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Chaos Environment (Alteration)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 1" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell is exactly the same as Chaos Vision except that the
environment actually is changing uncontrollably. The ground constantly
rolls and twists, objects from the casters mind appear and disappear.
All creatures in the environment are constantly polymorphing. Note
that creatures polymorphed will need to save vs. spells each round to
keep their former identity and not take on a new one. All damage from
being crushed, attacked, and otherwise affected by the spell are real,
caused by real creatures and aberrations in the area. I usually give
1d6 of damage per round due to constantly being battered and thrown.
DM's can give whatever they like however as needed by the alteration
that caused the damage.
A person entering this environment had best carry nothing with him or
risk losing it as it turns into some form which might not be
carryable. People have to make system shock rolls every turn, for the
stresses will tear even the mightiest hero apart, given time.
The material component of this spell is a Wild Magic area, which is
consumed by the spell. The area of effect fills the area previously
formed by the Wild Magic area.
The one Chaos Environment in my campaign was formed to protect an
artifact that caused as much harm as good. A lesser magic item would
have eventually been destroyed by the constant polymorphing and
impacts. All objects will revert to their original form if they can
get out of the area of effect.
Create Mummy (Necromancy)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 4 hours
Area of Effect: One corpse
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates one mummy from the corpse of a human of at least
seventh level fighting ability. The mummy follows orders to the limit
of its low intelligence, but it must remain within one mile of its
place of origin, so it is primarily useful only as a guardian. The
corpse of the potential mummy must be properly embalmed with the
appropriate proficiency (q.v.).
Create Undead (Necromancy)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting time: 1 day
Area of Effect: One human corpse
Saving throw: Special (see below)
The material components of this spell are a human corpse (not older
than 3 days), myrrh (500 GP worth) and a special balm made of certain
rare herbs, personally prepared by the necromancer. Ingredients for
this balm cost 500 GP, and one uninterrupted week spent by the spell
caster. The balm only stays good for 3 days.
This spell forces back the soul of the corpse, and turns it into either
a wight, a spectre, or a wraith. The caster has a percentage chance
equal to his level x 2 of choosing which is created. Otherwise, roll on
the following table, adding the level of the caster, plus a 5 bonus if
the caster is a necromancer specialist. Also, if the corpse was a
0-level person, subtract 30 from the roll (if the adjusted roll is
below 0, the spell fails and the corpse is destroyed).
1-60 wight
61-90 wraith
91-00 spectre
The corpse gets a saving throw vs. magic, at a level equal to the
corpses level before death, with the following bonuses:
person was good + 4
person was neutral + 1
person was a not-good cleric + 2
person was a good cleric + 4
If the save is made, the corpse is destroyed and the spell fails. If
the save is failed, the undead is created. Said undead will be under
the control of the necromancer for one year, following any order that
is not obviously suicidal. At the end of the year, or upon such time as
the undead receives a suicidal order, it is freed from the
necromancer's control and gets a save vs. magic. If it fails, it must
leave and may never attack the necromancer unless attacked first. If it
succeeds, it becomes free-willed, and might attack the necromancer if
it was sufficiently mistreated.
Note that after the year is up, the undead may continue to serve the
necromancer, if it was sufficiently prosperous and receives a
sufficient bribe. This is a GM call.
A necromancer can only control 1 undead in this matter at a time. At
the end of the year, or when the undead dies or becomes uncontrolled,
the spell may be used again. Should this spell be used during the year,
it will work, but the fresh undead will immediately attack the
Finally, a created undead starts out the same alignment as the corpse
from which it came. However, due to what these creatures must feed on
(i.e. people), an unstoppable shift begins towards the undead's normal
alignment. There is a 10% chance per month (cumulative) of the
alignment decaying one step. After a switch, the chance returns to 0
and begins building again.
Deflect Magic Weapon Attacks (Abjuration)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the fifth level spell deflect normal weapon
attacks with the following exceptions: the forcefield's AC is 2 and it
has 7 hit points per level of the caster. It affects all attacks made
via a magical or non-magical melee or missile weapon. A non-magical
weapon cannot affect or penetrate the barrier in any way. If a magical
weapon strikes the barrier, the target's saving throw (to determine
penetration or deflection) has a penalty applied to it equal to the
bonus of the weapon (i.e. a +2 weapon that scores a hit on the barrier
inflicts a -2 penalty on the protected creature's save). Also, if a
magical weapon is reflected back at the attacker (when the barrier is
not hit), the weapon bonus is not applied to the reflected attack.
