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Caligula's Vitality Drain (Alteration)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This terrible spell allows the caster to drain the youth from a victim,
revitalising himself, at the expense of aging the victim. Hardly a
spell used by good aligned mages.
The caster first prepares the spell, by casting the eight phase portion
of it. He then has his level in rounds to make contact with the victim,
and begin draining. To drain the youth of the victim, the caster must
be in continuous contact with the flesh of the victim during the
draining process. The act of being drained is extremely painful to the
victim, and is sufficient to awaken sleeping victims, and allow charmed
victims a new saving throw. Even if the victim is conscious, however,
the draining will continue. The victim must break flesh contact with
the mage to break the spell.
The caster is able to drain a decade for every four levels he
possesses, i.e. 20 years at fifth, 30 at ninth, 40 at 13th, etc. Each
year takes a segment to drain, a decade drained per round. If the spell
is broken during casting, the caster will still have drained a number
of years dependent on time of casting (e.g. contact broken after 2
rounds, 20 years drained). Due to the imperfect nature of the spell,
however, the caster only reduces in age by a year for every three
drained from the victim.
Both caster and victim will be affected by the change in age. The
victim will only suffer the disadvantages of aging (STR and CON loss),
whereas the caster will only experience the benefits (STR and CON
gain). After the spell, the victim will have visibly aged, with greying
hair, and lined, shaggy skin. The caster will appear envigourated,
with grey disappearing from his hair, and the obvious return of muscle
tone. The victim must save vs. paralyse, or pass out for 1d4 turns, if
he is drained more than 20 years. The caster will experience a
temporary d4 increase in STR (not including that gained from becoming
younger), which will fade by 1 point a turn. The caster will also feel
as if inebriated, an affect which persists for d6 rounds.
This spell is only effective on humans. Long lived races, such as elves
and dwarves, as well as humanoid races, are immune from the spell, and
the caster must save vs. paralysation, or be knocked unconscious if
attempting to drain a member of these races.
Finally, there is no known cure for this spell, save Wish. The material
component of this spell is a scrap of flesh from a vampire, which must
be consumed by the caster.
Fellstar's Flame Jet (Evocation)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per 5 levels (4 rounds maximum)
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
When this spell is cast, a jet of flames shoots forth from the caster's
hand; this jet is 5' wide and has a length of up to 10 yards per level
of the caster (the caster may vary the length from 1 foot up to the
maximum range). The jet travels in a straight line and is blocked by
normal obstacles (i.e. stone, metal, etc.). If the jet is blocked, it
will it will not rebound, but may flow around the barrier if it is
small enough (less than 5 feet across).
Anyone struck by the jet suffers 1d10 points of damage per two levels
of the caster (up to a maximum of 10d10). A successful save vs. spell
reduces the damage by one half. If this save fails, all possessions
must save vs. magical fire or be consumed.
The flames from this spell will melt ice and ignite wood on contact;
they are able to melt a hole in a all of Ice in a single round (though
they will not destroy it), and can bring down a Wall of Fog instantly;
other wall spells are not affected by this spell.
The jet will remain in effect for one round for every 5 levels of the
caster, up to a maximum of 4 rounds. A single creature must be chosen
as the target for the jet (but others may be struck if they are in the
path of the flames) and a new target may be selected each round the
spell is in effect.
If the caster chooses, two jets (one from each hand) may be employed
instead of one; if this is the case, range and damage are halved (in
some cases, one jet will do one more die of damage than the other). A
separate target may be chosen for each of these jets each round they
are in effect.
At the beginning of each round the spell is in effect, the caster may
split a single jet in two, or may combine two jets into a single one.
The material components for this spell are a powdered ruby and a
powdered fire opal which must be worth a least 500 GP together. The
powdered gems are mixed together in the hand(s) of the caster at the
time of the casting; all material components are consumed with the
Jamye's Spell Reversal (Alteration)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level, minus 10 rounds
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Special
This spell affects the saving throws vs. spell of the subject in much
the same way that the fifth level spell Jamye's Armour Reversal (q.v.)
affects attack rolls, i.e. saving throw results that would normally
indicate success will fail, and results that would normally fail will
succeed. For example, a 19th-level mage normally needs a 6 or greater
to save vs. a spell. If he is affected by a Spell Reversal spell, he
will need a 5 or less (i.e. a failure under normal circumstances) to
save vs. a spell. Protection devices, Wisdom bonuses, etc. all work to
the benefit of the subject, i.e. if the above mage had a Ring of
Protection +3 and a Wisdom of 16 (+2 magical defense), he would need an
8 or less to save vs. most spells (5 normally, +3 for the Ring) and a
10 or less to save vs. spells that would give him his Wisdom bonus.
