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Acid Rain (Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards + 5 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per 3 levels
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 10 square feet + 5 square feet per 2 levels
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell will cause a sheet of corrosive acid to fall from the sky
(actually, it will appear 10 feet over the target spot). All creatures
or objects underneath will be subject to its effects. The acid will
corrode wood, metal, cloth, and flesh. The initial inundation will
cause 1d6 damage per level (with a maximum of 10d6). A successful
saving throw will cause half damage, and adds +1 to subsequent saves.
All items exposed to the acid must also save. If a magical item saves
successfully, no further saves are necessary.
Armour loses one point of AC per round. If it loses all of its points,
it disintegrates and falls to the ground. Weapons lose one point per
round. The number of points is determined by size (L=3, M=2, S=1). When
all points are gone, the weapon is too weak to use in combat.
All damage done to items (other than loss of magical properties), can
be repaired with a Mend spell, or the like, unless the item was
destroyed. Subsequent damage to flesh is 1d6 per round. All subsequent
damage can be avoided if victims immerse themselves in water, to wash
off the acid.
The material components of this spell are rain water and sulpher.
Alpha's Firefountain (Alteration)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell is similar to the 4th level Alpha's Firefall spell, but is
more powerful in two ways. First, the spray of liquid fire burns for a
total of three rounds, inflicting 3d6 damage the first round, 2d6 the
second, and 1d6 the third. There is no saving throw vs. the damage
inflicted by the spray. Second, the caster is able to throw up one
prominence of flame (for 4d10 fire damage the first round, and 2d10 the
second, with a save vs. breath weapon to halve damage) for every six
levels of the caster (rounding off all fractions). The material
component is a lump of pitch, sulfur, saltpeter, and magnesium and an
available fire source.
Alpha's Rainbow Warrior (Evocation, Summoning)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 5 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell invokes energy and the spirit of a creature from the Quasi-
Elemental Plane of Radiance. The Rainbow Warrior has as many hit
points as the caster would at full health, and attacks as a fighter of
half the caster's level. The Warrior has an armour class of 0, and can
only be struck by magical weapons. It attacks with a spear of
radiance, which causes damage the same way as the 2nd level Rainbow
Beam spell if the target is struck. As with that spell, the caster has
a 5% per level chance of selecting the colour of the spear, otherwise it
is random. The Rainbow Warrior may fly at a movement rate of 24, but
it has no real substance and cannot touch nor carry any material
object. Creatures dwelling on or drawing power from the Negative
Material Plane or Plane of Shadow suffer 1d6 damage every round that
they are within 20' of the Rainbow Warrior, as it sheds a bright globe
of light strongly infused with energy from the Positive Material
Plane. The Rainbow Warrior is unaffected by poison, paralysis,
petrification, fire, electricity, gas, or acid. Unholy water causes it
2d4 damage, and cold attacks do full normal damage. Negative energy
attacks gain a bonus of +1 per die of damage, and any spells involving
darkness cause the Rainbow Warrior 2d6 damage per level of the spell,
though the darkness spell will then be dispelled. Any darkness spell
coming into contact with the 20' globe of light surrounding the Rainbow
Warrior must be checked as if Dispel Magic was being cast at the level
of the summoner of the Warrior. Only one such dispelling attempt is
possible for each darkness spell that could be affected, although the
Warrior can automatically dispel any darkness spell by touching the
area of effect, but it will suffer damage as if the spell had been cast
specifically at him. Dark-dwelling creatures (e.g. drow, duergar) are
affected by the Rainbow Warrior's globe of light as they would be by
Continual Light. The material component of this spell is a clear
diamond worth not less than 5000 GP.
Alpha's Starlight Citadel (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell can only be cast in an area under star- or moonlight. When
cast, it brings into being a deep blue-black tower of magical metal,
with many faint silvery gleams. This tower is in all respects similar
to a Daern's Instant Fortress (q.v.) except that it grows slowly during
the course of the casting, and so no creature able to move could
possibly be harmed by its expansion. The door to the Citadel is Wizard
Locked at the caster's level. One creature for each level of
experience of the caster may be designated in the casting of the spell,
and such creatures may freely open the door, though the caster may
override this at any time by mental command. The magic of the walls of
the citadel prevents the passage of any creature ethereal, astral, or
out-of-phase creature. Teleportation into and out of the tower is
still possible. This spell lasts until the first rays of direct
sunlight strike the tower, but it cannot last longer than 2 hours + 1
hour per level of the caster in any event. The material component is a
star sapphire and a small steel carving of a tower.
Alter Occurrence (Conjuration/Summoning, Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Infinite
Components: V
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell is a weaker version of the 7th level wizard spell Limited
Wish. Alter Occurrence enables the wizard to alter the way an event in
the very recent past actually occurred. For the casting of the spell,
the wizard recounts an event which occurred up to two rounds previous
which he viewed firsthand. The wizard, while recounting the incident,
modifies it in the way which he would have liked for it to occur. At
the end of the casting, the past will be rewoven along the lines of the
caster's version, by a base guideline of 3% per level of the caster.
(For instance, Johann, a 12th level wizard, uses the spell to make a
freak gust of wind blow an arrow totally off course which shot his
companion Rykor in the heart a few seconds ago -- a critical hit.
Johann has a 36% chance to make the arrow miss, else it still hits
doing regular damage. If Johann had asked for the arrow to have missed
Rykor's heart, it might have still hit Rykor but would have done only
100 - 36 = 64% of the designated damage.)
This spell will automatically modify the perceptions of the past for
all of those, other than the caster, who were present during both the
modified and unmodified events unless they make a saving throw vs.
spells. Alter Occurrence cannot be used to raise character abilities
(even temporarily) or mimic other magical effects. Frequent use of
this spell may cause the wizard to go insane; make an INT check with a
cumulative -1 penalty each time the spell is used by the same caster
over a one week period, or suffer a random type of insanity.
Alter Occurrence is a spell published by the wizard Saridan Hysakai
after over a decade of study (an unknown amount of which was spent at
the Plane of Time). Saridan subsequently went insane.