In addition to its other powers, this spell may affect magic missile
attacks. It does not automatically negate them as a shield spell does,
but causes the attacker to make a "to hit" roll vs. the barrier. If the
attack succeeds, the barrier automatically takes damage (the recipient
earns no save); if the attacker fails to score a hit, the magic missile
has no effect. Other spells will pass through the barrier, without
affecting it. The material component for this spell is a powdered
black sapphire which is consumed when the spell is cast.
Delayed Blast Snowball (Evocation)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10" + 1" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 2" radius sphere
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell creates a snowball (q.v.) with +1 on each of its dice of
damage. The spell will not release its burst for 1 to 50 segments
(1/10 to 5 rounds), according to the command upon casting. In other
respects, this spell is the same as the third level spell snowball [cf.
Delayed Blast Fireball]
Electrosphere (Evocation)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 1" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 1/4" per level radius sphere
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell is a more potent version of the second level spell
Shocksphere. This spell is almost identical in its effects, but the
effects are much more spectacular, and far more deadly.
When this version of Shocksphere explodes, the little Lightning Bolts
are much more powerful, being able to push or throw objects around
during the segment that the spell lasts. Therefore, not all the damage
is caused by the electricity, one quarter of the damage caused is
caused by the force of the blows of the Lightning Bolts (this means
that creatures with protection from electrical attacks will still take
damage from this spell).
If there is a creature which is the target for the spell, its saving
throw will be at -4 and it will take (2-8 + 1 per level of the caster)
damage from the lightning when the spell "explodes". All other
creatures in the area of effect will take 2-7 damage per level of the
caster in hit points if they fail a normal saving throw vs. spells. If
a creature does fail its saving throw, then all their objects must make
their saves vs. the worst of either lightning or crushing blow.
If this spell expands in an area which is smaller than its diameter, it
will conform to the volume it occupies, filling a volume of ((caster's
level * 0.25)3 * 4 * c / 3) cubic feet.
Unlike Shocksphere, this spell will do structural damage to any
man-made or natural structure in the area of effect. It will do 1 point
of structural damage to wooden constructions, half that to those of
soft stone, and only one quarter that to those of hard stone per level
of the caster.
The material components of this spell is a small chunk of flesh from a
blue dragon, or any other similarly powered creature that uses
electricity for its principal attack, and a small wand of gold (50 GP
value). Both these materials disappear after the spell is cast.
Eye of the Beholder (Evocation)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
In order to cast this spell, the wizard must have in his possession, an
eye stalk from a beholder. The stalk is pointed at the intended
victim(s), and after the incantations are complete, one of 10 possible
effects shoot forth from the eye stalk towards the target(s). The
exact result (including saving throws, range, duration, etc.) are
determined at random from among the 10 functions of a beholder's eye
stalks, as given in the Monstrous Compendium. The eleventh eye function
(anti-magic ray) is never one of the spell results.
The only material component for this spell is the eye stalk, which is
used up when the spell is cast. In order to achieve different effects,
an eye stalk from a spectator, gauth, or an eye of the deep may be
substituted for the beholder's stalk.
Fellstar's Flame Fog (Evocation)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 40' wide, 20' high, 20' deep cloud
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell creates a fog resembling that produced by a Cloudkill spell;
the cloud may be created up to 10 yards away, and moves 10 feet per
round as directed by the caster; strong winds will move the cloud in
another direction, but will not disperse it, nor will they move the
cloud back towards the caster. Thick vegetation will break up the
cloud in 3 rounds.
The fog itself is not harmful, and has no other affect besides
obscuring vision. During any round after the spell is cast, the caster
may ignite the fog with a single word. When this is done, the entire
fog cloud becomes a roaring sheet of flames inflicting 5d10 points of
damage, plus 1 point per level of the caster (up to a maximum of
5d10+20) to those caught inside. A successful save vs. spell reduces
the damage by half. Those victims who fail their saves must roll for
all their possessions vs. magical fire; those items that fail their
saves are destroyed.
If any type of fire comes into contact with the fog cloud, it ignites
immediately; if a Fireball, or similar spell, is cast into the cloud,
the damage inflicted is cumulative, and a saving throw for each effect
must be made separately.