Likewise, penalties to saving throws still work to the detriment of the
subject. If the subject is willing, there is no saving throw;
otherwise, a normal save vs. spell (obviously, this is made before the
spell takes effect) will negate it.
There are certain special cases that apply to this spell. It is not
affected by Spell Turning. The only thing that can dispel it is
another Spell Reversal cast at the subject, who must make a save while
under the influence of the original Spell Reversal. If the subject is
under the influence of another spell that grants invulnerability to
certain spells (Shield vs. Magic Missile, for instance, or any type of
Globe of Invulnerability, but *not* Anti-Magic Shell), the subject
takes full, maximum damage from that spell with no saving throw. For
instance, a mage has both Shield and Spell Reversal cast upon him. If
he is targeted for Magic Missiles during the time both spells are
functioning, he will take 5 points of damage - the maximum possible -
from *each* Missile that hits him.
The material components for this spell are a piece of amber worth no
less than 300 GP, and a doughnut made less than 24 hours previously.
Life Leech (Necromancy) Reversible
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Negates
This spell allows the death master to steal 2d6 years from a victim and
add them to his own life. The victim must be human and of a level equal
to or greater than that of the caster. If the victim is of lower level,
the number of years transferred is multiplied by the victim's level and
divided by the necromancer's. Since the victim must be in the center of
a pentagram at the completion of the casting, it is useful to have him
held or immobilised in some way. The reverse spell works in the same
fashion, except that the caster ages 2d6 years while the recipient
becomes younger, and the recipient must be willing. In either case, the
material components are a black candle, a white candle, a drop of blood
from both parties, and a specially prepared glass screen.
Long-Range Carrier (Alteration)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 100 miles per level
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Long-Range Carrier is like the 5-Mile Carrier but the range is 100
miles per level of caster.
Lorth's Sending (Alteration)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: One creature per 2 levels
Saving Throw: Negates
The Sending spell was created by Lorth the Traveller as a more
versatile form of the Teleport spell. When the spell is cast, one
creature for every two levels of the mage (rounded down) is Sent to a
place defined by the caster as for a Teleport spell (the caster must
have a mental image of the place). The creatures must be touching the
mage, but "chains" are possible. The mage does not have to accompany
them, but he may if he so desires. There is no chance of error for
this spell.
If any of the creatures "sent" is harmed within 5 minutes of arrival,
all of them will be bounced back to the place from which they were Sent
(whether they want to go or not). Any damage incurred during those five
minutes, to themselves or their equipment, is erased. Note that this
does not allow the spell to be used as a quick and easy messenger
spell; anything dropped during the five minute grace period is returned
with its owner. This can be used as a fail-safe teleport. After the
five minute period elapses, the spell expires and the "protected"
individuals are on their own. The Sending will not work across planar
boundaries. Unwilling creatures receive a saving throw vs. magic to
resist this spell.
Major Globe of Invulnerability (Abjuration)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1" diameter sphere
Saving Throw: None
This spell is the same as the fourth level Minor Globe of
Invulnerability (q.v.), except with regards to casting time. This spell
prevents the function of first to fifth level spells passing through
and affecting the mage within the sphere, while allowing the mage to
cast spells through it.
Mystyk's Halflife (Necromancy)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 5 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
When this spell is cast, a crackling, black bolt shoots from the
caster's palm towards its victim. The caster must make a successful "to
hit" roll (with a +2 bonus) in order to hit the target; if this roll
misses, use the grenade scatter diagram to determine if anyone else is
hit by the bolt. If anyone is in the area of the miss, a normal "to
hit" roll (with no bonus) is used to determine if the stray bolt hits
Anyone who is hit by the bolt must make a saving throw vs. spell; if
this roll is successful, the spell has no effect and the bolt
dissipates. If the save fails, the victim immediately loses half of his
current hit points (round fractions down), and is rendered unconscious
by the shock. These lost hit points may be regained through normal
The material component for this spell is an onyx gem worth at least 500
GP. The gem is held in the hand of the caster, and is consumed when
the spell is cast.
