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DCF/2 Compression/Decompression Test Utility (CTU)
Introduction Notes Version 1
The DCF/2 is an on-the-fly disk compression
facility for IBM's OS/2 operating system. The
DCF/2 uses high-speed compression/decompression
engines (CDE) to perform most compression and
decompression functions.
The DCF/2 CTU, or Compression/Decompression Test
Utility, is designed to help you to measure the compression
results you'll achieve when using the DCF/2 on your system's
disk drives.
For additional information about the architecture of
the DCF/2, the online help screens are included with the CTU.
Type F1 or click on the HELP button on any of the CTU
screen to read through the DCF/2 "BIG Picture"!
DCF/2 CTU Measurement Parameters
Any OS/2 user can use this non-destructive tool
to measure several interesting DCF/2 CDE characteristics
for any physical disk unit (PDU):
- Average Compression Ratio (ACR) in
decompressed:compressed format
- Compression Elapsed Time (CET) for specific
physical disk units
- Statistical sampling of an entire physical disk unit
- Measurement of physical disk unit input/output performance
independent of the DCF/2 CDE (zero compression
- Testing of both Compression, Decompression, and
Compression/Decompression Verification statistics
- Comparisons of CDE compression Elapsed Time and Average
Compression Ratio for a physical disk unit by CDE
optimization priority:
* Priority Speed
* Priority Compression
* Priority Balance
- Measurement of compression performance both with
and without hybrid compression factors (such as
single-byte compression)
The CTU also allows you to control the testing processes
run-time priority in order to measure the load of DCF/2
continuous compress situations when running in the foreground
or background.
DCF/2 CTU System Requirements
The DCF/2 CTU is a stand-alone test kit which includes all
modules required for system benchmarking. The DCF/2 CTU self-
installs automatically when first run. It configures all
drivers. After rebooting your system, the DCF/2 CTU is avail-
able for use.
The CTU is compatible with all DCF/2 versions and can be
installed/used without concerns.
It is to everyone's advantage if you can post your test
results to one of the public bulletin boards and/or fax
us the information so that we can make it available
to our customers.
Please make sure that you include in any posted information
the following information about the system on which you ran the
CTU test:
- CPU type and speed
- Physical Disk Unit type, speed,
format type (HPFS, FAT, etc.)
- State of System Under Test (SUT),
including number of processes
running, amount of RAM and SWAP
space, cache size(s), and cache
parameters (LW, lazy state, MAXAGE,
- Type of Files Under Test (FUT) and
amount of free space on Disk Under
Test (DUT)
Our fax number is (800) 955-4672 or (303) 484-2670. Our
CompuServe OS/2 Vendor Forum is in the OS/2 area under vendor
forums as "Proportional." In addition, we support active
bulletin boards on the IBMBBS (TalkLink or Advantis) under the
vendor forum OS2DCF2.
If you prefer to mail your comments regarding this program or
its results, please address these to:
Proportional Software
1717 Linden Lake Rd.
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Tel. (303) 484-2665
Thank you for your interest in Proportional Software products.