The material components for this spell are several strands of hair from
a cloud giant, and the scales of a red dragon; all components are
consumed when the spell is cast.
Jamye's Flesh to Toast (Alteration)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
This spell turns the flesh of any creature affected into a golden-brown
piece of hot yummy toast. Only the victim is affected; anything the
victim may be wearing (or non-organic items ingested) will not be
turned into toast. The resultant toast is subject to any forces normal
toast is subject to (slicing, buttering, eating, whatever). One cubic
foot of toast will satisfy the appetites of four humans, although they
may get tired of toast way before then.
The material components of this spell are a small pat of butter or
cream cheese, and 1 foot of steel wire. The steel wire will not be
consumed in the casting.
Note that this spell is not reversible. The effects can only be
countered with a Wish or Limited Wish spell.
Jamye's Improved Armour Reversal (Abjuration)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level, minus 7 rounds
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Special
This spell is an improved version of the fifth level "Jamye's Armour
Reversal" spell. With this spell, bonuses "to hit" by the attacker are
added to the die roll (thus working against the attacker) instead of
subtracted. For example, a 10th-level fighter attacking an AC 5 mage
with Improved Armour Reversal would need a die roll of 5 or less to hit
the mage; if the fighter had a Strength of 17 (+1 "to hit") and a +2
weapon, she would now need a die roll of 2 or less (5 minus 1, minus 2)
to hit the mage.
This spell also affects missile weapons in the same way it affects
melee weapons, unlike the fifth level spell. Also, whereas Armour
Reversal can be dispelled by a subsequent casting of Improved Armour
Reversal on the same subject, Improved Armour Reversal cannot be so
dispelled by the weaker spell. If Armour Reversal is cast upon the
subject of a previous Improved Armour Reversal spell, the Armour
Reversal spell is wasted and has no effect.
The spell components for this spell are a small magnet, a piece of
black silk of no less than 20 GP value, and a diamond of no less than
250 GP value.
Llewllynn's Wall of Force (Evocation)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 3"
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 10 square feet per level
Saving Throw: None
This spell is equivalent to the fifth level mage spell wall of force
(q.v.) in all respects save one: the caster is able to manipulate the
force wall. The following variations are possible:
Version 1: The mage can cast the wall in a hemispherical or spherical
shape around himself with himself as the centre point. The mage can
then move about and the wall will move with him. This version is tinted
Version 2: The mage can cast the spell as a wall (2-dimensional
barrier) and then move in a direction with the wall moving 1" to 3" in
front of him. The wall will always be in front of the caster, and will
turn as he turns. This version is tinted blue. Note that this version
cannot be cast horizontally.
The material component for version one is a pinch of diamond dust and a
pinch of ruby dust. The material component for version two is a pinch
of diamond dust and a pinch of sapphire dust.
Magic Quench (Abjuration, Alteration)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 5 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1-foot per level radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a sphere that has all the properties of a Forgotten
Realms (tm) dead magic area (see the FR Sourcebook for details). The
area of dead magic is permanent until destroyed (it may only be
destroyed as per a dead magic area). The sphere of dead magic is
The material component for this spell is a pint of blood from any
recently slain magic-using creature. The blood is consumed when the
spell is cast.
Mind Find (Divination)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 100' radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
This is an extremely powerful version of true sight combined with a
form of clairvoyance. Like true sight, it allows the caster to exactly
locate people that are: displaced, invisible, polymorphed, change,
enchanted, or illusioned. However the spells effects the mind, not the
eyes of the caster, so the caster can in addition see through fog,
around corners, trees, etc. (anything within 100' radius).
About the only things that will block the penetration power are the
Non-detection spell (non-detection gets a save to see if the mind find
worked on him), Lead walls, or walls of force. The spell also confers
the ability to perceive minds in 360 degrees on all axis, X, Y and Z.
Thus the caster could locate the mind of someone 80 feet above then and
behind them, needless to say backstabbing someone who knows exactly
where you are is impossible.
However, this spell cannot locate object or things without minds, thus
it could locate anything that had less than zero intelligence. The
drawback to this spell is that it makes the caster susceptible to
mind-effecting spells i.e. save at -2.
The material component of this spell is a whole mind flayer brain.
Nearthia's Combat Spell (Abjuration, Alteration, Divination)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell prepares the fighter/mage for combat. It provides the
benefits of the following spells:
Strength Detect Invisibility
Shield Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Fly Protection form Normal Missiles
It also provides 25% magic resistance and 4 temporary fighter levels.