Mystyk's Major Backlash (Abjuration, Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell is identical to Mystyk's Improved Backlash except for the
following: when the caster is hit in melee, any damage suffered is
halved; in addition, if the caster makes a successful save vs. rods,
the attack inflicts no damage at all. Also, the energy bursts inflict
10d6 points of damage on any attacker; a successful save vs. spell
reduces this damage by half.
The material component for this spell is the same as that for Mystyk's
Backlash except the gem must be worth at least 800 GP.
Mystyk's Plane Survival (Abjuration, Alteration)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day per level
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: One creature per 5 levels
Saving Throw: None
This spell provides the caster with a means of surviving on a hostile
plane of existence. In order for this spell to work, the wizard must
have access to a library or other source of information on the plane in
question. This information must then be studied for an extended length
of time; this period is equal to: 24 weeks - 1 week per level of the
caster (to a minimum of one week). After this time has passed, the
wizard is ready to cast the spell.
Each time this spell is cast for use on a new plane, the normal study
time is required. If cast for use on a previously studied plane, and
less than a week has passed since the last casting with respect to that
plane, no additional studying is necessary as the information is still
fresh in the wizard's mind; however, if more than a week has elapsed
since the previous casting, a day of "brushing up" is required.
If the wizard is a sage with expertise in the plane in question, normal
research times are required (see section on sages in the DMG) the first
time this spell is cast for use on that plane. If cast again within two
weeks, no additional time for studying is needed; if cast more than two
weeks later, only 12 hours of brushing up is necessary. These times
also apply if the wizard is obtaining this information from another
Using the information gained from his studies, the caster prepares the
Plane Survival spell. After one hour has passed, the spell is complete;
at this time, the DM (secretly) rolls percentile dice; a result of 5 or
lower indicates the wizard has used erroneous information in the
casting of the spell which will reduce the protection afforded by the
spell, and may even cause it to fail altogether (the exact effects
depend on the source of information and other factors, and it is left
to the DM to decide the exact results). If some or all of the planar
information was obtained by a sage who misdirected the wizard, the
percentile roll has a -25% penalty applied to it. Even if correct
information is obtained from a sage, a -5% penalty applies, since the
wizard is using secondhand information. In any case, if the roll
results in a 1, the spell fails altogether (although the caster will
not know this until attempting to make use of the spell's protection).
If the spell was successfully cast, it will grant the caster (along
with others, if the caster's level is high enough) protection from the
hostile environment of the studied plane of existence. The recipients
may move about in the plane as if they were in the prime material
plane; conditions that would make it hazardous or impossible to exist
in the plane are negated by this spell. Spells have a chance of having
normal affects while under the influence of the Plane Survival spell:
when a spell is cast, if the caster makes a successful save vs.
paralysation, his spell will have normal affects (as if it were cast on
the prime material plane) instead of the affects it usually has on that
If the recipients are still on the plane when this spell expires,
normal characteristics for that plane go into effect immediately. Note
that this spell provides no way of moving from one plane to another; it
only provides a means of survival once a plane is reached. The caster
may have more than one of these spells in affect at a time, as long as
the appropriate amount of time has been spent studying each plane.
The material components for this spell are a diamond worth at least
1000 GP and a specimen of a substance related to the plane in
question (i.e some fire for the plane of fire, darkness for the
negative material plane, etc.). Alternately, something symbolising the
plane may be used (i.e. a balance for the plane of concordant
opposition). All material components are consumed when the spell is
Power Link (Necromancy)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 10
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Negates
This spell creates a link between the caster and the victim through
which magical energy can flow. Thus the wizard can cast spells centered
on the recipient, as if he were a projected image. Also, the wizard can
route malevolent spell side-effects, such as magical aging, to the
victim. The material components of the spell are a chip of jet, an
herbal tea of spearmint and devil's dung, and a wooden disc. The
recipient must be an intelligent, living native of the wizard's home
Sarius' Ethereal Gateway (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 2" per level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows a mage to create a 10' x 10' x 1" invisible magical
gateway which will provide access to the ethereal plane of existence,
or alternatively, provide a gateway from the ethereal plane to a
connecting plane of existence. The duration of this gateway is a base
24 hours. It must be cast in an area of gaseous or waterous makeup
(i.e., not in the earth or in solid rock), although, it may be cast so
as to lay on the floor (giving a chance of creatures falling into it)
or against a wall or portal. For every two levels above 16th a mage
gains the ability to create an additional 10' x 10' area (two if a
Conjurer specialist) which must either be used to increase the surface
area of the gateway or increase the power of the original 10' x 10'
area by infusing the two gateways together. The effects of increasing
the power level of a gateway are listed in the table below.
