cube
Saving Throw: None
When this symbol is cast, it will cause a large volume of inorganic
material to simply vanish and cease to exist as if it had never been.
This effect is instantaneous, and remains permanent. Only a wish can
bring the lost matter back into existence. The volume that is destroyed
cab be in any shape the caster desires up the maximum volume effected.
If any of the inorganic material is somehow magical, then assign it a
value of 1 to 6, using the guidelines from the magic user spell detect
magic where artifacts are assigned a value of 6. This is the basic
saving throw number that must be rolled, or rolled under, using a d20
in order for the object to save and not be disintegrated.
If a magic item has powers or bonuses which could protect it from
disintegration then they must be taking into account for the items
saving throw. An intelligent item cannot be effected by the spell, as
it does not count as an inanimate object. A ring of spell turning would
not be able to turn the spell, but the roll is made anyway and if the
turning is successful, then the ring would get the bonus or be saved
completely. A ring of protection would get it's saving throw bonus,
while a device of protection from disintegration would always save.
The material components of this spell is a pinch of dust from the
coffin of a mummy.
Sarius' Endosmotic Zone of Magic (Alteration)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day per level
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This powerful spell was researched by Sarius Mendlekine, Lord of
Telnorne. It is actually used to create a magical rod (3' long and 1"
in diameter) that projects a continual zone of increased magical
potential in a spherical area of effect equal to a radius of 1" per
level, extended outward from the rod in all directions. This spherical
zone makes magic function at its utmost effectiveness, normally. But,
it can be used to travel to planes with reduced magical factor ratings
(MF) while keeping a MF rating of 0 within the area of effect. On
planes with an increased MF the spell simply allows all spells of
9th-level or less to work optimally. The zone will permeate any area
which is not totally enclosed in a lead casing or protected by an
anti-magic shell which withstands the dweomer. All anti-magic shells
or effects that come within the zone react as though a dispel magic is
cast upon them each and every round. Every round the two areas
interact the anti-magic zones have a chance of dispelling as though a
mage of four levels higher than the caster were trying to "Dispel
Magic" against them. On planes with a negative MF rating, everything
within the area of effect operates as though the MF rating were 0. So,
someone with a ring of flying would fly within the zone, but exiting it
would cause them to drop like a rock! On a negative MF rating plane
anti-magic shells are dispelled at the normal level of mastery or the
spell-caster and all spells cast by any class of characters, whether
native to the plane or not, operate at a normal MF rating of 0.
The spell's duration (from activation of the rod) is equal to a base 1
day per level in a Prime Material plane with a MF rating of 0. On
negative MF rating planes, the duration is calculate as the total
number of whole days left for the rod to operate divided by the result
of the MF rating multiplied by -1. For example, a 20th-level mage
activates the rod and hurriedly enters a gateway to an alternate Prime
Material plane with a MF rating of -5 (since the spell must be
initially cast on a plane with a MF rating of 0 or better). The
duration would be determined thus: 20 days/(-5 x -1) = 4 days. But, if
the mage had operated the rod (for more than 1 turn) before entering
the gateway it would have lost a days duration and be calculated as:
19/(-5 x -1) = 3.8 days, or 91.2 hours, or 547.2 turns, or 5,472
rounds. If the wielder had travelled to a plane with a MF rating
greater than 0 the spell's duration would be calculated as the base
duration multiplied by the MF rating of the plane. Whenever the rod
changes alternate Prime Material planes (even if they both contain the
same MF rating) its duration is recalculate with the current remaining
days of operation left used as the base for determining the duration of
the spell (disregard any remaining duration that does not equal a day
or more in length). If the rod travels from a positive MF rating plane
to a negative MF rating plane the rod is totally disrupted in the
transferral as though the spell had ended, and vice versa. Dispelling
magics will only affect the rod for one single round unless they are
cast by a Demi-Power, Lesser Power, or Greater Power, in which case the
a successful "dispel magic" will cause the device to become disrupted
as described below.