(i.e. +4 to hit and 40 hit points). This spell can only be cast by
fighter/mages (or tri-classed with both classes).
Nearthia's Spell Vortex (Evocation)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One vortex around the caster
Saving Throw: None
Once this spell is cast a faintly visible 7-10 foot tall vortex appears
around the caster, centered on his feet. The vortex is a container for
spell energy. It can store up to 1 spell level per level of the
caster. The caster may place any spell he wants into the vortex. He
also has a chance equal to his magic resistance of catching a spell
cast at him with the vortex.
After the spell's energy is stored in the vortex, the caster may use
the energy to fire other spells from the vortex. He may only fire
spells he has "taught" the vortex though (the ones he put into the
vortex himself). Shooting a spell from the vortex may be accomplished
once a round, plus one may be fired at anyone who casts a spell at the
mage that round. The caster may do anything except spell casting and
still be able to fire all his spells each round.
Pobithakor's Placer (Alteration, Divination)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Special
Components: S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1/2
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to Pobithakor's tracer for not only does it allow
the two way scrying but the caster has the option of pulling the
scrying creature "through" the two way portal right to the casters
current location. The creature gets no saving throw and the process
occurs almost instantly. The caster, unless special measures are taken,
has no control over the creature once it arrives.
This was another spell used by the paranoid mage when he felt his
defenses being compromised.
Prismatic Beam (Abjuration, Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 7" long plane, 11/2" wide at end, 1/2" wide at base
Saving Throw: Special
Like Prismatic Spray but all 7 rays hit the same target. Great for
zapping dragons, demons etc.
Sarius' Fire Giant Manifestation (Conjuration)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10" + 1" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 7 turns
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a golem-like creature which the mage may direct to
perform certain programmed actions. The creature is a temporary fire
golem with no true intelligence and to most appears as an undead fire
giant. The creature may be controlled up to a distance equal to the
spell range but if it passes outside of this range, or the spellcaster
is killed, the creature will explode in a 70' radius area doing damage
equal to its current hit points (save vs. breath weapon for half
damage). The creature created mimics most of the actions of a fire
giant, having AC 3, MV 12", HD 11 + 3, HP 58, AT 1, DM 5-30, SP:
Immune to fire, SZ: L (12'), Strength 22. The creature can fight with
its sword only and has no ability to hurl rocks as does a normal fire
giant. It can inflict structural damage points as a normal fire giant
on a round to round basis (Wood: 2, Soft Stone: 1, Hard Rock: 1/2).
The caster is able to direct the creature to perform 3 individual
actions plus 1 for every two levels of experience above 14th level.
Each change in action will cause the creature to hesitate for one round
before working to act out the next action. Actions can be classed as
"killing a group of orcs", "killing a group of men wearing the same
colours or armour", "tearing down a stone wall", "pulling up a tree",
etc. Once the final action is completed the fire giant crumbles into a
pool of hot sulfur, effectively making a circular area 30' in diameter
full of sulfuric acid (which will kill all vegetation in the area and
causing 1-3 HP of damage per round to any organic creature in the area.
Against mind affecting spells, the creature is considered to have an
intelligence and wisdom of 3 (saving at -3 vs. these attacks). If the
creature is charmed or controlled by a mind affecting spell the casters
concentration is totally disrupted causing the creature to dissipate
and any other spells the caster currently controls will become
dispelled unless the caster has no control over the spells in question
after casting them, and any spell the caster is currently casting will
be disrupted.
This spell requires only the slightest mental control of the caster to
operate, allowing him to cast other spells normally that do not require
his full concentration. Multiple castings of this spell will work, but
all of the detrimental effects are cumulative. The material component
of this spell is a small pouch (2" squared) of leather containing a
patch of fresh (not dried) fire giant hair mixed with ruby dust of no
less than 1,000 GP value. The fire giant hair may be kept fresh with a
Preserve spell or similar effect.
The source of this spell is Sarius Mendlekine.
Sarius' Temporal Demi-Plane (Conjuration, Evocation)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 1" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell uses the magical forces of the astral or ethereal planes to
create a small demi-plane. This demi-plane is connected to the current
plane of the caster through a special (10' x 10') gateway which is
invisible to all creatures except the caster unless they are able to
use True Sight. When cast, this spell causes astral or ethereal stone
to form into a 10' cube. This cube houses the physical structure of the
demi-plane, but the interior is a distorted dimensional area with a
volume equal to 10 cubic feet of space per level of the spellcaster.