Azura's Black Scythe (Evocation, Necromancy)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 1"
Components: V, S
Casting time: 6
Duration: 1 round per 2 levels
Area of Effect: 1" long, 180 degree arc
Saving Throw: Special
The black scythe is a fearsome weapon to behold, stretching 8' and
immolated in wispy green flames. It sweeps a 10' long, 180 degree arc
and can hit all targets within its area as a monster of the caster's
hit die. Creatures up to 4+1 hit dice are slain instantly, while those
above 4+1 hit dice but below 8+3 must save vs. spells or be stunned for
2-5 round. Those who possess 8+3 hit dice up to 10 hit dice must save
vs. spells or be slowed for 1-4 rounds. All effects are cumulative.
The scythe inflicts 1d10 damage in addition to its other effects. The
material component is a miniature sickle with an ebony shaft and an
adamantine blade costing 500 GP to construct.
Block Teleport (Abjuration)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 100' radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
This spell prevents anyone from teleporting into or out of the area of
effect while the spell is in effect. It will not effect homing teleport
spells (e. g. word of recall). It will also not effect gates.
Copyright (Abjuration, Divination)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 day
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Cast before starting spell research. Spell can not be researched except
with permission of one who researched the spell or by the use of a
Limited Wish. A full Wish enables learning & ability to teach others
(variant of Secrecy spell). If mage dies, require speak with dead to
get permission.
Coradon's Cataclysmic Corinary (Invocation/Evocation, Necromancy)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round per 2 levels
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
After this spell is cast, the wizard must make a successful attack in
melee to affect the target. The wizard's normal THAC0 is used with a
+2 modifier to hit. The spell will last until a hit is scored, or
until the duration expires, whichever comes first. If a hit is made,
the victim suffers a massive heart attack and must make a successful
system shock roll or die. Even if this roll succeeds, the target
suffers damage equal to 1d4 + 1 per level of the caster.
Create Ghast (Necromancy)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 2 hours
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates up to one ghast per six levels of the caster, and
these ghasts will follow the commands of their creator to the best of
their ability. Each ghast is formed from the corpse of a human slain by
a ghoul or ghast who has not yet risen as a ghoul itself. These corpses
are the material components of the spell. As implied above, humans
killed by a ghast will rise as ghouls to follow the pack.
Diamondblade (Enchantment/Alteration)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 turns + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One edged melee weapon
Saving Throw: None
This spell turns an ordinary edged melee weapon into a blade of
sharpness, as per Sword of Sharpness (see AD&D 2nd edition, page 186).
For the duration of the spell, the weapon is treated as a weapon +3 or
better for purposes of who or what can be hit by it, even though it
gets only a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. However, on a very
high roll, it will sever an extremity, determined by a dice roll. The
spell functions on existing magical weapons, as long as the total
combined bonus is +3 or less.
The material component for this spell is a 1000 GP diamond, however,
the tooth of a Tarrasque may be substituted in which case the weapon
functions as a Vorpal blade (see same reference as above), and gets the
+3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Opponent is Modified Score Modified Score
to Sever * to Sever **
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Normal or armoured 19-21 20-23
Larger than man-sized 20-21 21-23
Solid metal or stone 21 22-23
* Considering only the sword's bonus of +1.
** Considering only the sword's bonus of +3.
Dreamoore's Blade Summoning (Conjuration/Summoning, Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0"
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a 5' long shimmering blue shaft of force from the
caster's outstretched hands. He must physically wield the weapon in
combat, thus spells with somatic components cannot be cast while the
summoned blade exists. The "sword", however, has no true material
existence and does not conduct shock back to its wielder, thus its
overall speed factor is 1. It is neither an edged nor blunt weapon and
affects creatures normally immuned to either.
The blade strikes once per round with a +5 "to hit" bonus, inflicting
2d6 + 5 damage points per successful hit. It lasts 1 round per level of
the spell caster and is subject to disintegrate and dispel magic. The
material component is a 500 GP crystal sword which requires 2 weeks to
Dreamoore's Eldritch Decagon (Alteration, Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 1" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: 1/2
When this spell is cast, the magic-user sets up a brilliant array of
pale blue, dancing rays which forms a decagon between both hands. The
spell draws power directly from the psychic winds of the astral and
ethereal plane. Once complete, it may fire a 1' wide beam of pure
magical force every round, and this ray unerringly strikes any single
creature or object within 10' per level (invisible targets require a
"to hit" roll vs. base AC 6, modified by dexterity, etc.) and inflicts
2-5 (1d4 + 1) damage points per level of the spell caster, up to 12d4 +
12 maximum. A successful save vs. spells halves damage. These beams may
be unleashed from the decagon:
- Eldritch beam: magic missile energy; affects only animate targets.
- Impaling force ray: inflicts piercing or impaling damage.
- Planar force beam: inflicts edged or slicing damage.
- Spherical force bolt: inflicts blunt or crushing damage.
- Vibration or shock wave: an ultrasonic bolt which affects only
crystal, glass, stone, and other objects vulnerable to vibration
- Wind blast: as the 3rd level magic-user spell, gust of wind, against
a single target (c.f. gust of wind)
The magic-user must concentrate to maintain the eldritch decagon, thus
any successful attack against him negates the spell. The material
component is a small crystal in the shape of a 10-sided die set inside
an iron ring, and a lodestone.
Dreamoore's Missile Tempest (Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 1" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Also known as "Dreamoore's bolts of seeking," this spell creates a
powerful enchanted bolt which has base 1d12 damage plus 3 points per
level of its caster, up to 1d12 + 36 maximum (e.g. a 12 hit die missile
does 37-48 hit points damage). This bolt, however, can divide into two
or more missiles striking single or multiple targets (minimum 1 damage
point per missile). Once the caster unleashes the bolt, he need but
point and close his fist. The missile then flashes outward, dividing
into smaller missiles if so directed, and unerringly hits all visible
targets in a 90 degree arc before the caster. The material component
for this spell is a 500 GP diamond which is hurled into the air as
spell casting is completed.