If a gateway is larger than 10' x 10' then all of its surface area
blocks must be increased to the same level of power to allow the
gateway the next higher power rating. For example, a 26th level mage
creates a gateway with dimensions of 30' x 10' and has three slots
left, so he will be able to double the surface area power rating to 2
if he so chooses. But, if he were to use one of the remaining slots to
make an add an additional 10' x 10' block to the surface are he would
have no chance of raising the power rating of the gateway to 2. Note
that if a gateway is too small for a creature to fit through it will
not be able to totally go through the portal, though, it will be able
to poke part of its body through and exist simultaneously on both
Rating Duration Comments (Cumulative Effects)
------ ----------- -----------------------------------
1 1 day Visible on the exit side
2 10 days Invisible on exit side
3 100 days Allows magic items to keep powers *
4 1,000 days 10% more resistant to Dispel Magic
5 10,000 days 20% more resistant to Dispel Magic
6 Permanent 30% more resistant to Dispel Magic
7 Permanent 40% more resistant to Dispel Magic
8 Permanent (each power slot adds another 10%)
* Usually magical swords and similar items lose a plus for plane
Each additional power slot beyond a rating of 3 adds a 10% extra
percentage that this spell will resist a Dispel Magic. For game
purposes, this is added onto the dispeller's percentage as a penalty.
Casting time is one turn for the initial gateway area and is doubled
every time another 10' x 10' block is added onto the area (i.e., 2
turns for 2 10' x 10' blocks or slots, 4 turns for 3 10' x 10' blocks
or slots, 8 turns for 4 10' x 10' blocks or slots, etc.). Therefore,
casting a gateway that uses 6 slots would take a total of 32 turns. If
the casting is interrupted after any slots have been created only
further creation of gateway surface areas or power slots is disrupted.
For every 6 turns the caster spends casting this spell the mage's
constitution score is reduced by one point. If the mage's constitution
reaches 0 he becomes unconscious and only a week of complete bed rest
will allow him to start regaining lost constitution. Otherwise, these
points are replaced at a rate of 1 point for every two days of complete
bed rest. The point is not taken unless a full 6 turns of casting has
expired. A Heal spell will negate the unconsciousness and raise the
mage's constitution to 1 point. A Restoration will totally negate the
effects of any lost constitution.
Gateways, once created, may not be altered by further castings of this
spell on the same area of effect. Only a successful Dispel Magic is
capable of destroying a gateway, although higher level power ratings
can make a gateway resistant to this spell. Power rating 1 gateways are
visible to creatures on the exit side of the gateway (usually the
ethereal plane) and may attract wandering monsters, though they will
most likely not be able to pass through. Anyone may pass through the
portal on the invisible entrance side, but only the mage may freely
take creatures back through the exit side by touching them as they pass
through. The mage may create magical amulets (base 500 GP value) which
will allow any creature to freely use gateways cast by him as though he
were touching them. On the ethereal plane, the caster and anyone
possessing an amulet will be able to find any portal of the caster in
5-50 hours.
Any mage familiar with this spell (i.e., either possessing the spell as
a castable spell in his spellbook, or having used a Write spell to put
the spell in his spellbook) is capable of trying to force their way
through the exit side back to the entrance side by force of will. There
is a base chance of 50% modified by plus or minus 5% for every point of
difference between the mage's current level and the level of the caster
at the time of casting, though Conjuration specialists have a base 70%
chance. There are no material components to the spell, and the magical
amulets may be created at any time the mage wishes, whether before or
after the casting of this spell. This spell will not work with the 8th
level Permanency spell.
The source of this spell is Sarius Mendlekine.
Sheath (Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: One object
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, it empowers strong magics between a creature
and an item. What the effect of this spell is to allow a creature to
store a favoured item into an extra-dimensional space and bring it
forth at will.
The object, while it is in it's space, is completely non-detectable,
by any means, except by use of a wish. It will also be perfectly safe
in the space where it is held.
During the casting of the spell, two command words and a physical
gesture must be specified. The command words are those to make leave
and enter the "storage" space. The gesture is used with the command to
bring the object back into the owners possession. For example, a
creature would make a "sword holding gesture while using the proper
command to retrieve his sword.