In its drab, gray interior, the demi-plane is governed by the physical
and magical laws of the plane in which it is created (astral or
ethereal), but does have a localised gravity which is under the control
of the caster (normally equal to that of the Prime Material plane but
it may be lowered all the way to 0 g at a rate of .1 g per round).
There is no need for air and nutritional needs since characters are
governed by the normal astral or ethereal laws. The mage may change the
interior form, but may not decrease or increase the volume of the
demi-plane. Volume form is changed in 10 foot cubic blocks, and it is
impossible to make any area smaller than 10 cubic feet, though, pits
and similar obstacles can be created. Also, the normal temperature in
the demi-plane is 68 degrees Fahrenheit and may not be changed.
A mage must touch someone for them to see and enter the gateway, but,
once inside, anyone may freely exit the demi-plane. If someone is able
to see the gateway through the use of True Sight, and he is a mage
familiar with the Wizard Lock or Temporal Demi-Plane spells, he may
attempt to enter the gateway by using his willpower to negate the need
for the casting mage's touch. In game terms this means a successful
percentile roll with a base 50% chance modified plus or minus 5% for
every difference in level from the caster in an upward or downward
progression, respectively. A mage seeing the gateway and meeting the
stated prerequisites will automatically know that this is possible.
Otherwise, only spells of a wish-like nature will be able to discern
the entrance, though creatures with senses that extend into the astral
or ethereal planes will be able to see the large block of stone that
makes up the external surface of the demi-plane area and psionic
characters may be able to use probability travel to gate into the
demi-plane if they are familiar with it.
The demi-plane does not allow access to the astral or ethereal planes
unless it is destroyed, or if the mage creates the demi-plane while on
one of these planes, in which case the entrance to the demi-plane is
actually entered on the plane in which it resides and not a connecting
outer or elemental plane. When the spell is initially memorised the
caster must determine whether he will cast the astral or ethereal
variant of this spell. It is impossible for both to be used in the same
area of effect (on the Prime Material plane) due to conjugations of
magic energies required in maintaining the spell.
The structure containing the demi-plane is able to withstand 3 HP of
structural damage (vs. hard stone) before it is disrupted. The ethereal
cyclone will inflict 1-100 HP of structural damage every time it passes
over the area of the demi-plane and the psychic winds of the astral
plane automatically inflict damage equal to one-half the current
structural hit points of the demi-plane's shell. The nature of the
demi-plane causes it to stay in one spot so it may be used as a
reference point if the spell duration is long enough (through the
possible use of a permanency-type spell). But, no matter what spells
are applied to the demi-plane, it will always disrupt when its
structural hit points are brought to 0 or less. The contents of the
demi-plane are then thrown into the plane of creation and all creatures
must save vs. spells at -6 or be knocked unconscious for a period of
time equal to one hour of time on the plane in question (not subjective
time). If cast on the ethereal plane the spell duration is extended by
a factor 10 and on the astral plane the duration is extended by a
factor 1000. The material component of this spell is a miniature
platinum ziggurat embedded with peridots and having a finished value of
at least 1000 GP. The ziggurat weighs 10 GP.
The source of this spell is Sarius Mendlekine.
Sillvatar's Dragon Bite (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10' per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per 2 levels
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to Sillvatar's Dragon Claw, except it conjures a
shadowy dragon head within spell range. The procedures for attacks are
as per that spell, except the victims who are hit receive bite damage,
instead of claw damage. For example, if this spell is cast using the
material component from a white dragon, the damage inflicted by each
successful bite is 2-16 points of damage. In addition, each attack
receives a +2 on all "to hit" rolls.
The caster may conduct 2 attacks using this spell, each of which must
occur in a separate round. The dragon head dissipates when both attacks
have been made, the duration expires, or the head is dispelled. The
head is not harmed by other attacks.
The material component for this spell is the teeth from any type of
dragon; these teeth are consumed when the spell is cast.