The rod is the only material component of this spell. It is made from
the purest mithril and rune inscribing agents (costing at least 7,000
GP). Then, 9 deep blue amethysts (1000 GP each) are inset to the side
of the rod among the various runes of power, and a large sapphire
(1,000 GP) is affixed to the top. Once the rod has been fashioned (2
months creation time minus 1 day per level of mage working on the
inscribing of the runes down to a minimum of 1 month) this spell can be
cast upon it, empowering the rod with enormous magical potential. From
this point, the rod remains dormant until its power is activated by
speaking the proper command word and willing the rod to function.
Until the rod is activated the casting mage loses a single 9th-level
spell casting slot because of the bond that he has established with the
rod's dormant power. While this spell could be inscribed onto a scroll
it would still require the rod as a material component and the mage who
inscribed the spell would not regain the spell slot until the potential
of the scroll was released through copying it into a spellbook or
casting it onto the rod and activating the rod. (Note: An apprentice
may be used to inscribe the runes upon the rod freeing the learned
master to further research).
Although almost any sentient creature may utilise the rod, in the hands
of the original spell-caster it will convey a personal magic resistance
equal to his level of experience (and cumulative to any other magic
resistance he may be employing). On any Prime Material plane the rod
will also act as a Rod of Striking, conveying a +3 magical to hit bonus
and striking for 3d6+3 points of damage per round. The rod may only
strike once in any melee round no matter if the creature wielding it is
capable of multiple attacks with weapons. During the last turn of the
spell's duration the rod will begin to hum extremely loud (hearable in
a 1/2 mile radius. During the last round of the spell's duration the
rod will glow with extremely powerful magical electricity, causing 1d20
hit points of damage to all that touch it, per segment of contact. In
the last round is will flash with a bright light (causing all in the
zone to save vs. rods or be blinded for 1d20 rounds) and then cease to
function. This last burst of energy transmutes the mithril rod into
pure lead, causes the runes to dissolve, and disintegrates the 10 gems
into a useless powder.
Sillvatar's Dragon Breath (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10' per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell conjures a dragon head similar to that created by
Sillvatar's Dragon Bite; however, instead of bite damage, the caster
may direct the head to make a single, instantaneous breath attack. The
dimensions and composition of this breath attack are as per the dragon
the material component is from. The damage inflicted by this attack is
equal to an attack from the appropriate dragon of age category 1-6
(determine age randomly). For example, if a red dragon is the source of
the material component for this spell, and a 4 is rolled for the age
category, the breath attack takes the shape of a 90'x5'x30' cone of
fire, and inflicts 8d10 points of damage. All victims must save vs.
the worst of spell or breath weapon to receive only half damage;
possessions are treated as if they had been hit by the actual
corresponding breath weapon (if the victim's save was successful,
possessions are not affected).
The material component for this spell is the heart from any type of
dragon; this component is consumed when the spell is cast.
Sillvatar's Superior Summoning (Conjuration/Summoning) Reversible
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2 turns (casting time of 5 to trigger summons)
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
The caster of this spell is able to summon to his aid one or more
prechosen individuals; the creatures to be summoned must be chosen at
the time the spell is cast and must be willing to receive the summons.
The total number of levels or hit dice of the individuals summoned must
be equal to, or less than the level of the caster.
When the spell is initially cast, the wizard must follow a set
procedure for each person or creature summoned: first the individual
must be marked with a Wizard's Mark spell; this must then be made
permanent through the casting of a Permanency spell (to prevent the
mark from wearing off). Finally, the Superior Summoning is cast; this
entire process takes two turns, plus the casting times of the other two
spells. Each recipient must be marked by a separate Wizard's Mark, but
a single casting of the Permanency spell, as well as the Superior
Summoning will suffice. These marks will be visible only to the caster
and the recipient (although a True Seeing spell or similar magic will
reveal them) and will remain until dispelled or the spell is
When the wizard wishes to trigger the spell, the final incantations are
uttered along with the names of each of the recipients (this has a
casting time of 5). The summoned individuals will appear anywhere
withing 100' of the caster, as desired. The individuals to be summoned
must be on the same plane as the caster when the spell is cast
(triggered) or they cannot answer the summons.
