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5-Mile Carrier (Alteration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Extends the range of any other spell up to 5 miles. Can shoot around
corners but not in a zig-zag shape, e.g. you could cast it with
Lightning Bolt to start the bolt on the other side of a hill 2 miles
away, but the size of the bolt is still the same.
Alpha's Aurora Borealis (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1' per level radius ring
Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes a sheet of dancing, shifting light to spring up
around the caster, encompassing any area up to the maximum indicated by
the caster's level. The Aurora will last as long as the caster
concentrates on it (concentration can be maintained while moving at
half-speed, but the caster cannot fight or cast other spells, though
speech is allowed), and for an additional 1 round per level after he or
she ceases concentration.
Any intelligent creature which views the shifting, dancing patterns of
light must save vs. spells or stand fascinated, watching the interplay
of colours and lights [cf. Hypnotic Pattern]. A maximum of 2 HD of
creatures per level of the caster can be so affected.
Any creature actually touching the Aurora will suffer 2-12 points of
damage, +1 point per level of the caster. Fungoid monsters, undead,
and creatures native to the plane of shadow suffer 2-12 points of
damage, +2 points per level, from the effects of this spell.
The material component of this spell is a clear gemstone or crystal
prism worth not less than 100 GP, a glowworm, and a pinch of
Alpha's Balefire (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 5' x 30' x 15' cone
Saving Throw: Special
This spell draws upon a nearly colourless arcane effluvium from the
Plane of Shadow. This mystical stuff burns very hot and is extremely
viscous, but rapidly dissolves in the thick substance of the Prime
Material Plane. Those in the area of effect may attempt a save vs.
breath weapon to avoid being covered in the stuff. If this save is
successful, they are merely splashed with it. Even this small amount,
however, is sufficient to cause half damage for the initial round, but
it burns out in that single round. Those that fail to save and are
struck fully by this ghastly stuff suffer d6 fire damage per two levels
of the caster (rounded up), up to a maximum of 12d6. The Balefire
clings to these poor victims and continues to inflict damage. The
damage is reduced by 2d6 each round, and the it burns until all damage
potential is exhausted. This shadow-stuff burns with a colourless fire
that can only be extinguished by magical means (e.g. Wand of Flame
Extinguishing, Fire Quench, Dispel Magic, or a magical cold spell such
as Ice Storm, Cone of Cold, Wall of Ice, or Otiluke's Freezing Sphere,
although spells involving ice may also cause impact damage to the
would-be rescuee); even total immersion in water will have no effect on
it. This flame is so hostile to natural (i.e. Prime Material) matter
that it will burn through one inch of wood or soft metal, one quarter
inch of hard metal, or one eighth inch of stone per die of damage that
it would inflict to living targets each round it is active. Any
individual who is struck fully (i.e. fails to save) must make item
saving throws vs. magical fire for all exposed equipment in each round
that the Balefire clings to him, though these saves are at +1
cumulative for each round after the first. Occasional dark green or
red flickerings can be observed in an active Balefire. The material
component is a standard opal (not a black or fire opal) worth at least
500 GP and a bit of pitch.
Alpha's Blue Blaze (Evocation, Conjuration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 50' long, 20' wide at terminus fan-shaped area
Saving Throw: Special
By utterance and extending either arm, the caster causes a fan-like
sheet of heated, purplish, acidic vapours and blue flames to leap forth
from his outstretched hand. Any creature in the area of effect must
save twice (once vs. the fire, once vs. the acid) or suffer 1d6 per 2
levels of the caster (rounding up) from each effect.
All exposed items must save vs. acid, regardless of the result of the
save. Item saves vs. magical fire are only necessary if the a victim
fails his save vs. that effect.
Alpha's Incantation of Elemental Domination (Abjuration, Enchantment)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 turns per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
In the casting of this spell, the wizard must choose one element to
have dominance over. Elementals of this plane cannot approach within
5' of the caster or attack the caster in any way. The caster can
forego this protection if desired, and attempt to charm the elemental
[cf. Charm Monster], applying a -2 penalty to the save. If this is
attempted, than this total ward against elementals is lost.
In any event, any elemental creature (water weird, xorn, etc.) is at -1
to hit and -1 per die of damage when attacking the caster. The caster
makes all saves vs. their attacks at +2. The casters own attacks are
at +4 to hit (or -4 to the target's save) and +6 to damage. He can
further affect any elemental creature with any weapon, regardless of
its level of enchantment.
The caster may converse with creatures of the chosen element, and they
will respect him if alignments are similar, or fear (if the caster
appears strong) or hate and desire to slay (if the caster appears weak)
if alignments are dissimilar.
The spell's association with one element results in a saving throw
penalty to the caster while the spell is in effect, depending on which
element is chosen:
Air -2 vs. fire;
Earth -2 vs. petrification;
Fire -2 vs. water or cold;
Water -2 vs. electricity.
The material component is a substantial amount (at least 1 cu' foot) of
the element in opposition to the element the caster desires to
Alpha's Lightningarmour (Abjuration, Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rounds per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
The subject of this spell cannot be wearing metal armour of any sort,
nor carrying a metallic weapon larger than a shortsword. Bracers are
permissible. The creature touched is completely protected from
electrical damage of any sort so long as the spell is in effect. This
protection is not absolute, having a maximum absorption of 10 points of
electrical damage per level of the caster. Damage is absorbed by the
Lightningarmour after saving throws and any other protections have been
taken into account. The creature under the effects of this spell carry
a negative electrical charge, and skin-to-skin contact with another
creature will cause 1d4 electrical damage with no saving throw, as will
contact through a conductor. Anyone striking the protected creature
with a conductive object must save vs. paralysation at +1 or drop the
object due to temporary numbness in the member holding the weapon.
Those within 5' of of a character with this spell in effect may catch
a faint scent of ozone and feel their hair standing a bit on end. The
material component of this spell is a bit of copper wire and glass
thread wrapped in clay.