Stash (Alteration)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 300 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: 300 pounds per level
Saving Throw: None
Stores a large mass in hyperspace for an indefinite period of time
until a command word is spoken. The object(s) in hyperspace do not
experience passage of time so for example a small army with all its
weapons and equipment could be stashed in time of peace and recalled
when war started. A spellcaster can have only one Stash spell in effect
at the same time: if he wishes to stash anything, he will first have to
recall the items or persons previously Stashed.
Only objects and willing victims are affected by this spell.
Summon Wizard (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 50 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Within one round of casting this spell, the caster summons 1d2 wizards
to aid him. The summoned wizards' level will be equal to 3/4 the
caster's level, rounded down, up to a maximum of twentieth level. The
wizards will appear anywhere within the spell range as desired by the
caster, and will serve the caster as per monsters summoned via a
monster summoning spell. There is an 80% chance of summoning a mage,
and a 20% chance of summoning a specialist (determine school
randomly). Equipment and abilities are determined randomly. The
material component for this spell is an ornately carved, gem-encrusted,
wooden staff (worth at least 100 GP), which is consumed when the spell
is cast.
Uldark's Radiant Bolt (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 100 yards + 5 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: One creature per bolt
Saving Throw: 1/2
When this spell is cast, a small interdimensional connection opens
between the quasi-elemental plane of radiance and the caster's plane;
through this opening, a 1 foot diameter glowing sphere appears and
slowly hovers around the caster. This sphere contains all colours of
the spectrum; this sphere will last for 2 rounds per level of the
caster; if not used to its full potential at that time, the sphere
During any round which the sphere is in effect, the caster may
discharge a bolt of one colour of the spectrum; only one such attack
may be made in a single round, and the sphere may discharge only one
bolt per colour; once used, that colour disappears from the sphere.
When all colours have been discharged, or when the duration expires,
the sphere dissipates. Each bolt may affect one creature, and each
colour has a unique composition as follows:
colour composition item save vs
------ ----------- -------------
red fire magical fire
orange poison n.a.
yellow acid acid
green gas n.a.
blue lightning lightning
indigo cold cold
violet force crushing blow
All the bolts do an identical amount of damage: 1d6 + 2 per level of
the caster. A successful saving throw vs. spell reduces the damage by
half. If this save fails, the victim's possessions must save vs. the
indicated composition (if applicable) or be destroyed.
There is a chance that an extraplanar creature may enter through the
opening whenever this spell is cast. The chance of this occurring is:
20% - 1% per level of the caster (to a minimum of 1%). Any creature
entering the caster's plane will normally be hostile to the caster.
The material component for this spell is a crystal or glass prism;
light is sent through the prism to create a spectrum when the spell is
cast. The prism is consumed with the casting of the spell.
Valcon's Spectral Army (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 200 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2 turns
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Using this spell, the caster may create an army of semi-real humanoids;
any type of humanoid may be chosen, but all soldiers must be of the
same type. Because the army is somewhat real, they may not be
disbelieved. The army is made up of one or more "units," each of which
is comprised of 10 infantry soldiers. The caster may create a number of
units according to the following table:
level # units
----- -------
14-15 2
16-17 3
18-19 4
20+ 5
The army may appear anywhere within spell range as desired by the
caster. The army must not stray too far from the caster; they may move
up to a distance of 20 yards per level of the caster. This spell will
last until the caster wishes it to end, or until all units of the army
are destroyed; however, a single caster may not have more than two of
these spells in effect at any one time; any additional castings of the
spell will fizzle and be wasted.
Each unit always moves and attacks as a single entity; it will never
split up, or act independently, as each unit is a single component of
the illusion. The unit will have an armour class equal to: 22 -
caster's level, and hit points equal to 2 times the caster's level
(i.e. a 16th level caster, may create 3 units, each having an AC of 6
and 32 hit points). All hits on the unit count against the units' hit
point total; an individual soldier may not be destroyed, even if all
hits are on a single target. Once the units' hit point total is
exceeded, all 10 soldiers in that unit are destroyed. Besides melee
attacks, the army may be dispelled, although only one unit may be
dispelled per dispel attempt.
Each unit will be equipped with armour appropriate to their AC, and
will be armed according to what material components are used; the
caster may provide one or more weapons for every unit he creates; the
units will then be armed with the corresponding weapon(s). Any number
of weapons may be given to a single unit, and each unit may be equipped
differently from the rest; the only stipulation is that the caster must
have the appropriate number of the desired weapons available when the
spell is cast (in the case of missile weapons, the missiles themselves
need not be used as a component; the missile weapon suffices in this
case). Continuing the example of the 16th level caster, the caster may
elect to equip all 3 units with longswords only (at the cost of 3
longswords as a material component) or may wish to diversify by
equipping one with long bows and short swords, one with spears, and the
third with halberds; (at the cost of 1 each of a long bow, short sword,
spear, and halberd as a material component).
