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Text File
37 lines
This is just your average text file that desribes the changes done to the
program over time.
V1.01 - released Mar. 30, 1992
- After looking at the code a couple of weeks after the initial
release, I realized that the setting up procedure I described in
the documentation was not going to work for most people. It would
only work if 1 of two conditions were met:
1) You had exactly 12 bulletins, just like me.
2) You hacked my code (shame on you :-), and made it work for your
setup (if anyone managed to do this, it's a miracle you under-
stood ANY of it :-)
So, I've fixed the problem up. In the process, I've removed the
PRINTSTUFF procedure (that was the procedure that would have caused
the program not to work right). So now, not not only will this
version work on everyone's setup, the size has been cut down by 28
lines of code.
Just a note, that I'm altered the setup procedure in the doc file
to relect the new setup (it's almost identical).
- I've also decided NOT to read in the bulletin names from the
bulletin.cmds and bulletin.cfg files as I said I probably would in
the documentation. I did this for one reason (no, not because I'm
lazy :-). Because many people (like me) have bulletins that are
updated daily (Top-downloaders, top-uploaders, scores for online
games, etc), and it's an annoyance to users to have BullCheck tell
them there are always new bulletins, no matter how many times they
logon in a day. These bulletins are really not important, and I
don't think it's worth it to tell the user that these rather
unimportant bulletins should be read.
What this does is allow the sysop to determine which bulletins he
(or she (can't call me sexist now 8-) )) thinks are important, and
thus tell the user to read them whenever they are changed.
- I've also included my Netmailing address. It's at the end of the
doc file.
V1.0 - initial release