Alpha's Moons of Munnopoor (Alteration, Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
By the use of this spell, the caster calls upon the magical influences
of the other-dimensional Moons of Munnopoor. The caster can call upon
the power of one, two, or all three of the Moons. This spell always
creates an area of light equal to the Moonlight spell, centered on the
caster and moving with him. However, the area of effect is only 50%
that of the normal Moonlight spell if one moon's power is invoked, 100%
normal is two moons are called upon, and 150% normal if all three moons
are utilised. This Moonlight has all of the effects of actual
moonlight under a full moon, including effects on lycanthropes. The
duration of this spell is also determined by the number of Moons called
upon: if one Moon, the duration is 2 rounds per level of the caster;
if two, it's 1 round per level; and, if all three, it's 1 round per 2
levels of the caster. Besides the light produced by the images of the
appropriate Moons appearing above the caster, each Moon provides a
specific magic-enhancing effect as follows:
Blue Moon: All water-related (including fog-, ice-, and steam-related)
spells used by the caster gain a bonus of +1 per die of damage (though
not exceeding the normal maximum--e.g. an Ice Storm spell would inflict
3d10+3 damage, up to a maximum of 30) if the spell causes physical
damage, including the damage caused by summoned water elemental
creatures; applies a penalty of -4 to saving throws and -20% to magic
resistance to targets of spells which cause no hit point damage but do
affect an unwilling target in some way; or increases the duration of
other spells of this genre which do not fall into the above categories
(e.g. Water Breathing, Wall of Fog), doubling duration if a 1st-3rd
level spell, increasing by 50% if the spell is 4th-6th level.
Bright Moon: All spells relating to stars, moons, and other
astronomical phenomena are affected in the same way that water-related
spells are affected by the Blue Moon.
Silvery Moon: All mind-controlling and influencing spells used by the
caster apply a -4 penalty to saves and a -20% penalty to magic
resistance checks by targets of such spells.
The material components for this spell are a white pearl or sapphire to
invoke the Blue Moon, a diamond for the Bright Moon, and a silver pearl
or moonstone for the Silvery Moon. Whatever the combination of moons
invoked, the spell also requires a piece of black velvet along with a
crushed pearl and a crushed moonstone, and a pinch of diamond dust.
Alpha's Saint Elmos' Fire (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 5 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per 2 levels
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell ionises the air around the target of the spell, surrounding
him with a blue-white, glowing nimbus of electrically charged air in a
5' radius. The target of the spell may save vs. breath weapon at -2 to
avoid the spell. This save is at an additional -2 if the target is
carrying large, mostly metallic weapons (e.g. swords, battle axes) or
wearing partial metal armour (e.g. studded, ring), and at -4 if
wearing full metal armour (scale or heavier). If successful, the
target will suffer only 3d6 electrical damage as he dodges out of the
area of effect, and the spell will then dissipate that round without a
focus to coalesce about. If the save is failed, the victim will suffer
5d6 damage every round until a save vs. breath weapon (with modifiers
as for the initial save, but with a +1 cumulative per round bonus) is
successful, at which point the spell will dissipate. Any creature
entering the 5' radius nimbus suffers 1d6 electrical damage with no
save. Any creature that touches or is touched by the victim of the
spell will suffer 3d6 damage with no save if the contact was
skin-to-skin, or 2d6 if it was through a conductor. If the target is
in water, the electricity will inflict 3d6 damage with any contact, 2d6
within 5', and 1d6 within 15'. The target of this spell may, if
desired, intentionally try to use the nimbus of electricity and the
personal electrical charge as a weapon. The caster may end this spell
at any point, if desired. The material components are phosphorus, a
bit of fur, amber, and a bit of cold iron.
Alpha's Shooting Stars (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 5' per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates glowing missiles with flaming trails, one for each
six levels of the caster (dropping all fractions). The victim of the
spell receives no saving throw, and suffers 4d6 damage from the impact
and 8d6 from the fiery blast that accompanies the impact. All within 5
feet of the impact point are also in the blast radius, but they may
save for half damage. The original intended target may attempt to save
vs. petrification to avoid being struck, this save at -4 if within 20'
and at -2 if within 40'. If this save fails, he suffers as above. If
he succeeds, however, the shooting star(s) directed at him continue on
in a straight line to the extent of their range, at which point they
explode in a fiery burst as above. Anyone else in the path of the
shooting star(s) must save as for the original intended target, or
become the victim of the spell. If the caster has more than one
missile, he may direct them at one or several targets as desired.
Anyone within 5' of the path of the missile will suffer 2d6 (save for
half) fire damage simply from the heat of the passage of the shooting
star. The material component is a bit of meteoric iron and a piece of
igneous rock.
Alpha's Spectral Hound (Conjuration, Phantasm)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 6 turns per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell brings into being a quasi-real beast appearing as a war dog
with black fur, gray ruff and tail, milky gray eyes, and insubstantial
paws which make no sound. The creature will have average (8-10)
intelligence and can converse with the caster in the common tongue.
The creature can fight, attacking as a 2+2 HD monster and inflicting
2-8 points of damage per hit. It can, however, affect creatures struck
only by magical weapons. The beast itself is AC 0, and can take up to
half the caster's full hit points (rounding up) before being
The Hound can track any creature known to the caster, provided the
caster concentrates on a mental picture of the figure for 2 full
rounds. The Hound can follow the trail of such a creature with 100%
certainty, -5% per hour the trail is old. The Hound also has
infravision to 90', can spot hidden (such as in shadows) things 80% of
the time, invisible objects 65% of the time, and astral, ethereal, or
out-of-phase things 50% of the time. The Hound normally moves at 12",
though it can run at 24" for 3 rounds each hour. Further, the Hound
may cross muddy or swampy ground, or even water, as if were solid, dry
ground. The Hound leaves no tracks.
By concentrating for 1 full round, the caster can make use of the
Hound's sensory abilities for as long as desired, though this does not
allow communication beyond normal vocal range.
The Hound is unaffected by any spells which alter its form (flesh to
stone, polymorph, etc.) or restrict or affect its movement (haste,
slow, hold, etc.). If a mind control spell is cast upon the creature
and it fails its save (saving throws of the Hound are as for the
caster), then it wills itself out of existence. It is further immune
to poison and death magics. The hound will speak only to the caster,
and, if the caster is killed, feebleminded, charmed, or otherwise
mentally incapacitated, then the hound will immediately cease to
The material components of this spell are three canine statuettes; one
of ivory or alabaster, one of silver or platinum, and one of jet, onyx,
obsidian, or ebony. These statuettes must be worth at least 200 GP
each, and, in the course of the spell, the three merge to become the
Spectral Hound. When the spell ends, the Hound simply fades slowly out
of existence.