Since a unit always acts as a group, it may only make one or two
attacks per round, unless equipped with a weapon that normally allows
multiple attacks (i.e. a unit of long bow archers would receive 2 or 4
attacks per round). If the unit makes only one melee attack in a round,
it will inflict 1d8 points of damage if successful; if two melee
attacks are made, each will inflict 1d4 points of damage if a hit is
scored; the amount of damage does not depend on the type of weapon used
- all cause the same amount of damage.
Missile attacks cause 1d4 points of damage if the minimum number of
attacks are made, or 1d2 points of damage if the maximum number of
attacks are conducted (i.e. a unit using long bows would do 1d4 points
of damage per hit if two attacks are made, or 1d2 points of damage per
hit if making 4 attacks).
Hurled weapons are not allowed by this spell. Under no circumstances
may these illusionary armies use any special attack or defense forms
normally employed by their race (i.e. an illusionary army of trolls
will not regenerate lost hit points). Strength, dexterity, and similar
bonuses also do not apply.
In addition to the weapons required for material components, the caster
must also have a suit of armour (and a shield, if desired) that
comprise the appropriate armour class for the units. One suit (and
shield, if used) is sufficient for all units created by this spell. All
material components are consumed when the spell ends.
Wolldin's Fearstalker (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates an illusionary creature in the mind of its victim
much the same as a Phantasmal Killer spell. The "fearstalker" appears
as a shadowy creature of a vaguely humanoid shape (only the victim and
the caster can see the creature). Once cast, the fearstalker will
tirelessly pursue its target; if the victim does not succeed in making
a disbelieve check (this intent must be specifically stated) it will be
attacked by the fearstalker.
The fearstalker has a movement rate of 24, has HD equal to half the
caster's level (rounded down), has 2 attacks (2-12/2-12), and can be
hit only by +1 or better weapons. It is immune to charms and other
mind-affecting spells, but is susceptible to most other spells and
magic attacks.
Once the battle has been joined, nothing short of the death of one of
the combatants will end it. Rendering the victim unconscious will not
help, as the fearstalker will enter the target's dreams and the battle
will continue normally. If the caster of the spell is slain or rendered
unconscious, the current battle will continue normally, but the
fearstalker will not be able to return at a later time (see below).
If the victim of this spell is reduced to 0 hit points by the
fearstalker, he must make a systems shock roll; if this roll fails, the
victim dies and the spell ends; if it succeeds, the target only
believes he has died and falls into a coma for 2-24 hours. Only a Heal
spell or a Wish will rouse the victim from this coma. If the target
reduces the fearstalker to 0 hit points, it will vanish instantly.
However, in this case, the fearstalker is not actually destroyed; it
will reappear in 4-24 hours (at full strength) to again attack its
victim (the fearstalker will not be able to return if the caster has
been slain, or if he was unconscious at the time of the fearstalker's
defeat in the previous battle).
The only way to permanently end this spell (short of the victim's
death) is to make a successful disbelieve check. The victim is allowed
one such roll each time the fearstalker returns after being defeated,
as well as when the spell is first cast. This disbelieve check has the
same modifiers applied to it as for the Phantasmal Killer spell.
However, the wearer of a Helm of Telepathy may not turn the fearstalker
upon the caster. If the victim is asleep or otherwise unconscious when
the fearstalker returns, the battle will take place in the target's
dreams, and the disbelieve check is made with a -2 penalty.
Zandare's Twist (Alteration, Enchantment)
Level: 7
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10' per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Negates
By means of this spell the caster changes the target creature,
effectively, inside out. The organs are outside the body and the skin
is inside. GM's insert your own really graphic descriptions here... The
spell caster must have a small leather pouch for the casting. At the
end of the seven segments the caster thrusts his hand into the bag and
violently pulls the bag inside out. Now the target is either painfully
turned inside out, or the caster looks like a total fool. The spells
affects one medium size creature or two small creatures. Large
creatures receive a +3 to their save.
Note that clothing, armour, etc. are in the inside also.