Dreamoore's Viper Lance (Alteration)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10" + 1" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
The viper lance spell launches a 2' long solid metal shaft at extremely
high velocity. This bolt always travels in a straight line trajectory,
its blinding speed making it near-invisible. Any creature struck
immediately suffers base 1d10 + 2 HP's damage, up to 1d10 + 30
maximum. The caster may launch one bolt per six experience level,
though only one bolt may be fired per round. The material component is
a solid steel shaft engraved with the caster's personal rune, with a
mithril or adamantine tip, and zinc stabilising fins. Each bolt requires
two weeks and 250 GP construction cost.
Eldarr's Improved Spell Conversion (Alteration)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting Time: 2 turns
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell is identical to Eldarr's Spell Conversion, except it will
convert any spell of level 6 or less to any known spell of level 5 or
lower. The duration and casting time are also increased.
This spell also has the additional (in addition to the were-creature
pelt) spell component of a powdered gem (of any type) worth at least
400 GP. This gem is also consumed when the spell is cast.
Energy Field (Conjuration, Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 6" + 1" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 5 rounds per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1' per level high cube
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates an invisible field of energy which is impermeable to
the passage of magical and psionic energies through its barriers. Thus,
for example, creatures inside the area of effect are completely
unaffected by spells which are cast outside the spell area. Similarly
people outside are not effected by spells from inside (note, since
magic cannot pass through this barrier, creatures cannot teleport,
plane shift, etc. through the barrier).
Energy field does not, however, offer any physical protection
Spells which cause physical damage can destroy the shield but these
spells must do a total damage of 6 HP per level of the caster. A
disintegrate spell will cause the shield to make a save vs. magic at
the level of the caster. If it saves then the spell has no effect. If
it fails then the spell does 2-9 points per level of the caster damage
to the field. A magic missile spell actually heals the field on a 1 to
1 hit point basis.
The shield, if cast upon the caster, moves with the caster. If the
spell is cast upon another unwilling creature then they make a save vs
spells. If they fail the save then the field follows the creature. If
the save is made then the spell becomes rooted to the target area.
Otherwise the spell remains stationary until the spell duration
The material component for this spell is a diamond cube of not less
than 500 GP value. This cube will shatter when the spell expires or the
field is brought down by spell damage.
Fellstar's Flame Arc (Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell is similar to the 1st level spell Burning Hands, but is much
more potent. When cast, this spell will emit an arc of flames from the
hand of the caster; the arc may be one of four sizes as listed on the
following table:
Arc Range
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
90 degrees 200 feet
180 degrees 150 feet
270 degrees 100 feet
360 degrees 50 feet
The arc of flames will have a width of one foot, centered on the
caster's hand, so the height of the wizard's hand at the time of
casting will determine the height of the flames; thus if the flames are
at waist level, it is possible to escape the effects of this spell if
lying prone.
The caster may elect to cast the arc in a "doughnut" shape; that is, he
may create an area around himself that is untouched by the flames (a
good idea if the caster is in the midst of a friendly party). The
radius of the hole may be any size the caster desires, up to half the
range as given in the table above.
Anyone hit by the flames suffers 4d10 points of damage, plus 1 point
per level of the caster (to a maximum of 4d10+20); a successful save
vs. spell reduces the damage by half. If a victim fails a save, all
possessions must save vs. magical fire or be consumed.
These flames are blocked by obstacles, and they will not rejoin behind
the barrier. This will create gaps in the arc; therefore, if a target
is standing behind a large enough obstacle, he will be shielded from
the flames, even if the blocking obstacle is tens of feet away.
The material component for this spell is a chunk of volcanic rock and a
lit candle; the rock is consumed with the casting, but the candle is
Fellstar's Flame Dome (Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 80 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the Wall of Fire spell, but it creates a dome
of flames instead of a wall. The dome has a radius along the ground of
10' plus 5' per level of the caster; it is 25' high at its peak. The
dome must be cast so its base is resting on solid ground.
Unlike a Wall of Fire, the Flame Dome gives off waves of heat on all
sides; anyone within 10' of the dome suffers 2d6 points of damage,
while those within 20' suffer 2d4 points of damage. In addition, the
dome inflicts 3d8 points of damage, plus 1 point per level of the
caster on anyone who passes through the dome (like a Wall of Fire,
creatures subject to fire will suffer more damage at the DM's
discretion, and undead always suffer double damage).
The procedure for trapping creatures with the dome, as well as the
duration of the spell, are as per the Wall of Fire spell.
The material components for this spell are specimens of phosphorus and
sulphur, both of which are consumed with the casting.
Glamden's Acid Fire (Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 5 yards + 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 10' x 10' x 5' per level cloud
Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes an acid cloud to form anywhere within range of the
spell; the cloud billows out to its full dimensions (10' x 10' x 5' for
each level of the caster) instantaneously and everyone caught inside
the area of effect suffers 4d6 points of damage; a successful save vs.
spell reduces damage by half. Anyone who fails the save must roll saves
vs. acid for all possessions to avoid destruction.
Immediately after the acid cloud forms, it bursts into flames,
inflicting another 4d6 points of damage to all inside. As before, a
successful save vs. spells reduces the damage by half; those
individuals who successfully saved vs. the acid, receive a +4 bonus to
their save vs. the fire. If this second save fails, possessions must
save vs. magical fire or be consumed (the +4 bonus mentioned
previously, does not apply to these saves).
The material components for this spell are the intestines of a black
dragon and the heart of a red dragon; both are consumed when the spell
is cast.
Glamden's Acidic Gas (Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 5 yards + 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 10' x 10' x 5' per level cloud
Saving Throw: Special
This spell is similar to Glamden's Acid Fire; when cast, this spell
forms a gas cloud which is also highly acidic; anyone caught inside the
cloud suffers 8d6 points of damage. This spell requires two saving
throws vs. spells: the first is against the gas, and the second is for
the acid. If neither save is successful, full damage is inflicted on
the victim; if one save is made and the second fails, the victim
suffers 3/4 damage; if both saves are successful, the victim suffers
1/2 damage. If the save vs. the acid fails, all possessions must save
vs. acid to avoid being destroyed; the gas has no effect on the
victim's possessions.
If a target has immunity vs. one component, damage is automatically
halved, and is reduced to 1/4 normal if the save vs. the other
component is successful. Of course, it a target has immunity vs. both
components, he is not affected by this spell.
The material components for this spell are the intestines of a black
dragon and the stomach of a green dragon; both are consumed when the
spell is cast.