Alpha's Star-Powered Magery (Invocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell can only be cast outdoors under a night sky where stars are
visible. The spell requires 2 turns to cast for each level of spells
the caster is able to cast (e.g. a 12th level wizard can cast 6 levels
of spells, and so would require 12 turns). Upon completion of the
spell, the caster's mind and body are refreshed and restored as though
the caster had rested a full day. 1-3 hit points, plus the caster's
CON bonus, if any, are restored if the caster is at less than full
health. The power of the spell also allows the caster to memorise
spells in one-half the usual time, save for first level spells, which
may be memorised in a single round. During the lengthy casting of this
spell, the wizard is suffused with a pale white glow, and is fully
aware of things going on nearby. If the spell is interrupted, either
by being struck by an attack or voluntarily by the caster, then the
effect is wasted and the caster must sleep for spells as usual. The
material component is a diamond worth at least 1,000 GP.
Alpha's Starshield (Alteration, Abjuration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the wizard's body is sheathed in a nearly
skin-tight magical screen. This screen has the appearance of a black
night sky filled with stars. Whenever a light-related spell of any
sort is cast at the creature using the Starshield, the spell will be
harmlessly absorbed and redirected back at the caster of the spell.
This includes such spells as Light (if cast so as to blind), Colour
Spray, Sunray, and Prismatic Spray. An area-effect spell where the
caster is the sole target will automatically be reflected in this way.
Area-effect light spells in which others are also targeted have a
chance of being intercepted and redirected by the caster as above equal
to the caster's chance to negate the spell with a Dispel Magic spell.
The protected wizard will be unaffected by the spell in any event and,
if the spell is successfully absorbed, those behind the caster who
would have been in the area of effect are spared the effects of the
spell. By making a successful check as if to Dispel Magic, the caster
may attempt to pass through a Prismatic Sphere or a Prismatic Wall.
Darkness spells (e.g. Darkness 15' radius, Nystul's Blackmote,
priest's Continual Darkness) will also be reflected, just as light
spells are, and the caster may attempt a saving throw vs. death magic
each round to attempt to see through any area of magical darkness
within normal vision range. If outdoors under the night sky, the
caster can see as if in broad daylight, even through magical areas of
darkness, and also absorbs stellar radiation, regenerating 1 hit point
per round that the spell is in effect. The material component for this
spell is a black sapphire and a star sapphire, both of which must be
worth not less than 1000 GP.
Alpha's Wizard Light (Alteration, Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 30' radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a pearly-white globe of light equivalent to
Continual Light (q.v.). Within the area of effect, all shadow and
darkness (even of magical origin) is dispelled, and all hidden or
invisible creatures or objects are outlined in a pale blue radiance
which lasts as long as the Wizard Light itself, even if the object or
creature so outlined moves out of the area of effect. Further, all
glyphs of warding, symbols, and other magical writings and wards are
revealed, glowing a luminous blue, and the area of effect of such wards
is similarly outlined. This spell does not reveal astral, ethereal, or
out-of-phase creatures, nor does it reveal purely mechanical traps and
secret doors, although traps or secret doors disguised by or utilising
magic will be revealed. A mage using the Duo-Dimension (q.v.) spell
would appear as a thin line of blue radiance in mid-air. This spell
does not reveal what an illusion is hiding nor the appearance of an
invisible creature (except for its outline), but merely reveals
reveals its presence and location. Hence, a Cloak of Displacement is
useless within the Wizard Light. The light does not "set off" magical
guards, but it does reveal the form of glyphs and such things for
possible identification and deactivation. The material component for
this spell is a diamond worth at least 500 GP.
Auralon's Deflective Plates (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
Casting of this spell creates up to five glowing, circular plates of
force which hang in the air in a 3-foot radius around the spellcaster.
These plates move to deflect magical energies aimed at the spellcaster
of which the latter is aware. The plates are effective against magical
rays, beams, bolts and missiles from both spells and magic items. The
target of these offensive spells has only a cumulative 15% chance per
plate to be protected against totally accurate spells (such as magic
missile), but a 19% chance per plate of avoiding magic requiring a "to
hit" roll (such as lightning bolt).
Upon impact with the plates, the offensive magic is deflected at full
strength in a random direction away from the target (roll a d4 for
height: 1 or 2=same height, 3 or 4=up; and a d6 for direction relative
to the defender: 1=left, 2=left and front, 3=up in front or back at
rival caster, 4=right and front, 5=right, 6=either straight up or is
absorbed and destroys a plate). The plates can be brought down by
disintegrate or dispel magic, impact with a rod of cancellation or
shatter (destroys one plate), or a limited wish or wish. The plates do
not protect against non-magical attacks or magical attacks of a type
not listed above.
At the end of the spell's duration, the plates disappear two per round
until all are gone. The material components for this spell are tiny
disks cut from 50 GP gems, one for each plate to be invoked; the
disks are used up in the casting.
Auralon's Deflective Plates is a spell Auralon devised in his spare
time while serving under the Mageoclave, and before becoming a member
of that group.
Azura's Death Shadow (Conjuration/Summoning, Necromancy)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One person
Saving Throw: None
Upon casting a death shadow, the magic-user brings forth a special
creature from the elemental plane of shadow. The recipient of the
death shadow feels a chilling sensation followed by warmth as it merges
with his actual shadow. Thereafter, once a situation occurs where the
recipient takes a death stroke of any sort (failing to save vs. poison,
taking damage from an attack which causes death etc.) the shadow pushes
him to a place of safety and takes the death stroke itself,
disappearing in a black puff of smoke. The spell may last up to one day
per spell level of the caster before the shadow departs.
Note that the death shadow does not provide an instant escape route
from certain death (e.g., being immersed in acid, falling off a cliff,
etc.). It merely takes one death blow which would have normally killed
the character, and there must be an immediate place of safety within
10' for the shadow to place its host. The material components for this
spell are coal, special incense (value 200 GP), and a drop of blood,
all of which are burned at the start of casting.
Azura's Soul Whip (Evocation, Necromancy)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 2"
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per 2 levels
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
When the magic-user casts the soul ship, he creates a shimmering ebony
tendril which lashes out at one specific creature within 20'. A "to
hit" roll is necessary, but the whip strikes once per round as a
monster of the caster's hit dice, and on an unmodified roll of 20, the
whip entangles its victim for 2-5 rounds (no "to hit" needed during
that time). Whenever the weapon touches its target, it inflicts 1d8 + 3
damage points, and these points are immediately gained by the spell
caster and heals any damage previously incurred. If the caster's hit
points rise above maximum normal hit points, then the extra points will
remain for only 1 turn. The material component is a small leather
Blizzard (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 5-foot per level radius area (100' maximum)
Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes a blizzard to hit the area of effect, resulting in
the following: movement rate is cut in half due to drifts and wind, no
missile fire or flying due to wind, and all normal flames are
extinguished. This will negate a heat metal spell, and affects magical
fires as if they had been hit with a Dispel Magic. There are no saving
throws vs. these effects.