The material components for this spell is a 5000 GP of blue sapphire
dust which is sprinkled on a phase spider web. The web is then wrapped
around the object and the enchantments are completed.
This is a great way to carry around important equipment. Magic Users
are prone to cast this upon their spell books to always keep them
Sillvatar's Dragon Armour (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the caster will be covered by a semi-real
coating of dragon scales. The type of dragon that provided the material
component determines the protection afforded by this spell: the armour
class of the caster is equal to the appropriate dragon's armour class
at age category 1-6. For example, if the material component was
obtained from a green dragon, and a 6 is rolled for the age category,
the caster would have armour class -2 for the duration of this spell.
The material component for this spell is a small pouch of scales from
any type of dragon; this component is consumed when the spell is cast.
Stargate (Alteration)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Infinite
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 2 gates
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a gate between the caster's current location and any
location which the caster has been before. The gate can be freely
crossed in either direction and will last one hour per level of caster.
Range is not an issue (hence the name of the spell). Anyone can cross
the Stargate, as long as it is in existence.
Summon Wraiths (Conjuration/Summoning, Necromancy)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 10 foot high cube
Saving Throw: None
This spell is identical to the fifth-level spell Summon Shadow, except
that it conjures up one wraith for every three levels the death master
has attained. These monsters are under the control of the wizard until
they are slain or the spell expires.
If the wraiths are turned, they continue to serve in any capacity which
does not require them to confront the cleric who resisted them.
The material component of this spell is a piece of black jet.
Teleport Block (Abjuration)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1000 cubic feet per level
Saving Throw: Special
This spell prevents teleportation into or out of the region specified
by the caster, which may be of any shape and any size, up to 1000 cubic
feet per level of the abjurer. No character can enter or leave the
region by means of dimension door, teleport, or other-planar travel.
Teleportation within the region is not restricted, and teleport without
error has a chance of success equal to 1% per level of the caster,
though it has the same chance of failure as a regular teleport
attempted under normal conditions. A full wish will also provide
transportation across the boundary, as of course will walking, riding,
and flying.
Any attempt to teleport or dimension door across the block will
automatically fail; all memory of the spell will be lost; and the
caster must make a system shock check or be killed by the shock of the
rebound. Attempts at transplanar travel will also fail, but not in so
dramatic a fashion. The material component is a glass globe.
Teleport Warp (Alteration)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10-yard per level radius globe
Saving Throw: None
This spell causes all creatures teleporting into or out of the area of
effect to arrive in a prepared area. The area which the caster wishes
people to appear in must also be in the area of effect.
The space the caster wishes incoming teleporters to arrive at must be
open area, free from objects. It can be in the air however, causing
incomers to fall. Should a person teleporting into an area effected by
this spell be larger than the area he would be sent to, then he is
effectively blocked and would not be able to teleport at all to the
Example: Archmage Istle casts Teleport Warp on his tower. He wishes
all people who unexpectedly arrive to be placed in his dungeon cell
which is 10' x 10' x 10'. The cell is also in the area of effect, at
the bottom of his tower, which totally is under the spell. Thus a
person who teleports to his tower will arrive in a dungeon cell instead
of the wizards guest chambers. If Golstein the Chaotic decides to send
his 18 foot tall iron golem over to Istle's bed chamber, he will find
the golem still there, unmoved.
All forms of teleport magic are affected, thus Dimension door, Pattern
teleports and the like also would be warped. This is a great spell for
the mage wishing to "block" an area for outside aid coming in short of
all out planar travel.
Material component is a lodestone which must be placed in the location
the caster wishes teleporters to arrive. It is consumed upon casting.
Vandergast's Vacuous Void (Alteration)
Level: 8
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 5' per level radius sphere
Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a momentary vacuum inside the area of effect. Anyone
caught inside this area must save vs. spell to avoid the crushing
effects of the vacuum. If the save fails, the victim suffers 8d8 points
of crushing damage; all possessions must save vs. crushing blow at -4
or be destroyed. Anyone who dies outright from this spell has more than
likely (65%) been torn ass-under from the pressure differential. Note
that this may make regeneration difficult, if not impossible. If the
save is successful, the target suffers 4d8 points of damage, and
possessions are not affected.
The material components for this spell is an empty vial which is
unstoppered and broken at the time of the casting.