Glamden's Gas Jet (Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 5' wide, 10' per level long beam
Saving Throw: Special
This spell is similar to Glamden's other spells, Acid Fire and Acidic
Gas; when this spell is cast, a jet of green gas shoots from the
caster's palm; a split-second later, the gas erupts in flames. This jet
is 10 feet long per level of the caster, and is 5 feet wide; anyone hit
by the jet must make two saving throws vs. spell (one for the gas, and
the other against fire) to avoid suffering 8d6 points of damage. The
procedures for saves and immunity vs. the two components are the same
as for Glamden's Acidic Gas, except magical fire replaces the acid
The material components for this spell are the heart of a red dragon
and the stomach of a green dragon; both are consumed when the spell is
Hold Person IV (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 12"
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 5 persons in a 20' radius circle
Saving Throw: Negates
This is like hold person except as noted above and that all saving
throws are made with no modification.
Improved Wiley's Door (Alteration)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell is like that of Wiley's door except that there is no limit
to the amount of stuff that can be transported (except for the physical
problems of getting that much stuff through the door) and the second
door can be up to 20" distant. The second door must be somewhere that
the caster has seen.
Justin's Skimmer (Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 20 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1/2 hour per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One skimmer
Saving Throw: None
An improved form of Tenser's floating disc, the skimmer is designed as
a flying vehicle for the caster. The wizard reclines in a molded seat
at the centre of the 3' radius disc. The "wings" each have room for
one person, or a comparable volume of cargo. It can lift 50 pounds per
level of the caster. The skimmer can move at speeds up to 25 miles per
hour (this approximates move 70), and has maneuverability class A at
speeds less than move 21. The caster is protected from acceleration,
passengers are not. When stopped, the skimmer can rotate on a dime.
The caster has full cover from below. The skimmer can take 5 HP per
level of the caster. Ramming, it does (move/3)d6 damage to both itself
and the target. Only the caster can control the skimmer; it hovers
motionless if he is unconscious. The skimmer is a stable casting
Kalessin's Spell Load (Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
With this spell, the caster is able to "store" one spell for every
three levels he possess (i.e. two at fourth, three at seventh, etc).
The caster "paints" the spells around himself as runes, in effect,
casting them, a process taking one turn per spell. The spells are now
"hung" around the caster, and can be released by command, an action
taking only 1/10 of a round.
If the caster concentrates, glowing runes representing the remaining
spells in the load will appear about the caster, visible only to the
caster. The caster must specify in the casting of the load what the
verbal or somatic commands are to be for the release of each spell. The
caster also determines the appearance of each representative rune.
Detect magic will reveal the presence of the spell load, and True Sight
will allow the caster to see the rune representations of the spells in
the load.
A spell load gets two saves versus a Dispel Magic cast at it. First, it
gets the mage's saving throw versus magic, and if that fails, it has a
100% chance of being dispelled, minus 5% for each level the spell load
caster has greater than that of the dispel magic caster.
Releasing the spells by command takes only 1/10 round for initiative
purposes, and the caster can release two spells per round, although, if
two spells are released, there is a (50 - caster's level) chance that
the load spell will be broken, and they will all go off. No more than
six spells can be set into a spell load.
Material components are a diamond tipped stylus, worth at least 1000
GP, and an amount of molten gold, with which the runes are painted. The
gold is consumed in the casting of the spell, but the stylus is still
usable. The runes are visible to all during the casting of the spell
load, and they flare briefly when the spell they represent is cast.
Lich's Palm (Necromancy)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
This spell actually grants the caster the ability to use the normal
attack of a lich. The mere touch will cause 1d10 damage of cold and be
paralysed (save applicable).
Lorth's Stasis (Alteration)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
This spell was designed as either a sort of temporal stasis effect, or
as a way of removing enemies without killing them. The creature touched
is placed into its own extra-dimensional space, where no time passes.
After one turn for each level of the caster has elapsed, the creature
will be returned to the Prime Material plane in exactly the same state
it was when the spell is cast (including location).
If an object has been placed in the location from which the creature
was sent, the subject will be displaced the shortest possible distance
in any direction consonant with emerging in open space. For instance,
if the tunnel has collapsed since the spell was cast, the creature
might be displaced a few tens of yards up to the surface of the earth,
if this is the shortest displacement that will allow the creature to be
placed in an open area. However, if there should happen to be a cavity
in the debris blocking the tunnel, the subject would most likely be
deposited there.
Mage Lock (Alteration, Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This powerful dweomer causes the sealing of a thing with far greater
effectiveness than that caused by a Hold Portal or a Wizard Lock
spell. The Mage Lock can only be cast on certain things: Boxes or
chests made of iron, steel, or harder metals, or on doors made of the
same and set into a wall at least as hard as hard stone.
When the Mage Lock spell is cast, the Wizard chooses a single person -
other than himself - who is to be able to open the sealed box, chest,
or door. When the spell is done the item is sealed and only the
individual who was named in the casting will be able to open it. The
item will be unaffected by Knock spells, Chimes of Opening, or similar
magics, and will have a Magic Resistance of 25% with regard to other
magics, and a +2 on all saves.
If the person named in the spell should die before the item is opened -
for the spell holds only until the item is opened once - then the item
cannot be opened by anyone until the caster of the spell is dead. If
the item has not been opened by the time both the wizard and the person
named die, the Mage Lock dissipates.
The material components of this spell are: A diamond, worth no less
than 5,000 GP, 4 small iron cubes, and a drop of blood from the person
to be named in the spell.
Mass Teleport (Alteration)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 1' per level radius
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell is basically a higher level of the fifth level Teleport
spell. The main difference lies in the amount of mass that can be
transported by the caster. In addition to the caster, 1200 pounds per
level over level 10 may be transported. Basically, this spell is for
bulk rate transfers of material. The range simply refers to the maximum
radius outward from the center of effect (usually the caster) that
people and things can be to be teleported.
This was a very popular spell with parties of adventurers that had
lots of money to spend on transportation... As such, the mages who
could cast this spell tended to charge through the nose for it... It's
not an easy spell to find since it is very, very useful... Of course,
it's just a matter of time before somebody else (or a group of others)
break into the action by researching a similar spell.