In addition, great chunks of ice and snow fall within the area of
effect, causing 3d12 points of damage per round to anyone caught
inside. A successful saving throw vs. spell reduces this damage to 1/2
the normal amount. The material components required for this spell are
five acorns and any semi-precious gem worth at least 100 GP.
Bone Splinter (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per 5 levels
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
Once this spell is cast, it will affect a single target that must be
hit in melee by the caster. The target will suffer a minor bone
fracture when affected by this spell. If the caster misses, additional
attacks may be made in following rounds, as long as the spell duration
allows. The spell ends when a hit is scored, or when the duration
expires, whichever comes first.
The wizard uses his normal THAC0 with a +1 "to hit" bonus, but must
make a called shot (see The Complete Fighter's Manual for details) to
one of the hit locations listed below; the appropriate "to hit"
modifier must be applied to the combat roll. Normal attacks are not
considered accurate enough to do any real damage with this spell.
The possible hit locations, along with their combat modifier,
restrictions, and effects are as follows:
location modifier to hit effects
-------- -------- -----------------------------------------------
head -8 minor skull fracture:
2d8 points of damage (save vs. spell for 1/2
arm * -4 minor broken arm:
-2 to STR & DEX when using this arm; -2 to hit,
or shield worthless 50% of the time.
leg * -4 minor broken leg:
-2 to DEX when using this leg (i.e. defensive
adjustment); movement rate is at 3/4 normal.
ribs -4 racked rib:
loss of 1d4 CON points and suffer 1d6 points of
damage (no save).
spine @ -8 cracked vertebrae:
save vs. spell or become paralysed for 2d10
pelvis -4 minor hip fracture:
-4 to DEX when using legs; movement rate is at
1/2 normal.
* if attacking from the side, only the nearest appendage may be
@ the spine may only be targeted if attacking from the rear.
Multiple hits inflict cumulative damage. A cure serious wounds will
heal one of these effects, but will not heal any associated hit point
loss (another cure spell is required to do so). A cure critical wounds
will heal two effects, And a heal will fully restore the victim (unless
The material components for this spell are a bit of bone and a small
metal hammer, both of which are consumed when the spell is cast.
[author's note: the requirement for called shots is simply for
convenience; if the DM wishes to compile a hit location chart, then
normal attacks may be used in addition to called shots.]
Chaos Magic (Alteration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 5 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1-foot per level radius area
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a sphere that has all the properties of a Forgotten
Realms (tm) wild magic area (see the FR Sourcebook for details). The
area of chaos magic is permanent until destroyed (it may only be
destroyed as per a wild magic area). The sphere of chaos magic is
The material component for this spell is a pint of blood from any
chaotic magic-using creature. The blood is consumed when the spell is
Cone of Acid (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell is much like Cone of Cold or Cone of Fire (q.v.), except
that it causes acid damage. Damage is 1d4 + 1, per level of the mage.
The material component is one citrus fruit per level of the mage.
Cone of Fire (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
When this spell is cast, it causes a cone-shaped area of fire
originating at the mage's hand and extending outwards in a cone 1/2
inch long per level of the caster. It causes inflammable objects to
catch on fire, and great heat in nonflammable objects. Damage is 1d4 +
1, per level of the mage. For example, a tenth level mage would cast a
Cone of Fire causing 10d4 + 10 points of damage. Its material component
is a red garnet(s) worth at least 100 GP [cf. Cone of Cold].
Deflect Normal Weapon Attacks (Abjuration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
When cast, this spell creates an invisible, mobile forcefield around the
recipient. This barrier has an armour class of 4 and a number of hit
points equal to 5 times the caster's level. All non-magical melee and
missile attacks made on the recipient, are directed against the shell
instead. Damage from such attacks will not harm the recipient until the
wall is destroyed. This spell has no effect on any magical attacks,
which inflict full damage on the barrier and the recipient.
If an attack hits the barrier, the protected creature must make a
saving throw vs. spell. If this save fails, damage is rolled normally
against the forcefield (if the damage inflicted equals or exceeds the
remaining hit point total of the wall, it is destroyed, but any excess
damage does not affect the recipient at this time). If the save is
successful, the attack is deflected away harmlessly.
If an attack fails to score a hit on the barrier (i.e. misses AC 4),
the attack is reflected back at the attacker; the attacker must then
make normal attack and damage rolls against himself. The material
component for this spell is a powdered black opal which is consumed
with the casting.
Detect Spell (Divination)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 3" radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
Spell casting leaves a magical residue in the surrounding area which
this spell is designed to detect. When the spell is cast, the caster
can examine any spell that was cast in this area up to limit of 1 week
in the past per level of the caster.
One spell can be examined per round, with the spells being detected in
reverse chronological order. The information obtained about the spell
is as follows:
When cast School of magic
Location and area of effect Relative level of spell
Casting time and duration Relative level of caster
Means of casting
Possible means of casting include from memory, from a scroll, and from
a natural power.
If the caster needs to examine spells farther back in the past, then
the spell can be repeated within one day, and the caster can pick up
where he left off.
Dreamoore's Greater Eldritch Sphere (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 2" + 1" per level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1' diameter sphere
Saving Throw: None
This spell is a similar but superior version of the eldritch sphere,
inflicting 2d6 base damage + 3 points per level of the magic-user, up
to 2d6 + 30 maximum (e.g. a 10 hit die greater eldritch sphere does
32-42 damage points).
Dreamoore's Spellblade (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 5"
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
The Spellblade is a 1' - 5' variable diameter rotating circular blade
of force which the magic-user mentally commands, and he must
concentrate to maintain it (thus any successful attack against the
magic-user ends the Spellblade).
There are actually two variants for the spell, and the type must be
selected at the start of casting. The first strikes with a +1 to +5
"to hit" bonus (corresponding to the blade's diameter) and attacks
everything within the designated area of effect. It inflicts 1d10 base
damage + 1 damage point per caster's level. The second version directly
attacks walls of force, having a 1% cumulative chance per damage point
inflicted of bringing down a barrier. It has no effect upon other
Fellstar's Flame Cone (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell creates a cone of fire that streaks from the caster's hand
towards the target(s); this cone is 2' wide at the point of origin, 25'
wide at the base, and is 10' long for every level of the caster, up to
a maximum of 200'. Anyone caught inside the cone suffers 4d8 points of
damage, plus 1 point per level of the caster (up to a maximum of 4d8 +
20); a successful save vs. spell reduces the damage by half.
Combustible objects must save vs. magical fire or be consumed.