The reverse of this spell, Sillvatar's Superior Sending, will send the
marked individuals to a pre-chosen location (a separate location may be
chosen for each recipient). The result is similar to a Teleport without
Error spell, but with a separate location for each recipient. The same
procedure must be followed as for the Superior Summoning, and since the
Wizard's Mark disappears when the individual is summoned, multiple
castings of this spell, as well as the Wizard's Mark and Permanency,
are required to send summoned creatures back to where they came from.
The material component for this spell is a diamond worth at least 500
GP for each individual to be summoned. These diamonds are powdered
and sprinkled on the Wizard's Mark (this fulfills the component
requirements for the Wizard's Mark spell as well).
Sphere of Annihilation (Evocation)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 4"
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 12 hours
Area of Effect: 2' diameter sphere
Saving Throw: None
This ancient and arcane spell was first found in the Libram of Tel'
Aknus the Mad. It is used to create a sphere of annihilation. The
mage must prepare a special magical device, which costs 15,000 GP to
construct, to house the energies required to bring the sphere into
existence. The construct is made of the rarest or ores, adamantite,
and requires a full year of work by a master smith to fashion. A
Master Alchemist must then fuse ten vials of Essence of Platinum, ten
vials of Essence of Gold, and ten vials of Essence of Silver, in this
order, into the construct (which looks something like a giant spider
when finished). This will take two weeks per vial and the chance of
success is equal to the alchemist's chance of creating said essences
(checked for each vial fused to the structure) and any failure means
that the entire structure has been transmuted in the metal of the
current essence which is being fused into the construct.
Then the casting procedure can take place. It consists of a highly
ritual ceremony requiring a black pearl of at least 1' in diameter
being placed inside a magic circle and then calling forth the various
magics of the planes to instill the pearl with anti-planar power of a
sphere of annihilation. The spell then temporarily doubles the current
hit points of the casting mage as it starts. Every hour of casting
time instills the pearl with more and more power. At the end of every
hour's casting the mage must roll a successful saving throw vs. magic
which is unadjusted by any means other than his current level of
mastery. If successful, the casting continues for the next hour. If
unsuccessful, the mage takes 1d20 points of damage for an unsuccessful
hour of casting and the casting time is extended for anther hour. The
spell will only be successful if 12 hours of continual casting is
completed. Remember that if the spell is successful the mage must
still attempt to bring the sphere under his control. This spell in no
way gives any special bonuses for control attempts.
If the mage is reduced to zero hit points the pearl disappears (in a
harmless, but spectacular flash of light) and his strength and
constitution are reduced to 1 and he is thrown into a coma, losing
knowledge of all spells currently memorised. These statistics and
normal hit points are regained at a rate of 1 point per day or total
rest unless some form of magic is used to increase healing. Until the
mage reaches half of his original constitution score he is extremely
susceptible to diseases and will take 4x the amount of damage a disease
would normally inflict. When half of his original strength is restored
he may save vs. spells each day to see if he comes out of the coma.
Failure means that he remains in the coma. Once the mage comes out of
a coma he will be in a ravenous state and will not be able to regain
spells again till he has eaten and rested for as many days as he was in
the coma. Success or failure notwithstanding, this spell will always
destroy the construct and the pearl used as the material components.
If the spell is successful, the construct and pearl are sucked into the
sphere, and if unsuccessful, the construct crumbles into a useless
crystal substance and the pearl disappears as mentioned above.
If the spell-caster is physically touched during the casting of this
spell by anything, including the power of another magic, and sustains
damage which subtracts from his hit points or any ability score or
level, the pearl will explode in a force of magic dealing out damage
equal to 1d20 per hour of casting time that has passed (rounded down)
in a radius equal to 1" per hour of casting time that has successfully
passed (again, rounded down and a unmodified saving throw vs. spells
will allow anyone in the area of effect to save for half damage).
Also, when this happens the extra hit points disappear (if they are
still present) and the mage takes damage from his normal remaining hit
points. Death by this explosion means that the body has been
disintegrated, ruling out "raise dead" or "resurrection" spells for
bringing the victim back to life.