Minor Accursed Rite (Necromancy)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: One living creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Turns victim into an undead, type selected randomly wight, ...,
vampire, partially controllable by the caster. Risky: each command
given is a chance for the victim to become a fully free undead of the
type, unless the caster also is a member of the same type of undead.
Free - until controlled by a spell, of course. The change takes place
over a period of two weeks of gradually worsening illness in which time
the spell can be dispelled by a Dispel Magic, Cure Disease, and Heal,
cast in any order any time during the two weeks, not necessarily one
straight after the other. The DM should make up some appropriate
material component.
Note: the spell can create some quite weird undeads, such as vampire
snakes. Controlling requires a common language and sufficient
intelligence on the part of the target. The spell in itself doesn't
modify stats such as intellect, even if the undead strength of 18/00 on
a vampire does apply to non-humanoids as well.
Moloranis's Marvelous Map (Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Special (see below)
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One sheet of paper
Saving Throw: None
By casting this spell, the mage is able to draw a fairly well detailed
map of the surrounding terrain onto blank paper, which is the material
component for this spell. The mage casting this spell must give total
concentration to the spell for the entire 10 minutes. If the mage loses
his concentration, the partially drawn map will fade from view and the
spell must be repeated.
The range of this spell varies as follows:
Above the ground: 1 mile per level of the caster.
Underground: 100 feet per level of the caster.
* Inside a structure: The mage will get a detailed map of the floor or
level he is on. However, the map will show nothing beyond the outer
walls. If the floor or level is bigger than the mage's maximum
radius, then follow the underground rule.
While this spell is very handy, it does have some draw-backs. Nothing
on the map is labeled. Also, the map will not show people. For
instance, the map will show where a town is (if it is in range) but it
won't give you the name of that town and it won't tell you if there are
any people in the town. In other words, this spell results in a
terrain-like map.
The material component for this spell is a piece of paper (or something
like that) and a writing instrument of some kind.
Mystyk's Improved Backlash (Abjuration, Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell is identical to Mystyk's Backlash except for the following:
when the caster is hit in melee, if he makes a successful save vs.
rods, the attack only inflicts half normal damage (rounded down).
Also, the energy bursts inflict an additional point of damage per level
of the caster, up to a maximum of 20; this damage is halved if the
attacker successfully saves vs. spells. For example if a 14th level
caster is hit with a melee attack for 12 points of damage, the caster
would suffer 12 points of damage, or 6 if the save is successful; the
attacker would suffer 12 + 14 = 26 points of damage, or 13 if the save
The material component for this spell is the same as that for Mystyk's
Backlash except the gem must be worth at least 600 GP.
Quintessa's Slaying Spear (Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 2" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast, light, that appears as a chromatic mass of
intertwined rays bundled together in the shape of a spear, appears
above the casters head.
The caster goes through the motion of throwing the spear, without ever
touching it, while speaking the name and race of the creature to be
The spear then flies towards its target and will kill the creature
instantly is a save vs. death magic is failed. The spear never misses.
If the saving throw is successful, the spear misses the creatures
brain, or central nervous system, and instead hits another part of of
the body causing 10-80 + 1 HP per level of the caster damage. The surge
of energy into the creature will also stun it for 2-8 rounds.
For the spell to work to its fullest potential, certain things should
be known about the target: (1) race (2) anatomy (3) true name - if
applicable - and (4) general background and history of the creature. If
any of these are known (or not known) then the creatures saving throw
is modified as follows:
Information Saving Throw adjustments
----------- ------------------------
Known Unknown
-------- -------
race -1 +2
anatomy -1 to -4 +3
true name -4 +2
knowledge -1 to -5 +3
The saving throw modifier because of knowledge of the creatures anatomy
depends on how much the caster has studied the creatures species. As a
general guide, it would take about one month of study, along with lots
of specimens, to be completely familiar with a certain species
The saving throw modifier because of knowledge of the creatures
background depends on how much and how deeply the creature's history
and current life was researched.
The material component for this spell is a copper spearhead and a glass
or crystal prism. If the creature was killed because of a failed saving
throw, then the spearhead will be found in the brain. If the save was
made, then the spearhead will be found in a random part of the body.
There is an additional -2 to save modifier if, for some obscure reason,
the creature is resubject to this spell with the same copper spearhead
that was used the first time (the spearhead has learned where to go
this time).
The prism disappears after the spell is cast.
Replay (Divination, Illusion)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 6"
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 2" x 2" area
Saving Throw: None
This spell causes past events to be re-enacted in the area of effect.
The replayed events will consist of a three dimensional,
semi-transparent image superimposed over the area of effect.
The caster can freeze the action, reverse it, scan forward for a
particular event, or skip to any time within the range of the spell as
given in the table below.
Level Time Range
----- ---------------
12-14 1 day per level
15-17 1 month per level
18-20 1 year per level
21+ 1 century per level
The speed of a search is determined by the event that is sought. The
passage of an army would be easy to spot at a fast search rate, while
searching for a pickpocket would require a real time search.
The material component for this spell is an hourglass.
Retroactive Dispel Magic (Abjuration, Alteration)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Lets you actually cast Dispel Magic to counter a spell thrown at you!
If you have the spell, you can cast it at any spell or spell effect
thrown that round, even if you have been killed or turned to stone, by
the vagaries of initiative and the like. It is assumed that you were
casting the Dispel Magic as the other spell was being cast. Acts as
Dispel Magic for chance of success based on level.
For example, you have Esmeralda cast Polymorph Other, which is lots
faster than Dispel Magic. She has Initiative all over Glamgon, the PC.
He declares that he wants to cast retroactive Dispel Magic, so
effectively as Esmeralda was gathering power for her spell, Glamgon was
trying to drain it away. Glamgon had better succeed, lest he truly
become a toad (the outcome of the polymorph other should Retroactive
Dispel Magic not succeed).
Note that this spell cannot be cast by a specialised Abjurer or
Transmuter, since it (also) belongs to his opposite school.