The material component for this spell is a handful of red dragon scales
that must be tossed in the air when the spell is cast; the scales are
consumed with the casting.
Greenfire (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10" + 10" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1/10 round per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
On casting the Greenfire spell, a bolt of green luminescence appears
from the mages fingers, and impacts on the target (a made saving throw
means the bolt missed the target, but it hit somewhere...). From this
impact point, a green sphere begins to grow, at a rate depending on the
material consumed. Items in this area of effect must save vs.
disintegration every 1/10 round. Items that save halt the progress of
the sphere until they fail their save. Note: the spell expands for a
set time, not to a set radius, so an artifact that continues to save
will halt the growth of the sphere for the full duration of the spell.
Rate of growth:
2" per 1/10 round (yes, 20 feet) in air alone: (not an aerial weapon),
but as soon as it hits something solid, it will take a 1/10 round to
consume it.
1' per 1/10 round in air/solid mix (cliff face, floor, person).
1/2' per 1/10 round in just rock (ordinary rock gets no save).
1/12' per 1/10 round in water (but draws everything to it like a Sphere
of Annihilation).
Note I: the sphere begins at a 1' radius, and does not appear until the
bolt either strikes something solid or reaches maximum range.
Note II: the point of origin of the sphere remains constant, even if in
High-Energy Lightning Bolt (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 4" + 1" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
Like Lightning Bolt but does 1d8 damage per level, maximum 20d8.
Improved Fire Ball (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 20 yards + 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
As its name implies, this is an improved version of the third level
Fireball spell. It has one of two applications as chosen at the time of
casting: the first option mimics the Fireball spell in all respects
except that damage is 1d8 per level of the caster (up to a maximum of
10d8) and saving throws are at -1.
The second version of the spell has a 10-foot radius instead of the
normal 20-foot. Due to this reduced area of effect, damage is increased
to 1d10 per level of the caster (up to a maximum of 10d10) and saving
throws are at -2. It is like a Fireball spell in all other respects.
The material components for this spell are a pinch of sulphur and a
fire opal of not less than 200 GP in value.
Jamye's Armour Reversal (Abjuration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: Special
This spell reverses the effects of armour worn (or lack thereof) on the
subject touched, in the sense that melee attacks that would have
normally hit the subject will miss, and melee attacks that would have
normally missed the subject will hit. For example, an AC 5 mage that
has cast Armour Reversal on himself is attacked by a 10th-level
fighter. The fighter would normally need a 6 or better to hit AC 5;
with this spell in effect, the fighter needs a 5 or *less* to hit AC
5. Note that this spell is more useful as the amount of armour the
subject has on decreases!
All bonuses "to hit" that the opponent has work in the opponent's
favour, i.e. if the aforementioned fighter had a Strength of 17 (+1 "to
hit") and a +2 weapon, these would be *subtracted* from the die roll -
thus the fighter would need an 8 or less to hit AC 5. Likewise,
penalties are added to the die roll, penalising the attacker as usual.
This spell does not affect missile weapons at all, nor does it affect
spell saving throws or anything other than melee weapon attacks. If
the subject of the spell is willing to have the spell cast upon him,
there is no saving throw; otherwise the subject saves as usual. The
spell can be counteracted by the usual means (Dispel Magic, et al.), by
another casting of Armour Reversal, or by the 7th-level spell Jamye's
Improved Armour Reversal (q.v.).
The material components of this spell are a small magnet and a diamond
of not less than 100 GP value.
Jamye's Greased Lightning (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 40 yards + 10 yards per level
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell differs from the third-level Lightning Bolt spell in the
following ways:
- the components and casting time are greatly reduced;
- damage done is d4+2 per caster level instead of d6;
- maximum damage is 15d4+30;
- the bolt is a vivid orange, with green "stripes" running through it.
It conforms to Lightning Bolt in all other respects.
Kalessin's Long Arm (Conjuration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 20 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to cast various spells requiring physical
contact at range. The caster must have a clear view of the creature to
be "touched", and there can be no obstructions between target and
To use this spell, the caster first casts Long Arm, then whatever spell
he wants to do at range, in the following round. If the caster is
disturbed following the casting of Long Arm, the spell is ruined.
Disturbance could be anything from heavy jostling, to actually taking
damage. If the target moves out of sight before the caster can get off
the second spell, the the spell is ruined. The target gets regular
saving throws for the second spell.
The material component of this spell is a jade tipped wand, which
disappears after casting.
Meillikhom's Room of Seclusion (Alteration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 week per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 10' x 10' area
Saving Throw: None
With this spell, the caster can create an extra-dimensional room (5'
cube per level) with one side adjacent to an unbroken 10' x 10' area
(i.e. one that has no doors, windows, or other such openings). The
surface area (which must be touched) now acts as a phase door into the
secluded room. The room can be of any shape and size up to the limit of
the spell but at least one side must be at least a 10' x 10' area.
Thus, the room could be rectangular, pyramidal, hemispherical, etc. The
room lasts for 1 week per level of the caster, or until dispelled.
The caster may bring any item, materials, etc. as he desires into the
room, so long as the object can fit through the phase door and is
touched by the caster (and only by the caster).
At the end of the spell's duration, anyone or anything still within the
room is now trapped in that extradimensional space. escape is only
possible through other extraplanar travel. This also occurs when a
dispel magic or similar magic is cast against the phase door area.
The phase door itself is detectable by any means available that can
detect magical auras, but the room itself can only be contacted through
extraplanar means. Spells such as clairvoyance and clairaudience would
not detect the extraplanar room but would instead detect whatever was
on the other side of the phase door surface.
Mental Ledger (Alteration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: See below
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to record spells in an unused portion of
his brain, just as if it was recorded in a spell book. The caster can
record three spell levels for each level of experience.
This will enable the caster to memorise spells as if the caster were
reading the spells from a spellbook.
If the caster wishes to change the spells memorised therein, then the
caster must recast mental ledger to change the contents.
The casting time of the spell is one hour per spell level to be
The material components of this spell is a slate of pure quality lead
crystal of no less than 5000 GP value which disappears after the spell
is cast.
Missile Multiplication II (Alteration, Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1/5 round
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One missile
Saving Throw: None
A missile must be fired within the next twelve seconds. This spell
makes 3-18 missiles out of one. Unlike the fourth level version, the
fifth level version of this spell will multiply "abnormal" missiles,
like poison darts, Ballista bolts, catapult rocks and other such
things. All other effects are similar to the spell of fourth level. The
possibility of using lethal poison is at the DM's option.