Symmetry (Evocation)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3 hours
Area of Effect: 10-mile radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
Composed of 2 level 9 spells which have to be cast simultaneously.
Creates within a 10-mile radius a condition in which the symmetry
between the physical interactions which prevailed at the time of the
Big Bang is restored. Everything within the 10-mile radius is
instantaneously gone regardless of magic resistance, god or artifact
status etc. Everything for a couple of hundred miles around gets
burned, vapourised, melted etc. Note that like Nuke this has a range of
zero, so use of Long-Range Carrier is advised.
Telnorne Force Layer (Evocation)
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 1"
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: One 10'x 10' area
Saving Throw: None
The source of this highly improved version of the "Wall of Force" spell
is the Telnorne Mageocrat. It is used to create a barrier which cannot
be penetrated by any known spells or forces in the multi-universe,
including major powers, avatars, devils, or demon princes.
The casting time of 1 hour is standard, but the mage must also spend a
hour in contemplation, reviewing diagrams and/or charts of the area or
object to which the force layer is to be attached when memorising the
spell. A force layer may cover an area of up to 10'x 10', and must be
attached to a localised gravity: either an object, a structure, or an
area. Once cast, only spells of wish-like power may affect the force
A "Limited Wish" will effect the force layer as a 1/2 strength "Dispel
Magic", an "Alter Reality" will effect the force layer as a 3/4
strength "Dispel Magic", and a "Wish" will effect the force layer as a
full strength "Dispel Magic". The force layer may be attached to
moving objects, but only those which are of one piece and move in
conjunction to something else. For example, a chest (with hinges)
could be covered, but the chest would still need to have a break within
the spell effect, so only the top or the bottom of the chest would be
affected. Placing the spell on a wagon would effectively make the
wagon indestructible, but the wagon would never again roll since the
wheels are now locked in place. But, if the wheels alone (and possibly
the axle if the mage was inventive) were protected the wagon would
still roll. Of course, after the wheels eventually rotted away in a
few years the spell area would still be in effect and invisible wheels
would still roll.
When this spell is cast on the Prime Material plane the area of effect
extends into the astral and ethereal planes, although the force layer
will still be invisible. Nothing will stick to the force layer except
for another force layer which is attached to a previously cast one.
Paint, dust, and powders will simply roll off its surface. Only Dust
of Appearance will stick to the force layer, and then only for 1d10
Uldark's Ultimate Summoning (Conjuration/Summoning) Reversible
Level: 9
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell is Uldark's response to his friend Sillvatar's spell,
Superior Summoning [q.v.]; it is not as powerful (in terms of levels)
as Sillvatar's spell, but is more versatile, and requires less
preparation time. This spell allows the caster to summon any creature
of the wizard's choice; only one such creature may be summoned per
casting of this spell, and the summoned creature's hit dice may be no
more than two-thirds the caster's level (drop fractions). A certain
species of creature may be specified in the summoning (or in the case
of an adventurer, class and level), but a specific individual may not
be called; for example, the caster may summon a 12th level Paladin, but
may not summon a specific paladin by name.
The summoned creature appears anywhere within the spell's range as
directed by the caster. If a good caster summons an evil creature (or
if an evil one summons a good creature) both the creature and the
caster must roll a save vs. spell. If the caster succeeds and the
creature fails, the spell proceeds normally; if the caster fails and
the creature succeeds, the creature will attack the caster immediately;
if both fail, the creature ignores the caster (the caster may still
attempt to gain control of the summoned creature via some other
Of course since Sillvatar's spell is reversible, Uldark felt his should
be as well. The reverse of this spell, Uldark's Ultimate Banishment,
sends the previously-summoned creature back to its place of origin.
This will only work on a creature who was previously summoned by this
spell. If the creature fails a save vs. spell at -4, it is immediately
sent back to where it came from.
The material component for this is a ruby, diamond, or emerald worth at
least 800 GP. The gem is consumed with the casting of the spell.