Sarius' Frost Giant Manifestation (Conjuration)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10" + 1" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 6 turns
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a golem-like creature which the mage may direct to
perform certain programmed actions. The creature is a temporary ice
golem with no true intelligence, and to most appears as an undead frost
giant. The creature may be controlled up to a distance equal to the
spell range but if it passes outside of this range, or the spellcaster
is killed, the creature will explode in a 60' radius area doing damage
equal to its current hit points (save vs. breath weapon for half
damage). The creature created mimics most of the actions of a frost
giant, having AC 4, MV 12", HD 10 + 2, HP 52, AT 1, DM 4-24, SP:
Immune to cold, SZ: L (15'), Strength: 21. The creature can fight with
its club only and has no ability to hurl rocks as a normal frost giant.
It can inflict structural damage points as a normal frost giant on a
round to round basis (Wood: 2, Soft Stone: 1, Hard Rock: 1/2).
The caster is able to direct the creature to perform 3 individual
actions plus 1 for every two levels of experience above 12th level.
Each change in action will cause the creature to hesitate for one round
before working to act out the next action. Actions can be classed as
"killing a group of orcs", "killing a group of men wearing the same
colours or armour", "tearing down a stone wall", "pulling up a tree",
etc. Once the final action is completed the frost giant crumbles into
small shards of ice, effectively making a circular area 30' in diameter
very slippery. Against mind affecting spells, the creature is
considered to have an intelligence and wisdom of 3 (saving at -3 vs.
these attacks). If the creature is charmed or controlled by a mind
affecting spell the casters concentration is totally disrupted causing
the creature to dissipate and any other spells the caster currently
controls will become dispelled unless the caster has no control over
the spells in question after casting them, and any spell the caster is
currently casting will be disrupted.
This spell requires only the slightest mental control of the caster to
operate, allowing him to cast other spells normally that do not require
his full concentration. Multiple castings of this spell will work, but
all of the detrimental effects are cumulative. The material component
of this spell is a small pouch (2" squared) of leather containing a
patch of fresh (not dried) frost giant hair mixed with diamond dust of
no less than 500 GP value. The frost giant hair may be kept fresh with
a Preserve spell or similar effect.
The source of this spell is Sarius Mendlekine.
Sarius' Platinum Platform (Alteration, Enchantment)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 1/2" per level
Components: VSM
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell brings a magical force field into existence which resembles
a dimly glowing platform made of glass-like material. The glowing
platform (dimly visible up to 5' away in daylight) is capable of flying
under the control of the spellcaster, who may carry himself and a
certain amount of weight through airy and waterous mediums. When
casting this spell, the mage may choose to create a 10' x 10' with 6"
sidewalls or a 40' x 40' platform with 3' sidewalls. The 10' x 10'
platform looses some of the abilities of the 40' x 40', but is 10%
magic resistant and confers a 5% magic resistance to anything in
physical contact with the platform. Both platforms have a localised
gravity that aids in keeping materials on board and bonuses to
dexterity checks for falling from it. The differences between platforms
and general flight powers are listed in the table below. Note that this
spell uses the intelligence of the creature casting the spell to
determine usage (even thieves) and creatures with less than a 9
intelligence may not effectively use this spell. Only mages may create
the 10' x 10' platform.
The platforms may only be destroyed by magical damage. Physical
attacks, no matter how strong, will only be able to move the platform
in relation to the force of the attack compared to the current speed
and/or lift rate. Magical weapons will do damage equal to their magical
plusses only. If area of effect attacks come from below that do not
destroy the platform they will not affect the contents of the platform.
Note that, even if the magic resistance of a 10' x 10' platform is
bridge and it fails its saving throw and takes full damage, unless it
is destroyed the aforementioned effect holds true. The magic resistance
passed onto objects touching the platform stay in effect for one round
after it is destroyed. Breath weapons are considered magical attacks
cast at the level of the hit dice of the breathing creature for
determining magic resistance breach.
The 40' x 40' platform may sustain 3 HP per level of the originating
experience level at which it was cast, while the 10' x 10' platform
will take 4 x this amount of damage. The platform is immune to any
attacks which use a primal force of the plane in which it is created
(e.g., fire in the elemental plane of fire) since it is created from
the forces of the current plane in which it resides. This also prevents
the platform from crossing planar boundaries. In places where there is
no localised gravity, movement rates are double the stated values in
the table below. Spell duration in normal time is 1 turn per level for
the 10' x 10' platform and 1 day per level for the 40' x 40' platform.
The material component of this spell is a platinum plate (3" x 5" x
1/2") with mystic runes etched into it. A jeweler is needed (unless the
character has the skill) and he will charge no less than 500 GP to work
the runes needed into the plate, the total price coming to 4,000 GP for
the plate. The caster must use a wizard mark of his own to prepare the
plate or it will only be able to create the 40' x 40' platform.
10' x 10' Platform 40' x 40' Platform
---------------------------- ----------------------------
Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum
Int. Speed Weight Lift MCFA Speed Weight Lift MCFA
---- ------- ------- ------- ---- ------- ------- ------- ----
9 9" 900 1" C/+1 4.5" 3,600 .5" E/+4
10 10" 1,000 1" C/+1 5" 4,000 .5" E/+4
11 11" 1,100 1" C/+1 5.5" 4,400 .5" E/+4
12 12" 1,200 1" C/+1 6" 4,800 .5" E/+4
13 13" 1,300 1" C/+1 6.5" 5,200 .5" E/+4
14 14" 1,400 2" B/+2 7" 5,600 1" D/+5
15 15" 1,500 2" B/+2 7.5" 6,000 1" D/+5
16 16" 1,600 2" B/+2 8" 6,400 1" D/+5
17 17" 1,700 2" B/+2 8.5" 6,800 1" D/+5
18 18" 1,800 2" B/+2 9" 7,200 1" D/+5
19 19" 1,900 2" B/+2 9.5" 7,600 1" D/+5
20 20" 2,000 3" A/+3 10" 8,000 1.5" C/+6
21 21" 2,100 3" A/+3 10.5" 8,400 1.5" C/+6
22 22" 2,200 3" A/+3 11" 8,800 1.5" C/+6
23 23" 2,300 3" A/+3 11.5" 9,200 1.5" C/+6
24 24" 2,400 3" A/+3 12" 9,600 1.5" C/+6
25 25" 2,500 3" A/+3 12.5" 10,000 1.5" C/+6
Maximum Speed:
This is measured in feet per round indoors and yards per round
outdoors. Incapacitating the controlling person causes the platform to
freeze. Speed also directly converts to miles per hour when the
platform is flown for that amount of time.