Pobithakor's Protection (Abjuration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1/2
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This is an improved version of Pobithakor's pacifier. When the caster
is effected by Pobithakor's placer spell, this spell can be cast so
that the caster is not pulled to the caster's location. This spell
simply stops the effect from occurring at all.
This spell can also be cast to return a scrying portal to one way only
after it has been effected Pobithakor's tracer spell without having to
resort to dispel magic.
Rathe's Contingency Trigger (Alteration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 3 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One cube foot per level maximum
Saving Throw: Special
The Contigency Trigger functions identically to the third level Rathe's
Trigger spell, with one exception: a condition may be applied to the
triggering of the spell (for instance, "trigger only if a man wearing
green enters the area", or "trigger if anything made of gold enters the
area"). Note however that the spell's "perception" is restricted to the
area of effect. The spell cannot perceive intangibles such as class,
level, or alignment. The material component is as the Rathe's Trigger
spell, but must be worth twice as much.
Rhuva's Wizard Stomper (Divination, Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 4 hours + 10 minutes per level
Casting Time: 5 minutes
Area of Effect: 10 yards per level
Saving Throw: Special
Designed to prevent the casting of spells in the area of effect, the
wizard stomper produces a nearly uncontrollable surge of energy into a
wizard who attempts to draw power for a spell. The victim must save
vs. spells at -6. Failure means the spell is aborted and the caster
takes 1d6 damage per level of the spell attempted. If the save is
made, the spell can be cast at +1 on all damage dice, but at double
normal casting time.
If a wizard has been stomped before, and knows what to expect, the save
is only at -3.
Material component is a handful of ruby dust worth at least 25 GP.
Sarius' Ethereal Transfer (Alteration, Enchantment)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Negates
By means of this spell, a mage is able to cause one creature of his
current size class to enter the ethereal plane. Once there, the
creature is empowered to exit through any border ethereal curtains onto
one of the elemental planes or the prime material plane unless it was
an unwilling victim of this spell and failed to make its saving throw,
although a successful Dispel Magic cast on the creature (in a border
ethereal curtain) will cause it to exit through the border ethereal.
Otherwise, the creature is stuck in the ethereal plane until it can
find another way to transfer from the border ethereal into an elemental
or prime material plane.
For every 2 levels of experience over 9th level a mage may touch an
additional person of his size class and transfer him into the ethereal
plane. The classes are tiny, small, medium, large, huge, and
gargantuan. If the caster is of medium size he has each touch slot
equal to 3 tiny, 2 small, 1 medium, 1/2 large, 1/4 huge, and 1/6
gargantuan size classes. Therefore, he would need 6 slots (i.e., be a
19th level mage) to cast a gargantuan creature into the ethereal
Note that a creature's wisdom bonus or penalty against mind effecting
spells modifies its saving throw when it is an unwilling recipient
against this spell unless it is currently voluntarily allowing another
spell to be cast upon it, in which case it is allowed no saving throw.
The material component of this spell is normally a small piece of
cockatrice flesh, but almost any animal with sensory powers which
extend into the ethereal plane will work.
The source of this spell is Sarius Mendlekine.
Sarius' Golden Stars of Protection (Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One floating 2' high star plate per level
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates golden, shimmering, star-shaped plates of force
which move around the caster in a constant motion, deflecting any
missile, hand, or weapon attacks directed at the caster. The Armour
Class of the mage is improved by a factor of 1 for every three stars
still active and any successful physical melee attack (including
boulders, ballista, or attack forms similar to a dragon's belly flop
maneuver) will be deflected automatically. Creatures of size L (or
larger) who are deflected must still land somewhere, possibly injuring
friend or foe. Non-missile attacks by creatures with an effective
strength of 25 require a saving throw versus breath weapons to
Each star is able to sustain 10 hit points of damage before disrupting,
so if a deflected attack does not cause enough damage to disrupt a star
(chosen randomly) the star will remain active. For every 5 stars
active, the effects of breath weapons directed at the caster will be
reduced by 1 hit point per damage die, with total protection from
breath attacks becoming a possibility, though, unless the breath weapon
causes less damage than the current hit points of a star it will
assuredly disrupt the entire field of stars in the process.
While the stars orbit the mage he is at a -1 to hit penalty for every
star active whenever a to hit roll is needed, including spells. The
mage may create fewer stars than the maximum possible. Also, the mage
may choose to release up to three stars per round at up to three
different opponents no farther away from the caster than 1/2" per level
and who are in his line of sight. Released stars act and attack as
Magic Missiles and should be considered triple strength versions of a
normal Magic Missile for defensive considerations. A star (chosen
randomly from the remaining stars) will do damage equal to its current
hit points. The material component(s) of this spell is a single gold
piece for every five-pointed star created. All pieces are thrown into
the air where they disappear and are replaced by the floating stars.
The source of this spell is Sarius Mendlekine.
Scrybane (Divination, Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One person in a 300-foot radius sphere
Saving Throw: Special
For this spell to work, the wizard must cast it when he believes that
he is being watched through the use of spells or magical scrying
devices (for instance, ESP, crystal balls, or wizard eyes).
Immediately after the wizard being scryed casts this one-word spell,
the scryer may suffer one or more of the following effects (roll
separate percentile dice for each):
80% chance of being affected as if by the spell forget,
55% chance of taking 2-8 hit points of damage from the backlash,
10% chance of falling into a coma lasting 1-20 days, and
5% chance of being feebleminded, as the spell.
All spell-like effects are at the level of the caster of the Scrybane.
The scryer must make separate saving throws to avoid each of the
effects befalling him. The material components for this spell are a
dark translucent stone worth at least 500 gold pieces, and a small
The spell Scrybane is one of many powerful "anti-divinatory" spells. A
wise mage should somehow acquire one before beginning magical research
of his own.
Sillvatar's Dragon Claw (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10' per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell conjures a semi-real, shadowy dragon claw anywhere within
spell range. This claw will attack any target as directed by the
caster; full concentration is necessary to attack with the claw; if the
caster loses concentration, the claw will hover in place until the
caster again gains control. The claw's attack uses the caster's normal
THAC0 and inflicts damage equal to that of the dragon the material
component came from. For example, if the material component came from a
black dragon, the attack inflicts 1-6 points of damage per attack.
For every 5 levels of the caster, one attack with the claw may be made,
up to a maximum of 4 attacks, although only a single attack may be made
in a single round. The claw dissipates when the maximum number of
attacks is made, or when the spell duration expires, whichever comes
first. The claw may also be dispelled, but may not be harmed by other
The material component for this spell is the claw from any type of
dragon; this component is consumed when the spell is cast.
Sillvatar's Flamestaff (Enchantment/Charm, Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell will enchant one normal staff with a temporary magical
dweomer. In order to cast this spell, a ruby worth at least 300 GP is
bound to the end of the staff; this gem will glow with a soft light as
long as the spell is in effect. This spell may have one of two affects
as decided at the time of the casting: the staff may be used to
discharge a Fireball as per the spell; this will have all the effects
(including dice of damage) as if the caster had cast a Fireball spell;
discharging the Fireball has a casting time of 1. If used in this
manner, the spell expires after the Fireball is used, or after 1 round
per level of the caster has passed (if not used in that time, the spell
dissipates, and has no effect).
Alternately, the caster may employ a number of lesser effects: if the
staff scores a hit in combat, the staff will discharge a burst of
flames that will engulf the target; these flames inflict 1d4 points of
damage, plus 1 point per level of the caster (up to a maximum of
1d4+20). A successful save vs. spell reduces the damage by one half;
if the save fails, all possessions must save vs. magical fire, or be
consumed. The staff may be used in this manner once per five levels of
the caster (to a maximum of 4 times). If the staff misses its targets,
no charge is used (nor may the caster elect to do so); a charge is used
only if a hit is scored. If all charges are not used in 1 round per
level of the caster, the spell dissipates, and all remaining charges
are lost.
The only material components for this spell are the staff and the ruby;
the ruby is consumed when the spell ends, but the staff is not
Sillvatar's Shockingstaff (Enchantment/Charm, Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell is identical to Sillvatar's Flamestaff except it may be used
to discharge a lightning bolt (as per the spell) or electrical
discharges when a hit is scored in combat. Damage, duration, etc. are
identical to that of the Flamestaff. Saves for possessions are made vs.
lightning for both applications of this spell.
Instead of a ruby, this spell has a sapphire for a material component;
it is consumed when the spell ends.
Sonoric's Illusionary Observer (Divination, Illusionism/Phantasm)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 100 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: One turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates the illusion of a creature, up to Medium in size,
through which the caster gains the advantage of a clairaudience and
clairvoyance spell. The caster must determine the appearance of the
illusionary observer, during the casting of the spell. If it is a
creature the caster is not familiar with, observers of the illusion are
at +4 to notice it as such. If the caster has an accurate drawing or
carving of the illusionary subject, observers are at -4 to spot the
illusion. Those successfully noticing the illusion see it become merely
become translucent, it does not disappear. The illusion is incapable of
making any sounds, and is completely insubstantial, even if someone
touching it is unaware that it is an illusion.
The illusion has a movement rate of 30", and it is capable of passing
through solid objects, all save lead, the touch of which cancels the
spell. The caster must carefully concentrate on the illusion (i.e.
incapable of other action) to use the clairaudience and clairvoyance
powers, as well as keeping the appearance realistic. If the caster
breaks concentration for some reason, the illusion freezes in whatever
position it was in, until the caster resumes concentration or the
spell's expires.
The material components for this spell are a bit of fleece, and a
humanoid eye and ear.
Sonoric's Superior Minions (Conjuration/Summoning, Divination)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour + 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell summons a major etherling, from the Ethereal Plane, to do
the caster's bidding. Major Etherlings are fairly intelligent, although
they still suffer from summoner-awe. The caster summons one etherling
per five levels, for example two at sixth, three at eleventh, etc. The
summoned etherlings are eager to serve the caster, and they are capable
of more complicated tasks than their lesser brethren.
A major etherling (AC: 0, MV: 60, HD: 4, #AT: 2, D: 1-3/1-3, INT: 12)
is a mansized, transparent, humanoid-appearing creature, formed of the
stuff of the plane ethereal. It has some control over its appearance on
the Prime Material plane, although, regardless of form, they have
blurry outlines, and are partially transparent. It also moves by
flight, although it is sophisticated enough to give the illusion of
walking. Being mostly on the ethereal plane, it is able to pass
through solid objects, save lead, the touch of which, if it fails a
save versus paralysation, returns it to the Ethereal plane, cancelling
the spell. Major etherlings are fairly intelligent, and have a 20%
chance of knowing any specific minor lore, although it will answer such
a question only once. A major etherling will be stricken with extreme
respect for the summoner, and will attempt to follow the spirit of its
commands to the best of its ability. It has the ability to turn small
items, of less than ten pounds in weight, ethereal, allowing it to
transport the item. It may only carry one such item at a time,
however. It too has a photographic memory.
Major etherlings are capable of performing complicated tasks, and can
grasp abstract concepts. Once given a task, it will remain on the Prime
Material plane until the task is complete, or its time runs out. One
advantage the major etherling possess over its lesser brethren.
however, its ability to move into the Ethereal Plane, and return to the
Prime Material plane, essentially teleporting. It is also capable of
completing tasks on the Ethereal plane, as well as the Prime Material.
Again, an intelligence check is required for particularly baffling
problems encountered in its task, and if the task is rendered somehow
incompletable, and the etherling makes it INT check, it will return to
the caster, and inform him of the problem, before returning to the
ethereal plane (for good).
Being dual-plane beings, they are only hit by magic weapons, and
spells. The material components of this spell are jade figurines, one
for each etherling to be summoned.
Summon Warrior (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 40 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Within one round of casting this spell, the wizard conjurers 1d3
warriors to aid him. The summoned warriors will be of a level equal to
1/2 the level of the caster (rounded down) up to a maximum of twentieth
level. They will perform as per monsters summoned by monster summoning
spells. Note that in certain, circumstances, adventurers may be
summoned (who will recall the details of their trip). The warriors will
appear anywhere within the spell range as desired by the caster.
The type of warrior summoned is as follows:
caster's level fighter ranger paladin
-------------- ------- ------ -------
15 and under 70% 20% 10%
16-20 60% 20% 20%
21 and over 50% 25% 25%
Equipment and abilities are determined randomly. The material
component for this spell is a dagger of the finest quality, which is
consumed when the spell is cast.
Superior Sleep (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10" + 1" per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 6" diameter sphere
Saving Throw: None
This is a much improved version of the first level Magic User spell
sleep. The creatures affected fall into a deep slumber from which they
cannot awaken from for at least one turn (unless a dispel magic is
For each creature the caster chooses to affect, a certain
amount of the spells power is used to put the creature to
sleep. An effect die roll of 4-48 is rolled. This is the
number of points that can be used to put creatures to sleep.