Maximum Weight:
This is measured in pounds.
Maximum (Rate of) Lift:
For every 100 pounds over the maximum weight limit the lift rate is
reduced by 1" per round. Negative lift rates cause the platform to go
down at a rate equal to the negative rating unless the current plane
has no gravity. In this case movement rate is affected vice lift.
MCFA (Maneuverability Class - Falling Adjustment):
This bonus is doubled for the caster controlling the platform. Each +1
should be considered a pull each to 1/10th of normal gravity in the
current plane of existence. These plusses are specifically bonuses
against falling off of the platform.
The source of this spell is Sarius Mendlekine.
Sillvatar's Surgical Strike (Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards + 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell provides the caster with a method of attacking a specific
target in the midst of a crowd; when this spell is cast, a flaming bolt
shoots from the palm of the caster towards the intended victim. Only
one target may be chosen for this spell, and the bolt strikes this
individual unerringly. The bolt will dodge obstructions and other
creatures in its flight to the target; it will even round corners, if
need be. As long as the spell's range is not exceeded, and there is
some path to the target, it will be struck; even if the victim ducks
behind an obstacle while the spell is being cast, the bolt will still
strike home. The only stipulation is the target must be in sight when
the spell incantations begin; the caster may choose any target within
sight (and range) but may not target such things as "the strongest
member of the group" or "the orc leader" (see the description for Magic
Missile for more details).
When the bolt impacts the target, it explodes in a burst of flames that
engulf the victim; the flames conform to the shape of the target, so no
other creatures are affected by the spell unless they are touching the
victim. The affects of the explosion are identical to a 10 die Fireball
(10d6 points of damage). A successful save vs. spell reduces the damage
by one half. If this save fails, the target must save vs. magical fire
at -3 for all possessions; those that fail are destroyed.
Since its inception, this spell has become a favourite of assassins;
because of this, Sillvatar has striven to remove it from circulation.
Due to his efforts, this spell is not as common as it once was,
although tens and even hundreds of examples still exist.
The material component for this spell is a handful of scales and the
heart of a red dragon; these components are consumed when the spell is
Spell-link (Alteration)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3d4 hours + 1 hour per level
Casting time: 5 rounds
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
By use of this spell, the mage magically links 4 spells that are
currently in his memory. The link is such that, upon uttering a trigger
phrase, the linked spells are invoked almost simultaneously. That is,
they are machine-gunned. In actual time: there is a 2/10 round gap
between the spells.
The spells that can be linked are one first level spell, one second
level, one third level and one fourth level. The mage must specify the
order of the link (i.e. 1-3-4-2, 2-1-3, etc). Spells that are linked
may not be cast. Any attempt to cast a linked spell has an 85% chance
to fizzle (minus 10% per point of intelligence above 15). Furthermore,
the other spells linked to the cast spell are automatically lost.
The trigger phrase takes 1/10 round to use. At the end of the duration,
which is secretly rolled by the GM, this spell and the linked spells
are automatically lost.
Spell components are a braided platinum & copper chain, worth 500 GP,
which is consumed by the spell, and - obviously - whatever is needed
for the linked spells.
Staff of Light/Darkness (Alteration, Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
By means of this spell, the magic-user creates a powerful magical
weapon which only he can wield. Magic-users of Good alignment can
create a Staff of Light; those of Evil alignment, a Staff of Darkness;
and those of Neutral alignment (with respect to Good/Evil) can create
either form of the spell, but with reduced effectiveness. The verbal
component of this spell consists of but a single word, which creates in
the magic-user's hand a sphere of light (or darkness) a few inches in
diameter; the remainder of the casting time is then spent carefully
pulling and shaping this sphere into a full-sized staff. Spell duration
is considered to begin on the following round, so that the caster can
make at least as many attacks as he has levels.
The glowing Staff of Light will brightly illuminate a 30' radius, and
when cast by a Good-aligned magic-user this illumination will be
painful to supernatural Evil creatures such as undead, demons, devils,
etc. (these take 2 hit points of damage per round, saving vs. spell
each round for half damage). A Darkness spell cast in the area of the
Staff of Light will eliminate this painful effect for the duration of
the Darkness, but does not actually make the area dark, though the
illumination is reduced to the level of dim torchlight.
Whether cast by a Good or Neutral magic-user, the Staff of Light
strikes as a +2 weapon (for purposes of what can be hit by it; there is
no actual to-hit bonus) and does a base of 1d6 points of damage. The
damage can be increased by 1d6 for each round of spell duration that
remains; every such increase shortens the duration of the spell by one
round. Intent to increase damage must be stated before the to-hit die
is rolled, but spell duration is not affected if the attack is a miss.
If the Staff of Light is used to strike a creature with a strong
Negative Material existence (wights, spectres, xeg-yi, etc.) there is a
50% chance that the remaining spell duration will be expended as damage
whether or not the caster wishes it.
The Staff of Darkness sheds deep shadows in a 30' radius, through which
only the caster can see clearly; Shades (the monster) and other
magic-users using Staff of Darkness spells are at -1 to hit when within
these shadows, and all others (even with infravision) are at -3 to hit
and +3 to be hit when in these shadows (note that two magic-users
within 30' of each other and each holding as Staff of Darkness will
both be at -1 to hit, but the effects of multiple staves are not
otherwise cumulative).
In addition, when cast by an Evil-aligned magic-user, this sphere of
shadow will affect supernatural creatures of Good alignment (shedu,
lammasu, devas, etc.) as if they were affected by a Stinking Cloud
spell (saving throw vs. magic reduces the effect to mild nausea, -1 to
hit and damage; this penalty is cumulative with the -3 to-hit penalty
for poor visibility). A Light spell cast in the area of the Staff of
Darkness will remove this nauseating effect and reduce the to-hit
penalty to -1 and the to-be-hit penalty to +1, but will not
significantly brighten the area.
The staff of Darkness strikes as a +2 weapon (for purposes of what can
be hit), doing 1d6 points of damage. For each round of spell duration
that remains, the caster can choose to inflict numbing cold on his
victim; this cold has a 5% chance per round of spell duration expended,
cumulative, of causing loss of use of a limb for 1d6 rounds, and
otherwise causes the victim to lose one point each of strength and
dexterity per round of duration expended, also for 1d6 rounds;
thereafter the lost strength and dexterity return at the rate of one
point each per round, or the limb becomes usable immediately.
Cold-resistant and cold-using creatures get a saving throw against this
effect, and its duration is halved for them in any case.
If the areas of radiance/shadow of a Staff of Light and a Staff of
Darkness intersect, the effects of both are negated in the overlapping
region. If the staves are within 30' of one another, both cease to shed
their light/darkness, but their powers are otherwise unaffected.
Neither Staff has any physical substance, and thus cannot be parried
except by another Staff of the opposite type or by a Rod of Force; a
Wall of Force, Forcecage, or similar force barrier will stop a Staff.
If two Staves of opposite type touch one another for any reason, both
are destroyed in an explosion of 40' radius causing 1d6 points damage
for each round of duration remaining in the two spells, cumulative. The
mages holding the Staves automatically take full damage, all others
within 40' save vs. spells to take half damage.
The material component of this spell is a pearl (a black pearl for the
Dark version) of not less than 500 GP value, which is held in one hand
when the command word is uttered. The pearl is transformed into a small
sphere of light or darkness; the somatic component is the stretching
and molding of this sphere into a staff. There is rumoured to be a
variant of this spell that allows the sphere formed from the pearl to
be hurled as a missile, but the specific details have been lost.
Teleport Trap (Alteration)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 10-yard per level radius sphere
Saving Throw: Negates
All people or things teleporting in the area of effect are, upon
materialising, effected as if a paralysis spell had been cast upon them
(as in players handbook). Thus a mage wishing to leave sneak into a
place decides to teleport there. He doesn't realise that a Teleport
Trap has been cast however around the spot he wishes to appear. Upon
arriving he must save vs. spells or be paralysed. Those leaving an
area under this spell will also be paralysed whereever they appear.
Material components are a gem of not less than 5000 GP worth smeared
with the ichor of some paralysing agent (ghoul's skin, etc).
Teleport via Fire (Alteration)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: One creature per 4 levels
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to teleport himself and/or others from one
area of flames to another (both fires must be at least as large as a
small campfire). The caster has two options: if the terminal fire is in
sight, the teleport is without error as per the spell of the same name;
if the target fire is not in sight, then the teleport is subject to the
success modifiers of the normal Teleport spell. Obviously, the location
of the terminal fire must be known (via scrying or prior knowledge). If
this spell is used when there is no known target fire (i.e. there is no
fire in sight and none are known to the caster) the recipients are
trapped on the elemental plane of fire (note that this provides a way
of entering this plane on a planned basis, but the caster will not know
the location of the teleport beforehand, unless there is prior
knowledge of the location on the plane of fire).
This spell will provide the recipients with a form of fire-resistance:
this resistance lasts for one round per 2 levels of the caster; it
provides total protection for this time (but only for the two fires in
question - the recipients are affected normally by other fires during
this time).
It takes 2 turns to prepare this spell, but once prepared, it will
remain in effect for one hour per level of the caster, or until it is
used. The creatures to be affected are named at the time of
preparation. The spell has an actual casting time (i.e. to trigger the
teleport) of 1.
This spell provides a method of escaping the effects of a Fireball or
similar spell: if the caster makes the proper saving throw, and is not
in the midst of some other activity (i.e casting another spell or
fighting), the teleport can be triggered instantly; the teleported
creatures are unaffected by the Fireball regardless if they make their
saves or not. Of course the normal stipulations are still in effect, so
the caster must still have a target fire, or be trapped on the plane of
The material components for this spell are a candle and the replica of
a small, wooden door; both are consumed with the casting.
Vandergast's Armoured Forcetrap (Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
This spell is identical to Vandergast's Forcetrap in appearance and
effect, with the following exceptions: a bend bars attempt is useless
against this spell; instead, enough damage must be inflicted on the
bands to destroy them. This damage may be caused by weapons (piercing
and slashing weapons only do half damage, blunt weapons inflict full
damage) or spells. Also, only one target may be trapped by this spell.
Finally, a Limited Wish will not affect this spell, although a Wish
will destroy it, and a Dispel Magic has the normal chance of success
against the bands.
The bands have AC 0 and 5 hit points for every level of the caster.
When the bands' hit point total has been exceeded, the bands are
destroyed, and the spell ends. Each attack that inflicts damage on the
bands will also inflict half that damage total (rounded down) on the
trapped victim unless a successful save vs. paralysation is made (in
which case, no damage is suffered). For example, if the bands are
struck for 11 points of damage, they suffer the full 11 points, while
the trapped victim suffers 5 points of damage, unless his save was
Wizard Watch (Alteration, Divination)
Level: 6
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 1"
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: One room
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a special version of the casters Wizard Mark to
placed in a room of the casters choice. This sigil will allow the
caster to view the room from any distance as if the caster was scrying
into the room with no chance of failure. The sigil itself does not do
the seeing, but it only defines the room that can be viewed, thus the
caster can view the room from any viewpoint inside the room, but not
from outside the room. The information received is limited to visual
Since the sigil is easily noticed, it can be hidden, or have its design
mixed in with the decor of the room and be hidden that way.
If the sigil is created in an outside area, not bounded by walls, then
the viewpoint can be anywhere within a 1" radius from the location of
the sigil.
Any creatures that are in the room which is actively being watched will
have a chance to detect the scrying of the owner as defined the DMG
(pg. 141). If they use a dispel magic to counter the scrying, then the
sigil will remain inoperative for a period of one day (this does not
mean that the caster might not have more sigils in the room. As long as
they remain inactivated, they will not be effected by the Dispel
The spell is permanent until the sigil is tampered with, or destroyed.
The materials for this spell is a mercury and 1000 GP of carbuncle dust
is a glue base as well as a dragon scale with the sigil carved on it.
The mix is poured onto the dragon scale 'mold' and pressed against the
area where the sigil is to be put. The spell is cast, and the new sigil
remains in place.