It takes a different number of points per creature to put a
creature to sleep, depending upon its hit dice or level. The
caster can keep on putting creatures to sleep until all the
points are used up, or there is not enough points left to
effect another creature, or that all the creatures are
already asleep in the area of effect. The point costs are as
Hit dice of
creature to Max. Avg.
be affected Cost Affected Affected
------------ ---- -------- --------
up to .5 .5 96 60
.5 + 1 to 01 01 48 30
01 + 1 to 03 02 24 15
03 + 1 to 05 03 16 10
05 + 1 TO 07 04 12 07
07 + 1 TO 09 06 08 05
09 + 1 TO 10 12 04 02
10 + 1 TO 11 24 02 01
11 + 1 TO 12 30 01 01
Note: As an additional twist, the particular enchantments of this spell
do not allow elves their normal resistance to enchantment/charm, but in
turn they get a save vs. spells to avoid the effects of the spell.
The material components of this spell is sand from a dead sandman which
is tossed in the air while the caster sings a short lullaby.
Taint Alignment (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day per level or special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One humanoid creature
Saving Throw: Special
Taint alignment has similar effect to a character as performing a deed
opposite to his alignment, except that this one shows. Casting it
requires knowing the Truename of the target, which knowledge can be
obtained by other magic. Casting the spell causes the target to make a
saving throw vs. spells with a penalty of 2 on die roll. If he makes
the save, the spell rebounds on the caster, who shall also have to
save, but with a bonus of 2 on die. The spell shall rebound between the
two regardless of distance until one fails a save, or both have made
three saves, in which case the spell fails. An affected TN character
would get a random alignment of the corner 4.
Effects vary depending on the alignment of the victim. If the affected
is a paladin, the effects thus far taken for granted are reversed:
laying on hands would cause damage, detect evil turns into detect good,
remove fear effect into cause fear. Yet, the paladin might have no idea
what's happening until he tries to ride his mount or draw his Holy
Avenger +5. For an anti-paladin, the same goes, reversed. A cleric
would instantly lose the ability to acquire spells, though not his
spell casting or scroll reading ability.
For any character, there's a number of standard effects:
- Know Alignment shows the reversed alignment.
- Detect Good/Evil work as for the new alignment.
- Bad dreams.
- Problems with other people. The Good emit fear, the Evil get liked,
Law be approached with caution, Chaos be felt as a sign of
- Temples of one's own religion feel bad.
- Temptation to truly switch alignment fully, which would have the
certain standard effects described in DMG, such as losing a level of
experience. a change in alignment can be felt by people in contact
with the affected. Not definitely, but more in the "I feel
something's wrong"-manner.
The curse cannot be magically removed with anything less than a Limited
Wish, until the time is full. Of course, the target wouldn't know that
the effect isn't permanent..
If a sign of faltering from the original alignment is done, then the
effect does become permanent. Slight faltering causes prolonged
duration, as the energy of the spell isn't as seriously tried as it
might be.
Tonguetwister (Abjuration, Alteration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One target
Saving Throw: Negates
When this spell is cast on an enemy spellcaster, it will cause the
target's tongue to twitch violently, thus disrupting any spell being
cast at the moment, unless the victim makes a successful save vs.
spell. The level of the spell being cast by the target determines the
modifier applied to the save as follows: save modifier = spell level -
5 (i.e. a 2nd level spell inflicts a -3 to the save, a 7th level spell
earns a +2 to the save, etc.).
The victim must be in the process of casting a spell with a *verbal*
component. If no spell is currently being cast by the target, the
Tonguetwister has no effect. If the opponent's spell goes into effect
at the same time as the Tonguetwister, the victim earns an additional
+2 bonus to the save. This spell cannot affect a spell that has
already been cast, nor one that is to be cast in the future.
The material component of this spell is a tongue of any creature; this
is consumed when the spell is cast.
Traelanger's Extermination (Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0"
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 4" diameter sphere
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, it causes all creatures in the area of effect
who have less than 5 hit points maximum and less than 8 intelligence to
The spell can effect a total number of hit points equal to seven times
the casters level.
When determining what creatures die from the effects of the spell,
start with the creatures with the lowest hit points, and then go from
The material components for the spell is a handful of live bugs which
must be squashed as the spell is cast while the caster yells out "Seven
in one blow!".
Tryton's Armour (Abjuration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This fifth level version of the first level spell Armour provides an AC
of -2. In all other respects it is the same.
Tryton's Death Grip (Necromancy)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
Any creatures under 6 HD touched by the caster are automatically
brought to 0 hit points. Creatures of 6 HD and above are afflicted with
a double strength Shocking Grasp.
Wiley's Door (Alteration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Causes a door to appear immediately before the caster and a matching
door up to 3" away. The first door appears framed by glowing blue lines
5' wide by 8' tall. The second door is invisible. Living matter up to
400 pounds or non-living up to 800 pounds may be transported from the
first door to the second door (trade off one pound living for two
pounds non-living). This doors provide one-way transport only.
Wiley's Teleport (Alteration)
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 150 miles
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Caster + additional weight (see below)
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to teleport himself and -7000 GP + 1000 GP
per level of additional stuff that he is carrying to a specified
destination at most 150 miles distant. The chances of error are the
same as for normal teleport, except that if the caster would normally
end up is a solid object, the spell will abort. The maternal component
is a map of the destination, which is not consumed.
Wolldin's Backstabber (Illusion/Phantasm) Level 5
Level: 5
Source: Great Net Spellbook, V3
Range: 20' per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell requires the presence of any piercing melee weapon in order
to work; the caster holds the weapon, and when the incantations are
complete, the weapon vanishes and reappears in the hands of an
invisible spectral creature. A True Seeing or Detect Invisible spell,
or similar magic will reveal the vague outline of a figure; others will
only see the weapon hovering in the air.
The figure (and weapon) will appear behind the creature chosen as the
target for this spell (the target must be within spell range); it will
then deliver an instantaneous backstab at the victim. The caster's
normal THAC0 is used to resolved hits (all applicable bonuses apply
normally, including the bonus for attacking from behind); the attack is
always made with surprise (unless it is normally impossible to surprise
the target) and therefore, dexterity and shield bonuses to AC do not
apply to the attack.
In the case of a successful hit, the base damage is as per the weapon
used in the attack; however the attack also receives a backstab damage
bonus as if made by a thief of a level equal to the caster's level;
normal damage bonuses also apply to the attack.
The only material component for this spell is the weapon used in the
attack; it, as well as the spectral creature, disappear after the
attack is made, whether it was successful or not.